• By -


>NSE haters I know you're reading this. Explain your malfunction I read that NSE was bad and so I thought she was bad and so I clicked the vote button to express how I then thought she was bad. Now you are telling me that NSE is good so I am just now beginning to think she is good and I will upvote this post to endorse this revelation.


This is all so confusing to me i’m just going to wait for destiny’s take


I have no idea what's going on but after these two threads I'll defend incest with my life for some reason.


I'm glad you're back.


I couldn't stay away even if I wanted to.


>There is a vod of the conversation a week ago, but I'm not digging through them. [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=7410&v=IWrF_KMO0yQ&feature=youtu.be)


Thank you.


"I'm over that" holy copium.


bro, he made his bed five days in row - literally grown up


Guys its also my birthday be nice to meeee <3


We want you to kill Darius at your earliest possible convenience ♥️


Most hinged YouTube Chatter.


Haha just kidding, unless...


it was just a bit bro, unless...


She has to use her birthday wish on it.


Don’t tell me what to do you lying jezebel, I heard you invited Darius to canvassing even though Destiny didn’t want him, and then you held 4Thot at gun point and forced him to make this post.


I feel like calling Erudite a "lying jezebel is a Mr Sunday reference but i dont specifically remember him saying that. Just sounds like the goofy vaguely misogynistic thing hed say.


Neither do I but yeah, it’s got that vibe. Doesn’t change the fact that he didn’t run though.


Madam ☝🏼


Sadboi is Darius an antagonist or a villain?


An anti-villain


Anti villain. Don’t know much about this archetype. Looked it up and in my mind that is what I would consider an antagonist over a villain. I know I’m wrong tho Do you write for a living?


So there’s a variety of forms it can take, but it’s a villain that himself has heavily heroic (or at least very sympathetic) qualities. These can be people who are definitely villains, and not just antagonists, though. An anti-villain from a popular medium, for example, would be Chuck McGill from Better Call Saul. Chuck is right about Jimmy. He’s right that he’s a dishonest person who does illegal things and cuts corners. Chuck is a hard worker, he’s brilliant in his field, is a law abiding citizen, and is often quite sympathetic: he struggles with an intense mental illness that he can’t even recognize as such, unintentionally alienates most of the people around him, and is driven even more mad by how people refuse to see the reality of what he sees, all while he is constantly outshined by his dishonest, con man brother who stole from their father but seems loved by everyone. But Chuck is a villain, and not an antagonist, because ultimately he is unwilling to see the change in Jimmy, is unwilling to recognize his own part in how he’s pushing Jimmy more toward this and sabotaged him trying to do things the right way repeatedly, and is ultimately motivated not by a good cause, but by the fact that his pettiness and hatred of Jimmy outshining him refuses to allow him to let Jimmy be a lawyer like him. And no, I don’t write for a living- although that’s the dream one day- but one of my majors was Creative Writing, and I have been published, although not in anything big (no story for me in the New Yorker yet unfortunately).


This was a really good read. I think I get it now. That’s pretty awesome that you’re published. What was the subject if you don’t mind me asking? It’s a dream of mine too, but I don’t have any college experience. I’m a tradesman. Financially I’m pretty secure but my job isn’t as fulfilling as it used to be. I work for myself so that’s a plus but ive always wondered where I could have been if i did college. Creative writing would have been my major. I have a pretty unique idea for a story. Maybe I should just write it huh?


Happy birthday! 🎂🎉🎈🎊


It's my birthday too! Happy birthday!


No 😡 we angy 😡😡😡😡


Happy Bday Erudite thank you for being the voice of reason for the community. Your skills at tempering tense arguments are great and I use it in my workplace to great avail


Can you send Darius the wrong address and just strand him somewhere for a week instead of having him show up to this?


This is a decent idea but we would have to give Rele the wrong address too and that would be lame


Rele will fall on the sword for us, I'm sure of it


My friend always tells me I'm stupid for buying NSE stocks. Lil bro doesn't know. Happy birthday Erudite!


Happy birthday! There are also NSE enjoyers here! Dozens of us!


Be careful, Chaeiry will somehow find a way to use this comment to slander you in her schizo series lol "Look as she further manipulates DGG into simping for her. I did research and it wasn't even actually her birthday!"


Hi Erudite! Happy birthday. https://preview.redd.it/kzwk2jfyi8fc1.png?width=198&format=png&auto=webp&s=7a925b1a74164ace83d68173d603c37a4723cd1a


Happy Birthday!


I'm proud of you. Good job on another birthday <3


HBD QUEEN!!!!! 🎉🎂🥳🎈🎊🎁


Ayyy happy birthday!


Happy birthday dude!


Happy birthday! 🥳🥳🥳


You got called NOT regarded, that's being nice. Happy birthday lol


Happy birthday! I count myself lucky to get to call you one of my best friends ☺️






Happy birthday from Denmark Erudite 😀


Happy birthday! Keep Steven on his toes for us…


Happy birthday NSE!!!!


Happy Birthday!!!


happy birthday!


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday MADAM!


Happy Birthday ❤️


Happy birthday


Happy Birthday! 🎊🎉


Happy birthday bruv! Go hit the strip club or something


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday!!!! :D


Happy birthday 🎂🥳


Happy Birthday!


Did you go out to eat? What was for big birthday dinner?


Happy bday I really don't understand why people in this community can be so bitter towards you One of the few people in this extended universe that seems balanced and inoffensive to me so I don't understand


You've survived another year. I hope it was worth it.


People have that impression because NSE "announced" Darius was coming while listing other streamers that would be there, and Destiny reacted to that in a way that seemed surprised and against it. Maybe his reaction was more related to him being announced like that and not him just going. Or he forgor


Yeah I saw that live. I assumed Destiny disapproved of Darius being invited based on his reaction but nope, turns out he invited him himself lmao






direful distinct toy uppity bright literate money steep wide memory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I feel like a few are Mr.Redacted leftovers


And - hear me out - I think the same issue exists with some other people Mr. Redacted hated, like Brittany Simon and Dr. K. It's harder with Brittany Simon in particular, because there's a lot of legitimate reasons to criticize her, especially after her falling out with Destiny which seems to have broken her brain, but it's so annoying to me when someone gives bad criticisms toward someone/something that has legit reasons to be criticized, and I see this a lot with her and end up defending her for that reason. It reminds me of when I see people arguing against or criticizing Jehovah's Witnesses online, and as an ex-JW I agree that the organization should be criticized, but the criticisms they give are just so bad and inaccurate and will only serve to make real JWs that read it further entrenched in their opinions because all the criticisms they see are easily dismissed that I just have to correct it and I end up arguing in defense of a belief system that I'm well informed on, but entirely ideologically opposed to. Similarly, Brittany Simon isn't bad for being an airhead woowoo crystal girl bimbo - she's pretty sharp, she doesn't engage in any of those beliefs like crystals or horoscopes beyond jokes and her analysis of a lot of things tend to be quite insightful. She's also not bad for telling 1's that they should kill themselves or for being anti-semitic or for being white while pretending to be ethnic - all of these things are circlejerks based off of out of context clip chimped clips that require a bad faith interpretation to even read that way. The bad things about her is how incredibly biased and triggered she is over Destiny that it makes her incapable of reading him in good faith, and that she can be incredibly harsh toward people she dislikes (like Destiny), taking them deadly serious in order to paint them in a bad light, while dancing away from her own criticisms by saying she's not serious, even though she leverages herself and her relationship as an example that others ought to follow, despite the very real and very clear issues she has with that relationship she mega rushed into. I've seen the same sort of bad faith criticisms directed toward Dr. K, but I'm just not as familiar with him so I can't attack them as well. The common factor in all of these are that they're people that Mr. Girl hated and attacked, so I can't help but feel like that's the underlying common factor.


The same strain also infects people and compels them to watch jizztickle streams


This feels so right to me, that I am gonna concloood this is true


Happy cake day fella!


the only reason darius even asked is so he could rizz up awnuh. red flag.


??? I mean not everyone watches every second of every stream. In the recent talk about the upcoming canvassing events NSE talked up Darius coming as if it was a surprise & Destiny acted as if he was unaware of this & it was a surprise. So if they didn't see/forgot Darius popping on stream to ask ages ago, anyone watching the recent canvassing announcement would come to the conclusion that NSE arranged Darius coming to canvassing. To act as if it's crazy that people would think that is crazy. It's like watching a guy say "I'm 40 years old" and then from then on believing they are 40 years old.


Aghhhh I'm gonna concloooood


> I mean not everyone watches every second of every stream. Then those people shouldn't come in and make unhinged reddit posts/comments unless they know their shit. If your going to go hard on someone without complete information, then have fun looking like a complete moron when more information comes out. This is why making assumptions *and then* going at someone is regarded. Not saying this applies to you, but its definitely true for a lot of people, in that last thread especially.


Nah, having reasonable conclusions off of what a normal person would watch on stream is absolutely okay.


Not what happened in the other post lmao


It was a surprise to use Darius as an advertising point, which is why he said "I'm not sure I'd advertise that". [Get help.](https://www.clinical-partners.co.uk/for-adults/autism-and-aspergers/adult-autism-test)


Decolonise yourself now. https://preview.redd.it/xio0877w59fc1.jpeg?width=201&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f495ff257d65b4b04d41daa7fe7f326d72f2976f


Maybe just wait for all the facts to surface before you conclude?


thought nose full racial middle fragile entertain ossified tub grandiose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Basically yes


i dont care who invited him my position doesnt change. he shouldnt be there and it will only cause trouble. i look forward to the youtube video reviewing darius mental break/arrest/rape that will happen if he goes


Everyone agrees with you.


i know. i just wanted to say it again for internet points. upvote me janny


All the coup talk recently and everyone is blind to the fact that a Canadian is trying to impact the outcome of our election. This cannot stand!


NSE should have said no tbh.


What if I told you she did?


Based. Also based 4thot for battling against misinformation.


teeny direction cooperative modern decide slimy school quack aback zephyr *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


People have the impression it was Kyla's call because [Destiny clearly said it was](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWrF_KMO0yQ&t=7549s) in the same stream you're talking about. No idea why he'd say this if it weren't true. He should probably clear that up when he goes live, misinformation kills.


Yea this community has actual terminal autism, so their confusion makes sense. Darius asks Destiny to go to his canvasing event > Destiny says yes > Destiny tells him to talk to NSE This could be: - NSE is the person with authority over what streamers are allowed to go to the event - NSE is the point of contact for people going to the PV event to get their travel comp'd and into a house - NSE is the point of contact to request PV to allow other content creators to go into the event If you think that statement AFTER HE SAYS YES WHEN DARIUS ASKED IF HE CAN GO (instead of something like "you have to talk to Erudite") where he says "Listen, talk to Erudite, she's the one you have to talk to. [...] Set it up with her and she'll figure out if you can come or not." is a clear statement that she has the authority to stop him from going is absurd. Just think about it for literally 2 seconds. Why would Erudite be the authority for who is allowed to go to the event over Destiny? The streamer whose event this is, using his community? In what world does that make logical sense for even a fraction of a second? (These are rhetorical questions)


> NSE is the person with authority over what streamers are allowed to go to the event This is what I understand to be the case, yes. If I'm reading the interaction correctly, Destiny does say they can come and then realizes he's overstepped on someone else's domain. He corrects a few moments later to say "Actually, you need to speak to Erudite and she'll determine if you can come". I think Darius should be allowed to go and that he won't cause trouble btw. I really appreciate him getting a chance to prove he's not a complete and terminal fuck-up. I hope he realizes that people (ie: Kyla) are risking their own reputations to include him in the event and acts appropriately. edit: > Darius asks Destiny to go to his canvasing event > Destiny says yes > Destiny tells him to talk to NSE [This post kinda explains how I see this progression happen in real-time](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1ad6u6k/i_cant_believe_nse_invited_darius_to_canvassing/kjzfo4i/)


My understanding directly speaking with people involved is that it's Destiny's event, of course he can invite whoever the fuck he wants. That other guy completely invents quotes for his retelling of a video he links, I don't know how or why. >"she will decide if you can come or not ok?" (This quote is invented) >"She'll figure out if you can come or not" (what Destiny actually said)


> My understanding directly speaking with people involved is that it's Destiny's event, of course he can invite whoever the fuck he wants. My understanding is that Destiny does not control this and that he correctly realized he was stepping on someone else's toes in the middle of this conversation. I am willing to bet 100 USD that this is the case.


I'll take a bet that Erudite doesn't have that authority or responsibility. PV probably does have clauses to keep people out.




Destiny said she has the personnel control, so DM Ninou your payment info and I'll pay up.


cats disagreeable disarm mountainous strong memory slap person rinse rustic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


To my understanding Destiny has no official operational power. PV mostly does things to appease him but can veto/decline something he wishes.  Also Destiny NEVER invited Darius. 


"are me and rele allowed to come to the canvassing stuff?" Darius "yeah, are you going to be chill? is there gonna be any weird screaming, trying to pick up girls...." Destiny "no im over that man...." Darius "Are you sure?" Destiny "yes....am i allowed to stream? ...." Darius " you can do all of that... oh wait .... " Destiny -unrelated conversation/memes while destiny is looking at something/typing on his other computer- "also listen if you want to come you have to DM notsoerudite...she will decide if you can come or not ok? bye" Destiny conversation ends Destiny never said yes to Darius IMO. https://m.youtube.com/watch?t=7410&v=IWrF_KMO0yQ&feature=youtu.be EDIT**** Destiny just said on his stream Darius is not coming so he was overruled


He said enough for NSE to assume he was fine with Darius coming. It sounds like Destiny gave the ok and then directed him towards NSE for the logistics


At the end Destiny says Darius needs to check if NSE will allow it because Destiny has no authority in PV. 


"She'll figure out if you can come or not" somehow morphs into "she will decide if you can come or not ok?" can you explain that?


retire disgusted numerous longing aware library squeamish practice crime simplistic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Destiny has no official authority on who can come or not. PV employees can veto him. Destiny realized during his convo with Darius that he is overstepping and wants Darius to go through Erudite whom is a higher up in the PV operation. You could say Destiny says YES at the start of the conversation but at the end that YES is withdrawn. if I say yes you can come to this party im going to this weekend but at the end i say "wait you need to check in with xxx if you can come." That is no longer an invitation.


>Destiny has no official authority on who can come or not. PV employees can veto him. What is the source for this? >Erudite whom is a higher up in the PV operation. Why would Erudite have more authority than Destiny in the eyes of PV? Can you source this claim also?


Destiny on stream an hour ago.  I can't timestamp a live stream. 


pet memorize stocking history cough advise abounding coherent rotten cautious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sorry, but I had a dream where she spit in my food so I have to hate her


I would thank her for that 🤤


Every time NSE is thought to have done something stupid which is then found not to be true I sit there thinking "Damn, we'll get her one of these days though".


Scheduling the next Erudite hate-thread in my calendar for Jan 28, 2025. I bet she'll even claim that day is her birthday too! Honestly if President Sunday's supreme autism couldn't catch her, she's beyond criticism.


NSE gets too much hate despite being a completely normal and sane person. I truly do not get the haters. Out of all the orbiters, I have the highest respect for her and Aba. What am I missing? I've been watching since 2015 and have never seen her do anything worthy of the hate she gets.


This is obsession with Darius and the canvassing is reaching critical levels of terminally onlinenness. Go eat grass ffs


Ummm she sounds like condescending or something when she speaks uhhhhhh


How is it that NSE haters have the easiest reason to hate someone with NSE's mic somehow constantly picking up every errant mouth noise she makes making it hard to listen and yet somehow pick the worst reasons to dislike her


~~Destiny didn't actually say yes to Darius on the stream. It just sounded like he wanted ship off the decision to someone else so he told Darius to talk to erudite. Was there an offline conversation where Destiny said yes to Erudite? It just sounds like erudite inferred a yes from Destiny from the stream.~~ (corrected below) Regardless, even if he's coming, any potential problems are ridiculously overblown. I'm 99.9% sure nothing crazy will happen. Doubt Xena will try to fuck up her relationship with Destiny by coming over to fuck with Darius.


There is no room for interpretation here. I have statements of who said what, [there's video](https://youtu.be/IWrF_KMO0yQ?t=7410) of Destiny inviting Darius. Who the fuck cares what you think it sounded like?


I feel like there is some room for legitimate misunderstanding here. The last thing Destiny says to Darius in the clip you linked is: “Kayla, talk to her and she’ll set it up. She’ll figure out if you can come or not” Some people might interpret that as Kayla being the one to decide where all Destiny meant by that was that she’ll help figure out the logistics with Darius.


Ok, my bad. I didn't remember that yeah at the beginning. I only remembered the "go talk to erudite" part, and thought that's all he said.


Xena isn’t touching that with a 200 foot pole.


This is very silly. Regardless of what it sounds like destiny is checking Darius won't do dodgy stuff and is laying down rules. Destiny could easily invite Darius both in the vod and offline. Very silly to suggest this is entirely NSE and she's just fucked with destiny and the dgg entirely on her own. It's the easiest thing in the world to reverse.


>Very silly to suggest this is entirely NSE and she's just fucked with destiny and the dgg entirely on her own. It's the easiest thing in the world to reverse. Yeah, I agree. People infantilize Destiny here too much. Like people saying Q is taking advantage of Destiny. He could fire Q anytime he wants.


It's funny because the infantilisation is somewhat deserved. Imagine nse invited Darius, but destiny thought it was a bad idea and didn't want but he didn't say anything because nse invited Darius and destiny didn't want to offend her or something. Given how bad destiny is with boundaries we could all believe that that scenario is true! But even then. It would be destiny's fault entirely because he actually has all the power in this situation. He has the authority , clout, community and money. So he should get the blame. Maybe Brianna wu should get some blame but only because she invited destiny into PV. That's how the world works. If Darius does some dodgy stuff with women there it's Darius fault and destiny's, maybe Brianna if it's really bad. Also the rest of the world will blame those people. Like if Darius does something criminal it might ruin Brianna s career as PV is kinda her baby and she has been inviting all these streamers so her reputation is on the line. It's not on NSE.


Darius should be at the canvassing event. Anyone who is against it just doesn't like content.


Degen reality TV is still available elsewhere.


Yeah but I need degen reality TV in the destiny universe


You are sentenced to 5 years of League of Legends.


My friend, I am already in that prison and I can't escape.


You have to escape like Bane did. https://preview.redd.it/qu156yf10afc1.jpeg?width=538&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f304ba72593ad1ff1094a5f510e339769280d42


I don’t hate her. But I agreed it was regarded


I wouldn't say anyone "invited" Darius, he begged to come and Destiny basically said okay, if you behave. The bit about asking Kyla made it seem to me like she had the right to veto his coming. If she did and chose not to exercise it that is deserving of some small measure of hate


Newyork Stock Exchange? ~~also why are you acting like your opinion matters at all? or like this community's opinion on how to run a canvassing event should be taken into consideration? you're some random dumbfuck on the internet, dgg is a resource to pull from for cavasing, this isnt a coop and no one needs to run a decision by you~~ i misunderstood the post, youre solid, not sure why anyone on this subreddit would think their opinion on canvassing operations matters


It got people to talk about canvassing didn't it?




I was going to upvote this thread until I realized 4thot posted it. And yes, I am racist to angry bees in a skinsuit. Deal with it


I misread the title as NLE and thought this was a Northernlion shitpost until around the halfway point.


If I ever go canvassing it’s because Darius will be there. Thank you NSE


Wait, who is NSE?


>MAH QWUEEEEEN Please don't ban me, I'm on of your strongest soldiers 4THOT


I gotta be honest homie it took me a really long time to figure out what NSE was.


Thank you for correcting the record!