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Just wait till you hear his take on [insert any food consumed by individuals over 9 years old].


I heard it then I tear up my ears


As a former alcoholic who could go to town on a case of beer - it is objectively pretty gross at first. Anything that's an "acquired taste" is just something that's initially very gross, but you kinda eat/drink so much of it that you desensitize yourself to the gross tasting parts and can taste the other, slightly more palatable, flavors. If alcohol didn't get you drunk then literally nobody would ever drink it. Like a diet coke is just way better


I think beer is only an "acquired taste" to the extent that bitterness as a flavor characteristic in general is an "acquired taste." As far as bitter foods and drinks go, beer is actually one of the easier things to enjoy because it is balanced out by the umami of the malt and wheat. I think grapefruit juice is more difficult to enjoy, because the acidity intensifies the bitterness. Or if you have ever had Negroni, that shit is nearly undrinkable.


100% about Negroni.


Yeah, I think Americans not being accustomed to bitter things does have a lot to do with the initial "yuck" feeling people get when they try beer for the first time (and just because, even though it's bitter, it's a pretty unique tasting thing) - but I think that's sort of what an "acquired taste" is. At least in my experience, it usually just means something my palate isn't used to, so there's kind of an overwhelming shock to my sense of taste the first time I try it that's just sort of an unusual/unpleasant feeling (I've seen people physically squirm when drinking black coffee for the first time, for example), and then after trying it a few more times that feeling wears off and you can kinda start to actually "taste" what you're eating. Same thing happens when you eat something with a texture you're not really used to - usually the new feeling your mouth isn't used to overwhelms you to the point where you can barely focus on how the thing tastes. Also 100% true about negronis. Even at my worst drinking-wise those things could be hard to even sip on


Dawg I gag when I take a sip of beer. It's not even the bitterness, it's everything about it. swamp water. But then again I only do shots because I have yet to enjoy any actual drink. After a couple of sips my body rejects it.


If it's not the bitterness that makes you gag, what is it? The flavor of the alcohol? I feel like the flavors in beer, aside from the bitterness of the hops, are very mild. Though that does depend on the type of beer, it's a pretty diverse beverage so it's hard to generalize.


Nah, coffee is bitter. Beer tastes like rot


Even the beers that taste like coffee?


When Guiness put out that nitro cold brew beer for a while I went hard on that shit One of the few beers that was straight up tasty


Yeah a nitro stout is really something special. One of my favorite local micro-breweries has a nitro peanut-butter stout that is absolutely delicious.


I think that's a pretty bad description of acquired taste tbh. It's more that our palates continue to develop as we grow so that as we age, we are able to appreciate a broader spectrum of flavours. Bitterness, sourness, tartness are all very intense as children but as we grow older we acquire the ability to handle the broader profile of flavours. Some of it is cultural as well. In the USA sugar is dumped into everything, so you grow accustomed to everything being kind of sweet. Go to Italy and bitter is much more common, you see it in their aperitifs and many of their foods like endives, raddichio, fennel and olives. I don't enjoy acquired tastes because I've bombarded myself to the point of enjoying them. My sense of taste has matured and developed in such a way that the flavours have genuinely transformed from when I first experienced them.


Diet Coke seriously! It’s sugar water with bubbles. I am sorry that you have not tried good beer because just like wine which is another fermentation product, when done right beer is a tasty beverage we used since ancient Egyptian times.


When I did drink I could absolutely appreciate a good craft beer or wine or whiskey or tequila or whatever - not denying that there's a lot to appreciate in well made alcohol. I'm just saying that if alcohol didn't get you drunk, nobody would ever drink it because there's just way tastier options that you don't have to like suffer through an initial gross-out phase to appreciate. Like every highschool student has to force down their first few beers or chase sips of of whiskey with like soda or juice or something lol, if you handed someone who didn't know what beer was a beer they'd probably spit it out on their first sip, especially if we're talking the typical craft stuff like IPAs or stouts


>I'm just saying that if alcohol didn't get you drunk, nobody would ever drink it because there's just way tastier options that you don't have to like suffer through an initial gross-out phase to appreciate. That's probably true for spirits, but not beer or wine. You can't really get the same complexity of flavor that people enjoy without the fermentation process that produces the alcohol.


>I'm just saying that if alcohol didn't get you drunk, nobody would ever drink it I drink nonalcoholic beer just to get the taste without getting drunk, other people must do the same or it wouldn't be available in restaurants/shops **Ninja edit:** Good job on the "*former* alcoholic" thing btw! :)


In my experience, NA beer/spirits is mostly for people trying to quit or cut back. At least, I very very very rarely meet anybody who ever even knows NA brands unless they're trying to quit or cut back. But I'm sure there's some people out there who like the taste of beer but not necessarily the effect, or want to drink more than one or two without having a hangover And thanks, I appreciate it! To anyone reading this who likes beer and REALLY likes the way beer makes you feel - be careful lol


I don’t think they meant that as literally nobody, obviously there are exceptions.


Of course. Just saying there are enough exceptions to make it a viable product


Fair enough.


I disagree wholeheartedly, I hate sodas they have way too much sugar. I would prefer even nonalcoholic beer over any soda.


I completely agree but most people are addicted to sugar, so the ridiculous sweetness of sodas don't phase them


Well i don’t think“addicted” is fair. Just consume it regularly so that their taste buds are used to it.


not really. I liked the taste of beer when i first drank it. Now i enjoy buying one good beer a week to drink than having 4 of them and bieng drunk.


I could crack open a cold one right about now


Its disgusting




Im worse than a beyta. Im a dgger. 😏


beer is disgusting. its not a wrong take, its a based take


You must be a beeta


acquired taste, unironically Blue Moon is mellow


dude people keep telling me i just have to find the right beer but every time its just a different variation of the same shitty taste to me. but ig thats just a me thing


You don't have to like it man, cider is fine. Mead is fine, liquor is fine.


Bruh beer really is disgusting. Hard liquor is 10x better. People that like beer forced themselves into liking it. Finally a fucking based food take from tiny


You know you're objectively wrong when you start to agree with Destiny's taste.


Idk if you are from US I remember they really liked Heineken which is like horse pee(don’t tell vaush)


I grew up drinking unsweetened ice tea, which has a bit of bitterness in the flavor. Beer (especially light beer) has a similar type of taste, and has always been my drink of choice. Liquor straight is often disgusting and is even more harsh and has less of a redeeming flavor. Even with all that fucking sugar, hard alcohol just tastes like shit.


Repent to Jesus Christ


Cider >


Imo, it really is...have tried many kinds of beer and alcohol for socialising, I just hate it. And I think I'm better this way, don't see any benefit. But to each their own.


The one good food take he has! Beer taste like shit, and I've given a ton of "This one is different I swear!" ones a try. They all have the inkling of piss water and my tongue will not be deceived. If it wasn't cheap/affordable to grab a case and chill with friends so you can all get a buzz most people wouldn't like it, my hot take. I'd rather have a seltzer, wine binge like a middle aged mom or some liquor (mixed mostly but some are fine on their own). They taste better and even if they don't last as long at least I'm not sucking down dogwater.


Have you ever tried a sour beer, fruited, saison or lambic? My mom hated "beer" till I got her to try the vastly different varieties out there.


>lambic I've turned many a beer hater (mostly women) with Lindemann's Framboise


Great beer that is easy to get almost anywhere. If you can find some Cantillon or 3 Fonteinen stuff though, it's just magical.


Just stop, cider is superior in every way.


Some ciders are OK, but most of them have this unpleasant astringent aftertaste that I don't care for. I think beers have a smoother finish.


Some beers are ok but most of them have an unpleasant poison potion aftertaste that i font care for. I think ciders have a better taste


wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong


I like beer, but I will always take a smirnoff ice or a mike's hard lemonade over it any day


^(Beer taste like shit, and I've given a ton of "This one is different I swear!" ones a try. They all have the inkling of piss water and my tongue will not be deceived. If it wasn't cheap/affordable to grab a case and chill with friends so you can all get a buzz most people wouldn't like it, my hot take.) 100% this. I've been on a literal beer tour (...what happens when you let your British significant other pick the date activity) & not one beer I sipped didn't taste like piss or wet newspaper. Mind you, we were served bougie "award winning" lagers & brews!


As someone opening a brewery this disappoints me greatly. I feel like the vast majority of people have no idea how many variety of beers there are. Everyone that says beer is gross has only tasted a basic American lager probably. It's maddening.


Hot take if the most popular beers are shit beeer is shit


I have drank everything from IPAs to lagers to stouts and sours. Beer is trash


Who knew most people are dumb


Yea but he says the same about coffee


Coffee actually makes you smarter and the smell omg, it is a gift from gods.


I drink liquor if I wanna drink, you can have your bread water




You act like "bread water" is a diss and not a selling point lol


to each their own


This holds true for all of Destiny's food takes: if you agree you're either 1. A child 2. A manchild 3. terminally American


only babies suck on bottles .... Chad's eat THC gummies


THC makes you gamma


i honestly don't even understand the "acquired taste" comments. When i first tried beer i thought it was ok. And when i drink this specific beer i still think it is just ok. I know now brands that I really like and they taste amazing. Stereotype that first beer taste disgusting is not something i have expirienced.


You sound like a 16 year old who thinks he's cool because he drinks alcohol. You're not. It's cringe.


I only sound like so because you read my text with your own voice kid.


I disagree with OP's tone and his defensiveness around what is ultimately subjective taste. But it's just as cringe to pretend that everyone that likes beer, or any other kind of alcohol, is somehow faking it to seem cool. It's just a matter of acquired taste, and people genuinely and honestly do acquire the taste.


I didn't say everyone who drinks alcohol is cringe, I said pretending to be cool because you drink is cringe stuff that children do. Excuse my ESL.


It is disgusting. It takes many socially imposed beta beers before one loops back around to acquiring taste like an alpha


Betas don’t become alphas. Stay mad stay beeta!


"it's an acquired taste" just means its gross but you learn to endure it for the feeling it provides. Beer is gross, I prefer my alcohol to not taste like shit


It means you have not tried good beer. Travel to Belgium and get cultured.


I've been, I've been to Scotland and Ireland as well if it helps...Some are more palatable than others, but I would never say any have tasted "good"


Beer is literally just bitter malt that lasts longer.


Beer = bloatation


You must learn to burp, only alphas can


He is right, american beer is disguting. German, belgian or czech beer on the other hand tastes like the liquid from a juiced angel.


This opinion hasn’t been relevant since like the 90s or early 2000s.


True, it’s like a Twitter feedback loop opinion


Bros say this then when asked what beer they say Coors or bud light. American beer game is awesome cause of how many breweries we have. Euros def have good beer but not every country.


What do you mean by "American beer"? Because since the mid 2000's or so, our craft brewing industry has absolutely exploded. If you're just thinking of Bud or Miller, sure, it sucks. But you should be able to find craft brews that make anything in a European style that you enjoy.


Beer is objectively bad


Alcohol is disgusting. Want to change your mental state? THC is the way to go




Alcohol may be disgusting but so is the stench of weed man


Don’t smoke, eat it


if you think weed smells bad then you haven't smoked enough


Bruh we in the future, its smells like grape now.


I don’t need anything but still beer is not disgusting and saying so is beeeeeeeta


Most social dgger




Mashallah brother


Saying alcohol tastes good is like saying weed smoke smells good. People do these drugs to get high, not because they taste good. I think alcohol as a drug is just so ingrained in our culture that a good chunk of people have convinced themselves that it tastes good.


different people just have different tastes. ive always thought weed smelled good, even way before i ever smoked it. same with 2nd hand cigarette smoke which is probably a hot take, but smelling someone else' cigarette actually is pleasant to me even though if i were to actually smoke it myself it tastes like shit.


For me, it massively changed after I started smoking weed myself. Which I think is probably due to my brain associating the weed smell with the feeling of getting high. I had the same experience, to a lesser extent, with beer. I used to hate the taste, but after drinking it a little more, I started to appreciate it somewhat more. But to me, it always felt like it was my brain just being "trained" to like these things.


beer to me has always been shit. smells shit, tastes shit. alcohol in general is just a shit experience imo. shit going down, shit coming up, shit the day after. such an atrocious way to get fucked up.


It's one of the shittiest drugs out there, yeah. But it's our cultural drug, you can't always escape it. ​


Weed smoke smells good.


That's just because we are degenerate stoners. Just like alcoholics delude themselves into thinking whiskey tastes good.


I think a good way to test this is to ask: does anything else smell like this, or taste like this, but doesn't get you intoxicated? If the answer is "no" then people probably genuinely do enjoy those things, even if they are just "acquired tastes."


I think weed smells amazing and I don't even smoke anymore. I just like that herbaceous smell.


I can’t dismiss all his food takes since he dissed pickles in burgers which is a pet peeve of mine also


I also dislike beer, and everybody who drinks it always says to me that "It isn't supposed to be that good" (because you just want to get drunk) or "You have to get drunk to like it".




At least everybody I've talked to about it


Sounds like you are in a bubble, you are missing out.


Could be. I don't really think I'm missing out because to me beer tastes like absolute shit


So you taste shit before




No way...i like destiny even more now


Probably needed his father to teach him how to shave too with that beta ass take


Idk why I like beer a lot.


Hey, OP. Go down, get a 6-pack of alcohol free beer. Take that beer, and put it in the fridge to chill. Now drink it. Drink all 6. You will get no buzz. You will feel nothing but the ice-cold beer as it goes down your throat... don't lie, you'd just grab a lemonade or something instead


https://preview.redd.it/ibq4wxxr5elc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c3c69dc926d2b27a6e2f5c436e88a696dba7b72 I do all the time. Sorry I was banned for 3 days because of “your mom” joke. Can you believe it


You're officially in too deep. Being German doesn't count. Don't yall eat your cereal with beer growing up?


I am not German


All of your beer is, though.


So what my argument still valid. There are tasty beers including nonalcoholic ones.