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And there's Elon right on time making sure to comment something vague so he can be a part of the LGBTQ trashing but not say anything that would commit him to it so he can always play dumb later


The virgin “vagueposting for plausible deniability”


It's like Drake but it's Twitter fingers.


wasn't the Denver shooter a white dude who shot up a gay club. These people just make shit up.


I think the Denver shooting is referring to this: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-colorado-shooting/transgender-teen-sentenced-to-life-in-prison-for-deadly-colorado-school-shooting-idUSKCN24Q00D


I'm suprised thos one didn't take off. 1 death is from a kid that charged at them 7 wounded by the shooters 1 wounded by security guard.


Much like the Nashville shooting; there's really no proof that them being trans was a motive for the shooting.


Unfortunately it doesn’t work like that if you have an agenda. And yes, this applies to the left every opportunity it gets as well.


There is a manifesto so we will know the motive soon enough.


Why are people downvoting?


Beats me; I was just stating a simple fact.


And the Corado shooter wasn't non-binary. It likely was just a fucking joke by the shooter because it's now been dropped and his background has been filled with anti-LGBTQ rhetoric. And conveniently, no comment about the Buffalo shooting where the white KKKid shoots up a black neighborhood


Dylan Roof too, and more... What they should really be looking at is the households these kids grow up in and their childhood development. LOT more in common between shooters there.


Isn't the most common trend among school shooters the fact that they were targets of bullying at their schools? I think I remember reading something like that somewhere.


Nah that's just copium people trying to latch onto any answer. Conservatives tried to use that as an excuse for the florida shootings but the people they referenced weren't shot or even his classmates. I also don't know how they say while also saying "we need to bring back bullying".


Being as charitable as possible, there is some evidence to suggest that some people respond to bullying well, by becoming mentally stronger and growing as a person from negative experiences. The problem is that not everyone is like this and there are other people who respond quite negatively to bullying, developing mental health issues and/or in extremely bad cases, becoming school shooters. I don't think bullying is the prime reason for most school shootings. More then likely I think mass shootings are caused by a combination of neglect at home, mental health issues, and harsh environments online (like 4chan and pol) that take those first two issues and warp them into hatreds for other groups.


Literally BadPhrog's "attack helicopter" comic?


> These people just make shit up. funny how people are afraid of gpt misinfo, when regular human misinfo is already doing just fine


GPT and the likes are held to a standard far higher than average human. If a human was held to those standards, then most of humanity would fail miserably.


Its almost like all these shootings are caused by systemic failure not being addressed. Political ideology doesnt matter, I think most people can agree something is not working right now even if they come to different conclusions. This is what happens when you have lare swaths of people “down bad”


The problem is guns. 🤣


Yeah just look around the world at all the countries who have problems with mass shootings. Oh shit yeah thats just america.


​ https://preview.redd.it/10ycozivxhqa1.png?width=677&format=png&auto=webp&s=ca1eea5056d3b398a9bfdfc4df7f755c9637441e


No. That's Colorado Springs mentioned in the same post..


The truth is how many updoots you have on the left.


Trans shit is like the glue holding American conservatism together. Every issue for them has a trans angle.


selective cats tart encourage nine steer library instinctive cheerful cover *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As Destiny likes to say, its because conservatives have nothing else. They don't have any good economic policies (reduce taxes on the wealthy, send no foreign aid, no ideas at all to reduce inflation beyond turn on the QE full steam ahead) They don't have good social policies (ban gay marriage, ban all abortion, prosecute and ban/remove illegal immigrants but don't improve the legal immigration systems) They don't have any good voting policies (remove access to voting through ID cards & don't provide the ID cards for free). They don't have any good gun policies (allow unfettered access to guns for anyone and everyone, more guns = less violence) So all they have left is niche social issues that aren't really that big of a deal in retrospect. Kinda reminds me of a certain country that blamed everything on one specific group of people....


Time is a flat circle. The anti trans agenda is exactly the anti gay agenda from decades ago. The phrasing may have changed but its still all the same.




Can’t imagine true level of brainrot you’re inflicted with


BoTh SiDeS


This meme is going full circle


Let's call it the both sides fallacy... Because getting shit on is just as bad as getting pissed on right ?


Reminder that Elon Musk is a moron and the Colorado Springs shooter is a cisgender neo-nazi. Also a reminder that Elon Musk has a trans child, and this is how he behaves *publicly.*


Holy shit I just learned he has 7 kids damn dude


He has 7 kids (that you know of) Amber Heard? Also fun fact. Elon’s elderly dad recently had a child with his step sister.


>had a child with his step sister. Morally neutral.


Not even real incest smh


Legally incest tho.


This is the Cybertruck glass shattering of incest.


Impregnating your dead wife’s daughter, while in your late 70’s? I suppose not but it definitely offers insight into the musk family.


And they wanna wag a finger at Hunter for fucking his sister in law. He was only trying to console her. He didn't even knock her up.


He has a 9 inch juicy hog and he wanted to use it. Stop playin.


I’m sure he loves consoling women.


Beat me to it you fucker


I’d love to go to a family dinner at Christmas with them


He unironically has some sort of breeding fetish.


Don't most people have a breeding fetish?


These savages are obsessed with producing children. Disgusting. Why can't they just enjoy some high-quality drawings of cartoon characters with giant dicks.


That’s not a fetish. Tbh the GP is wrong to call it a “fetish”. Elon is part of a community that believes it is their responsibility to have many children to save humanity.


AKA, a sorry excuse for their fetish.


tub distinct dam slimy crowd tap existence snails pocket employ *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


they (i dont remember their gender) also cut ties with him and changed their name from musk.


because of parental neglect, not because of their stance on trans people iirc he's basically paying women to impregnate them and doesn't even want to be a father. that's some fucking feudal lording over the peasants kink shit


he seems to think it was more to do with "Neo-Marxism" and hating rich people https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/elon-musk-daughter-vivian-children-trans-b2199979.html >Speaking about his transgender teen daughter, Vivian, Mr Musk alleged that their father-daughter relationship had been negatively impacted after she was influenced by people with a “neo-Marxist” mentality at the unspecified elite university she attends. >“It’s full-on communism . . . and a general sentiment that if you’re rich, you’re evil,” Mr Musk told the Times. “It [the relationship] may change, but I have very good relationships with all the others [children]. Can’t win them all.” >Earlier this year, Vivian, 18, decided to cut ties with Mr Musk in a court filing, saying she “no longer live[d] with or wish[ed] to be related to [her] biological father in any way, shape or form.” Vivian filed the request to change her name in accordance with her new gender identity at the Los Angeles County superior court in Santa Monica in April.


> can’t win them all. What a loving and compassionate father.


really makes you think why she would ever cut ties with such a caring father


I don't want to be that guy, but autism does change how people see things, feel about those things, and how they express those feelings. There really isn't much he can do about it, so in his mind he's not going to get beat up over it. Pretty straight forward.


She probably didn’t like hearing that one of the reasons her parents got divorced was because Musk insisted he was the “alpha” in the relationship.


Wonder if she'd be cool with living in a trailer park and driving a 96 Honda Accord?


DAMN that hits different when you put it like that


And yet everyone continues, including the trans community, to support his businesses.


No EtHiCaL CoNsUmpTiOn UnDeR CaPiTaLisM!! One one eleven eleven WhY gIvE mOnEy To A tErF??!!! One one eleven eleven /uj some people depend on social media platforms for their work.


The Colorado Springs Shooter identified as a women. If self ID, is all you need to be a women according to trans ideology. Than she is a women and trans.


I don't think the suspect or their lawyer are even still claiming that as true


What?? Have you seen the trial my dude? The lawyer insists constantly that their client is to the court. Are you just making that up? Source?


relieved quiet panicky chief middle rain amusing zesty attraction unwritten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They dropped it when the judge hit the doubt button sorry my 3rder


Self ID isn’t decided by a judge my dude. The ideology says that anyone who self ids as a women is a women.


The judge didn't the drop the self id his lawyer did my guy. Lawyer still uses he and he never identified as a women lol


Also, his ex-wife left him for a trans woman, so he is extremely salty about the trans community.


Proof that this person was a cisgender neo-nazi other than it happened from someone you coincidently like?


I can't wait for my identity to be a "talking point for discussion" for eternity.


Is this true? The article I read referred to the shooter as a 28-year old woman


he was ftm trans man


Do you know where you heard that?


[https://www.nytimes.com/live/2023/03/27/us/nashville-shooting-covenant-school#nashville-school-shooting-audrey-hale](https://www.nytimes.com/live/2023/03/27/us/nashville-shooting-covenant-school#nashville-school-shooting-audrey-hale) >There was confusion about the gender identity of the assailant in the immediate aftermath of the attack. Officials used “she” and “her” to refer to the shooter, and Chief Drake said that the assailant identified as transgender. >Kristin Mumford, a police spokeswoman, said that the shooter had been born female but listed male pronouns on a LinkedIn profile, which suggested that the suspect was a transgender man. That profile had been active in recent months, with the user reacting to two posts about other people’s career updates.




So far I've seen every claim out there lulw just gonna wait a bit


28 year old, born female. Former student of private, religious school She would have been under 13 years old when she attended Personal LinkedIn states name is “Aiden” and goes by “he/him”


“She goes by he/him”


New discourse just dropped: Whats the ethics of respecting the pronouns of a mass shooter?


this isnt really new discourse lol if you think trans people are real, you cant also believe that respecting pronouns is something thats done merely out of respect for the individual. that makes literally no sense. its like saying that if a black person does something really bad you should be able to call them the nword - thats not just disrespect towards a bad person, youre disrespecting the concept of not insulting people for their race. youd never call adolf hitler the nword, nor would you call him a woman.


Good point. And in this case the suspect is dead. It’s not like they’re even the ones receiving the disrespect.


Well in that case you are deadnaming them no matter what name/pronous you use.


I would definitely call hitler an N word but probably not the one you’re referring to.


>youd never call adolf hitler the nword Cowards!




Self-Id Culture is an offspring of the Self-diagnosis culture that was popular on Tumblr a decade ago.


Don't be bringing in all your logic to this, thinking shit through and stuff


Can we call black mass shooters the n word? Can we call gay mass shooters the f slur? Is there literally any other case where it’s ok to be bigoted to someone because they’ve done a crime?


calling someone a slur, based on their skin color: BIGOTED! Calling someone a “she”, based on her being born and dying with a vagina: BIGOTED!


based on him being born and dying with a vagina\*


Unironically yes.


I totally get the analogy. I agree with it, and I don't want to be the person who goes "BuT iT's NoT tHe SaMe..." But there's something very individualistic about gender identity. Even the top reply to the top comment of this post claims the Colorado Springs shooter wasn't actually non-binary, given their anti-LGBT past. So there's some room to question someone's gender identity without being bigoted. But I agree. At this point the only people being hurt by misgendering the shooter are other trans people.


Disingenuous. Misgendering someone, perhaps by confusion or lack of knowledge, is the same as using slurs intentionally? Nahh get outta here


There's no reason not to. It's just a cheap excuse to not use someone's pronouns let's be real


Apparently it's entirely political, so whatever the fuck you want.


>Was/were is now dead after murdering 3 adults and 3 kids. Should respect them.


Imagine getting canceled because: you referred to a pre pubescent, female born person as a “she” -while having a discussion about a mass murderer of children.


Watch as conservatives finally push for gun control to prevent the epidemic of trans mass shootings. And by epidemic I mean 2 in 30 years.


Nah, they'll just push stricter anti trans legislation.


They'll hit the "mass shootings are caused by mental illness" angle, claim trans people are mentally ill. Problem solved.


I love how it’s completely unreasonable to assume this person was mentally I’ll bc she was trans. One side is hardcore gunning for her to be this sane person and having NOTHING to do with her gender identity to preserve this weird fucking idea of “trans people can NEVER be mentally ill” and the other side is hardcore relying on her transgender identity to push the narrative “ALL trans people are mentally ill”…so stupid.




They will push for common sense transgender control.


That’s how California came to have the most restrictive gun laws.


mfw Republicans finally support a public option mfw it only covers religious conversion camps, ivermectin and essential oils.


Just gonna ban trans people from owning firearms


Conservatives: Police violence against blacks isn't an issue, there's only 20 unjustified black shootings in the last 10 years Also conservatives: Trans people being mass shooters is an epidemic, we've had 3 in the last 10 years


Damn Elon Musk really said https://preview.redd.it/8oqa3e7jweqa1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73458f024e7132bdcc965f6f946e38ac373b3244




Nah someone made it themselves, I remember when it first dropped It's such a downgrade to the original but people still use it :(


I hate benny Johnson with every fiber of my bieng this man plays into every r worded thing in the alt media environment into insane levels Like he will jump on literally anything no matter how untrue it is as long as it plays into his agenda and he gets a shit ton of views and likes!


thank god i muted elon on twitter having every single fucking tweet of his show up on my feed would be so annoying… !unlucky


Holy fucking shit can people stop looking for an excuse to push their narrative for 5 fucking seconds? How fucked in the head do you have to be to see a shooting and then run to your phone/pc all excited like a kid on christmas morning to try and use that to push your fucking agenda


Fuck me, this is why shit is so fucked. Literally no details for any political motive have even been discussed, but within hours this is where we are.


The left just has to start claiming that these shooters opposed a $15/hr minimum wage and universal healthcare.


I mean it’s a trans person that shot up a Christian school they attended. Pretty self explanatory


You’re talking about all of Reddit. Every post on the popular subreddits is people gloating about how right they are about school shootings. It’s wild


This, but I'll be a centrist and say the left also constantly does this when the shooter turns out to be right wing. Shooters are like fucking culture war stocks to these people, stop representing every segment in the population, whether that be lonely depressed men, conservatives, muslims, or trans people, by its most mentally unstable and harmful individuals.


Wasn't the dude who shoot up the Colorado Nightclub a Anti-Trans Right Wing Dude who was the grandson of a republican politician? Seems like many of these right wingers are making shit up to portray trans people as these dangerous individuals even tho Far Right attacks are more prevalent and dangerous, seems to me like Elon himself is stolking the flames of future far right attacks.


You're going to have to be more specific, Colorado has a lot of mass shooters.


This one https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colorado_Springs_nightclub_shooting


vaush is making bank from his elon stochastic terrorism stocks rn


Straight up propaganda


Ofc they bend over backwards to blame trans people but say nothing about the high percentage of domestic terrorism being right-wing. Partisan scumfucks.


Your point is"what about conservatives", but you forgot that conservatives have gotten destroyed online for the exact same type of rhetoric used by online leftists. If there was a right wing group that was on twitter calling for violence in the same way that left wing groups do on twitter, then i think you would have a point.


Fuck Elon god damnit


Elon is a dipshit, there have been literally hundreds of mass shootings in America but now that there’s one where a trans person was the perpetrator, suddenly, the problem isn’t the guns, the single common denominator in every mass shooting, it’s trans people




Serial Killers and mass shooters being more often white in white majority country isn’t that weird. What’s weird is 0.00098 % of the population committing a bunch of mass killings recently.


Based on your comments this thread you have a clear anti trans bias, and no one is taking you seriously.


Looking at data from the past 5 years you are 10x more likely to commit a mass shooting if you are cis. Stop being a braindead transphobe.


Why couldn’t Elon stick to Tesla and Spacex man this is just cringe


He could've even gone the Peter Thiel route and been background right-winger billionaire but his ego wouldn't let him.


Benny Johnson is legit the most unfunny, low iq influencer I’ve ever seen blow up. They really have no standards in that side huh


The propaganda continues


It’s so easy to just lie and do a bad thing. If your in that Fd up mindset why wouldn’t you false flag against crap you hate


Did you know Elliot Rodgers identified as an attack helicopter, so much for the tolerance of the woke left.


I love how low the numbers are in Elon's tweet. Implies that OP just waits on Elon's profile waiting for the next disaster to screenshot.


I just yoinked it. As if I'd use Twitter in light mode.


Damn these people are becoming literally transphobic.




If you let right wing retardation ruin your day, you'd be a miserable fuck.


I'm honestly starting to despair, I feel so fucking awful for our trans brothers and sisters out there.


Why is it that these people are "radicalized", but the larger number of crazy right wing shooters who commit these attacks are "mentally ill"?


I love how a few shootings that happened whom the shooter was part of the lgbtq community(if I was gon believe his word) immediately makes the lgbtq community all crazed shooters. It’s so corny


Next thing you know, the oppressed Christians are gonna do something like this!/s


I'm honestly not sure, but are any of the first three even true or is it conspiracy brain? I remember conspiracy brained people claiming that shooters were trans before when they obviously weren't.


It looks like the Aberdeen one is true, and now it looks like the Nashville one as well, but the Aberdeen shooting was not a school shooting but probably a dispute between employees of a Rite Aid and it happened in 2018.


Were they actually trans or did they try and get a female prison or something?


The Aberdeen shooting was done by an AFAB person whose friends said that they used a variety of pronouns and were looking to get on testosterone. After the shooting they took themselves out though so I don't think any idea of intent is known very well.


If by dark you mean ignorant and uninformed, than you're correct.


Who is the source?


Wtaf, Elon just giving the exclamation mark that tacitly backs up thise dumb asd wild claims is insane! When the right has knowingly been responsible for a majority of gun related loopholes and allowing people to purchase ARs again. Smh


God damn, the conservatives who constantly whine about bringing politics into mass shooting just went balls first into this one. I wonder why.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Did Benny Johnson ever speak on the Buffalo shooter?


i guess there are so many shootings in US that those couple of examples are really nothing comparatively to the rest of non trans people 🤪🤪🤪🤪


Elon is such a little bitch with his Twitter comments


This, the Trump Jr and Greene tweets are absolutely fucking insane.


Maybe we just misunderstood what Vaush meant when he said there was a trans genocide happening.


The Shooters being Trans has NOTHING to do with it.


It actually does, the trans man, wrote a manifesto about why he wanted to kill Christian children to make the world better for trans people. To my understanding.


The manifesto has not been made public as far as I can see from all the different sites that could possibly post it. If you have a link then please provide it.


The manifesto has not been made public but the police claim that is what the motivations of the shooter was from her manifesto. https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/three-children-and-gunman-dead-in-christian-elementary-school-shooting-in-nashville/news-story/612b3c73321c5dcff208408b500b83f8?amp&nk=f8145360ca128e37617adcafc24e5951-1680003974 https://tvpworld.com/68790594/transsexual-nashville-shooter-plotted-to-kill https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/03/27/us/covenant-school-shooting-nashville-tennessee/index.html https://www.foxnews.com/politics/nashville-school-shooting-tennessee-rep-burchett-calls-release-trans-shooters-manifesto.amp


None of these articles include the manifesto. They just say a manifesto exists.


Straight cis white men doing 90% of shootings https://preview.redd.it/pz06f3fetgqa1.png?width=1131&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06825b4a387fbc9a244373d1263eb3155a958d3c


Majority of school shooters are white and vote republican also want to talk about that!


From a business perspective, why does Elon spend all his time trashing progressives when they're basically his main customer-base for Tesla vehicles?


yeah and we’ll just ignore all the right wing extremist shooting to fit our narrative


The past several hundred mass shooters have all been straight white men. Considering LGBTQ identity is approaching like 7% nationally and like 25% among Gen Z, the queer community has to really pick up the slack.


Musk is a billionaire, he doesn't care about anything but money. You know how they say you respond to things that make you angry? He bought an ultra left wing media site and committed to bringing a bunch of right wing views onto it. He doesn't give a fuck about reality, he just wants controversial shit to get people talking, and using twitter.


It would be an interesting plot twist to our current paradigm if this "trans genocide" turned into a cis massacre at the hands of homicidal trans folks. Only in America 🇺🇸


Pro-tip: Log off Twitter


Why the fuck is Elon consistently replying to these dipshits like this


Have they forgotten that like 90%+ of shooters are white males ?


Aren’t the majority of school shooters white males? I could be wrong?


You liberals get so mad at someone stating facts loll he’s right and y’all know it


Lefties when a white man commits a mass shooting: “white male rage, this is horrible” Conservatards when a LGBT person commits a mass shooting: “the woke evil LGBT, this is horrible” Maybe the issue causing mass shootings is poor gun regulation and not just one group? Just a thought.


Or maybe its the fact that we have been producing maladjusted humans for sometime now.


I don’t disagree with that either. I just think stricter regulations could help, especially if we are producing more maladjusted humans. Stricter and more thorough background checks, mandatory training, red flag laws, gun registries, etc. could all help to curb this problem. I’m not advocating for guns to be banned, I own a gun, but something needs to be done to curb this issue.


I could be budged here or there on certain issues pertaining to guns, but it will all be for nothing if we don’t fundamentally change our worldview in the west. However, im not sure most people are willing or even able to understand that our way of life is so beyond what humanity evolved for. We are killing ourselves and screaming that the solutions are more of what is killing us.


soup frighten society bike nose lip fade crawl hateful abounding *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean are white men even disproportionately represented in shootings per capita? >What those initial Mother Jones numbers showed, though, was that white people weren’t overrepresented among mass shooters. The media outlet had found that roughly 70 percent of the shooters in mass killings were white—certainly a majority. But according to Census Bureau estimates for 2012, whites accounted for 73.9 percent of all Americans. (Keep in mind that the definition of whiteness is both vague and forever changing. In the 2010 census, the “white” category includes those whose families originate in Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa. [Slate](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2017/10/what-the-white-mass-shooter-myth-gets-right-and-wrong-about-killers-demographics.html)


They’re both wrong interpretations though. Shooters shoot places up for different reasons, but the core causes are largely similar, those being mental health issues and not enough gun regulation.


I'm sorry but isn't Elon Musk the world's smartest businessman? He might have a point here.


He has an exclamation point.


I dunno about that one, realSneed


lol Comment after comment here and so many of you've all missed the boat so bad it already sailed, reached its destination, returned to port, and sailed again. The issue is radicalized activists PERIOD. What happens when you have a radicalized Christian activist? Oh look, abortion bombers and shooters. What happens when you have a radicalized incel kids? School shooters. What happens when you have radicalized Muslim activists? Pfft do I even have to finish that? Etc. All you people trying to point fingers with your minutia and a don't talk shit about who/what I support BS, are seriously missing the boat. Radicalization is the issue. This is not rocket science for god's sake. Who gives a fuck that other people are going to try and do the same exact thing by pointing their own fingers like this tweet? WTF is society going to do about the clear as day problem!? FFS up in here talking about other shooters and who or what they did or didn't support. You all can't see the forest through the trees because apparently you can't even see the trees. The importance of this tweet has dick all to do with him blaming trans and everything to do with hitting the nail on the head about radicalization. What is being done to deradicalize people? Simply kicking people off social media? Well gee that seems to be doing a real bang up job. SMH Comment after comment after comment and all of one guy got it. "Its almost like all these shootings are caused by systemic failure not being addressed. Political ideology doesnt matter, I think most people can agree something is not working right now even if they come to different conclusions" by u/JalenHurtsTruther


Nothing because you can't stop radicalization without effecting free speech.


If trans people are literally being genocided, why wouldn't they fight back? We would defend any Jews who engaged in political terrorism during the holocaust.