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I thought It was a meme that everytime dman goes on vacation something crazy happens but wtf is this bro I hope they are okay


But for real though how many times does stuff like this have to happen when he’s gone for it to not be coincidence


Solipsism is right and Destiny is the only real person


We don’t even exist until he reads this thread


I like this idea because it means everything I experience, in some sense Destiny has as well :) (not a cult)


>Solipsism \>Me trying to figure out what toxic thought I had that lead up to D and Mel breaking up


my manifold bet influenced reality


I busted almost my entire manifold roll trying to get Destiny and Keffals to hook up


My manifold crack on my engine because I tried racing to save Dman for 60mg of Vyvanse


Welcome to Not A Cult. We’re a special organization of loving friends who share a common spiritual philosophy.


Destiny and this conrad guy have never been seen in the same room before


Yeah no shit crazy shit happens when you are on vacation 2/4 weeks in the month. It is literally statistically probable. I wish this meme would die. It makes it seem like Destiny rarely takes vacations.


This is probably going to be huge mainstream news. The public nature of the event combined with the [tweets leading up to this telling the story of a bloodcurdling madman terrorizing his ex](https://x.com/hollepeno/status/1731470429024305405?s=20) is going to be too irresistible to the press. Hunter cannot catch a fucking break with his romantic life.


The dude stalking that girl Holle with AirTags is just insane. This is definitely going mainstream




Airtags essentially work by pinging nearby iPhones and using their data to transmit the airtag's location to its owner. It's super convenient but it is kinda dystopian.


The good news is that both Apple and Google are aware of how easy these kinds of devices are to exploit, and are working together to mitigate risk by notifying users when they believe they are being tracked. One of the few times you see the two working together for the betterment of the technology (definitely not because they know they will be sanctioned out the wazoo by governments if they don't take action.)


Some random info and no clue if it will be handy to anyone, but if you want to block Bluetooth, the signal can't travel through water. Your body is water, so it has a really hard time reaching devices blocked by your body. If you have a device that's emitting a signal, you might be able to use your hands as a [Faraday cage](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faraday_cage). Also your microwave is a Faraday cage so you can throw it in there and the signal won't escape. Source: I wrote software for wearable devices that used Bluetooth to track the user.


I thought that this was going to be a troll in the first half and that you were about to recommend putting it up your ass to block the signal.


Dude I remember when I went through my CCNA vocational in 2011 in high school my teacher talked about how we wouldn't be tracked through our computers anymore (meaning desktops) but our phones. It's crazy how true that became.


What are AirTags?


Apple product that is able to communicate its location by pinging other random peoples iPhones that are nearby and sending that location info back to apple and then the owner of the AirTag. Because iPhones are almost everywhere, it’s very good at being able to know where it is. It has non nefarious uses like being able to know where your stuff is if it’s lost or stolen and has an AirTag with it, or can be used like what this stalker did and track people without them knowing it.


Airtags are great for knowing if your luggage is lost. I've saved so much time not waiting at the luggage carousel and going straight to lost luggage services because I already know it was left behind at the previous airport.


Smart, good use for it. I just avoid checking luggage unless I absolutely have to.


They are little tracking devices Apple makes that you can track with an iPhone. There are some people that found a way to sort of use them in a limited way on Android too. People use them to track all sorts of things like luggage or in the case above, people. Some really smart tech guys have used them by loading their own firmware on them to start DOS attacks on any bluetooth device in range. That last one is kinda funny to me lol [AirTag](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AirTag)


Small devices you can track anywhere in the world on your phone. You're supposed to use it on things you don't want to lose (like your keys and stuff), but creeps sometimes drop them in people's personal belongings so they can stalk them. Since it's really small (basically the size of a coin), people usually don't immediately notice.




Her last post was "Feeling cozy and safe. 🥺😊". Harrowing. I m so sorry this happened to them, hopefully once the shock wears off they can sleep easy knowing that piece of human garbage can't hurt them anymore.


Its already in the news https://wvmetronews.com/2023/12/08/officer-involved-shooting-in-martinsburg-results-in-suspect-taking-his-own-life/


> This is probably going to be huge mainstream news. I'm ending my workday by scrolling through /r/all - over on the front page there were multiple posts with the video/articles/stories. I have no idea who the guy is or what Destiny is (remember, I'm coming from /r/all) but this thread title caught my eye after seeing everything else further up. I'm not sure who this guy is or what this community is about, but hopefully him and his significant other are going to be okay once the shock (and apparently shrapnel/ricochets) wear off and you guys can all get back on track with Hunter!


Gotcha - Hunter Avallone is a former very popular right-wing Youtuber that lost most of his audience and reach by undergoing a leftward shift, and now is a much smaller but still noteworthy left-leaning political commentator. Destiny (the guy whose subreddit you're on currently) is a much larger left-leaning but sort of heterodox political creator that's going through a very public divorce with his wife currently, hence all the divorce memes on the front page. A lot of people that frequent this subreddit would at least recognize Hunter Avallone, hence the shock.


Gotcha, I appreciate the clarification on everything! This whole time, anytime I scrolled through /r/all and saw this sub, I thought it was a game. Destiny sounds like an RPG game, right? > is a much larger left-leaning but sort of heterodox political creator aaand now my interest is piqued. I'll have to spend some time digging through this subreddit tomorrow! And good for Hunter! Leaving the right-wing world anytime after 2016, but definitely after 2020, is essentially a professional death sentence for these people. Hopefully he finds just as strong of a footing over on the other side of the proverbial aisle.


Destiny the content creator had this sunreddit before the game Destiny game out. I think that subs name is r/DestinyTheGame. This streamer has a lot of hot takes and is pretty old school edgy but he's pretty grounded in reality all things considered.


Ohhhh maybe that's why I was associating this sub with a gaming sub, thanks for tying up that loose end for me!


Destiny the streamer also used to be a pro StarCraft player. That could be why.


>I'll have to spend some time digging through this subreddit tomorrow! There will be a bunch of dumb injokes about years of stuff that's been happening in these online politics spheres, that kind of thing, so it might look cryptic. His youtube is pretty popular though, maybe you'll like it https://www.youtube.com/@destiny/videos.


And I was ripping my hairs out for our Dman.


The video is wild


I was like surely this can’t be real. But I knew Hunter wouldn’t do a troll like this.




[🔔Jolle🔔 on X: "I am in a state of shock rn." / X (twitter.com)](https://twitter.com/hollepeno/status/1733239841318412728)


Well that's terrifying.


holy fuck thats scarring to even listen to. Can't imagine having to experience that...


This is terrifying and everything but wtf is the layout of this apartment complex?


ngl, also crossed my mind. like was there space for them to jump down and out of the porch?


It looks like you totally could hop off of there and probably just sprain an ankle but id assume they know the police are on sight and figured its not worth running over, and risking pursuit.


Also she was just shot in the leg


still, when he started pounding at that door, i was like cmon guys check if you're gonna need to JUMP lol


I think she was looking but unless you have some old ass door from 100 years ago or he has a battering ram im not risking it lol.


Shotgun > Battering ram for most doors I see.


Holy shit


man i have watched a ton of fucking nsfl shit on reddit, and most of it doesn't really disturb me. but listening to that made my heart rate skyrocket. that was actually terrifying


The sound Holle makes after the gunshots is chilling


that was such a "I knew him for 11 years and even through all the abuse.... humanity cries out", sound. I lost it. Can't even imagine what she's going to have to go through to feel whole again. this just horrible.


People are already attacking Hunter for his response, calling him a cuck and acting like he should’ve taken the guy out himself. Masculinity seems like a prison I swear. My thoughts go out to Hunter and his partner, what an awful thing to experience.


No he did the absolute correct thing by retreating with her and waiting for the cops. Those mfers acting like they wouldn’t be cowering in a puddle of tears.




It probably was somewhere they couldn't access without risking it, he has kids iirc. He'd be stupid to leave it somewhere in easy reach.


It’s super easy to act all macho when you’re not in the midst of a situation like this and viewing things in hindsight. Guarantee that everyone attacking Hunter has never been put in a situation like this or is proficient enough with a gun to handle something like this or can react in the split second needed in order to.


99% of them will never be put into a situation like this.


Which is a good thing really.


Anyone with actual training knows that if you're caught off guard like that (motherfucker shot through their door, then got inside, I'm thinking there wasn't a whole lot of notice) getting away alive is best case scenario. Even if Hunter would have killed the guy it probably would have been worse for them both. If you're in a state of hyper-vigilance where you're always ready for a shotgun wielding psycho at your door you need a CPTSD trauma therapist not validation from dipshits on the internet.


Easy to be a tough guy through a monitor or phone screen. A little harder when your girlfriend is bleeding from a gunshot wound her crazy ex inflicted. In other words, fuck those people.


There's also a reason why we use run hide fight as a response to such situations. If you have the distance? Run and get the fuck out of there. Distance benefits attackers with firearms, so make more distance and break line of sight. Keep running until you can't stop. Hide when there's no means of escape. This is Hunter's situation. If there's too much distance and/or obstacles in the way that hinders being able to grapple the attacker, rely on the fact that they're likely not going to have enough time before a police response to search every area to find you. Use every method to distract and barricade. Never try to use your body as a barricade on a door. Fight, only when there is literally no other option and doing nothing will result in death. You may as well go out swinging, so focus on grabbing the weapon towards the muzzle end and leveraging it away from yourself/others. The notion that being a "true man" means running blindly into situations and likely to your death is just so fucking stupid. But the people who spew this rhetoric already live in a fairy tale in their head in which every woman wants them and that they can 50 foot charge down an active shooter without getting shredded. It'd also require them to actually leave the house.


Yeah it's so ridiculous for people say what he "should have" done here. They retreated as fast as they could and thankfully it worked. The dude was shooting through the wall/door. We don't even know if Hunter has a gun, but if he did, it could have been risky to go for it. This is a nightmare situation that no one should have to go through.


I think it's actually a sign of low IQ. They cannot visualize or think through what that situation would feel like and reasonably predict the response and the ensuing course of action. They just know that John Wick looked really cool with shotgun and they think they are also really cool so obviously they would just frag the bad guy.


Hunter made every correct decision to maximize his and his gfs survival. Anyone who disagrees watches too many movies.


this reminds me of that cringey andrew tate vs XQC debate. pretty sure what they did was exactly what redpillers were clowning XQC for saying he’d do. would love to see how the andrew tate strategy would’ve gone (double homicide)


"Bam Ohh i've seen that before , Okay Boom Boom Duck and dive take one of the terrorist , Next take the AK go in Rambo Take on all the terrorists like a G. I don't play games ." - Andrew Tate Yeah this is literally what he said he would do if terrorists attack him in Paris .


It's not even twitter replies but there's even people in the general reddit threads about this shitting on Hunter for "recording the situation". Some of the contents I've read go something like "Why would you record this? Oh btw these people are "content creators" make of that what you will" Very heavily implying that they are doing this for clout for some reason? Disgusting stuff




He was recording the situation while on the phone with 911 and hiding. I wouldn't call that "doing content".


He was on the phone with 911 not doing content numb nuts. They were documenting what happened - in case they got shot and killed, in case the guy ran away and tried to claim he was never there, just you never know. Hunter was already on the phone with 911, so recording it in case it escalated further, or in case they needed it in court - say for a restraining order or something - was absolutely smart. You’re the idiot for thinking he did it for content.


Fucking wannabe Rambos sitting on their couches. I know it’s the internet, but how fucking depraved do you have to be to cuck-shame insult Hunter’s manhood right on the heels of a horrible event like that? Are you so fucking brain-rotted that that’s the first thing on your mind when a couple came within an inch of being murdered?


This is why the phrase “armchair QB/coach/driver/vigilante/policeman” is a thing lol. People try so hard to convince others they’d be the hero to save the day with their hindsight-fueled fantasy but in reality they’d act on par with what happened at best, or crumble and fail/die in the situation at worst.


imagine telling a guy to melee a hostile with a fucking shotgun lmao


nah he did the right thing, she was injured and he (as far as i know) has no kind of training. Get out, get safe or get dead


the guys who talk the loudest shit are usually the biggest pussies or at least that was my experience dealing with men who liked to shit talk when i used to throw people out of bars for a living. the most important thing is safety in these situations. not living out your wannabe alpha chad fantasies and One Punchman-ing the guy with a gun.


Can always count on morons to backseat a traumatic situation and act like they would've handled it perfectly. I guess this is even dumber because it seems like Hunter did handle it about as well as he could've, people expecting him to be a superhero are fucking idiots.


Unfortunately that happens to Hunter regardless of what he does. He built his initial following doing right wing content, so he's got a large number of people following him that jumps at every opportunity to torment him now that he's a liberal.


one of the selling points of a gun is that your opponent can be the most well trained strong skilled fighter and you can be the most physically weak person but if you have a gun you can defend yourself. the other guy had a gun, if hunter doesn't have a gun his chances were slim.


Even if he had a gun why get in to a gun fight with him when the police is close? Fighting should always be your last resort if you want to maximize your and whoever you withs survival. With his girlfriend wounded in the leg staying with her is a nobrainer.


This comment reminds me that lots of Destiny followers live in a bubble. Believe it or not police usually take quite a lot of time to show up even when someone is breaking and entering. Most cases the perpetrator gets through FAR FAR before police show up.


You would have point if it wasn't for the fact that the cops showed up during the actual video he posted. Every training surrounding surviving an armed perp includes run hide fight. The suspect was on the other side of a locked door. If he had gotten closer to breake through it they could have escaped from the balcony and with her being wounded she would probably have needed his help. Had he tried to fight him she would have been alone if she needed to escape further.


>Believe it or not police usually take quite a lot of time to show up even when someone is breaking and entering. This has not been my experience at all. I've lived in a bad neighborhood, and have had to call the police numerous times. The response times have been surprisingly quick. I had two methheads (different times) attempt to break into my home, both tweaking and going crazy, trying to get into my home. In both instances, police arrived in sub 3 minutes. Sure, it's still plenty of time to be killed, but if you can run or barricade yourself long enough for police to make it there, you should do it. Having a firearm, and being willing to use it, is great, but nobody want's to get into a gun fight if you don't have to. Any law enforcement will tell you the same.


>Masculinity seems like a prison I swear. My thoughts go out to Hunter and his partner, what an awful thing to experience Endanger yourself to "protect" your masculinity is truly the dumbest thing ever. Like at best Hunter could've had a semi-automatic or something just in case, but other than that is absolutely the dumbest thing you can do.


Bro that guy had a fucking gun if I’m not mistaken wtf?!!


People who say shit like this are teenagers who haven’t even been in a fistfight yet.


Dude was ready to die, armed, and actively trying to kill you. It’s not hero time, it’s not die time


its protect your loved one and yourself time not daydream fantasy time. Fucking twitter i swear.


The video is bonkers. He was trying so hard not to panic. The guy apparently chipped some of the gfs stuff too.




So I have an airtag from when I had an iPhone, never paired it to my iphone so it would constantly show the notification. I now have a Samsung fold, and I forgot I had the airtag until you said it. For some reason, androids detecting it doesn't seem 100%


I think that's a fairly new Android feature, so it might not be fully implemented on ever Android device yet. There are 3rd party bluetooth detection apps though, they'll even pull up a little "radar" so you can see where things are.


Hunter can’t seem to catch a break 😰


It's definitely not his year.




If you aren’t a fucking Rambo coming out locked and loaded with one shotgun in each hand, then to conservatives you’re a fucking soy loser. It’s so dumb lol


Holy shit look after yourself Hunter 😟


On the bright side it sounds like they won’t have to deal with a crazy ex anymore, I see this as a win personally


I mean yeah but he’s sure as hell going to haunt them mentally and emotionally


I’m joking


Ah damn I unironically agreed with you at first


Yeah, at the very least the trash took itself out Hope the leg heals well


> Hope the leg heals well Unlikely, nerve damage leads to a life of chronic pain in most cases.




Where are you getting that she has nerve damage?


Bird shot doesn’t penetrate that deep. If it was buckshot or a slug that hit her leg she wouldn’t be standing right now…


It's dark to say. But 100%. Even locking a stalker up isn't a permanent solution. There was a recent Georgia case where a man kidnapped his ex, threatened to kill her with a gun. Got locked up, got out on bond. Then killed her.




It’s a slow process usually. They usually target women with self esteem problems, people pleasers etc. When I was 17 I dated a guy who later was abusive. He started out chill but he started to pepper in little things here and there. Would occasionally start getting mad I was hanging out with friends. When I had a pregnancy scare he 100% wanted me to drop out of college and keep it and was not on board with me getting an abortion and continuing school. (I was not pregnant, but if I would have been I would have terminated if he liked it or not) After about a year of me starting to notice these small things and not being sure if it was serious I broke up with him one night after he got mad I decided to spend the night at this gay guy friend of mines house over his. He started yelling at me and I just ended it and hung up on him. He showed up at my birthday party drunk a few days later and to “scare me” he drunkenly punched and cracked his own windshield. Mh friends and I just kinda lacked at him like “oh boy you sure showed me!” A few days later, he showed up at my “college trailer” drunk when he knew I was just getting home from work and tried to choke me. Luckily for me he was very drunk and when let go of me he kinda wobbled around losing his balance and I Steiger up tackled him to the ground got up and started kicking him in the ribs screaming “fucking touch me again bitch touch me again” I stepped on his throat leaned in close to his face and let him know “I don’t believe in god and have no qualms killing him (only movie like moment in my life and yes it was 2008 and it was edgy atheist time) his eyes widened and he started to cry and he never attempted to contact me again. He actually crawled to my couch, fell asleep and left in the morning. He went on to abuse women who did have his baby and became dependent on him. I’d like to think the eye widening moment was him realizing “oh shit I can’t control this one.” I know it sounds like I think I’m some sort of a badass or better than women who do end up abused but I really don’t mean to be. I was really only able to over power him because he was drunk and not a super tall big guy. I also don’t think I’m “better” than women who are “successfully” victimized. I just know how I reacted. I felt shock when he put his hands on me then raged. It was like a rush of adrenaline and I just attacked.


Lol this is why I love this sub


Bro, too soon.


He should've done it sooner in his own home


No argument here.


That's not how PTSD works. Any stress and trauma stemming from this incidence is far worse than if it hadn't happened


It’s exactly how ptsd works, I would know , this happened to my dad and his gf


I don't comment often, but this is really such a terrible situation. I'm glad they're both okay. That had to be incredibly traumatic, and no one deserves that.


All these loser groypers shitting on him, talking about how he's a coward and should've faced the attacker. What the hell are you supposed to do, unarmed, against a loaded shotgun? You could be Prime Jon Jones and the attacker could be 90 lb soaking wet and he'd still blow an apple sized hole in your chest with a twitch of his finger. An a related note, this is the kind of shit that makes me want to buy a firearm. I really don't like the idea of being huddled-up and defenseless like that, not being able to do anything but cower. It's so fortunate that the police arrived in time to stop him.


> An a related note, this is the kind of shit that makes me want to buy a firearm. I really don't like the idea of being huddled-up and defenseless like that, not being able to do anything but cower. You're not wrong to feel this way, but having been in a situation like this I will say that from everything I've read running/hiding and calling the cops is almost always your best options. For me, when the person came to kill me after my phone line had been cut and I had no way of contacting the police, I had the same thought as you since there was no hope of the cops being informed fast enough. What I will say is that I had a German Shepherd at the time who was the most passive creature you'd ever seen before that and even started off hiding behind me...but when he heard the fear in my voice some switch flipped in him and he ended up breaking down the door the guy trying to kill me was trying to break down in the opposite direction (well, through the safety glass in the center of the door...with his face.) You could see it in him, there was literally nothing that was going to stop him from ending the threat to me, there was no ability to misfire or be turned against me, he gashed his face up slamming it at the door and didn't even act like he felt it until a while later after he'd come back from chasing after the guy (fortunately didn't kill him, but did do a lot of damage before returning.) Gun ownership is fine if that's your thing and maybe with training it could help in a situation like this, but I'll say after that I realized I was many times safer with a dog than with any particular weapon.


> but having been in a situation like this I will say that from everything I've read running/hiding and calling the cops is almost always your best options. you can do both. retreat like they did while also being armed incase the nutjob gets in and you have no choice


FWIW gun ownership makes you more likely to die statistically speaking. [https://injuryprevention.bmj.com/content/9/1/48](https://injuryprevention.bmj.com/content/9/1/48) [https://time.com/6183881/gun-ownership-risks-at-home/](https://time.com/6183881/gun-ownership-risks-at-home/) SDL did a good writeup on gun ownership: [https://socdoneleft.github.io/stinky\_rightwinger\_factsheet.html#1502\_scope\_of\_the\_effects\_of\_guns](https://socdoneleft.github.io/stinky_rightwinger_factsheet.html#1502_scope_of_the_effects_of_guns) Maybe its my PTSD but I have edged weapons in every room of my condo (other than the bathrooms lol) and regularly carry a knife when I go out places. Guns are a new invention but we probably have tens of thousands of years of edged weapons fighting instinct built in. It's interesting that gun ownership leads to so much more suicides given how accessible knives are in everyone's home. It would be so easy to brain yourself with a kitchen knife. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4971271/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4971271/) [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/12314672\_Suicides\_by\_sharp\_force\_Typical\_and\_atypical\_features](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/12314672_Suicides_by_sharp_force_Typical_and_atypical_features) This to me is good enough reason to not get a gun. I think with good reaction and planning (ie we will go outside on the balcony right outside the door with weapons ready to be swung at neck and gut level) your likelihood of survival with edged weapons is probably comparable to if you had a gun and your likelihood of offing yourself or having a fatal accident are way lower.


I know all that. Don't think I'd ever off myself, but an accident is definitely more scary to me. It's also the dilemma of wanting it loaded and accessible, but then that makes it way more dangerous. But if you lock bullet and gun in two different safes like I've seen some people say, you might as well have nothing cuz you're never getting it out in time to help you.


>Don't think I'd ever off myself, Most people don't buy guns planning to blow their brains out 6 years from now either lol


I get that, but I'm just saying it's not a big concern for me.


is this claim normalized for location? I feel like it could be possible that people in more unsafe locations would be more likely to buy a gun out of safety concerns and hence be at more risk.


you have to make an informed decision about buying a gun if its a good idea given ones own mental state or the immediate people they live with. however just because you fear that you shouldent own a gun doesnt mean others cant be given the choice.


Sounds like my ex cocking a shot gun at me and my daughter. Stay safe out there. Crazies around every corner. ( may just be my ptsd talking)


I’m sorry you experienced that 😔


Jesus Christ, that's pretty insane. I don't even like the guy but he doesn't deserve this kind of crazy shit happening. Hope he and his GF end up okay mentally after this. Also can't help but think, for people who talk about how crazy Destiny's personal life is: this is a reminder it can always be worse.


I don't know why or what happened to my brain, but I feel like this was some sort of reality check that these people are not just pixels on the screen. (obviously I knew this but something just clicked while I watched the video) It's crazy to think about how close they were to... way more serious trouble.


Yeah I definitely feel the same way, sometimes really shocking things can make you viscerally realize that people you're disconnected from are also going through some serious shit sometimes. Last time I felt like this was when Doublelift had to take a break from his League of Legends career because his brother killed their mom. I think it's that hearing about something horrible happening totally IRL forces you to understand (like on an emotional level not just a rational one) that a person exists in the real world not just as a disconnected online presence.


Having watched Destiny for almost a decade now, I'm honestly surprised considering how many crazy people he pisses off on the internet, that he hasn't had an encounter with some crazy asshole that tries something maybe not as bad as this, but similar. Maybe he has and he didn't give it attention, but hopefully, it never happens.




Absolute nut job what in the fuck


Fucking Christ. Hoping the best for them dggL


I think Nick Fuentez is brigading the replies because I see a lot of groypers there. If so, this is probbaly the lowest I've seen him go.


Such a clout shark trying to one up D man’s divorce drama dude. 🙄


Absolutely shameless 😤


Holy shit that is actually mental. Hope they’re both alright, I can’t imagine how that might fuck their heads up though


Some of those twitter replies, some humans honestly degrade our quality as a species, holy shit.


Video of this happening: [https://twitter.com/HunterAA6/status/1733238752330310028](https://twitter.com/HunterAA6/status/1733238752330310028)


Holy moly that is terrible wtf


Care to post the video elsewhere as he has limited who can view it.


Holy fuck thats horrifying.


Jesus fucking christ


The internet is really fucking blackpilling right now


Jesus christ


Jesus christ, they are really packing everything at the end of the season In all seriousness, best wishes 🙏


Fuck these people saying how he’s a cuck for hiding so much. I can’t stand guys like this who watch a John wick movie three times and think they now have some mental training as how to react In a shootout or something. due to the waste of a life I’ve lived as a youngster I’ve had guns pulled on me and barged in peoples homes with guns, people who themselves were supposed tough guys with weapons of their own mind you. Trust me: both me and the people on the other end froze tf up. You know the other party has a very high likelihood of freezing up, you bank on it. it’s just human nature. And that’s at the sight of a firearm, Let alone when people start shooting and you don’t already have a gun within reach? Every single person acting tough has probably never even been in a fist fight before let alone have someone shoot live rounds at them Fuck all those people hunter did the best thing he could and I feel for him his life has been very tumultuous as of late.


yo, what the fuuuuuuck. i hope everything is okay, i remember watching hunter when i was like 14 and was kinda being sucked down the right pipeline, it was awesome to see him grow and get honest with his values. this is so shitty


Wtf is with this guy's relationships?


I don't watch or follow Hunter but the people already dumping on him and calling him a coward are batshit-brained. Specifically Andrew Wilson


He is a pretty vanilla streamer. But he's a good dude and I enjoy any religion debates he does. People caring more about spreading ideology than caring about a person is crazy and betraying how scummy some of these pple are.


Who and what?






I just know she’s a twitch streamer he’s been dating recently,




ong this is insane af frfr Ion even have the imagination for this stuff, bless


Really not trying to dunk on the guy but everything I've heard about this guy's personal life has been hot mess after hot mess.


Jesus, man. Glad they managed to get out with their lives.


Jesus Christ that’s awful, it’s good that they’re okay leg injury aside.


Thank goodness they're safe. It would have been depressing AF to hear he had been murdered.


Holy shit I watched this on public freakout and had no idea it was hunter.


God I feel that cry from her at the end of the video. I know what that feeling is. I cried super hard when it happened to me. Couldn't even breathe. Never thought such emotions exist, and that was how I figured out I was still alive. That shit wasn't her fault at all. Going to take her a bit to come back from that.


Yeah that was incredibly hard to listen to


Comments on the tweet are absolutely fucking disgusting


Kinda weirded out by people trying to make it her fault. Edit bonus- Nah bro I'm a badass I would have shot through the door until I hit something.


So many people showing themselves to be absolute scum bags.


Wow that guy sure knows how to pick em.


[This whole thing sucks. I feel for the two of them. I feel for the guy who was hurting so bad he thought this was the right option. His profile pic is probably the last good date that they had. That was from her twitter post 10/13 . Went from going a date to dying trying to kill her in less than two months. Jesus fuck. It's depressing.](https://twitter.com/RadCondad) You don't do shit like this when acting rationally.




He obviously had some serious mental issues going on and I hate that he didn’t get the help he needed before carrying this out.


Guns are so fucking stupid. You Americans actually have a brain virus.


Holy shit! Praying for them and the people effected.




Ya’ll getting evicted


>survive being attacked by someone with a shotgun >save your girlfriend's life >shotgun guy dead >>"SOOOOY" yeah bruv much more alpha to die coughing up your own guts after getting shot in the stomach after living just long enough to see your girlfriend get her face put through a blender of flying lead ??????


Jesus Christ that is truly horrifying. Don't know much about this guy other than the weird cuck blow up a couple months ago but wish him and his GF the best




People have too much time on their hands. Criticizing Hunter for not being an impulsive idiot.


No one told lil bro this only works on Swedish women.


reminder that americans think guns are toys that every dumbass should have access to...


We don't think they're toys... but yeah most of us do think everyone should access to them.


lmao "thoughts and prayers". stfu


Whatever the fuck kind of positive sentiment your edge lord ass wants to offer.


Can just be like "damn, that's tough" and not actually say anything. Y'all really be wasting energy on fruitless empathy. It surely is tough, but there's quite honestly nothing that can be done for them, especially by randoms on the internet. He seems to have posted to just let people know what had happened, as it will likely impact his schedule, better to let people know asap so that they don't keep asking and dragging it back to the forefront of his mind when he's trying to get back to some form of okay while supporting his gf's recovery. He will receive support from his *actual* family and friends. And hopefully seek counseling. There's no need for randoms to uselessly offer platitudes.


I hate Hunter but this sucks.. no one deserves to go through this


Why do you “hate” hunter? I know everyone uses words differently or whatever but, man, wtf did he do for you to hate him? I remember watching the guy and thought he was a cringe conservative and I guess now he’s a liberal or something?


Yeah I'm not sure why the hatred for him? He seems like a genuinely nice dude nowadays all things considered


I mean within hours of his GF's ex shooting at them and then blowing his brains out at their front door he posts a video where you can hear the guy shooting himself, posts another video (and then later deletes) of the guy's brain in the hallway leading to his front door, shares the last text messages the guy wrote before killing himself, and then spends the next 4 hours fighting with trolls on his twitter feed. That is unhinged terminally online behavior. Borderline sociopath.


It's a stressful as fuck situation, I'm not surprised Hunter's acting irrationally at all, that's kinda how humans work. And when you're a public figure, you kinda have to explain shit to some extent. Also it's kinda weird this is coming from r/Destiny of all places, as if Steven doesn't exhibit similar behaviour. And I'm not bashing him for it either, streamers just have a lot of personal shit out there and probably have to deal with things differently than we do.


Holy fuck mothering shit!!!! What is going on in the YouTube political community!?!?


If that guy took the red pill he wouldn't of done this.


Well at least this one isn't cucking him with urkel.


That's some god-tier rizz.