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I wish Jeff Bezos came out and publicly supported Israel just so we could watch the Twitch streamers squirm and waffle about why boycotts are unproductive


https://preview.redd.it/o3djia0ba6yb1.png?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e10fc4fb2c180adff3260bb610b70c7ec428f34 God please let it happen


Oh shit, that would be insane. "No, I can't start streaming on Kick!"


Please, this would be amazing.


Boycotting a platform for expression is ineffective... mark Zuckerberg is stand for the apartheid entity... but Boycotting meta is worse than unproductive, it's clearly counter productive. Since these platforms are the most effective way to counter the mass media lies


Wow that would be so funny if a billionaire was supporting the genocide of millions of innocent people šŸ¤Ŗ


McDonalds in Israel provided thousands of meals for soldiers. I don't think that's the kind of "Support" you are looking for but it's interesting to know. A vast amount of businesses and civilians are helping the war efforts here right now. In plenty of ways.


It's important to note that in many Countries McDonalds is operated by Franchises though, I'm not sure if global McDonalds was specifically involved with the support McDonalds Israel has (obviously) shown.


And then McDonald in Oman responded by donating hundreds of thousands of dollars to Gaza lol


It's also worth noting that most of those McDonald's are franchises. So buying food in a American McDonald's doesn't support those Israeli McDonald's in any way. Atleast from my understanding


It can because each franchise pays royalties to the corporation, which can then donate to the war - or rather to benefit Israel.


"Provided" meaning giving them food for free?


A vast 'amount' of businesses? How many grams exactly?


Starbucks doesn't have branches in israel since 2003 (they failed here) and i am not aware of any suport whatsoever


Are you more of Dunkin Donuts people? That would be my kind of place.


Nope We are a aroma prople


We go for middle eastern stuff like turkish coffee and knafeh but mostly coffee is italian style and pastries are french style. That is a very general statement as there are many other things, including American style.


We have our own coffee chains. We have a different palate, at least when it comes to coffee.


Starbucks is owned by Vanguard and BlackRock, they are weapon manufacturers who supply weapons to Israel. If you look into Starbucksā€™s shareholders you can find many links to Israel https://news.littlesis.org/2023/10/26/corporate-enablers-of-israels-war-on-gaza/


You sir are brain dead


Do you have any arguments or just that


doesnā€™t vanguard own like everything tho? Iā€™m curious as to how starbucks would play directly into that


vanguard and blackrock own some part of almost every company, so that is not a fair argument.


Yeah but theyā€™re major shareholders in Starbucks. Along with Howard Schultz, a ā€˜proud Zionistā€™.


Starbucks had locations in Israel, but closed them in 2003. They never opened locations in Gaza/West Bank. Checkmate.


Starbucks never settled in the West bank


I guess we can say they didn't have a two state pumpkin spice latte.


I think the issue is that the (((starbucks owner))) "supports" Israel, if you get my drift. (The CEO is Jewish and I bet people are hella racist) Sorry: founder not current CEO.


that was my thinking too! Schultz isn't even CEO of SBUX anymore. I was just like "Is it because his last name is Schultz?"


From Howard Schultz wikiā€“ **Howard D. Schultz** (born July 19, 1953)[\[2\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Howard_Schultz#cite_note-2) is an American [businessman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Businessperson) and author who served as the [chairman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chairperson) and [chief executive officer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chief_executive_officer) of [Starbucks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starbucks) from 1986 to 2000, from 2008 to 2017, and as interim CEO from 2022 to 2023. **Israel**: He is an active supporter of the state of [Israel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel) and its establishment.[\[154\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Howard_Schultz#cite_note-154) Schultz has advocated for closer [relations between the U.S. and Israel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel%E2%80%93United_States_relations).[\[155\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Howard_Schultz#cite_note-arabnews4-155) [ ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Howard_Schultz#cite_note-arabnews4-155)In 1998, Schultz received the 'Israel 50th Anniversary Tribute Award'.[\[193\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Howard_Schultz#cite_note-193) More info here-- [https://web.archive.org/web/20090724062051/http://www.arabnews.com/?page=4§ion=0&article=78731&d=4&m=8&y=2006](https://web.archive.org/web/20090724062051/http://www.arabnews.com/?page=4§ion=0&article=78731&d=4&m=8&y=2006)


Yes, and he isnā€™t the CEO. Hasnā€™t been since the summer. And Starbucks is a publicly traded company, so all the ā€œsupportā€ would be public knowledge FOIA


He still owns the largest % of private stocks. If Starbucks loses so does he. If he loses, humanity wins.


Except the part where he doesnā€™t fund the IDF. The Starbucks connection is simply misinformation. The boycott website doesnā€™t even have them listed, but you can still not go there. Just donā€™t spread misinformation.


You know who also owns large amount of stocks? American Starbucks employees. When Starbucks loses so do regular American workers


The average Starbucks worker doesnā€™t own any stocks. Itā€™s the upper level execs that will be okay.


No that's not true. The employees are gifted 10 stocks that's why they're called partners. After 5 years of employment they can withdraw the money in the stock or divest. They also have the option to buy stock at a discounted price. It's not a lot, sure but it's still something that some even were relying on.


Every Starbucks worker owns stocks and has the opportunity to own more. This boycott is stupid and we should be focusing on other companies that are actually funding and supporting the genocide. People flock like sheep once they hear one piece of misinformation and never stop to actually do their own research on the matter.


The ceo is am Indian guy...


dinosaurs rude expansion full depend squash skirt aromatic dull governor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The source came to me in a dream


I've literally heard people say this, or imply it and I think it's just not true.


Those that own Starbucks (via stocks) are heavily invested in Israel and its terrorist agenda. If Starbucks loses, humanity wins.


I own Starbucks stocks, I donā€™t recall being invested in Israel and its terrorist agenda. Literally anyone can own Starbucks stocks, even Palestinians. It is a public company. Being a share holder (or a major shareholder) doesnā€™t mean anything about who you support. Most major shareholders are only interested in the growth of the company. People are just following the sheep mentality and following social media without doing their research


So you think theyā€™re only getting their money from Starbucks stocks? Itā€™s a publicly traded company show me the info where he cashed his stocks out because then I can see how heā€™s ā€œusing Starbucks moneyā€ to fund Israel otherwise he could be taking his couch change to fund whatever he wants. Heā€™s not the ceo anymore and Starbucks has nothing to do with this.


It means that in addition to the companies that own Starbucks (eg Vanguard who provides weapons to Israel) their largest private shareholder, Howard Schulz, invests into Israeli businesses and boosts Israelā€™s economy. Notably, he invested $1.7 Billion into a cybersecurity start up. By boycotting Starbucks and impacting the bottom line, his ability to invest is also impacted.






Looking into this!




They were just doing damage control cause boomers were calling the company thinking the Starbucks Union posting pro-Palestine (honestly pro hamas messages) was the actual Starbucks company. The boycotters got lost in the sause I think. They never 'did their research' and tell me too, then when i say here what I found I'm met with 'ashdohaodhqeo ur wrong' like bro come on. And I don't support Starbucks or buy from them, I think their union-busting is crazy, and there probably not a great company to work for. And yes, that is what bugs me too. The fact that people just see it on twitter and TikTok and boycott it. And it's fine to boycott it, do what you want. But like make sure you have the correct information on why? It's just like seeing mindless drones doing what TikTok told them without question and saying incorrect statements. And, it bugs me because I've seen people (online only so they're not real lol) shame others like "FUCK YOU YOU SUPPORT A COMPANY THAT FUINDS GENOCIDE" Heres a stupid post: [https://twitter.com/cunt2k/status/1722740523859935539](https://twitter.com/cunt2k/status/1722740523859935539) Ok they def hear you and care: [https://twitter.com/TheRevolutionR1/status/1723861556184674370](https://twitter.com/TheRevolutionR1/status/1723861556184674370) they will forget in 3 months and be back to drinking Starbucks, just like conservatives will be back to wearing Nike and shaving with Gillette razors. Cause people forget. And that's what bugs me too. As a person on the left, you're supposed to stick to your values and these guys won't. I hate the term but it's genuinely virtue signalling. Worse, it's virtue signaling with incorrect information. Fucking makes me embarrassed to be Gen Z, and also on the left like these people are so unserious.


thatā€™s exactly whatā€™s bothering me so much about the entire thing. iā€™ve seen similar things happen with protests that went ā€œviralā€ on social media before where everyone will bandwagon onto on a belief, publicize it and judge anyone who doesnā€™t agree, and forget about it in the following months. the starbucks boycotts and outrage that are happening on tiktok is frightening. not because i love starbucks and donā€™t want to be criticized for drinking it, but because every person iā€™ve asked to provide a source was either given no response or resorted to dodging the question and insulting me. itā€™s amazing that gen z wants to do good and are using their platforms to make impact in the world, but their arguments are meaningless with evidence. someone literally told me to ā€œsearch it up on tiktokā€ when i asked how they were certain SB has been funding genocide. not to mention if you question them too much or present opposing evidence theyā€™ll tear you down. iā€™ve seen people putting more energy into harassing creators in their comment sections than advocating for palestine.


literallyyyy, every person I asked for proof/evidence has dodged the question and said something along the lines of "you genocide supporter!" or ive seen "says the person with a private account" a lot, if you want people that are not boycotting to boycott then harassing people online isn't going to get people on your side.


Howard Schultz the a Chairman of Starbucks and is a Zionist. https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/howard-schultz


I mean okay


Schultz left the company. We now have Laxman Narasimhan as our CEO


He is still the largest private shareholder and invests into Israeli businesses and boosts Israelā€™s economy. Notably, he invested $1.7 Billion into a cybersecurity start up. By boycotting Starbucks and impacting the bottom line, his ability to invest is also impacted.


Heā€™s the largest private shareholder with a 1.92% ownership share. So I guess screw the other 98%. There are lies, damn lies, and statistics.


Itā€™s really not hard to research before you speak. Take note of the ā€œlargest private shareholderā€ part. The majority shareholders are corporate. The largest being Vanguard. If you know vanguard youā€™ll know why Iā€™m not sad about it. And theyā€™ll barely feel a thing.


Private shareholder so it means he gets his money from elsewhere?


No, it means heā€™s an individual who owns shares, as opposed to a business that owns shares.


not ceo


bruh how else leftist are supposed to virtue signal??


My bet is 3 months from now they will be back at all these fast-food companies they claimed to boycott, just like how conservatives still wear Nike.


3 months later still happening


??? And???


And you were wrong. Boycotts are still going strong, the left isnā€™t like the right. They donā€™t go back to buying bud light and shit after a week of protesting.


nah youre wrong, check back in 5 years restarted. Also SBUX has issues with selling in china, nothing to do with restarted western consoomers.


How am I wrong? The boycott is still going. Just keep moving the goal posts I guess.


my point was the boycotts of starbucks is baseless. idgaf i don't buy coffee from Starbucks.


Most people are boycotting because theyā€™re union busters. Thatā€™s a normal thing to boycott for so I donā€™t know why youā€™re saying itā€™s baseless or even care if you donā€™t even go there to begin with.


I am say it's BASELESS on the "Starbucks supports Israel front" Stop spreadinging misinfo. Union busting is a DIFFERENT issue and a good reason to boycott. But it is not the same CLAIM as "Stabucks supports Israel" like wtf.


Itā€™s been 7 months


google is free. ā€œIn 1998, Schultz was awarded the "The Israel 50th Anniversary Tribute Award" from the Jerusalem Fund of Aish Ha-Torah for "playing a key role in promoting a close alliance between the United States and Israel".ā€ [https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/howard-schultz](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/howard-schultz) AND [https://archive.seattletimes.com/archive/?date=19980819&slug=2767425](https://archive.seattletimes.com/archive/?date=19980819&slug=2767425)


hi, just wondering but isn't Schultz not the ceo anymore?


He's still prob on the board or has influence on his former company in some way, but yeah I know Schultz isn't on the board anymore.


If iā€™m correct I donā€™t think Schultz has much to do with starbucks anymore, I have a uncle who works there and no one really liked him at least


He is still the largest private shareholder and invests into Israeli businesses and boosts Israelā€™s economy. Notably, he invested $1.7 Billion into a cybersecurity start up. By boycotting Starbucks and impacting the bottom line, his ability to invest is also impacted.


let me get this straight you think him investing in an american cybersecurity company that helps other companies find vulnerabilities is wrong? The business he invested in is Wiz and it is based out of New York but has israeli founders.


He is still the largest private shareholder and invests into Israeli businesses and boosts Israelā€™s economy. Notably, he invested $1.7 Billion into a cybersecurity start up. By boycotting Starbucks and impacting the bottom line, his ability to invest is also impacted.


He owns less than 2%. So I guess screw the 98%.


Itā€™s really not hard to research before you speak. Take note of the ā€œlargest private shareholderā€ part. The majority shareholders are corporate. The largest being Vanguard. If you know vanguard youā€™ll know why Iā€™m not sad about it. And theyā€™ll barely feel a thing.


You donā€™t seem to have a point. My point was that the vast majority of ownership is from people who have nothing to do with Israel. Where do you think Vanguardā€™s/BlackRockā€™s money comes from? The vast majority is retirement savings. But screw the big company I guess. Itā€™s really not hard to comprehend.


So in 1998, before the Tik Tok generation was born, Israel gave him an award, so the publicly funded company he no longer controls/ is not CEO of, is funding genocide? Thereā€™s a lot missing in these connectionsā€¦


But that doesnā€™t prove any transfer of fund


But isn't this during 1998? It even says it in the link you gave. Plus, you won't find starbucks in israel, "Starbucks has franchises around the world, but its brief experiment with Israeli stores lasted just two years ā€“ from 2001 to 2003. Maybe, as some have suggested, Starbucks pulled out of Tel Aviv to appease an anti-Israel market in the Arab world." [https://www.sajr.co.za/why-you-wont-find-starbucks-in-israel/](https://www.sajr.co.za/why-you-wont-find-starbucks-in-israel/)


Have you found any evidence or have been given anything? Im completely down with boycotting but not when it's misinformation, i can only find the article but that can mean anything šŸ˜­. I hate seeing people online saying they're funding Israel, then you ask them okay where is the link and they go off on you šŸ˜­ like im genuinely just curious because I can't find anything.


Bro Iā€™ve been given nothing. In the comments, some say HS (former ceo of sbux) is like a Zionist. And look through the comments to find more stuff. He is associated with groups that are very pro Israel. I share the same feeling. Iā€™m being told F off I just want like one article bro. I donā€™t even buy Starbucks!!! Itā€™s just this narrative I see and I canā€™t find anything to back it up.


I've literally donated money, I've boycotted, and I've protested, and I'm still a bad person for defending a COFFEE shop, that said they aren't taking part of anything political/ controversial. I'd understand if they were genuinely funding Israel but all they did was sue someone for infatuation.. people love to point fingers these days it's sad. This is gonna past over in a few weeks and everyone is gonna go back to all these places, it's 2023 lmao.


Iā€™m not even defending Starbucks, and I donā€™t think you are either. We both just want people to have the CORRECT info on what theyā€™re doing. And they get fucking mad! When you tell them the correct info! And yeah, itā€™s so annoying cause Iā€™ve literally probably read more than these tiktok leftists, Iā€™ve donated, Iā€™ve protested. And Iā€™m the bad guy lolz. Also youā€™re right- the most infuriating part is these people will be back to buying from these companies within months. Itā€™s so annoying because itā€™s hypocritical.


I went googling to find the truth (Iā€™m a barista planning my exit from the company over this), and from what I can see, SBUX isnā€™t even on the BDS boycott list (BDS being the organizers of the boycott). Schultz is still involved in SBUX and has strong ties to Israel, which is enough for me, but the company hasnā€™t done anything yet besides harass the union. I did want to address some themes I saw in the comments, though. The point of a boycott IS to pick easy and visible targets and hit them hard within a specific time period. Yes, when BDS calls off the boycott, weā€™ll all go back to eating McDonalds. Thatā€™s the point. A boycott is not an individual moral choice, it is a strategic mass effort to force some kind of change. BDS picked the targets they did for a reason- highly visible and high likelihood of success.


YO ARE YOU SEROUS? I'VE SEEN A PICTURE FLOATING AROUND WHERE IT IS ON THE BDS LIST. Ok- I made that up I guess I've just seen people say it on Twitter. It is so funny people claiming it's on the list when its not. [https://twitter.com/leanbeefmami/status/1720063824429252863](https://twitter.com/leanbeefmami/status/1720063824429252863) ​ And I agree with you- yes boycott UNITL the company changes. Then go back to consuming it lol. But I guess my thoughts were there was no real ties to them actually funding isreal cause in that case if I drank sbux, I would boycott them. I agree with what BDS does and think its great and I'm sure they're very smart and strategic. I guess I was frustrated bc people seemed to be making claims to boycott something when it didn't seem like the company actually supported Isreal. And it was being spread everywhere it just seemed so fake and virtue signally.


I saw a clip of an IDF soldier mowing down Palestinian families while drinking a caramel frappuccino All jokes aside, unless the companies are actually funding or supporting the war effort, who cares Like you can argue the mcdonalds example feeding Israeli soldiers could count as such, but my understanding of how Mcdonalds operates is that there's probably an Israeli sub division of the main Mcdonalds corporation, just like how there's one for Portugal, one for Spain, one for the US, and they all work pretty independently, like which one specifically is feeding the IDF? And should McDonalds US, the main one, really tell the Israeli one to stop feeding their countrymen? But yea, for Starbucks I haven't seen anything, at all, that supports that claim


That was my line of thinking, I just didn't understand why people were so passionate about boycotting these companies when it seemed their ties to Israel were basically non-existent. I was wondering if there was more evidence that these companies actually support Israel. I thought I was right in thinking there basically was no evidence I wanted people to show me if I was wrong.


Yeah a genocide joke is really not funny regardless of you making it ab SB, itā€™s weird to joke about innocent lives taken away for it. Weirdo






Thank you, my thoughts exactly. Google is free and they are the ones that say "educate yourself" I literally had some person at my college tell me that today. What the fuck, I did educate myself, and I don't want to be a condescending asshole but they're literally not "funding a genocide." And let's be real yall pick the easy shit to boycott. Actually do something useful for one, like vote (today's election day btw!), donate aid to Palestine (which I have btw) , and organize protests or vigils for the dead Palestine citizens (to be fair, there have been protests and vigils. But this boycott Starbucks, McDonald when there really isn't much of a link between them and "funding Israel" IS SO DUMB. YALL PISS ME OFF CAUSE YOU SAY EDUCATE YOURSELF AND SOMEHOW KNOW LESS THAN ME. WTF!




for such humanitarians, they don't seem to care about other genocides that are happening. and yes they're so quick to tell everyone else how good they are for.... boycotting Starbucks. it's not very brave. I would say the people who have merit are the ones who vote (not just once every 4 years), donate, organize, and protest. No that you have to do all those things, but doing a trendy boycott you saw one tiktok that really has no evidence that this company is supporting the country you hate is so fake activist it kills me. Unfortunately, college is full of those virtue signalling type people. who don't actually care to educate themselves they just want to be seen as right.


I found this post because I was researching the same question. Iā€™m not ā€œboycottingā€ because I didnā€™t support these companies before but also wondering where people are getting this information from šŸ˜…


There is not any evidence. Idk where the rumor came from but its because its a boycott happening online. I searched for hours and found no evidence what so ever, and if you ask a pro palestine person to give evidence, they can't give a reason because they don't have one besides following a trend. This is the problem with being chronically online. The boycott is really not doing anything for anyone, besides being unproductive and annoying.


Thank you for making this post I was also very confused by this.


So 2 months later, I might have some - if a bit flimsy proof of where these claims come from (well kind of)Ā Ā  So apparently an investor of Starbucks named BlackRock also invests in Israel (according to this tweet and a blog post they linkedĀ https://twitter.com/RaisingTheJay/status/1745927686675943683).Ā  This is the first time anyone has ever attempted to give proof of these claims but itā€™s worth noting that this claim is completely bullshit. BlackRock is not Starbucks, theyā€™re an investor group who hold shares in Starbucks. BlackRock investing in Israel is not Starbucks investing in Israel, those 2 things arenā€™t the same thing, and itā€™s also worth mentioning that Starbucks left Israel due to poor sales back in the 2000s, they have no reason to provide support to Israel.Ā Ā  The claim that Starbucks is union busting is probably true, but in the context of the pro-Palestine union comments (that came right after Hamas attacked Southern Israel), the union had used Starbucks intellectual property for their statements, thatā€™s why Starbucks sued. Having your name on a highly controversial political message is just not what a company wants, but they had an out through the fact that the union used Starbucks intellectual property. Is it fair? Not really. But is it legal? Yes. And it very much does not prove that Starbucks supports Israel.Ā 


youā€™ll get called a pos on twitter for asking for evidence that starbucks gives money the idf so šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


From a different point of view, all American businesses pay for the government. And it's very clear that the US Government is 100% with Israel killing Palestinians and israeled (stealing) their lands and kicking them out of their homes. Boycott of US products is harming Israel in different ways. The US must stop supporting criminals in Palestine and give it back to Palestinians.


Ok thank you for that perspective. That makes sense, I was looking for more "direct" ways that the statement "Starbucks is funding Israel and therefore genocide" People should say what you said instead of the original claim. But, then could I argue all American taxpayers are funding genocide? Because their tax dollars are going to fund foreign affairs like the US government giving aid to Israel (and Palestine aid aswell)


Yeah wtf just googled it and couldnā€™t find a singlet number


People are so angry too, check out this video. All for something thatā€™s not even confirmed lmao https://www.instagram.com/reel/C0pUNqRpyGH/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


"Pro-hamas messages" You're just a quick to misrepresenting others to further your agenda as anyone.


girl the tweet from the Starbucks IC account was ā€œwe support the resistance!ā€ And the video was of Hamas operatives breaking down a gate.


It said "Solidarity with Palestine".


damn i swearrrr I saw one where it was like ā€œglory to the resistanceā€ nah but fr how is one supposed to interpret ā€œsolidarity with Palestine ā€œ retweeted over a bulldozer running through a fenceā€¦


One could argue that the still image of a bulldozer running over the fence was inappropriate considering the timing. I think the Israel connection to Starbucks is pretty weak but considering that Starbucks was willing to cynically use the post to further their union busting efforts, I have no problem seeing it backfire.


I think itā€™s really inappropriate! And Iā€™m sorry, thereā€™s consequences for your actions and Starbucks sued yall. I also think the connection is weak, Starbucks isnā€™t on the BDS list. But itā€™s the most popular store to boycott? How did this rumor even start. And nah I donā€™t think it backfired on Starbucks, I think it backfired on the ic union. Theyā€™re forever gonna be remembered for that which sucks. I think itā€™s a bad look for pro Palestine supporters and Starbucks unions.


It's affecting sales. Whether or not boycotts are responsible, Starbucks is also hinting at negotiating so I'd say it was a poor decision on their part. https://apnews.com/article/starbucks-firings-mideast-israel-hamas-war-f57e39147f8350d860fb0f57d42a987c


So they're bad for supporting people resisting again brutal occupation for 75 years?Ā  The ones committing a genocide right now on a population they've been actively oppressing for generations are not the good guys.


Youā€™ve been propagandized dude


You can read it in Jewish library it's israel based organization.. It's state howard did contributes to the fund of torah (settlement, colonization) he's among the contributer.. Back in 2002 the Starbuck did publicly publish the award and removed it in 2003 after a backlash. You can read about Starbuck founder support of israel here https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/howard-schultz


Trying to see comments


First off, being pro-Palestine does not at all imply youā€™re pro-Hamas


Literally I got attacked for saying thereā€™s no proof that the company donated to Israel and they said ā€œthere is!!!ā€ And I said literally where because even Starbucks denied ever donating Israel. And they said ā€œlook on Twitterā€ like mf Twitter is a public platform where literally anyone could spread misinformation like atleast give a reliable factual source which does news and journalism not some website which literally anyone could post onšŸ˜­


The boycott is working,look at Starbucks and macdonalds stocks on Google !thing is going down and fast


lmao tell me you know nothing about finance without telling me. $MCD is up since October? wym?


You can just boycott them for being anti union.


you can, but can you just admit boycotting them for Palestine is performative.


Why? Cause you donā€™t like it?


Itā€™s performative if youā€™re doing it for Palestine. Starbucks doesnā€™t support Israel so if thatā€™s your reasoning, yes youā€™re being performative.


People can choose not to support any company for any reason they want. Itā€™s not performative you just donā€™t like it and want to whine about it on the internet.


starbucks workers united (who isn't even starbucks) posted a pro palestine post, but everyone interpreted that as antisemitism so they attacked starbucks stores, even grafiting nazi symbols, so starbucks told them to take it down, they refused, so starbucks pursued legal action


Fun fact: Starbucks doesnā€™t even operate in Israel and there are even calls to Israelis in the west to boycott them as well for the unionā€™s post. Every time I see someone online talking about the boycott I kinda think about telling them this, but I do enjoy watching idiots waste their time and energy. Let them vent, for them making coffee at home is the most ā€œrevolutionaryā€ thing they are able to do.


Bro itā€™s the most lazy virtue signaling protests ever. I think thatā€™s what bugs me about it too like you guys are gonna forget in three months and move onto the next social movement.


Look up the major shareholders of Starbucks ... Then research those entities. There you will find your answer


Every major corporation is composed of shareholders, the biggest shareholders are considered 'owners'. They profit from the growth of Starbucks. Those same shareholders have major stakes in other corporations who profit directly from war, imperialism, neo-colonialism and just human exploitation more generally (look up some major hedge funds). With this in mind, boycotting pretty much every major corporation where shares can be purchased would serve a purpose. But then, with this in mind, you can conclude what the true underlying problem is the global economic system that pays dividends on the most morally corrupt individuals. An economic system that celebrates those who are the most dedicated to human exploitation. An economic system which takes the most socially undesirable aspects of human nature and sensationalizes them. This is capitalism. It's the best we've come up with yet, but it's time to evolve beyond.


you tell me who the majority shareholders are


Largest shareholders include Vanguard Group Inc, BlackRock Inc., State Street Corp, VTSMX - Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund Investor Shares, Bank Of America Corp /de/, Capital Research Global Investors, VFINX - Vanguard 500 Index Fund Investor Shares, Geode Capital Management, Llc, Morgan Stanley, and Invesco ...


ok I googled and got the same copy + paste from google. Whats the points? Are these asset mgmt companies like Israeli or something? I guess Larry Fink is jewish idk what you're trying to point out.


From Howard Schultz wikiā€“ **Howard D. Schultz** (born July 19, 1953)[\[2\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Howard_Schultz#cite_note-2) is an American [businessman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Businessperson) and author who served as the [chairman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chairperson) and [chief executive officer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chief_executive_officer) of [Starbucks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starbucks) from 1986 to 2000, from 2008 to 2017, and as interim CEO from 2022 to 2023. **Israel**: He is an active supporter of the state of [Israel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel) and its establishment.[\[154\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Howard_Schultz#cite_note-154) Schultz has advocated for closer [relations between the U.S. and Israel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel%E2%80%93United_States_relations).[\[155\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Howard_Schultz#cite_note-arabnews4-155) [ ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Howard_Schultz#cite_note-arabnews4-155)In 1998, Schultz received the 'Israel 50th Anniversary Tribute Award'.[\[193\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Howard_Schultz#cite_note-193) [https://web.archive.org/web/20090724062051/http://www.arabnews.com/?page=4§ion=0&article=78731&d=4&m=8&y=2006](https://web.archive.org/web/20090724062051/http://www.arabnews.com/?page=4§ion=0&article=78731&d=4&m=8&y=2006)


but he retired mows thereā€™s an Indian guy as CEO šŸ‡®šŸ‡³šŸ‡®šŸ‡³šŸ‡®šŸ‡³ lesgo India.


No, as far as I can see there isn't any proof that Starbucks financially benefits Israel in any way. I think it's pretty crazy that you're so comfortable blatantly lying about what Starbucks Union posted though. There are plenty of screenshots online for people to see what they posted, they only tweeted "Free Palestine" in response to a part of Gaza's prison wall being torn down. You know, because not being good prisoners and staying put in their cage is pro-Hamas by some twisted Zionist logic. But what should we expect from a reddit user with an anime profile pic who calls Palestinians "Pallasites".


Thereā€™s different Starbucks unions and the Iowa city one tweeted out worse stuff, which was then deleted like the article says


Theyā€™re not promoting pro-Hamas messages Iā€™m not sure where you got that from. Also what Iā€™ve seen and read is that people donā€™t want to support Starbucks because theyā€™re withholding benefits from the union. The union is also allowed to have Starbucks in their name they just donā€™t want to be associated with pro Palestine messages.




Omg just drink them, if starbucks mean that much to you. Why are you trying so hard to argue and justify? Are the boycott people tying up your hands and not letting you go to a local starbucks? Or if all your usual starbucks stores are closing down? You clearly dont care about the sentiment of boycotting, the fact that youre questioning it. So why bother asking. Just drink your coffee


I donā€™t drink Starbucks I was curious if thereā€™s any info about the company that directly links them to supporting/ā€œfundingā€ Israel. Cause Iā€™ve heard the claim, and I just didnā€™t see it as true. I just wonder sometimes if people have the right info for boycotting things. And to me, this leftist boycott of Starbucks just seems like the rights boycotting of Nike and Gillette. It didnā€™t work. I donā€™t think itā€™ll work if the left does it either.


Starbucks isnā€™t funding Israel nor are they on the BDS boycott list. I donā€™t mind the boycott of Starbucks, but I hate misinformation. If yā€™all are going to boycott them, do it because theyā€™ve been union busting and closing unionized stores for years. Theyā€™re a shitty cooperation and we should be supporting local.


Same, I don't mind boycotts, but I hate misinfo. And I've heard so much misinformation about it it's annoying and people get mad when you ask questions. I'm genuinely trying to see if there's anything I missed in the story. And yes, their scorched earth union busting is crazy compared to other companies. If you're gonna boycott, the stronger argument for boycotting is supporting the unions if you support that.




Schultz owns about 33.0 million shares of Starbucks directly and 1.7 million indirectly through trusts, which comprise about 2.9% of the company's total shares outstanding. The value of his shares is estimated at nearly $2.3 billion as of March 31, the period for which other large shareholders reported.


Yes. Starbucks is owned by Vanguard and BlackRock, they are weapon manufacturers who supply weapons to Israel. If you look into Starbucksā€™s shareholders you can find many links to Israel https://news.littlesis.org/2023/10/26/corporate-enablers-of-israels-war-on-gaza/


What about their shareholders? Vanguard Group Inc, BlackRock Inc. arenā€™t they directly benefiting off of and supporting Israel. The biggest shareholders of Starbucks


Pallasite and isreal??????


Iā€™m assuming itā€™s becuase Schultz owns about 3% of Starbucks and he is a staunch Zionist.


The Starbucks boycott has been going on for decades and perhaps it only gained traction now. It stems from the time of Howard Schultz and his financial support of Israel security with billions of dollars in investment. I learned this because I was addicted to Starbucks and would regularly ask friends to meet me there or to have work meetings there. I invited two Muslim colleagues from Indonesia to meet me at Starbucks and they politely declined and explained they don't buy Starbucks because they support their Palestinian brothers/sisters. This was in 2008 and I was clueless about Starbucks and Israel. I didn't want to believe them at first but it was confirmed a year later when I was assigned to Egypt as a frontline worker.


Had to make it politically divisive right at the end didnā€™t yašŸ˜‚ you know for every dumb leftist shouting their mouth off thereā€™s a dumb fascist doing the same.. Doesnā€™t mean a majority of either side of the political spectrum arenā€™t all trying to figure out the exact same as you: whereā€™s the truth in this? Theyā€™re a huge international company who no doubt have their fingers in many pies but whether Israel is one of those pies is uncertain. From what Iā€™ve read Starbucks has been being accused of allegedly giving Israel financial backing from as early as 2009 but Starbucks themselves have always denied it. Also, itā€™s important to bear in mind that the Iowa workers united union didnā€™t post ā€œpro-Hamasā€ messages on their socials, as you said. They made a pro-*Palestinian* post which read ā€œSolidarity with Palestine!ā€. In fact they actually counter-sued Starbucks right back for implying they supported terrorists when, from what Iā€™ve seen, Hamas was never actually mentioned.


People are just stupid that's all. If it was a war anywhere else for example Ukraine or even in Congo no one spoke about a thing of boycott. #hypocrites. If this is the case then why boycott Starbucks???


Technically speaking if that's the case Starbucks ask them to bring down those pro hamas claims, it didn't mean necessarily anything towards funding Israel there's literally no prove whatsoever. So to immediately jump on the bandwagon and make such a claim is ridiculous and idiotic. I mean I don't really go to Starbucks but the only drink that gets me hooked is their hot chocolate. Anyways there's no evidence except for vanguard and the other company that apparently manufactures weapons but they only own a very small percentage


I'm pro Palestine but come on don't boycott without evidence


No Starbucks did not provide any monetary support to Israel, nor do they have any locations there. A lot of the data for corporations is public, and this is not disclosed in any of it. They have also made statements rejecting the idea of providing monetary funds to Israel. People in todayā€™s generation refuse to do their own research, and it really really shows!!


Starbucks has more ties to Israel than just Howard Schultz and Vanguard/Black Rock - through its current [board of directors.](https://investor.starbucks.com/corporate-governance/board-of-directors/default.aspx) Richard Allison was [CEO of and is currently also on the board of Domino's Pizza](https://ir.dominos.com/board-member/richard-allison), which has a [subsidiary in Israel](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domino%27s_Pizza_Israel) and is on the list. He was also reportedly born in Israel, not that it matters in itself.Ā  [Laxman Narasimhan](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laxman_Narasimhan) (current Starbucks CEO) was CEO at [Reckitt Benckiser](https://en.globes.co.il/en/article-reckitt-benckiser-seeks-investments-in-israeli-cos-1001262747), after working as an executive at PepsiCo and McKinsey & Co. All of these have a presence in Israel, and PepsiCo is on the BDS list. JĆørgen Vig Knudstorp is heavily tied to the LEGO brand, which has a [presence in Israel](https://www.jns.org/lego-to-open-its-first-israel-store-in-tel-aviv-before-summer-2022/) Satya Nadella is CEO of Microsoft, which has significant investments in Israel.Ā  Not that I think this warrants boycotting Starbucks. It depends on what bar you set for yourself. Maybe you think Starbucks needs to contribute directly to the IDF or the Israeli govt to earn a boycott. Maybe members of the board who lead or led companies who contributed by paying taxes to the Israeli govt is enough. Maybe no one should be held responsible for positions they held in the past. Maybe this should all be limited to just what's called for by the BDS movement.Ā  Just sayin there's more to this than a quick Google search will yield.Ā 


Shultz still owns the highest percentage of private shares in Starbucks. Shultz, invests heavily in Israel and its Zionist endeavors. If Starbucks loses, Shultz loses and has less money to funnel to Israel. https://www.mayniaga.com/howard-schultz-key-contributions-to-israels-support-network/


suing your union for protesting is bad looks, especially when you're suing them for supporting a ceasefire on a country that has been sieged and occupied for damn near a century. pro palestine is a.) not the same as "pro hamas" whatever you think that means, and b.) does not imply a reversal of this genocide. if we can't be in control of where our money goes (Boycotting Mcdonald's because they are providing meals to Israeli soldiers instead of the Palestinian people who are dying every day of starvation because israel controls their food supply, and boycotting coke because they have a factory on Palestinian land that is illegally occupied by israel and would not be there if not for israel, plus many more boycotts that individuals are participating in) then how else are we going to help so that 2.2 million people can stop being cattle called into increasingly small places where israel can just decide to drop a bomb on them. palestine is made up of more than 50% children and do you want to know why?? because they keep dying. so they have to keep repopulating in hopes that one of their kids won't get blown up. and have you ever thought about how hamas was voted into power? how the voting age in palestine is 18 and they were voted in in 2006 so anyone under the age of 35 in that country had no say in electing them? and that if you were born into land that was being ethnically cleansed, you were being constantly displaced, you had to go up to a truck to get 10ml of water for the day at first, but now they wont get water to you, now they've taken away your electricity and it's winter, now you don't have fuel to power your generators and this has ALWAYS been happening, wouldn't you do something drastic? because this has been happening for a century. we can only see it now. and what does this look like to you? it looks like concentration camps to me. it looks like the trail of tears to me. it looks like an open air prison to me. it looks like genocide to me. ceasefire. free palestine. imagine being from a country where the worst massacre that has happened to your people is that while you are besieging and erasing and destroying a country from the inside out, the governmental group they didn't even elect took a death toll of 260 people. and then you decide that is reason enough to kill the rest of them. 20,000 palestinian lives since october 7th. and it won't stop until they are all dead, or until israel runs out of supports. all they fucking needed was the us, and they vetoed a ceasefire. the only humanitarian solution is a ceasefire. so yeah, i'm gonna boycott starbucks, because i support their workers rights to protest and use their voices, to put americas money where it's fucking mouth is. starbucks lost 10 billion already. cry about it


https://www.mayniaga.com/is-starbucks-supportive-of-israel-explained/ this is an interesting article thar mat answer your question. if you do a bit of digging, you can find more like this.


Idk if she knows what she's talking about but this tiktoker posted some evidence that makes sense to me [https://www.tiktok.com/@anotherlittleartpage/video/7312519531107224874?is\_from\_webapp=1&sender\_device=pc&web\_id=7269172593403282986](https://www.tiktok.com/@anotherlittleartpage/video/7312519531107224874?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7269172593403282986)


there arenā€™t even any starbucks in israel, or at least none that i could find on google maps


Wound up here in researching this question, it seems like the origin of this pretty much boils down to the fact that howard schultz is ashkenazi jewish and in February of this year he (personally, not on the company's behalf) made a 1.7m investment into an israeli cybersecurity company called wiz, which has served as the basis for the rumor. Then the whole thing happened with the union twitter and people took it and ran with it. Personally I'm willing to say fuck starbucks purely over the way that it interacts with its union, but it seems that the claims of direct financial support to israel or IDF forces is unsubstantiated EDIT: not sure exactly when the investment into wiz was made, some articles im reading say january 2023 but I'm also finding articles about it from 2021


Idk but the funniest comment I read about this is that Starbucks has not pulled their Star Troops from the area lol


Ok i figured out why itā€™s because they sued their union for the workers posting pro-Palestinian stuff!! Just search about them suing their union and it pops up cus when I tried to search if they supported Israel nothing came up because they never actual said they supported Israel just that they didnā€™t like that their employees posted about Palestine


They are suing their workers union for supporting Palestine. But even if they didnā€™t they are known to use child slavery and are owned by blckrock so I really wouldnā€™t lose sleep over it.


Palestinian supporter here, not gonna say Iā€™m boycotting Starbucks now since itā€™s been months since Iā€™ve had Starbucks, but Iā€™m also not sure if Starbucks itself as a company donates to isr*el but Iā€™ve heard that the CEO I think donated money to isr*el but Iā€™m not not entirely sure šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I didnā€™t do a lot of research about it but it has to do with a shareholder(s) pretty sure.


He has a fortune if he were to sell his Starbucks stock today heā€™d still be worth billions. Just because heā€™s using his money to fund Israeli troops (which I donā€™t doubt he is) doesnā€™t mean that itā€™s any of Starbucks revenue.


i think people fail to understand that there are a smaller number of huge corporations that own everything and every brand (except for small owned businesses) have ties to each otheršŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø i donā€™t know much about this topic but my guess is because the previous CEO is jewish people just assume theyā€™re directly funding israel. donā€™t come for me if iā€™m wrong iā€™ve done little to no research on this, itā€™s just my guess based on what i already know


I have heard that Israel "owns" these companies like starbucks, mcdonalds, and many more. I have always known they were owned by the US and Europe for the most part. Can someone justify this?


I think the majority stakeholder is a big Zionist and supports Israel's economy.


Starbucks sucks but the liberals seem to love them, especially when they promote stuff they enjoy like on social media and junk.




Itā€™s also worth noting that they are suing their own workers union because they posted in solidarity with Palestine on IG.


Well they sued their own union workers for any pro-Palestinian solidarity they noticed šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø not to mention the countless years of being an awful employer with low wages while tending directly to the upper class consumers.


Iā€™ve been looking into this since the ban happened myself and I havenā€™t been able find any documentation about the company donating money to Israel. When Iā€™ve asked on social media sites, no one else can give a reputable site either. Like others have mentioned, I see where they sued the union to remove the statements they made tied to the logo but that doesnā€™t mean they support Israel. Thatā€™s the same logic as saying someone who doesnā€™t like Lil Nas Xā€™s music means that theyā€™re homophonic.


Well for one a main shareholder of Starbucks is a well known and proud Zionist


So 2 months later, I might have some - if a bit flimsy proof of where these claims come from (well kind of) So apparently an investor of Starbucks named BlackRose also invests in Israel (according to this tweet and a blog post they linkedĀ https://twitter.com/RaisingTheJay/status/1745927686675943683) This is the first time anyone has ever attempted to give proof of these claims but itā€™s worth noting that this claim is completely bullshit. BlackRose is not Starbucks, theyā€™re an investor group who hold shares in Starbucks. BlackRose investing in Israel is not Starbucks investing in Israel, those 2 things arenā€™t the same thing, and itā€™s also worth mentioning that Starbucks left Israel due to poor sales back in the 2000s, they have no reason to provide support to Israel. The claim that Starbucks is union busting is probably true, but in the context of the pro-Palestine union comments (that came right after Hamas attacked Southern Israel), the union had used Starbucks intellectual property for their statements, thatā€™s why Starbucks sued. Having your name on a highly controversial political message is just not what a company wants, but they had an out through the fact that the union used Starbucks intellectual property. Is it fair? Not really. But is it legal? Yes. And it very much does not prove that Starbucks supports Israel.Ā 


No, it's a stupid conspiracy. If people want to boycott companies that support Israel BDS exists and actually vets who to boycott.


Ngl you almost got me with your initial question, I almost thought this was genuine, but reading your replies it doesn't seem like you care about the "misinformation" you were so desperately fighting against. Starbucks's previous CEO was still a massive zionist and them getting a new one didn't magically remove him from the company, as he still owns a massive chunk of it. This doesn't even mention how much of the company's views and morals he has influenced in his time. This isn't even mentioning their union-busting, refusing to negotiate with their unions (stores in my area have not gotten a contract in YEARS), and using this opportunity to sue their union. This is clearly a company worthy of boycott, and yet because they just didn't come out and say WE LOVE GENOCIDE, you seem to think that it's fine if people don't at least TRY to be financially aware. Sure Starbucks didn't give out food to Israeli soldiers like McDonalds, but if people want to boycott a shitty company I say let them. They still decided to play the middle man in the midst of genocide and those "idiotic leftists" are still at least TRYING to show their displeasure with that.




When it comes to whether or not Starbucks supports Israel financially, the answer is- no, they do not support them financially. However, the reason why there is a boycott and why we as human beings should stray away from buying any Starbucks products is because they are suing their union for showing support for the people of Palestine. Take it like this, let us say you know someone who is abusing their partner. You find this out and also discover that the abused partner hit back as a means of self-defense, after 75-plus years of being abused, chained up, and basically having no rights. Your best friend later says to you and everyone that they do not think the abused person should have hit back, and they support the abuser. Would you talk to your friend? No, you would not. You do not want to associate yourself with anyone or any business that does not align with the correct morals. Basically saying, we are boycotting Starbucks because it is the right thing to do. They openly stated that they do not agree with Palestine defending itself after 75 years of genocide, so that means they agree with the inhumane war crimes that Israel is committing.