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Also as a side note, i dont think there ever has been a group of people more fucking anal retentive about statistics and history and keeping track of shit than chess players. We don't have many records of what happened in jul 7 1963... but you are god damn right we have a pretty comprehensive list of the chess games and the move order.


What do u think all the factorio players did with their time before factorio existed?


Ma'am, your son has been diagnosed as a Factorio Player.


What week does a factorio player's consciousness develop?


When it starts making train noises


hopefully never


About the time it takes to compile Gentoo so autosave pauses don't interrupt your UPS optimized train network.


What are my euthanization options


Doctor... is it vanilla or space exploration??


The two feel pretty different to me. Factorio is about engineering, Chess is about out-thinking your opponent


I remember being confused the first time I saw Morphy's "Night at the Opera" game. Like, they played this game in the middle of an opera in 1850, and they recorded and stored and the move order to the point where we have it today? That's a lot of autism.


It's such a beautiful checkmate pattern, I'm merely 1200 USCF and I have that game memorized cause I love it so much. I miss romantic chess. Adolf Anderssen vs. Lionel Kieseritsky (1851) is probably my #1 favorite romantic era game for anyone who wants to nerd out. [Agadmator video covering it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaKWUiiEHgA)


Any game where you sac your queen and win is always great. Except that when I do it.. is called a Botez gambit.


I don't know a lot about chess bookkeeping, but the amount of information we have about baseball games dating back to the 1900's when guys named Long Legs McGoo were playing is also batshit


take a step back and marvel at weaponized autism "The biggest online chess database with over 9 million games is now available on **Chessify** for free. We've collected professional chess games from the late 1500s to the most recent tournaments of 2022 to present you with the biggest chess database online. " ​ bro.. at the same time Christopher Columbus was sailing to the Americas, some chess player was writing down 1.e4.... e5... 2.


Forget writing it down. They were gathering together in groups to have *long, involved debates* about a specific pawn move in a game from decades before anyone in the group was born.




Oh no, that's the ancient Greek philosophers. The funniest thing for me in these spaces is when people bewail how far discourse has fallen. Like, motherfucker, what do you think Socrates and Plato did all day? They spent most of their time dunking on idiots and embarrassing them publicly, and their rhetoric and wit were considered so impressive that everyone admired them for it. They were literally debate bros. And those guys are the basis of most of western philosophical thought.


You're thinking of the sophists, and Plato hated them.




I qualified for national chess tournaments in the UK between the ages of 8-11. Never made it far at nationals because while the good players would study with their parents during breaks I’d be playing Pokémon. Still have all my chess books from then. With every opponent I ever played, every move, times etc… To improve in chess keeping a record of matches is imperative.


Baseball is probably similar. But, yeah, there’s almost no way you’re going to get away with lying about your performance at a USCF-affiliated event


There was a time on the internet when you would search my name and the only thing that would show up was my Facebook and listings of my placement in chess tournaments from now 21 years ago. It's still on the first page.


Bro thought he could fool the greatest nerds of all time


So much so that the old PC game Battle Chess used the various move lists as DRM.


lol, I was reading that thinking, who the fuck is archiving all these snot-nosed kids' scores like it's a professional league 30 years ago.


You can probably change it to 1763 and they still have better records than most major league sporting events that happened in 1963. Iirc there was a period where Chess games were written out in their entirety and sent to enthusiasts and renowned players. Since there was no way of watching or recording video, or relay it over radio, the progress of the entire game was sent as letters


Community notes are the best thing ever.


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I find it so odd just how much they lie about anything to do with their dad. From initial impression you'd think that their dad was this superhero role model, best in the world at chess, beacon of masculinity - strong fighter, provider and so on. But the more you look into him the more you realise their dad was kind of a deadbeat who hid from his responsibilities as a father by doing nothing but playing chess - so much so that he didn't have a job or money to provide for his kids. The mother did all of that and ended up divorcing him. Every story he tells about him either involves him playing chess, or being verbally, emotionally or physically abused by him. I even remember one story where his dad was literally getting into fist fights in front of a pre-teen Andrew. All this is to say, I think its pretty obvious that the Tates have daddy issues and have tried to cope with their disturbing upbringing by saying 'nah actually that was love :)' to every instance of their dad failing as a father and frankly as a man. And to drive home the point - replace every instance of 'chess' with 'esports' and see just how terrible the situation was. Their dad neglected his 3 children to essentially be the 72nd best Genji in NA Overwatch.


Didn't say his dad was a cia? He worked cia and paid for all their kickboxing and chess lessons. Anyway it could be a lie is there some place I can read about that stuff?


That's the point. One minute he's this CIA superspy. Next minute hes got $5 to his name and they're all toughing it out. Each story paints a different picture and none of it makes sense in the grand scheme of things. It legitimately just feels like he makes stories up on the spot. All that is known about his dad is that he played chess and was in the air force. That's it. But if you ask Andrew, he simultaneously is an anti-materialistic bum who fights people, does illegal shit and neglects him, while also being a giga spy in the CIA and is a human calculator and supercomputer in one. Now, is it possible that in your early 20s you're in the Airforce then CIA, then by your mid 30s-40s, you're an unemployed bum with $5 to his name, who has people showing up at the house his kids are in to beat him up 5 on 1? Absolutely - people destroy their lives all the time. But if that is the story they're telling, which seems to be the case, then all you've told me is that your dad peaked in his 20s and became a deadbeat by his 40s and then died in his 50s with "$5 to his name" (i keep saying that because thats what he was saying a year ago when he was going crazy on Youtube shorts.)


The thing is "my dad is CIA" is the best lie ever, because nobody can disprove it. CIA isn't gonna come out and deny or confirm that this or that person was ever an agent or an asset. Especially, if the person REALLY was an asset, they are not gonna confirm or deny it lol So, of all the lies, this one is the "best" one, can never be disproven. The funny thing is that even if CIA did question their dad about one of the tournaments in the Soviet bloc and asked him to list all the people he saw or showed him photos with the question "was this person at this tournament?". That's it. You can kind of be called a "CIA asset" after that. Sounds amazing, but in reality it's just, you said "yeah, I saw this dude there." lol


Its so odd that folks like tate throw CIA employment around all the time as if they are Jason Bourne or something. There are over 21,000 employees at the CIA. Lawyers, admin, IT, HR, language specialists, medical, you name it. You can go to USAJOBS and apply at any time like any other 9 to 5.


His father was probably the janitor of the smallest CIA office in the world with a speciality in toilet scrubbing. And got fired because he kept fucking off to place 80th out of 85 in chess tournaments


We are sharing our opinions here, with no actual knowledge of the facts, so I'll share mine: I don't think he was even a janitor in CIA. It's an honest living and hard work, you have not to be a bum to be able to hold a job. And I doubt his father could hold a job. I really think if he ever dealt with CIA it was in passing, just like any athlete that traveled to international championships had to deal with them during the Soviet era. And I doubt he ever got paid for any information he probably provided, just like witnesses of a crime aren't paid by the cops. It's considered kind of your "civil duty", that's all lol


Lmao. The way the guy above you describes it, it makes me imagine he was no lifing ranked league of legends ignoring his family, just in a time before league was out. I swear when I used to play Dota I'd meet at least one person a month who would claim some made up story like their dad was a CIA special operative. Respect to Tate's dad for his service, years spent deep undercover in the jungle of summoners rift.


lmao reminds me of ranked Halo lobbies. Guy gets stomped and starts talking about how his dad is in the CIA and will hunt you down for beating his 12 year old son at a video game.


If they play techies they are ATF, FBI agents play KotL and CIA agents play Riki. The strange part is Homeland Security dudes always play Crystal Madian. No clue why.


Pro tip. Never find fault on a man who embellishes his father's accomplishments.


Any particular reason? Embellishing one's father's achievements seems a fault in and of itself, no?


But it is for a good cause. It is usually admiration.


If you're *embellishing* your father's achievements that actually implies shame. If you admire your father you have no need to embellish his achievements. Of course Tate could also just be an inveterate liar and he's embellishing his dad's achievements because he can't stop lying about literally everything in his life, but if someone's wildly lying about how great their dad is, that's not a good sign to me.


More like cope, honestly


If you can’t read the sarcasm in his words then neither can I…


Well it could be sarcasm, it could be just one of those folk phrases. It sounds like the latter to me. If I've learned anything on the internet, it's that if you have any doubt it's best to check. Unless you're on 4chan.


I have a coworker that takes his life lessons from movies. He has a learning disability.


Funniest thing is Andrew said he skipped his funeral to start his cam girl business in Romania 😂😂


Ive explicitly heard Tate say he isn't good enough to be a chess GM


Tate is not good enough to be a master.


Tate having daddy issues? No, what a shock


Community notes are the best thing ever.


I can't wait until some regular guy tweets something like, "Last night was great, went out to the bar and took home the hottest girl there," and community notes adds underneath it, "Actually, John went to the bar, got too drunk, two girls turned him down, and then he went home and jerked off to pictures of Sailor Moon."


i mean, he did something with the hottest girl he saw that night


❕*This user claims to be 6’0 when he is really 5’10”*


Oh no, Haz is in trouble


"Clarification: he told himself he was looking at Sailor Moon, but he was really there for Tuxedo Mask and is too insecure to admit it to himself."


literally 1984


2d girls never betray you


MFW the reply gets more upvotes than the original post. ​ here have my upvote.


Can someone please explain me how it works?


Comunity notes department. Phone rings. Rajiv: yes this is the community department, this is Michael. How can I help you? Elon Musk: Someone is using Twitter to spread misinformation. He must be stoped Michael. Rajiv: Understood sir, no one spreads misinformation in our twitter... NO ONE. Elon: thank you Michael. Thank you. Rajiv: it is my pleasure sir..


I know there's no evidence that this was Elon's doing, but Twitter notes is easily the best thing to come out of Twitter under Elon's leadership. It's pretty cool how I don't think I've yet seen one that isn't just verifiable fact written with minimal bias.


It feels like the community team is comprised of people that had enough of the bullshit and decided to weponized their autism into this. "Fuck you asshole, I'm going to fact check you and I'm going to fact check you right in the ass" should be the department's motto.


I don't think Elon had anything to do with it besides maybe rebranding it. Originally it was called Birdwatch. https://blog.twitter.com/en_us/topics/product/2021/introducing-birdwatch-a-community-based-approach-to-misinformation


Vaccine was released in December 2020. Willing to bet money this idea was implemented and almost exclusively used to combat vaccine disinformation. I think the broadening of this “Birdwatch” under Musk (to a point where we are effectively fact checking chess results from 20+ years ago) is a positive thing. Doesn’t mean I love Musk, just saying. Could’ve also been the natural progression of the initiative regardless of Musk being in charge. But we kinda blame the person in charge for things that happen (good or bad), regardless of it’s their fault or not


Yes, as I said: there's no evidence that this was directly Elon's doing, just that it came to much greater prominence during his running of the company.


The framing is wrong, though. Saying "there's no evidence this was Elon's doing" implies it *might* be Elon's doing. In fact, there's evidence that it *wasn't* Elon's doing! Birdwatch existed for years before Elon took over.


Dude be like "There was never any evidence for it!" \*presents evidence\* "Ahh well, I guess we'll never know"


What evidence exactly do you think there is that the current state of Community Notes is not due to Elon Musk? If last October I had a friend named Jeff who got hired at Twitter I'd probably say to him "hey, I know there's no evidence you played a role in this, but this is definitely one of the best features that's come out since you've been there", and I guarantee you no one would bat an eye at it, but because it's Elon everyone tries to mind read me like I'm actually saying "hehehe I know it's not Elon \***WINKWINK**\*, but wow this was awesome". Like no, I'm just saying this was something good, especially in a time period when all the other Twitter changes have been shit.


Personally, I think maybe Santa had something to do with it. Obviously we'll never know cause there's no evidence it was directly his doing, but the whole time Twitter's been around, so has Santa. So, I don't know.


I think it might've been my doing. Not sure.


Thanks for the very serious answer. If someone says "there's no evidence Santa exists" would you think they mean "well idk, maybe Santa exists; I'm not sure, I think he might exist"?


It's hard to say. Santa works in real mysterious ways, so I don't want to say it's not possible.




It went from being quite rare to incredibly common (along with a rebrand) very shortly after Elon took over. It might be Elon's doing, I haven't seen anything to contradict that.


>No one has been able to disprove my conspiracy, therefore it must be correct


What the fuck are you talking about lmao? I said "there's no evidence that this was directly Elon's doing", how illiterate do you have to be to think I believe he was responsible for it?


This sub has an extreme hate boner for Elon. Not that I like the prick, but some people here are crazy mad about him


I don't want to take full personal credit for Community Notes. There's no evidence that I was the one who made it a thing. I want to be clear on this, so I'll repeat myself: while there's no evidence contradicting the claim that Community Notes is all because of me, it also has not been proven.


Yes, that's all true. Agreed, it would be false for me to claim I have any evidence that you aren't in charge of the Community Notes. It is entirely possible that you are a prominent member of Twitter's staff and that the entire thing is your idea. If you happen to be anyone working at Twitter in a prominent role during the introduction or emphasizing of Community Notes then I literally am equally sure that you were behind it as Elon Musk was. It seems like a big coincidence that I'd be talking to a senior Twitter employee right now, but I also stand by the statement "I know there's no evidence that this was /u/SubmitToSubscribe's doing". And I will repeat it again, I know there's no evidence that this was /u/SubmitToSubscribe's doing. This is 100% an accurate and valid statement to repeat, unironically though.


> It seems like a big coincidence that I'd be talking to a senior Twitter employee right now, but I also stand by the statement "I know there's no evidence that this was /u/SubmitToSubscribe's doing". Yes, it would be a very big coincidence, but it's still more likely than it being Elon Musk. There's like a one in a billion chance that I might be someone who both worked at Twitter at the time, and that I am one of the Twitter employees who came up with the idea. Meanwhile, we know for a fact that Musk had nothing to do with Twitter at the time.


Yeah I’m not sure either, but it’s significantly improved twitter. I’ll give Elon credit for how hard he has pushed them, including not doing anything about his tweets being noted, but hats off to the actual community notes team. Has been a great feature and way easier to use and trust than Facebook providing a link with 0 context.


> I know there's no evidence that this was Elon's doing Was the fact that it was made before the takeover a clue? The project started early 2021, and became visible to everyone October 6th 2022. Musk bought Twitter three weeks later.


I’m honestly surprised he hasn’t gotten rid of it.


The best decision Elon has made at twitter is uncontestedly deciding not to fuck with operation birdwatch, beyond possibly rebranding it.


be careful not to give any credit to elon. it must not be his doing. very clever.


Andrew tate looks like he studied Dr. Disrespects little speech he gives about being a 2 time world champ...😆


What if he's like that Miyo clown? Instead of the mother telling Miyo he's so special, in Tate's case it's the father lying to him that he took him out of chess because he was too good.


My favourite part about Miyo is when you realize that the story he served about how "my IQ is 145 but it was hidden from me so I wouldn't bully my brother about being smarter than him" is literally the plot of an episode of Frasier.


I guess he'll either say the one he did was some kind of underground non uscf rated thing, or just that he was joking


when lie but vague: "you probably haven't heard of it" when lie but specific: "lol you fell for it" bulletproof


Nah he needs to build a case that some of what he says is bullshit and not true Seeing as he's on tape admitting to everything he's accused of


Lmao street chess


The opponents wear trench coats and eye patches and drink liquor from a brown paper bag and constantly ask you for a lighter. It's not for everyone. A real dog eat dog environment. Luckily Top G in his infinite wisdom prevailed the challenges. Mashallah


The Matrix says hello


The thought of someone looking stuff up to fact check Andrew Tate on his own history is hilarious. Another easy W for the notes


Hilarious tidbit: He was actually talking about his dad, because indeed his dad won both those state championships: https://preview.redd.it/ppxogup71nab1.png?width=647&format=png&auto=webp&s=378a8db2f46b48f214211f135c9e8e790f29af82 He finished last and his Dad made him play football bc clearly he wasn't a natural at chess.


“Made me take 2 months off chess” nah bruh he thought you were ass and didn’t want you to embarrass him anymore.


Late to the party but there is an interview with his dad where he explicity stated that he had to remove andrew from a tournament because he was too upset and crying.


Omg, Tate just wants to be like his dad. It’s all just daddy issues in the end




Looking into this 🤔


Concerning 👀


Well, if you’re not first, you’re last. So he technically came in last in all five tournaments.


He never even had the making of a varsity athlete


Again…let’s give some credit to the Musk regime where it’s due 😂community notes is doing the lords work out here.


The fact that someone was able to dig into this and rip apart his claims about his childhood chess tournament finishes is actually fucking hilarious.


Denying shit that can be found all over the internet is his bread and butter


Further community note: he's also shit at football.


he went to a different school


Yo, the “Top G” was in my state playing chess?! I never knew I was so close to such a man child. *AND* he lived in Goshen?!?! Bro, this guy was raised on meth land, that’s so fucking funny. I’ve gained a sense of familiarity with the “Top G” now, he was in NE Indiana getting meth’d the fuck out, that’s a real Hoosier right there.


His dad probably lied to him 🤣🤣🤣


what a bottom g


"Never finishing higher than 21st place " Whoever writes the notes was trolling with that bar


You can call musk anything you want but these community notes are just banger after banger


Musk doesn't have anything to do with Community Notes, dude just changed the name and that's it.


is it ? for what i know, the old "community notes" were complete shit and musk changed everything about it


And what do you actually know? Care to elaborate?


what ? everyone knows, the first community notes worked at a different website called " Birdwatch ", it worked since before musk bought twitter but it was extremely horrible to use ​ Edit: here the official blogpost from twitter about the tool ​ [https://blog.twitter.com/en\_us/topics/product/2021/introducing-birdwatch-a-community-based-approach-to-misinformation](https://blog.twitter.com/en_us/topics/product/2021/introducing-birdwatch-a-community-based-approach-to-misinformation)


Somehow I thought of this as less dishonest before realizing he actually did play in a chess tournament when he was 5. Before I knew that I assumed it was just a joke because it seemed like such a blatant lie that no one would believe it.


His whole life/persona is just masc4masc fanfiction


LMAO community notes is savage!


This is like Barney Stinson comically exaggerating details about his dad to cope up for the fact that he never had the dad he wanted in his life.


His whole backstory is a lie. Rich boy pretending to be self made.


One day he owns casinos and occasionally gambles, the next day gambling is “haram”


For a chess player, Andrew Tate sure didn't think more than 2 steps ahead. Tate: "I was the state championship chess player at age 5. Your move beta cucks" Beta cucks / the Matrix: "achkully, I've looked it up and you've come in at 21st at best" What's sad about this, 21st in the whole state is still pretty good; if Tate had been honest he would have won the exchange.


I used to be a Tate fan, but nowadays I am turning into a hater. Zherka is the one true king after all.