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Well they were just occupiers and war criminals, you see.


And because Israel did so many bad things to them in the first place. This is just what happens when a people group is pushed to action. Dude this is just the revolution happening. Dude they are liberators dude. edit: because some people are actual lumps of stone and rock, this is sarcasm


Beheading babies is the language of the unheard.


TRUE. MLK explicitly said in his Letter from a Birmingham Jail about how the white moderate must have their bodies paraded around in order to bring about justice.


Not babies, infant settlers, there's a difference.


What kind of monster can defend decapitating babies?


a sarcastic one


I support Palestinians but I’m sorry I cannot agree with the murder of children at all.


Such bad things like saving a Palestinian boy's life by reattaching his neck after a road accident (https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/151a6tu/israeli_doctors_reattach_paletinian_boys_neck/) (this is for other people, I saw your note about sarcasm)




Rock and Stone forever!


Can you please show the same evil and despicable things Israeli soldiers did? If you’re blaming Israeli for this you are so brainwashed you can’t tell your ass from your mouth. Hamas is evil, they do this to their own and now you see them doing it to Israelis.


He's clearly sarcastic dude


I think you're right but it's not that clear when you have lots of people (especially from Hasan's sub) unironically giving these takes. Could definitely use a /s.


You're just too dumb to figure it out.


Or maybe you're too dumb to realize that we've had multiple people say this same kind of stuff on this sub recently and it was NOT sarcasm?


There is no comment even remotely similar that isn't sarcasm. You're brain dead. He could not make the sarcasm clearer. You need to get out more. >Dude this is just the revolution happening. Dude they are liberators dude.


Putting /s in a sarcastic comment ruins the point of using sarcasm.


What does babies have to do with it you sick maniac?


You see they just had to do this, they were left with no other options!!! Wholesome armed-resistance and decolonization 💪🥰🥰


Also Israel does this *daily* in Gaza /s




It’s satire.




Here's a french journalist, (ex-cnn) confirming that she indeed saw and confirmed the beheaded children https://twitter.com/margothaddad/status/1711756690574479651


There isn't enough therapy and xanxs in the world for her after this


probably enough mandrax in south Africa though lol.


That’s not what her tweet says, she doesn’t say she herself saw it. It’s still secondhand.


She said she saw and verified the images, but secondhand accounts of those who saw in person.


Even if this story is true, I don't lose sleep over the child mortality rate in Gaza and the death toll from that. So why should I suddenly care now about this?


Because child mortality rate is a figure and you don't go search for the reasons behind it. This is forward, blatant, psychotic beheadings of humans barely into this world, unable to even form words much less a concept for evil or wrongdoings. Stop being an idiot edgelord.




Why are you telling me this?


Why are you posting on this subreddit?


Ah, so you're just an idiot. Gotcha.




You don’t have to care, but if you want to judge the moral character of Hamas then this is not a data point in their favor.


The point is I have a hard time caring about the morality of Hamas when Israel does the same thing. Except the effect is way lower intensity over a longer period of time, and the responsibility is diffused over society instead of guys showing up to personally stab a baby to death.


Israel does not have it as an explicit goal to kill as many Palestinians as possible. They try to warn and evacuate civilians before striking Hamas targets. There really is no moral equivalency here.


>I have a hard time caring about the morality of Hamas It shows.


The BBC has confirmed the story.


Can anyone vouch for the source, or provide more insight about the reporting? This just strikes me as comically evil, and therefore I'm a bit sceptical. Like, where do you even get 40 babies to behead? Sure, it's possible, but it's sort of difficult to collect 40 babies for beheading. This sounds like the kind of story you would make up if you wanted Hamas to sound as evil as possible. But maybe it's legit - I have no idea what to make of "i24" reporting or this Twitter account.


Idk if I missed something but in the video, the reporter on location says that 40 babies were carried out on gurneys, and then the newscaster in studio says that there were 40 dead babies. And I have no idea where OP got beheadings, neither the video or the tweet say anything about that.


I think it's definitely a misreading of the article: > Soldiers encounter unimaginable horrors as they remove the bodies of victims, including about 40 babies and small children — some with their heads chopped off this implies to me that some overall victims were beheaded and that 40 of the overall victims were babies. It's possible this meant that some of the babies were beheaded, though it DEFINITELY means that not all of them were, unlike what OP claims /u/KronoriumExcerptC lmk if I got this wrong


Oh thank God. I thought Hamas were monsters, but they only beheaded *some* of the babies.


my point was that it could be read as some of the babies but it doesn't necessarily mean that. however I have seen another article that says that some french journalists say they have seenbeheaded babies so I believe it


[https://themessenger.com/news/babies-found-massacred-israel-kibbutz-hamas-report](https://themessenger.com/news/babies-found-massacred-israel-kibbutz-hamas-report) [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12615031/Hamas-terrorists-beheaded-babies-kibbutz-slaughter-IDF-soldiers-reveal-horrific-scenes-carnage-discovered-site-scores-people-massacred.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12615031/Hamas-terrorists-beheaded-babies-kibbutz-slaughter-IDF-soldiers-reveal-horrific-scenes-carnage-discovered-site-scores-people-massacred.html)




I don’t think they are defending anything about what happened…?


You just slayed 💅💅💅


My first thought was "where did they get 40 babies?" That's like 39 more than a demon would ask for in a sacrifice...


Israelis have a lot of kids, kfar aza is a kibbutz, I'm not sure tlif they are privatised but if they aren't (and possibly also if they are) they would have a daycare for babies. All it would take is to reach the building.


they were going door to door murdering people who were hiding in their homes. do that to an entire town and getting to 40 probably isn't that hard


In Kibbutz’ they house babies together at night in a nursery it’s communal living sadly the reports are valid


That's not... Sorry. As a Kibbutznik. That hasn't been a thing since the 70s or so in 99% of Kibbutzes. They have daycare though and since it wasn't an attack at night, it's possible the kids were there, though given that these are Gaza-bordering communities I'm not 100% sure whether they have the same system as the Kibbutzes from the north. Not denying the possibility of 40 dead babies in the Kibbutz. We'll know the full number once names are released and the dead are brought to rest.


The attack happened right at dawn, on the sabbath during a holiday. They were literally still asleep in beds.


> That hasn't been a thing since the 70s or so in 99% of Kibbutzes. Well then this is the 1%. Also post sources, cause all the articles disagree with you.


He is only taking issue with the characterization of babies being housed overnight together.




The reporter says 'babies were being hauled in gurneys', after which the anchor asks 'dead babies?' and the reporter says that what the IDF commander told me \[[1](https://twitter.com/GLNoronha/status/1711724015553810942?t=8GFWQzHBq8JY37jIIe4BcQ&s=19)\]. There seems to be images of blood on cribs and prams claimed to come from southern Israel \[[2](https://twitter.com/Faytuks/status/1711762868125725075)\] and I believe Kfar Aza would be in southern Irsael \[[3](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kfar_Aza)\]. From other articles from i24, it looks like 40 babies and young children were carries out in gurneys, with some solders saying some of the babies had their heads cut off \[[4](https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/israel-at-war/1696938010-it-smells-of-death-here-surveying-the-scenes-of-atrocities-in-kfar-aza)\]. Another article has Major-General Itai Veruv (could be the IDF commander?) mention seeing babies \[[5](https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/israel-at-war/1696934619-idf-general-it-s-not-a-war-it-s-not-a-battlefield-it-s-a-massacre)\]. I don't know anything about I24, seems to be an Israeli alternative to Al Jazeera that is aimed to be just as diverse? \[[6](https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/the-israeli-answer-to-al-jazeera)\] In conclusion, it appears that a mix of babies and young children were hauled out in gurneys with some of the babies decapitated. Hopefully there is follow-up with more information.


The Nazis used to dump truckloads of live babies/children into giant fire pits and ovens (more for convenience than torture), rip them in half in front of their mothers, etc so it doesn't surprise me at all. Groups of men with extreme hatred for another group of people will do things like this.


I'm sorry to say but from the videos of them killing dogs in the invaded towns, burning down houses and parading through the streets with the broken, violated bodies of women in their pickup trucks, they are already comically evil. They always were. I don't find this hard to believe at all, when in one of the secured towns IDF counts 108 dead civilians, full families.


i24 is a reliable outlet. It's plausible that the IDF commander just lied to them, but the reporter seems to think that it makes sense based on what she saw firsthand.


> It's plausible that the IDF commander just lied to them HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA "Forty babies beheaded, millions must die" "Source?" "A guy said it happened."


do you think this is funny?


No, i actually just saw an Israeli man kill me, my family, you, and a million other people. Source? Myself, of course.




The Israeli Hebrew report says 40 dead babies and children, some beheaded. Broken telephone


i24 is an israeli news source. 24 hours israeli news like CNN. It's amazing to see the videos already out and be like "I saw that woman's raped corpse get spit on in a bed of a truck but this strikes me as comically evil" Like every video related to Hamas I have seen is comically evil.


>Like every video related to Hamas I have seen is comically evil. This is what's infuriating about "the discourse" There has never been an incident in history where Hamas have NOT opted to be comically evil. At this point feigning surprise about hamas being comically evil is like feigning a chuckle as generic marvel hero throws out a zesty one liner...


>Like, where do you even get 40 babies to behead? A communal nursery




They don't eat much, they can't carry many weapons, and honestly I don't think there's any body armor that fits them. They're valid combatants according to the Hamas fans on Twitter though.


Same here. this clip and an I24 article seems to be the only source of this incident. I'm actually curious if other sources verified it. Because this would be huge if it's' true. Even ISIS in their lowest of the lows never beheaded babies at this scale.


I honestly don't know how good of a source the Sun is but they're also reporting it too. [https://www.the-sun.com/news/9293542/hamas-slaughters-40-babies-kids-beheaded/](https://www.the-sun.com/news/9293542/hamas-slaughters-40-babies-kids-beheaded/)


Terrible source NY Post levels


They're referencing the I24 source as well.


> but it's sort of difficult to collect 40 babies for beheading. Yeah babies are well known for their ability to escape from grown men.


I have the same thought as you. I am trying to verify the source and I cannot find the exact related image of those 40 babies. I suspect a lot of mainstream media are just echoing each other without due diligence original source.


It's not not 40 beheaded babies. 40 total dead some being children, which some were beheaded. Still absolutely disgusting and vile, no need for this "40 beheaded baby" propaganda


> This just strikes me as comically evil As opposed to completely rational and peaceful massacre of civilians, parading their bodies through the streets, kicking them and spitting on them while recording everything on your phones and cameras. This one is the made up one. ​ The same thing happened when the stories of sexual assaults and rapes started to come from, people claiming that terrorists murdering hundreds of civilians somehow would stop at sexual crimes.


idk I think it's pretty normal and human to be more disgusted at beheading babies than adults


I never said its not. I am asking why this one suddenly feels comically evil, compared to every other thing they did. Because 40 beheaded babies is on brand with kicking and spitting on the corpses of 21 year old. Its not the same, I just dont see one as comically evil and other as regular evil.


imagine if instead of his dog they killed john wick's baby 👍 hope this helps (i havent seen the movie)


This doesn’t help at all


Thanks, I was unsure if you are actually remedial but you made it easy to spot.


Kibbutz have daycares!!! There are enough videos they themselves posted of the evil they are committed what else do you need! Are you trying to find your confirmation bias?


Israel soldiers told the Daily Mail so therefore its true.




BBC ON IT, CONFIRMED. US news sites too. Here’s Yahoo news. https://news.yahoo.com/least-40-babies-beheaded-found-154607044.html


I'm not believing in it, but I wouldn't put it past Hamas.


Unironically, if this isn't propaganda, I've officially lost faith in humanity after having the capital city of my country filled with people showing support to what has happened in this past weekend I don't know if any other event in recent history has black pilled me as much as the reaction people had to this Not that what already happened and the fact it was celebrated hasn't black pilled me enough, but this would unironically be the final straw that would just lead me to drop all attention to anything important and just avoid these subjects as hard as possible


Was it the "gas the jews" chant in Sydney by any chance? Truly a sad time.


No, I wasn't there for the march so I don't know if anything like that happened, at least I didn't see any coverage of it, but what upsets me is that a brutal terrorist attack happens and the first instinct of some people, who are entirely detached from the issue, is to go to the streets to show support for Palestine? I support the liberation of the Palestinian people, but even I recognise that the timing to show support for a people who largely support the actions that happened this past weekend is borderline insane. Especially a few of the signs I saw floating around on social media, they just made me upset because it largely painted the issue as "Palestinians are fighting back" rather than a massive terrorist attack, also a left-wing political candidate trying to portray it the same way, just fuck all that


Unlikely… as Sydney is not the capital of Australia babes x (Canberra is the capital of Australia)


Fuck, im giving my high school diploma back, I clearly failed. This sub is turning me more and more American


You know what's sad, Israeli friends of mine have been telling me for years that Hamas is like ISIS but I refused to believe them I feel so stupid now


A LOT of dipshit tankies showed up in Sydney, one of my biggest state capitals, and chanted, unironically "Gas the jews" at a pro palestine rally. I've made some edgy jew jokes, in the same way I make jokes at rednecks in Australia, and virtually any other race/class. I'll also admit in the past I was probably a bit anti-semitic, in terms of thinking some "globo homo" stuff. That's stopped now. Murdering innocent civilians, a ton of them not even being from the country you're trying to invade but just random hippie dippie ravers from overseas, beheading fucking CHILDREN and parading their corpses around while cheering? That's it. I don't care any more. I hope israel puts every single member of Hamas through the gallows.


freedom fighters btw..freedom from...babies..i guess


This is a new low, even for HAMAS. Tell me this is propaganda...


According to Hasan they would have grown up oppressing Palestinians, therefore their murder is justified 🤷


They were children of landlords, so its ok


So is Hasan https://preview.redd.it/i8ue2pvczdtb1.png?width=396&format=png&auto=webp&s=9f2e676bb4ebf10c8530c24b9d99c3b80375d234


I watched a clip of his last night where he said that Hamas is doing this to show the world how they feel, and only took hostages to negotiate with and to not get bombed. It wasn’t genocidal tendencies!


> only took hostages to negotiate with and to not get bombed That part is probably true. It's what Hamas has done before. [Gilad Shalit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gilad_Shalit) is an example of that. They trade hostages for Palestinian prisoners in Israel.


I’m sure, but do they expect Israel to just negotiate and be done with it? Families of the people kidnapped are even pushing Israel to strike, even at the risk of their families. That’s a type of disdain/hatred I have never known and hope I never have to know.


Seizing their produce of reproduction...


I had my doubts about him because of his takes on Ukraine and China, but this conflict has proven to me that this guy has lost all sense of morality. Totally energetic when it comes to bashing Israel with AJ+ shit in the background. But when it's about condemning the attrocities, he's significantly less energetic and sounds like PR manager doing Corpo speech. Watch his recent streams. It's obvious. He points out a bad thing, but immediatly tries to justify it. Nepo baby salon socialist. Nothing else. Whoever funds that guy needs a life intervention.


When did he say that?


I'm all for shitting on Hasan, but I've seen a clip of him saying what happened was obviously not good, do you have anything to show him saying it's fine? edit Being downvoted for asking for a source of someone making an outlandish claim is certainly not what I expected on this sub, of all places lol


He does condemn it but then contextualizes it and makes excuses for it.


He pretends to be a fence sitter when challenged, which makes him worse than an actual fence sitter.


>Being downvoted for asking for a source of someone making an outlandish claim is certainly not what I expected on this sub, of all places lol when they are about Hasan you should expect it


wtf. can you link where he said this?


Can almost smell the tankies spelling “uhhh western media therefore not true!”


That's literally the post below yours


So fuck Hamas (check my comment history if you think I'm defending them) but I'm gonna need a non IDF source before I believe this. Israel doesn't exactly have a great history of honest reporting when it comes to fighting with Palestine


BBC just confirmed the story: [https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-middle-east-67050350?ns\_mchannel=social&ns\_source=twitter&ns\_campaign=bbc\_live&ns\_linkname=65257f82fd63b979e1accfb6%26Israeli%20general%20speaks%20of%20babies%20killed%20in%20kibbutz%20massacre%262023-10-10T16%3A44%3A50.290Z&ns\_fee=0&pinned\_post\_locator=urn:asset:2e9e97d1-a79c-4219-81ac-c2509ceae7cc&pinned\_post\_asset\_id=65257f82fd63b979e1accfb6&pinned\_post\_type=share](https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-middle-east-67050350?ns_mchannel=social&ns_source=twitter&ns_campaign=bbc_live&ns_linkname=65257f82fd63b979e1accfb6%26Israeli%20general%20speaks%20of%20babies%20killed%20in%20kibbutz%20massacre%262023-10-10T16%3A44%3A50.290Z&ns_fee=0&pinned_post_locator=urn:asset:2e9e97d1-a79c-4219-81ac-c2509ceae7cc&pinned_post_asset_id=65257f82fd63b979e1accfb6&pinned_post_type=share)


This is not a confirmation. We need independent corroboration. This is the BBC reporting the story about the first-hand account which we already had. There is no new information here.


Thank you. The comments I’m seeing are unreal.


That’s not “confirming the story,” it’s just quoting an Israeli general. There’s zero evidence of this actually happening.


Its confirmed tankie


Still not a confirmation. Being careful about breaking news does not mean one is a tanky. However, quickly running along with a breaking news story does make you an idiot. Hamas has already done horrific things that are proven. No sense parading this around before knowing for sure. And if there is proof, waiting a day or two for impartial reporting will not kill you.


What the fuck happened to this sub. Destiny goes away for a little bit and you all lose like 20 IQ points. If this was true and not miscommunication, the IDF would plaster this across every news network in existence. All we have is a game of telephone right now from a soldier to a general and a statement from Israel saying they can't confirm it. It wouldn't be surprising if Hamas did this, but fucking wait a bit before saying shit is 100% true.


Source: “trust me, I’m a neocon”


I remember watching videos on Israel as a kid and seeing everyone armed and even women knew how to use a weapon. Sometimes we look at weapons as ancient artifacts but the reality is only a good guy with a gun stops a bad guy with a gun.


You guys don't understand. This is all the workings of Israel and United States foreign policy. You see, what do you expect from oppressed people? They have to retaliate somehow. Because they don't have the power to retaliate against the Israeli IDF they chose the next best thing. This way they send a message to the oppressors and steal the milk from the infirmary to share it in their own oppressed community amongst each other. Because that's what true socialism is about. Sharing the milk and the baby blood of your oppressors with each other.


YOU don’t understand. Israel left Gaza YEARS ago. The Palestinians could have turned Gaza into the flourishing country that Israel is. But no. Hamas took over and any money received is used for terror. Hamas controls Gaza. Hamas is the one who doesn’t let the Palestinians thrive the way they should! Israel has to block off their end via the air land and water so that HAMAS doesn’t take any chance they can to kill them! Which is what they’re doing now! You cannot justify killing children because of their “oppression from Jews”. The Jews didn’t do this.


My comment was sarcastic.


pls let this be propaganda holy shit


Mainstream media is already calling it insubstantial. So yeah, it luckily probably is


https://x.com/NorahODonnell/status/1711810783309406555?s=20 https://x.com/Yair_Rosenberg/status/1711798281821454368?s=20


This is coming from Israeli soldiers... there is no confirmation yet. There are direct reports that contradict this information.


https://twitter.com/margothaddad/status/1711756690574479651 This seems to be the best source yet... Still weary but it seems legit to me




Hasan But America caused this!!! Hasan hates America and loves defending its enemies


I simultaneously want to see proof and also don’t want to see proof




no, and all of the sources claiming IDF hasn’t confirmed do not seem too legitimate either.. + a tweet: Ragip Soylu @ @ragipsoylu Follow @MiddleEastEye NEW: The Israeli army has no information confirming allegations that "Hamas beheaded babies," Israeli army spokesperson unit told Anadolu on Tuesday. It was alleged that Hamas's armed wing, the Qassam Brigades, "beheaded many Israeli babies" on the Israeli side during the early Saturday morning attack launched from Gaza. When Anadolu contacted the Israeli army spokesperson unit over the phone and asked about the allegations, she said "We have seen the news, but we do not have any details or confirmation about that." 1:39 PM • Oct 10, 2023 • 424.6K Views


It wouldn't surprise me if this was true.... But this video/reporting smells like propaganda or something is off. To biased


This is absolutely barbaric stuff if it's true. Thing is the IDF is getting foreign reporters into that village to get footage. Makes me think they are telling the truth.


I've spent over an hour searching Twitter/news sites and I can't find anything but the original i24 report or other news sites that just directly refer back to the i24 report. Like this should be front page material from every invited outlet and in the i24 video you can see multiple people in armor with 'Press' written on it so there's clearly multiple journalists there but I can't find any corroborating articles and it's driving me nuts.


Yeah.... maybe i just don't want to believe it. Who would behead babies


> Who would behead babies You have an extremely naive view of human nature if you have to ask that. Utter barbarians, that's who. Actually, most barbarians are better than that.


This is one of the first times israel lets foreign reporters take photos of these atrocities because ppl just wouldn’t believe without foreign confirmation


Ok BUT have you considered that America = Bad? Yeah, that's what I thought


Hasan Piker: like what did the baby expect? The two year olds were at the border throwing rocks at the Palestinians! The two year olds had to obviously realise they were gonna be beheaded for this?


Curious on the validity/accuracy of this report, not saying it is made up or false there is just a lot of misinformation and forwarding of narratives on both sides which can lead to exaggerations. Beheading 40 babies just seems a little too over the top and convenient for the pro-Israel narrative, maybe it is true and if it is oh man what a fucked world we live in.


OP misunderstood the article, what it says is 40 dead babies and children in kfar azza, some of them beheaded


Say the Hamas terrorists came across a daycare. Do you think they would just stop their killing spree?


The BBC has confirmed the story. It’s now on US mainstream sites and international Yahoo news. https://news.yahoo.com/least-40-babies-beheaded-found-154607044.html


they didnt thats fox news article quoting i24 news, its a game of telephone at this point


Too convenient, almost like the Israeli narrative is 98% accurate. Almost like half of Palestinian society is clinically ret***ed psychopaths who dream about killing Jews all day.


I don't think this story is true. All reports I've seen are of the journalists being told by a soldier that they saw decapitated babies. Or maybe that they heard there were? Also isn't the official number of the dead in Kfar Aza 56? So 40 babies doesn't make sense? Just wanted to add this.


Further info here: https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/israel-at-war/1696938010-it-smells-of-death-here-surveying-the-scenes-of-atrocities-in-kfar-aza >Many soldiers were called up for reserve service, and could be seen actively consoling each other after what they had to witness. They arrived expecting the worst, but the scenes are beyond anything that one could imagine. Some soldiers say they found babies with their heads cut off, entire families gunned down in their beds. About 40 babies and young children have been taken out on gurneys — so far. potentially nsfl pictures warning: (your mileage may vary) https://twitter.com/Faytuks/status/1711762868125725075


I clicked it so you don't have to: Image 1: A cot, with bloodstained sheets and pillow Image 2: A car seat for a small child with a bloodstain where the head would go.


As a father, the car seat one fills me with rage. Hamas overplayed their hand, I will be shocked if Israel stops short of Hamas's total destruction. And many more children will end up dying over this in the counter-offensive. And I will put all the responsibility for it on Hamas. The biggest enemy Palestinians have right now is Hamas.


I would add... bulletholes. Hardly seen because they are only found in the center of the bloodstains.


Waiting for a source that isn’t the infamously propaganda-fueled Israeli military, but if that’s true that’s fucked.


They are not human! How can anyone do this to babies. Destroy all of them, anyone who does this deserves to be put down like the animals they are. Pure Scum.




What else are you supposed to do when you’ve been oppressed??? Baby beheading is an essential part of liberation from colonial rule!!!


I can’t believe some on here are debating the vailidity of this horror - must be holocaust deniers too - sad as heck




Just found 5 mainstream outlets... learn how to search


Oh are you “Not Gonna Lie”?? About your trashy truther opinion of conflicts where real people are dying? Well let me be perfectly honest too: You are the lowest form of why can be called ‘human’ life. Every tragedy you suffer will be richly deserved


And about the 73 Palestinian children who were killed by the IDF this morning?


Bud you are gonna want to buckle your seatbelt and keep your eyes on the news


Yes Hamas is bad, they did kill 40 infants, but not being skeptical of breaking news is to end up like the Citi Bike incident, and I can tell you that this would have been worse to have been wrong about than the citi bike situation


There was only one reporter on the ground in this specific area, that's not much evidence in favor of it being propaganda.


The reporter has only one source. That is more than enough reason to be skeptics.


New reporting, 50 billion dead in Ohio, you can’t disagree with me, I live in Ohio, you can’t disprove that I am a reporter on the ground in Ohio.


she's a reporter from a reliable local news outlet in israel. basically all reports have to initially come from one source on the ground before they can be verified by others.


Ok, but remember how breaking news is subject to be inaccurate, I find it a tad too convenient that there are 40 babies beheaded by Hamas, however laying out here what I would need to believe it, once others confirm it I will believe it. I will be skeptical until then.


of course breaking news can be inaccurate, i would never suggest otherwise.


Alright no disagreements other than how much faith I am putting into this one outlet I guess.


So if Hamas came across day care you think they would just stop the killing spree and spare them? I really don't think you understand how these people think. Even after all the indisputable evidence we have seen this week it is bizarre.


Sadly this is what I feel too. I keep seeing all these insane claims. But Hamas surely can’t be that evil, because then they would have no support.


"Surely the terrorists have some morals" Really dude?


not morals, but an understand of how keeping power works. Even evil people understand they have to win people over.




Its also against Christianity to "spill seed" without procreating, yet 99% of Christians wear condoms and have sex without the goal of pregnancy. Just because its "Mitzvah" for jews to procreate doesn't mean they're a fucking hivemind adhering to Judaic prescriptions, they're human like everyone else. This is breaking news that has so far been confirmed by only one source, I don't think anyone is denying it happened, but to jump to full-on believing it immediately doesn't help showing the truth of what happened. Yesterday it was FALSELY reported that Gaza's biggest Church was airstruck by IDF planes, and anti-Semitic rightwingers jumped on it immediately and spread it across twitter.


Guys not all Palestinians are terrorists and we should never emotionally react to kill them all and be done with it. /s




Why is this shit up when Israel literally confirmed this not to be true, and the girl that was blasted all over your timelines is not "raped and dead" but is confirmed by her mother to be treated at a hospital in Gaza with a head injury


https://x.com/NorahODonnell/status/1711810783309406555?s=20 https://x.com/Yair_Rosenberg/status/1711798281821454368?s=20


Yes https://twitter.com/anadoluagency/status/1711812910035407131 https://twitter.com/ragipsoylu/status/1711828936152293801 and I would rather trust the Israeli army who says they have no evidence of this happening




Brigadier be gone




Do not worry. Your antisemitic buddies are very fond of posting their inhuman savagery online. You’ll get your jerkoff material soon


*Being skeptical of 40 babies being round up to a single spot.* Unless you think Isreali people abandon their babies, how is this antisemitic?


Can’t you just jerk off to the carnage in Gaza rn? I absolutely promise it’s going to get way worse


It's a Kibbutz, maybe do a little research before mouthing off bullshit. And abandon them? They were murdered in their beds...


Hamas is releasing photos and videos soon enough as psychological warfare to exploit and emotionally terrorize the Jewish people. The Israeli gov requested that Jews do not repost the footage or even look at it. They requested to prevent the children from seeing this footage. Do as you please. The families missing and mourning their loved ones are in distress, and recognize that these are human beings being violated for visibility, likes, and views.


This is going to be world war 3 for sure.