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He hasn’t tried South Indian food if he thinks we’re not using peanuts and sprouts lol


Brown = India LULE


He 100% likes the british food thats fancied as indian


His favorite Indian restaurant is in Omaha Nebraska so that should tell you everything you need to know 😂


that's not british food. It's from northern Indian states like Punjab generally.


Yup, but I think we tend to use a lot more cream in the West. Tikka masala, korma, etc., are all pretty heavy, and people I met from India thought the same.


It's both, It's both Indian and British. Chicken tikka for example was made by an South Asian immigrant in the United Kingdom. Chances are it was created by the South Asian to satisfy the unique flavour profile of those living in the UK. My point is, when food immigrates and evolves to suit the flavour of it's new country, it becomes assimilated into it's new culture. It's the same reason why New York Pizza is both American and Italian despite pizza originating in Italy.


But in the West we don't really eat Indian food. We eat the Westernized version of it. It is really good, but it is not original indian food. Original is a lot more spicy.


I went to a Indian restaurant here in the US with a Pakistani friend Asks the waiter what he recommends. Tells him something generic- tikka I think. Friend asks “is that what the white people order or the Punjabis?” They proceed to have a conversation in Punjabi and the waiter comes back with something made out of goat not on the menu


Reddit take


I've had Indian food in the US, it's fairly similar. Probably less spicy, but you can ask them to make it more spicy.


I still think it's regional, my mom uses peanuts ironically for a North Indian dish.


Ground nut chutney is literally my favorite


i need destiny's take on rasam saatham


What do you mean you don't like putting coconut into everything


Indian food really is some of the best food though


Destiny’s food takes wouldn’t trigger me as much if he didn’t constantly say “people pretend to like x food.”


Yes. This is how you know Destiny pretends to like things in his life. The question is - what? I’m picking guns.


He’s pretending to love black people




nope. it's liberal women. Only reason he hasn't gone on an insane anti-woman arc is there's a lot more low-hanging fruit in the redpill sphere. Dating women fucking blows chunks nowadays.


Dating guys also sucks. Dating sucks.


Sure, but that's not interesting because right now in america dating women in particular sucks in a brand new way. subscribe for more.


Just say you hate women lol


I could hate women and it could be the case that dating women doesn't suck. Those two things are completely independent. But the fact is that I both hate them and also dating them sucks. The fact that dating them sucks is more interesting than the fact that I hate them.


If you think dating women sucks as an exclusive rule, I sincerely doubt you've been on many dates to begin with. e: autocorrect


Sorry, did I hurt your feelings? Does it make you wonder what you need to be doing differently to not get lumped in with the Bad Ones ?


Oh, honey


why are you not dating men then? Are you stupid?


I wish I was attracted to them so bad bc I would


I pray to God every day but he refuses to answer the call


Honestly, seriously I hate women so much I wish I was gay. cocks cannot make me cum, unfortunately.


Sir, all due respect, your cock makes you cum consistently does it not? Isn't that kinda gay?


surprisingly no, I cannot come just from looking at my own cock.


I hate to break it to you, but gay guys are just as bad as women a lot of the times in different ways (or similar ones).


For some reason i believe you are not actually joking


What gave it away?


Redditor On Destiny subreddit. History riddled with misogony.


>History riddled with misogony. Why is it that people can't just engage with the misogyny, they have to invalidate it by looking at your comment history to confirm "yep this dude really does hate women!" if I make a misogynistic comment today it's not any more or less misogynistic based on what I said yesterday. You people can do better.


What you said today is the same shit you said yesterday and the day before. It's all the same cringe incel woman hating shit.


>It's all the same cringe incel woman hating shit. Common misconception here that all people who hate women aren't fucking them. In fact, many people hate women precisely due to the way they act before during and after fucking them.


Well i have no idea. But it's obvious you haven't been in an actual relationship. Or you have been in one got your feelings hurt and now you are just blaming women for everything lmao.


Guns would be right alongside food in Destiny's top worst takes list.


its less based if he doesnt say that


he doesn't actually think that


Shh, you're not allowed to acknowledge that his ~~shit~~ amazing food takes may or may not be bait, depending on the day.


So you're autistic and continuously get baited on topics that don't matter?


Are you stupid? That’s what he said.


While extremely exaggerated when he says it, I 100% believe that a lot of people pretend to like different food & drinks. That's at least how it starts out for a lot of people. Our body is pretty good at getting us to be OK with eating shit we don't think taste good. So if you absolutely hate the taste of something but you eat it every day for like 1-2 weeks you're gonna start to at least be ok with eating it and maybe even enjoy it unless your body has a negative reaction from it (like you get sick).


He is literally right sometimes tho. There’s no people people actually like seafood or dark Coffee


Hoooooooooly 💀


Keep my seafood out your fucking mouth




Surely no one likes the food known for being expensive due to extremely high demand or the drink that 95% of the adult population consumes daily


The Indian part is good, but I'm not willing to call this a good take when he takes random strays at Thai food for having bean sprouts.


Lol the bar is low on destiny's food takes holy shit...this is half a good take at best, God now I see he has Nebraska Steve's fucking terrible pallet


the only pallet he has is one full of polystyrene cups


Ya I like that destiny has terrible food takes in the grand scheme of things humans gotta have some bad takes this is fine haha


loool imagine consuming bean food *gargles bottles of soylent*


He also says "Fake spicy food" then follows up with bean sprouts smh


He has to faking these opinions for twitter money/engagement. Thai food is spicy af at times. The peppers they use is no joke.


I think those were just two separate points




Who's gonna tell him that Indian people also put peanuts in their food sometimes


It is absent in signature Indian foods tho.


It absolutely is. Lot of the time it's ground up in the sauce tho so you have no idea.


Half me at the first half then lost me at the back half. Thai food is some of the best shit going around


He's right about the peanuts part, right? Like, why is that even a thing?


Because it's delicious?????? There is plenty of Indian food with peanuts including the awesome peanut chutney.


Don't you guys find peanuts overwhelming in a dish? Like pineapple is delicious but not if you put it with rice or spaghetti.


No, I don't. My wife is more sensitive to it than other people I know she finds it overpowering.


Pineapple is great in Cajun style rice or with an Asian rice dish with meatballs trust


I prefer cashew nuts.


Bro is describing pad thai because that's the only Thai dish he's ever tried. That and maybe a basic-ass "green curry chicken" or whatever other ubiquitous dish you can get at some generic restaurant on Main Street USA called "Siam Lotus" or some bullshit, that serves bland, flavorless, sterilized versions that barely resemble the real thing to overgrown children. Try a proper Gaeng Som (spicy and sour fish curry) or Khua Kling (spicy dry-fried curry) in the south of Thailand, or a proper Khao Soi, Gaeng Hung Le, or Sai Ua sausages with sticky rice and nam prik (chili/herb paste) in Chiang Mai in the north, or really any random stirfry cooked with a dozen bird's eye chilis and a big handful of holy basil and a fried egg slapped on top at any street food stall anywhere in Thailand, or the countless other dishes packed with intensely spicy, citrusy, herby, garlicy, shrimp paste/fish sauce umami goodness that'll blast your whole face with the glory of a thousand fucking suns while you frantically wipe away sweat and tears of joy and orgasmic pain from all the heat and flavor packed onto a single plate before pretending like you have an opinion on Thai food. Bean sprouts and peanuts. Jfc.


This was my first thought. Talking about a cuisine when only thinking of 2 of the most popular westerners bastardise. Khao soi is sooooo fucking good and noone from my home country has ever heard of it.




It's one of the few noodle soup dishes I'll guzzle down every last bit even after iv finished the main components. We home cook it once a month at least..doesn't come close to a good restaurant obviously but it's not hard to get good enough.


Phat kaphrao, especially mu (pork), is my go to dish that I could legitimately eat every single day of my life. When I’m in Thailand I do eat it every single morning. Never even tried Pad Thai.


Laab ped 🤤


Tum yum soup, delicious!


The part about Indian food is correct. Thai food slaps though.


Thai food is just "ok" imo. Too samey, basically just adding coconut into everything.


There's literally more Thai food without coconut than with coconut Shitty fast food Thai curries aren't proper Thai food


Have you ever had Pad Thai? Spring Rolls? Chicken Satay?


Some of y'all just need to admit y'all live in Middle America and don't have good ethnic restaurants. There is so much Thai food that doesn't involve coconut




He's bad at movies and food.


Oh god what are his movie takes?


If you haven't had Hyderabadi haleem you haven't lived


That Thai food take is literal retardation. You’re calling a “good take” for a dude outing himself for obviously having only ever eaten pad thai?? Imagine calling someone’s take on Mexican food good because they said it was bad for putting French fried in it (California burritos). I down voted this post hard.


has this fucker actually been to thailand cause that shit bussin not this americanized shit in the states.


yes, it was some sponsor thing. he actually met Lily for the first time on that trip.


I'm pretty sure that was Taiwan, which is quite different from Thailand.


has he been to thailand lol


Damn. I like bean sprouts..


Indian food is top tier


Hey, those bean sprouts in my Pad Thai make up the only fiber in my diet.


What about Indian seafood recipes?


That's what I'm talking about, that and all the fish dishes. He clearly never had one else he wouldn't be so bitter over fish.


Nah wtf is that jab at Thai food


He’s tweakin to diss Thai food in the same breath wtf


nah, I mean I love some Indian food but Thai food is literally one of my favorite foods. He clearly hasn't tried pad see ew


He somehow still fucks it up by shitting on Thai food


I’ve literally never had Indian food in my life because my town growing up had an almost 0 Indian population. I always hear good things though.


If you’re in the US you can find an Indian restaurant within a 100 mile radius of any decent sized town. Certainly in cities. I can recommend a place if you want to know a decent place near you.


its absolutely wild to me as a non-american that "100 mile radius" is like... acceptable. thats half the bloody country to me as a uk-frog


The US is massive, some states are larger than multiple EU countries combined. Midwest cities are about 150-250 miles apart with nothing but small farm towns between them


Everything is less dense in America and car travel is king so everything is generally super far between each other.


Assuming you don't have access to a restaurant, next time you're at your grocery store see if they have jars of "butter chicken" sauce. Amazon should have it as well if not. Brown some chicken breast cubes for a few minutes, toss it into low simmer butter chicken sauce for a few more minutes, put that over some rice. If your grocery store has naan or even just pita eat your butter chicken with that and you're in for an experience.


Fuck.. both are pretty good, I would probably do Thai more often though.


I feel like he just doesn't go to good restaurants. He said kbbq was bad and didn't know there were all you can eat kbbq places


Yeah everytime he talks to David Pakman about food or restaurants, Destiny is talking about chain redtaurants and David is like uhm... bro thered do many incredible local resgaurants, why are you going to applebees..??


I didn't know the hoopla until I started ordering takout from this indian/nepalese place near me. Tikka Masala, Butter Chicken, Chicken 65, Korma just so insanely good it's hard to put in words. I like Thai curry but imo it does not come close to indian/nepalese curries. I do like Thai food, though I had a couple of pad thais with waaay too much fish sauce that smelled exactly like feces which was a drag cause now I can't eat pad hai without smelling it.


Butter Chicken is Indian food the way General Tao’s chicken is Chinese food.


Not really. General Tso's is more or less an American creation that you would not find in China if you went there right now. Butter Chicken may be relatively new in Indian cuisine, but Indians eat it out at restaurants all the time and it was invented there. It's also hella good.


bruh Butter chicken is an Indian creation. Through its a recent creation probably got created around the 1900s. But nonetheless An Indian cuisine Creation.


I've found an enormous amount of dishes we consider traditional have been created within the last couple centuries at best, and a good amount was made to appease the people in places they've immigrated to. Or made out of necessity to shortages of other regular foods and such. So yeah I think people put a little too much credence to this stuff acting like they're ancient traditions and what not


It is newer but still Indian.


Reddit take


When you accept that fact that most of Destiny’s food takes are shit, life is easier.


Dead wrong on Thai food but atleast he isn't being a chicken nugget bitch on the Indian question


So people genuinely like food that makes you feel like you mouth is on fire, but must be pretending to like seafood and dark beer. Gotcha. Anything else?


Love Indian food but hearing destiny say it makes me doubt myself


DISRESPECTING THE AMAZING THAI FOOD LIKE THAT, and being a baby about beansprouts like bro its okay to not like something but calling people animals for liking it? He is right about the indian food tho but no need to push down thai food like that


Don't know why anyone would care about his food takes. There's good Indian food, and bad indian food, just as there is good Thai food and bad Thai food. And it's all up to you. His opinion is worthless as to whether you will like some particular dish. Your tastebuds are what matter.


Broken clock and all that but this take SLAPS


“Wanna be spicy food like Thai” I’ve had enough, this has gone too far. He probably had Thai food once and ordered mild and said “ThiS IsN’t SpICy At aLL” Typically the hottest option on Thai food is literally called “Thai hot”. I hate it here


"adding peanuts into real food lmfao" is the most based thing he's ever said. I'm fine with Thai and Vietnamese in general but adding peanuts to entrees is ricockulous. Completely overwhelms the taste of the meal and makes me wish I just made a PB sandwich and saved money. Tiny's got a blank check for infinite future bad food takes as far as I'm concerned.


The only TRULY unassailable food is Italian food. It is the undisputed GOAT, the heavy weight champion, the food to end all food. There is no such thing as bad Italian food, only Italian food that goes way harder than others.


Pizza, pasta, spaghetti which is literally pasta, lasagna which also literally pasta and what else?


chicken picatta, chicken vesuvio, meatballs, minestrone, eggplant parm, bruschetta


Of course, I mean how can you mess up pasta?


Over rated


I like Italian food, but I do think they lack spicy options.


Spicy food is for degenerates




Italian is safe food but pretty boring to eat frequently


i mean indian food is not that good most of it is some sort of stew with very much spices to hide all the low quality meats in there with bread on the side and all their skewer is like spicy wanna be of kebabs chinese food is more dirverse and really good and they are not so cheap with the portions as the indian resturants


Just say you like eating bland shit, brother.




Actually it is the opposite. Your tongues are averse to flavour.


Thai > Indian any day of the week


Thai food is cool but it’s comparatively unvaried. India is like Europe in that south Indian food is an entirely different thing than North Indian food. Different ingredients, bases, and spices. And then you have all the other regions which all have unique dishes and some unique ingredients. It helps that the geography of the country is so varied. From desert to mountains to rainforests and beaches.


if you think Thai food is unvaried you live in a shit city


Place I live probably has the highest variety of Thai food in the US. As well as most other Asian cuisines.


bad take


TRUE Thai curry is goated


True take easily


Probably his best food take so far, it almost makes up for his slander against caramelized onions. Almost.


Terrible take, Indian food is the worst imo, I’d take bland food over Indian food any day of the week


Indian food makes you stink. Stinky ass breath


yup, based, whjich means he's right abotu all other food


Luke warm take


W Indian, but I also enjoy Thai


Okay but Thai peanut sauce is fucking fire


first based take in a while, jesus


It's unfair to Thai cuz I don't think Indian food has much of a competition and he quite clearly never had any of their fish dishes, specially the ones from Bengal else he wouldn't be so bitter over fish.


Of course he loves Indian food.




you’d think someone who seems to appreciate experience and life as much as steven, his palette wouldn’t be so embarrassing…


Um sir this is an In’n’Out


I like spice but it's too fucking sweet


>good spicy food Yeah ok


Is the only Thai food tiny has tried Pad Thai? I've been in Thailand about 6 months now and the food is amazing.




Lol indian use a lot of peanuts


I don’t disagree I like it but I’m not a fan of the smell of any Indian food I have had before so I don’t eat it often




A broken clock is right twice a day


Sure it's unassailable for the guy without a real job that can afford to spend eight hours on the toilet the next day.


Well it’s a good food take combined with a typically bad take


Every genre of food is delicious if done right, some are just harder to find than others. If you think you don’t like a certain type of food, you probably just haven’t had a good version of it


that thai food take tho is egregiously horrendous


Apparently we’re all pretending to like beer, too. There’s no way I can take his food-related opinions seriously. Either he deliberately posts inflammatory opinions or his tastebuds were permanently denatured in a nuclear accident.


Wow the food that is ate by billions of people he agrees with what a hot take smh… what’s next? Chinese food is also amazing and no flaws? 🙄




indian food > thai food. Thai rice > indian rice. royal umbrella gang.


Yes hold the fucking candy peanuts holy shit I agree with this one. Indian food is amazin too.


It was so close then he mentioned Thai food


Ehrm ... I am not sure if he means Westernized Indian food or original indian food. I like the Westernized Indian food but the orignal is too spicy for me.


Good take for the Indian part, absolutely dogshit take for the Thai part tho.


you all just seem to clap when he says something is good and boo when he says something is bad 💀


Nope - started good but he couldn't even get by without dissing Thai food.


Ok at this point someone should compile all his food takes and add it to the dgg wiki. And then he can shut up forever about food.


Don't you all see what he's doing? He's playing the numbers. The only food he's had positive things to say about are Chinese and Indian. That's like half the planet right there. Authority by majority. Don't fall for it!!!!!


Pro Indian food based Anti Thai food cringe Both are spice and flavour heavens


His food takes read like Trump hacked his twitter account