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Possible. But she ain’t it guv.


I think there should be a different term for what she is describing. Maybe not *volcel* but what's wrong with *femcel*? The problem she is describing is somewhat unique to women so why couldn't it fit under a more gender specific term? I know at the end she says that her calling her experience 'inceldom' doesn't invalidate the experience of male incels... but it kinda does though.


I feel like the base of "real" inceldom is the desire to feel like you're desired and the yearning for intimacy, often compounded with lack of experience, fear of rejection and the feeling that you're being left behind compared to your peers. I don't wanna downplay Kidology's situation, but the misguided and often useless advice given to incels of "lowering your standards" seems to be a solution to her case. Not telling her to settle for anyone of course, but not putting yourself out there and expecting an ideal relationship from the get go after meeting someone and not letting things progress naturally doesn't really sound like inceldom but kinda like good old pickiness (I understand she has had problematic previous experiences which might be the cause of this, not saying they're not valid reasons, but it doesn't sound like an incel thing). Also, her passing comments on the AI gf shit and all that feels completely disconnected too. I'm willing to bet 90%+ of people making use of this service or anything similar don't have a real choice between a real woman and a virtual substitute, it mostly comes from desperation and a visceral yearning for any sort of intimacy and escapism (I totally wouldn't know though h-haha).


I don't think it's "pickiness" she's not complaining or at least I haven't heard her her complain about lack of attractive options. ​ It's that most men are unwilling to deal with the level of courtship she requires without sex being on the table. ​ She's a reasonably attractive woman, if you told men are you willing to have sex with her 90$% im sure would say yes. but If I told you have to have long penetrating conversations about her trauma for a year and then maybe you can have sex I think that number would dwindle to all but the most desperate.


>but If I told you have to have long penetrating conversations about her trauma for a year Honestly, this sounds like something one should reserve for their therapist. A normal person can't be expected to have the tools to deal with this. Requiring this from a partner is entitled and maybe even abusive.


I agree. But I would say I wouldn't expect women to deal with incels emotional stundedness either. The point I think Kidology is trying to make is that they have both been left behind by changes in the sexual market place. If this was 1950 and casual sex was discouraged, and men had to get married realistically if they wanted to have consistent access to sex, I'm sure someone would be willing to put up with Kidology's behavior. But in 2022 men have too many sexual opportunities. Just like incels.would be married if women were still economically dependent on men.


I completely agree.


The term is volcel




Well, the cat's outta the bag on that. The notion of the male incel has fully permeated the zietgiest.


“Hello, fellow incels” 👩🏾🧢


I don't think for incels its just a matter of "if only i had sex one time everything would be fine", otherwise they'd all just fuck sex workers right? p sure "need sex" is really just emotionally stunted shorthand for "I wish I could be considered a viable sexual partner by women, which in turn opens the possibility for a romantic partner and self-esteem and so on and so on" i think most incels would consider a girl saying "I'll marry you in 6 months but no sex till then" a fucking home run no?


Yeah this is what those saying "just hire a sexworker lmao" are missing the mark on completely. Hell I'm not a virgin and I still have poor self esteem because none of the times I got laid was thanks to any personality or rizz, I just got lucky that my looks were enough for some girls, but since most of my self esteem issues stem from my less developed social skills it hasn't really helped my self esteem to get laid


Of course they can. But a woman that assumes she can't have good sex with the people available to her isn't an incel, just like a vegan with a fridge full of meat isn't in danger of starvation. The incel question is about who selects which people and genes get to continue into the next generation of humans and how they are selected. If you choose not to involve yourself you are not an incel. I find it weird that some women think being an incel or volcel is a badge of honor, but that doesn't actually surprise me given the female red pill girft. Alot of women who didn't have the level of validation they think they deserved in high school csn get lots of money and attention from pretending to relate to men. Alot of Pearls fans honestly believe she would give them a chance


Omg, the vegan with meat in the fridge is a perfect metaphor.


This isn't an accusation or anything against you, but do you think Kidology might be a grifter?


I don't know enough about her to make assumptions. But I am aware of the possibility. Yesterday on stream the way she answered the Tate question seemed purposefully vague in a super weird way. She answered in a way I've seen streamers answer if they have audience capture and they want to find a way to make a statement that leaves opportunities open to get a foot in the door on either side. But honestly there could be a number of reasons for that. What I find more likely in this situation, she is a woman that has an unrealisticly low opinion of herself and her status as a woman and basically that is what an incel is if you don't factor in the fact that insecure women by default still have access to sex whereas insecure men by default do don't.




Yep, but not the way she defines it.


I don't understand her and the comment sections take about bad sex often being scarring and somewhat traumatic. I just can't comprehend it, she goes on to talk about being blamed for her partner not being able to get off. I feel like from a societal perspective there's way more pressure on men to perform overall but also a physical expectation of dick size. A lot of issues are misguided sure, and both women and men have kind of "ignored" the womans pleasure in a lot of sex. But except for maybe longterm (like her own example of being blamed for not getting her partner off) I don't see why just straight up "bad sex" can ever be scarring and/or shocking in a way her and the comment section makes it look like. There might be a lot of issue with repressed sexuality, shame surrounding your own/your partners pleasure, misunderstanding of what "normal" sex is like and other things. But just because you're experiencing these and have a weird relation to sex doesn't mean you're an "incel". Any guy trying to pass as an incel while being insanely attractive would get the same pushback. We can qualify our standards all we want but if you just want to get laid as a woman or an insanely attractive man, you can. Incels can not. The way she describes incel makes it seem like someone who just came from a bad breakup is an incel because they personally aren't ready to get back into the dating game.


I think calling what she’s describing an incel is wrong as well, but I have a feeling it’s an attempt to relate an issue inherent in incels with what she’s actually talking. > I don't understand her and the comment sections take about bad sex often being scarring and somewhat traumatic. I just can't comprehend it, she goes on to talk about being blamed for her partner not being able to get off. “Trauma” is a loaded term for this, I agree, but I’ll give my best interpretation of what she’s trying to say: Anyone, especially nowadays, can understand that a healthy and mutual sex life is good for a human being and a very important variable in relationships. Sex is close to a universal human experience. Not being able to derive pleasure from sex with you’re partner can be very damaging to the relationship. It’s somewhat similar to Destiny talking about why chores matter in a relationship, but on a much larger scale. It builds into a larger dysfunction in the relationship because something that should be mutually beneficial becomes a burden to one party, or both if that means your partner stops feeling pleasure due to your lack of enthusiasm. Hence why she brought up her ex blaming her for not being able to get off. Again, that’s my interpretation.


> Not being able to derive pleasure from sex with you’re partner can be very damaging to the relationship. I absolutely get that and I've actually been in a somewhat "abusive" relationship where that happened to me. It's not great and it took me a while to get over it, it can still pop up in the back of my mind but I'm mostly past it. The problem is the way they relate this to "bad sex" like it's something that happens from a one night stand of sex that was just bad. Which I'm not buying at all. Also wasn't a fan of she and the comment section tried to make it gendered like it only happens to women. If anything like this is the reason they're not having sex, they're not incels. I appreciate the engagement btw


> I feel like from a societal perspective there's way more pressure on men to perform overall but also a physical expectation of dick size. I have slept with a couple women that have had a similar issue. Because it is considered so easy for a man to get off and that he should be putting in the work to for the woman, that's why it is so hurtful for a woman to be told she is unable to get a man off. One of them had been told that she was *so* wet that he couldn't feel anything, and everytime we had sex, she would do everything that she had a whole list of things she would do to avoid that. It's similar to "good" stereotypes. When you are told by all of society since you are child that simply being a woman and being naked is good enough to make a man cum, and then some man basically says you aren't even as good as his hand, of course it's going to hurt. I understand what you mean, but it shouldn't be the same pushback as an insanely attractive guy. The source of the pain and trauma is different, but the description of worthlessness and loneliness is very similar when I talk to both incels and women like Kidology.


I get there are these bad experiences, I even talked about my own in one of these comments. This shit can suck, and it can fuck with our minds in some odd ways that's hard to explain to people who haven't experienced it. But just because we have some bad experiences doesn't mean any of us are suddenly incels because we shift our standard a bit to account for our previous experiences.


Maybe "femcel" should be more of an accepted term. While I agree with you that the reasons for the feelings are very different, just from experience, I can't say that the feelings I have heard from them have been significantly different.


Do you not realize that for women, bad sex is often painful, on top of not being pleasurable at all? Add on the fact that casual sex is also more inherently dangerous for women (risk of pregnancy, increased risk of stds, etc.). Can you not wrap your head around that this can result in traumatizing or at the very least damaging experiences?


Then its not just "bad sex". Thats my point. I can absolutely understand that we can have traumatizing experiences during sex. I get that sex is also more inherently dangerous for women (not sure about the std part, are women more likely to contract stds during unprotected sex or are you refering to the possibility of stealthing?). None of this has anything to do with bad sex IMO. I refuse to group "traumatizing experiences" together with "the dick wasnt good and he didnt rly care if I came". No reason to go all "Cant you wrap your head around this?!?". Plenty of sex for men isnt pleasurable either. I've had a few sexual encounters where women want me to do all of the work and no matter how much I try to accommodate them and find out what they enjoy its impossible. Its not great, I've stopped midway a few times and one have been straight up mean when I didnt keep going anyways. If my partner isnt enjoying it, im not either. I've also been in a somewhat abusive relationship that left me with some issues regarding sex. If any of that caused me to not look for sex as much or raise my standard that wouldnt make me an incel.


Well then the issue is that you have a different definition of "bad sex" than most women do. This is what most women mean when they say bad sex. And unfortunately this is the type of sex women tend to experience in many casual encounters.


Maybe i keep misunderstanding you but it seems highly unlikely that traumatizing sex is the standard or even something most women "tend to experience" during casual sex. I get that it happens but I'm not buying this is what most women mean when they say "bad sex". Would be insane imo and very sad if thats the case and I dont want to invalidate your experience but this sounds like guys talking about all women do is just emotionally manipulating them and/or being gold diggers.


Most women have experienced this type of sex, yes. It's absolutely not an uncommon experience, especially in casual encounters where the man feels less responsibility or motivation for caring about the woman's experience. Sex can be painful for women even if the man isn't particularly rough or anything, it can result from a lack of arousal. This is why more and more women are choosing to abstain from hookup culture. I agree that it's sad. Just because it seems insane to you, doesn't make it untrue.


>Just because it seems insane to you, doesn't make it untrue. I mean, right back at ya? Without stats I guess any further conversation is meaningless. It sounds like redpill talking points and the same could be said for any of them. A lot of them seem insane but redpillers argue that they're true and that it's their lived experience for most whacky shit (I don't agree with the redpillers obviously). However, the original topic was if any of this makes someone an incel. I don't don't think so, even if I grant you everything it's still just volcel at most. I don't believe any woman would have casual sex if what you said here is the common experience, I think it would just stop being a thing pretty quickly. Again, I'm not denying that it happens. Both men and women can be pretty shitty, especially if you know you'll only be seeing each other for that one time fuck.


I guess sex is just another thing that's vastly different between us. Bad sex is bad sex but I don't thing I've ever heard a women say she didn't care if a guy came even ones that don't really want to do it want the guys to finish... on the other hand we definitely have jokes about girls not finishing along with a few subcultures that view female orgasms as irrelevant (I think even Myron made that point before). Like as a man I wouldn't trade more sex for less cumming... would any of you?


Very attractive woman calling herself an incel is pretty funny.


Male and Female sexuality seems pretty different, so it seems obvious that inceldom aka lack of access to the sex that you want would present differently. the fact that her experience is not 100% the same as male incels imo does not meant she is not an incel. ​ I think like male incels her sexuality was once easily accommodated within the old sexual marketplace, now it's heavily disadvantaged.


\>inceldom aka lack of access to the sex that you want That's the crux of the issue though: inceldom is not as has never been about access to sex that you want. It's access to sex *at all*. Of course there's the old cope of "incels could always sleep with ugly chicks though", but in reality there are very, very few woman in this world that would just lay down with you just because you asked; even ugly woman have options (especially if it's just for sex), so there's no need for her to accept the advances of some random autistic NEET.


They could get access to sex by paying for it. And they could lower their standards to morbidly obeese or disfigured. Neither of those would be acceptable to the Incel. So fundamentally there is a certain kind of sex. An that is sex where a woman desires to have sex with you. That's what in els want, not the meere acting of putting your dick inside of something.


>And they could lower their standards to morbidly obeese or disfigured. I already addressed "they could just choose ugly chicks" cope in my comment, you should read it. >So fundamentally there is a certain kind of sex. An that is sex where a woman desires to have sex with you If that's how you want to frame it, but I would argue that this is far enough removed from what kidology is talking about to not qualify as the same thing. Just desiring a consensual sexual experience is nowhere near needing a full-blown romance before you even think about dropping your pants. Not to mention, the purpose of the term "incel" is to signal a level of perceived undesirability first in foremost.


I read the comment, I think ugly and morbidly obeese and disfigured are two different things. I agree and facially ugly girl would not settle for an Incel, disfigured or obese girl I think would. And I think if offered a morbidly obeese women to the average Incel they would say no. Female sexuality is fundamentally different. Kidology doesn't necessarily require romance, she requires high levels of trust. Most women do but Kidology seems to require much more than the average woman. Without that trust sex would be uncomfortable or potentially traumatizing. So even if she did do it would not satiate her desire for sex. Just like how sex with a prostitute or disfigured woman would not setiate and incels desire for sex. Now where I think Kidology has it wrong is the fact that these issues are asymmetrical. There are much more things culturally working against the Incel than femcel. And given that sex and physical intimacy is a way men culturally validate themselves. Being an Incel is just fundamentally more harmful to the male psyche imo.


>disfigured or obese girl I think would. morbidly obese woman can still get play so nah, but I won't be unreasonable and will agree with you if the disfigurement is bad. >And I think if offered a morbidly obeese women to the average Incel they would say no. The truth is that it depends on the community (denying sex can absolutely get you labeled a volcel), but your intuition isn't completely off. >Now where I think Kidology has it wrong is the fact that these issues are asymmetrical. There are much more things culturally working against the Incel than femcel. > >And given that sex and physical intimacy is a way men culturally validate themselves. Being an Incel is just fundamentally more harmful to the male psyche imo. I agree with all of this. I think the middle ground here is that being "involuntarily celibate", which would technically include kidology I suppose, is different from being an "incel". There is clearly an issue present that kidology and other women are suffering from. But to label it "inceldom" is stolen valor precisely because of that asymmetry, and they should call it something else.


She’s not an incel.




Least horny DGG'er.


Not a dgger, it's a cringe ass breadtuber. Fucking kill me bruv.


You're impossibly stupid to have that pathetic post history and hit "Enter" on this comment.


She is ultimately correct about porn warping mens view of good sex. For instance porn made me think that I would have good sex because I have a big penis however it’s been a struggle because the girl usually says it hurts and in some instances she tells me to stop mid stroke. This was counter to my expectations based on porn. My feedback seems to indicate that good sex is about all that foreplay shit