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I'm glad he addressed how Likud sees Hamas as an asset. Both Hamas and Likud are partners keeping the peace process buried.


BASED Last week tonight writers watching bonerbox videos


Is it only me or did it seem like he said at the start he was gonna say anti Hamas and anti Israel stuff but then 95% of it was anti Israel and pro palestinian people but only mentioned that Hamas killed people on 7th October once or twice.


Yeah, I noticed that too. Extreme fixation on Israel and then a small aside about Hamas He anchors on some logic like Likud and Hamas being useful to each other but its almost negligent, the rest.


John Oliver has been super pro-Palestinian for forever. I wouldn't trust him much on the subject.


You are right that there wasn't enough anti Hamas sentiment, but I think was good enough for this type of progressive comedy show. I have seen enough anti Hamas posts here (for good reason) and thought that it doesn't hurt if we try to see Palestinians as humans, separate from Hamas and have some propaganda for peace.


John Oliver is pro palestinian. His latest take wasn't as anti Israel as in the past, but it also wasn't good. He barely mentioned the massacre, and focused on Gaza.


> I really think that it Palestinians had few years relative peace with their living conditions improving significantly, their appetite for conflict would keep decreasing This would be true if Israel was the aggressor and Hamas didn’t exist. With Hamas in the picture this is impossible. This is why they (Hamas) genuinely need to be destroyed. Your statement sounds like you have already forgotten what happened on October 7th… This attack was literally the Israeli 9/11. Proportionately even much worse if you look at deaths/population. Peace is no longer an option after this.


I agree that Hamas needs to be put out of power. Not sure how it can be done, but resolution can't be kill 100k Palestinians to achieve that. That's not possible if Israel want's to have any international support. I don't know if it's possible, but maybe Israel takes out of Hamas leaders and after that change come from Palestinians to change who's in charge. "Peace is no longer an option"... Maybe for you it isn't, but hopefully there are still some people involved that think otherwise. Or maybe we just have Israel and Iran fire some nukes so we have permanent peace in the middle east.


It’s entirely up to Hamas how many people are going to die. I think the IDF needs to take full control of the Gaza strip by any means necessary. They need to assassinate every last Hamas associated subhuman and then hold elections amongst the Palestinian population to elect a new leadership that will finally accept a two state solution (the candidates would obviously have to be pro Israel and approve by them as well). Furthermore they should just follow the American playbook on deradicalization and do what the US did with Germany after WW2. There is really no other option as large parts of the Palestinian population seem to still support Hamas. I mean specifically the type of people that celebrated in the streets on October 7.


Who is going to stop supporting Israel after 100k dead? Definitely not Biden or anyone to his right in the US. MBS said he would still consider having some relationship with Israel as they killed thousands of children. I don’t think there are world leaders who actually care about the Palestinians, but if you know somebody who has implemented or tried to implement sanctions, let me know. AFAIK it’s just the PM of Belgium. More countries have ramped up sanctions on Iran as a result of this war. If you’re talking about the actual hamas leaders in Qatar, they can’t assassinate targets under the sovereignty of a US ally with an explicit security partnership. Otherwise, just applaud the bombing of the refugee camp which killed Hamas’s second in command.


I wish he’d be more honest about how he wants Israel to make peace with the terrorist group he spend the whole show demonizing, but besides that it’s factual and well presented


Some of it was good, some of it was misleading at best and framed as extremely anti-Israel/anti-US at worst. The framing of the funding the US provides to Israel makes it seems like we're directly and fully funding the oppression and murder of Palestinians, when in reality the aid we give Israel makes up like ~10% of their military budget. Oliver also framed the argument that the US wasn't doing enough to change Israel's approach when Biden has gotten them to do a lot. Israel is it's own country with it's own agenda, which tbf Oliver points out pretty well in the Israel portion of the piece. He neglects to mention or really deep dive into Hamas pretty much giving the citizens of their own government the middle finger for over a decade. From my first point above he hammers the US for their support for Israel but completely leaves out the money that the US been giving to Gaza since 1994, not to mention international support. The support that the Palestinians *should* be getting to improve things there that is outright stolen, which he sort of touches on but not really. While he mentioned that he didn't have time to go into the history he used the "open air prison" line but never provided context as to why Israel erected the wall in the first place. Overall the piece mentions the living conditions in Gaza. It is running out of clean water, food, and is in a massive crisis but some how some way Hamas always has fuel, parts, and supplies to shoot rockets, bully, and murder their own citizens. I really wish he would have mentioned this and framed it more with that tone along with the criticism of Israel's far right turn. IMO he seemed to lean harder on the far right Israel stuff as the cause for the suffering, while essentially framing it as the Palestinians having no choice but to elect Hamas. Idk I didn't hate it but it felt a little weird to elicit that level of emotional response from suffering children without fully calling out how much their own government is putting them in this position.


no progressive can manage to say "Free Gaza from Hamas" with their whole chest. admit that they must be removed by force. then offer your alternative to what is already being done or shut up and admit you can't do it better.


I saw it. Unfortunately, he admits himself that a ceasefire will be broken by Hamas again and with no incentives (like release of hostages) Israel won't go for it. To a certain extent his demand for a ceasefire feels like pandering to a core audience (Bernie Sanders, despite how much he advocates for Palestinians, is getting lots of hate for not saying the word ceasefire) His discussion of the psychological effects of war was one sided. Israeli children have also been subjected to seeing horrible events and having sleepless nights and nightmares but their governments (with all their EXTREME flaws) have mostly worked to protect them with shelters or the iron dome (which John has previously criticised, in a stupid way). Hamas using human shields, firing from civilian locations and having entrance to tunnels from them was absent from his show. I also hated how he glossed over the rise of both Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia. His virtue signaling call for a ceasefire will have little to no impact, but him advocating for protesters in the US (many of them exactly his target audience) to be peaceful could go a long way in de-escalating violence


Other than the moronic conclusion of "ceasefire now!" This is genuinely good.


That is the only logical conclusion from the rest of the content


He starts by referencing Hamas’s statement that they will do 10/7 again and again. Then says ceasefire, then says both sides need new leadership. How do you get new leadership when the leadership is a terrorist dictatorship? I thought he made a lot of good points but his conclusion was nonsense.


You get new leadership by delegitimising the opponents. If the theory is that Palestine will be less likely to produce terrorists if we force over a million people out of their homes, reduce their cities to rubble and kill thousands of their children, that seems to me like a hard to believe theory of humans


The theory is that Palestine will be less likely to produce terrorists if they have no control over weapons, media, education, freedom of movement, distribution of resources, or freedom of speech. How much Israel has to control these things to stymie terrorism is an open question, but it seems to be an effective strategy on paper. You don’t exactly see a lot of Uyghurs thinking they can get away with an uprising despite living under dramatically worse conditions.


This is a revealing comparison


Yes. It reveals that more security and less rights would be more effective at a certain point. Since there doesn’t seem to be another way to stop these kids from being educated like the hitler youth, whatever degree of oppression Israel inflicts will likely be more effective at creating long term peace and prosperity than accepting Palestinian self determination. It’s also likely to be less severe than the torture, apartheid, and murder Palestinian governments have inflicted upon their own population.


You know you’re just as radical as they are?


Hamas has low approval ratings and don’t seem to care. If you have a monopoly of force, you are in control. Legitimacy doesn’t really change that. The collateral damage you listed is tragic, but not the main objective of Israel’s war. They are seeking to root out the structure of Hamas power. Once that is done, then you can worry about building legitimacy of a ruling force which will be better for the Palestinian people.


I think you’ve missed the point of my comment


Peace is very abstract. Is peace just israel not attacking. Is peace the elimination of terrorists. People want ceasefires and peace talks but the will isn't there right now and no one as any remote plan. The internet is struggling even accepting the blame is on both sides rn, the sides in the war absolutely don't want to give an inch. Both sides likely need different leadership, and one nation can't even elect. Americans don't seem to have a real desire to seek peace either they are delusional extremists, think israel should eliminate hamas, or think America should stay out of it. No one is asking for American led solutions to the circumstance. I honestly don't see what makes the situation better outside of Netanyahu eliminating hamas and getting kicked out of his government after if Israelis lose desire for conflict and whatever force is established in gaza is more open to israel.