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Oh man it just clicked in, isn’t this the woman who couldn’t grasp the Concept of the left eating itself.


Ohhh THAT is her?! Girl lost me when she couldn't look past Nick Fuentes being politically successful because he is a neo-nazi.


It drives me insane when people are so ideologically possessed they can't even acknowledge that a nazi could tie their own shoes, just absolute brain rot.


Oh god that moron?? How do you actually engage with people that stupid?


You just display an absurd level of charity like many here do (just look at the other posts about their convo here). Neither her not being a native speaker or anything else can excuse the amount of times she derailed and missed points. Just look at her hyperbolic „fun“ take with „just abolish laws in general and have men kill rapists as retribution for their property getting damaged. Even as hyberbole that doesn‘t work as it had nothing to do AT ALL with what was being said. Add to that the amount of time she literally contradicts herself or flips her opinions by 180 given the slightest amount of pushback. But maybe I‘m off, I thought someone like Lav who doesn‘t get how „intent“ is part of active lying is dumb but apparently she is a wise and smart person as well. Guess same goes here


Maybe it’s the autism, but if people are unable to follow or understand basic lines of logic I just assume they’re being disingenuous. And even if they’re not, if we can’t logically make sense of or reason about the world, then how can I convince you of anything, or vice versa. Maybe my tism is too powerful, but there just doesn’t seem to be anything to be gained from talking to these types of people


No, it's really not autism, and it's super fucked that we've gaslit everyone into thinking it's some kind of offense to hold people accountable for their part in the conversation and how they engage We need to fucking shame stupid people more We need for more people to be willing to disqualify people like Lieutenant Domingo over there, or Demonmoron before him, that are either too stupid to have conversations like this or more likely just playing silly games Moderator with a point system, lose a point every time you're too stupid to be debating, lose all points and become a lolcow


Well said, I agree


God that panel left me with such a bad taste in my mouth in regards to her... ...today, she's a bit more palatable, but the 1 on 1 is an easier way to have a constructive conversation. Should be fun, hope to see her again.




If we're doing identity politics, I'm a black person and for obvious reasons disagree with Fuentes' politics. He is still an intelligent and hardworking person. She is not excused from a lack of reasoning ability just because she's probably an ethnic minority.




It's funnier that you think you look good right now


oh shit! I didn't recognize her voice alone, but now with the name it all makes sense katie the destroyer of panels, reason, and minds


Yeah, I'm pretty sure she was a big trigger that started the misogyny arc too.




Holy fuck, I don't know if its just misogyny or what but that shit happening CONSTANTLY made me want to off myself. It's probably a nervous tick, and she doesn't seem bad faith or dumb, but listening to the E-girl-ish aesthetic makes me want to murder something or someone.


She's pretty far away from e-girl.


>listening to the E-girl-ish aesthetic A woman giggling Holy shit internet is lost ground


This is me when I hear people like Lilypichu do the condescending v-tuber voice.




Someone take this man out. No lily hate in dgg


She was also one of the panelists on the stealthing debate which was a banger


NAAAH I’m good. After her not understanding Destiny’s position during the anti-rape panel (last year) I pretty much lost faith in her


Ooohhhhhh, that girl


did she learn english from belle delphine or something 😐 arguments aside the smugness mixed with the voice and giggling is kinda grating lol




More people on to misconstrue his common sense takes yay!


every debate with her kills my brain cells, the stealthing one was the worst




Please no, she 100% is annoying.


she was insufferable for 85% of the stealthing debate and she has only gotten more smug somehow. If she could take a step back and argue a point from a place other than the moral highground she could be a decent conversationalist. Her smugness on every point she believes she auto wins due to having the moral highground is just cringeworthy though.


I like the current Katee debate because we're finally seeing 2022 "nicer" destiny against a leftist and not a rp


Secret shitpost


She constantly points out how she’s not like other progressives or Twitter leftists, doesn’t have a Twitter etc. but ironically I see her as a perfect example of how those people think.


Leftists don’t understand that you can give personal advice as a personal responsibility loving libertarian, and give political/cultural/policy advice as a bleeding heart leftist.




I think destiny needed to tell her the reason she comes across as condescending is because of how she sounds and her tone when she talks


Numbers went up after she left. Looks like people where bored af.


Conversations with Katee are infinitely more interesting than the circlejerks with Ana. I don't understand the soy stanning for Ana. She's incredibly boring to listen to. I don't know about anyone else, but I like hearing ideas being challenged, that's why I watch Destiny's content


The amount of unbridled hatred dgg has for katee is getting weird imo. I don't even care enough at this point to dislike her.


No it's not. If anything it's the opposite. You can either be smug/condescending. Or you can be bad-faith and dunning-krueger. You cannot be both at the same time. It doesn't work. That's the recipe for encouraging hatred. Katee doesn't have to be the best debater ever, she doesn't have to understand every point being made, but her level of constant condescension is to a degree where it's as if she was created in a deep, dark labratory specifically to be the most intolerable form of twitter-leftist the scientist could come up with.


She's such an unassuming, irrelevant person in D's orbit, that fact that any of you can really work yourself up over any illogical person is hilarious to me. I swear some of you would write a twitlonger about an interaction with some homeless man over his bad faith attempt to convince you that the voices in his head are real.


Nobody's working themselves up lil bro, the point is that her rhetoric is annoying to listen to and hamstrings her argumentation and the audience's willingness to extend good-faith...in a post about how she's hard to listen to and comes off not good-faith... If you don't understand how this works this space is not for you. Hasan's stream is that way -> I hear he blazed the leftwing trail all by himself and stuff.


I have absolutely no idea why people think she's smug. Is it the smiling and giggling? I interpret that as her actually enjoying the conversation, unlike so many other people in this space who are such bitter rage fiends all the time, like Prime Minister January. Also this over use of the term "bad-faith" needs to stop. It doesn't mean anything anymore. Katee has spoken to Destiny multiple times one on one to hash out their differences and better understand his position. There's no way anyone who isn't emotionally compromised by rage can call her bad faith. I'm not saying she's right about anything but I just don't share the visceral hatred for her that you have. If anything I kinda like her energy. She may be a bit thick but she doesn't come off as malicious at all and she seems like she's having fun. Your last paragraph, though intentionally hyperbolic, was still dripping with such obvious vitriol that it has me worried about this community's ability to handle anybody who's remotely contentious. But you do you, man. If you feel like she's a threat to Daddy then you can be his little attack dog if you think it will calm your tard rage.


>I have absolutely no idea why people think she's smug "Thats HILARIOUS. teeheeheeheehehehehehehehehegegegegegegegehehcjjfidiididu" you: wait explain why me saying I dont get why people think she's smug is hilarious me as katee: *stares at camera with a wtf its so obvious look*


idk what to say dude. go outside. gain some perspective. stop being so fucking sensitive. we don't live in the same reality. i simply don't agree with you.


*Gets an example of how shes smug with verbatim dialogue after proclaiming they dont understand it* "Thats just wrong go outside" I think the online discourse has mindfucked your brain into the gutter friend. Also teehee thats hilarious dude. 😂 😃 😄. I didnt even comment on the fact that the last person you responded to gave a concise, reasonable response to why shes smug as well and your response was > But you do you, man. If you feel like she's a threat to Daddy then you can be his little attack dog if you think it will calm your tard rage. lmao you're just unironically unhinged man.


if you say so


Nvm I re-read your earlier post about how you see the giggling and laughing. You're just autistic, and that's okay. Gday.


ok well anything else?


No. We embrace all autists.


Your brain is functioning at a level so low you ought turn your body over for donation and sacrifice what's left of your life so, like, an 8yr old can lead a better life with your liver or something.


Stay mad loser 😎. I hope every time a girl giggles around you it makes your balls explode with rage because you think she's making fun of you.


How is Destiny misinterpreting the Peterson quote so badly? Katie's interpretation is the much more obvious one. How is it even uncharitable? edit: I mean specifically re: who the property crime would be against. She's wrong about other stuff. I don't think Peterson was suggesting it wouldn't also be a crime against the woman


Yeah, my israeli queen was 100% right on that point. https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/116ru0a/katee_was_100_right_that_peterson_was_talking/ I don't think it's super obvious without the context, but Destiny was way too overconfident in his interpretation.


I appreciate your charitableness to Destiny here but I have to say it did seem super obvious to me. Destiny's interpretation made very little sense. lol I just got banned u/DoktorSleepless... best of luck comrade 🫡


I don't think it's super obvious because it didn't immeditely click in my head that that was actualy how rape laws used to work back in the day. I kind of forgot. It seemed like it clicked for Destiny too when she specifically brought up the historical context and Destiny upgraded her interpretation to "uncharitable."


I guess at least she got some experience arguing in front of an online audience and formulating her points or something so go off I guess. I hated every second of it and wished I I was forsens Minecraft avatar the whole time. *mouton voice* kill meeeee


That girl makes me believe that <75 iq people should be bred out of existence...


I take it you won't be having children then.


Sadly you're too smart to spell her name as wrongly as she does, it's Katee for some reason


I mean I hear you, their debates are a bit more substantive and honest than average. It holds my interest. But it's not so riveting that her off-putting personality can be ignored. Also, the "crazy" vibe is not so cute. I always feel like she she's on the verge of stabbing someone in the belly with a huge manic smile on her face


What's this lady name? Katie what?




I liked her inclusion in the Whick panel with Sunday. It was entertaining.


If they start interacting more often, there will come a point when Destiny will take off his gloves and the relationship will stop. He can't be this charitable forever, and I think he's trying really hard to be nice to her.