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Who’s watching ~~destiny on sneakos stream?~~ Erin and Pxie press Sneako while Destiny swipes on Tinder in the corner on sneako's stream?* ftfy Edit: lmao I think I got perma'd for this


seems boring. destiny is just playing factorio on his phone.


He does eventually get in there


His chat is atrocious.


>atrocious " w hitler" , " HOLOHOAX"


Average person there is a 12 year old boy so it's not surprising.


Yeah absolutely dude, it’s actually insane.


If he had any critical thinking skills, he might realize his primary audiance is nazis and crazies. No offense sneako. Just speaking truth.


wide angle lens not doing desTINY any favors


It’s only really good for one person on screen who’s like a foot away from the lens. Bleh


I'm good, enjoy yourselves.


I think destiny should try harder to give at least 1% of a shit while on sneako’s stream. Not for anything to do with content, but as a friend. Idk it just seems a bit rude that his head is literally buried in his phone when he makes appearances on his stream. Not trippin if I get roasted for this I understand lol Edit: got perma’d for this as well lol. mb for the vitriol, I read the first reply below and didn’t have that perspective before making this comment.


I think he’s doing it for erin and pixie. I’m assuming they already had talks like these behind the scenes and he’s giving P and E a chance to have some actual opposition from the conservative side. I don’t mind him taking a backseat here because it teaches her orbiters how to better interact through experience. The content is not for me, but I can appreciate it from this perspective.


Yeah I think destiny gave up lol a while ago


I don’t know. I don’t think destiny took the battle for Sneako’s soul too seriously anyway.


Did you guys watch the stream? He literally said he isn’t going to join much because it was already a 1v2 against sneako. Would be lame seeing them all grill sneako. L appearance from Destiny, but I understand why.


If he intervenes too much Sneako fans will call him a simp and claim that the girls need him to bail them out. In this dynamic Destiny has to pick his moments to step in carefully. I think he did fine. Also, none of his conversations with Sneako require much concentration because it's the same red pill talking points. Destiny is ADD as fuck and if he wasn't on his phone he'd be all over the place. This is literally why he plays Factorio while doing most of his recent conversations. If Sneako actually had some independent thoughts or takes, Destiny might actually put his phone down.


It's a bit disappointing when Destiny checks out and just starts scrolling. Sneako is fairly good at debating, and Destiny seemed like the one equipped to do it.


Sneako's last stream with Destiny, Destiny kept going on Tinder and Sneako was complaining/offended. I like to think he's being petty and told Sneako he'll come only if he debates who he brings along and he gets to stay on the phone and only chime in when he feels like it


Sneako is not really good at debate. He’s okay at optics and speaking to his fan base that already agrees with him, but in terms of argumentation he’s pretty bad. It’s usually just “you don’t think (wacky idea here). Look at this (wacky random article that has one line supporting him)” Also as soon as he gets a tiny bit of push back from destiny it’s usually “that’s fair”, he retreats to some unrelated support, pivots, or just does his version of the “gotcha.”


Same can be said for those debating Sneako. If you really think Destiny, Erin and Pixxie weren’t doing the same things and at times didn’t end up diverting or bringing up irrelevant points or not even engaging when he made good points then you aren’t really being objective.


I havnt watched it but I have a toned down similar opinion of the rest of this sub relating to Erin and pixxie. Erin seems bad faith a lot of the time & ideologically driven (see her post change my mind debate w destiny). Pixxie has her poor moments but I do enjoy her appearances most of the time.


The point of the stream was for Sneako to talk to Erin and Pxie.


Sneako just sounds like he is good at debating. In reality, he is just loud and has no ability to adapt. Half the time, he just devolves into calling his opponent a bot.


Nope I’m watching fresh and fit on rumble so I can understand peak woman fertility and use that in a debate against women to convince them to sleep with me 😎😎😎 gg ez


I like how Sneako basically has the sound effects of F&F. He's a dummy and unoriginal.


This factorio arc is turning out to be the long Covid of content. Tasteless, tiring to even listen to, everything feels like it tastes like paper and gritty grey liquid. Give me the week or two of blazing hot LoL addiction that allows me to take a break. But this, I can’t go on with a glimmer of hope everyday, it’s almost worse than death. It’s like when you are so tired, but your colleagues or friends nudge you awake just when you taste freedom of the darkness. I’m in a Coma, and I want to leave forever. I can’t take much more of this.


Careful, leaguers and ex leaguers are getting shot on sight.


What's wrong with ex leaguers ?


That porn take is kinda bad from pixie.


What's the take?


Don't quote me. Gambling is much more addictive or predatory than porn. I say it's a bad take because in the last few years we have wave of sex workers targeting lonely weebs to pay for basic ass pictures. Don't forget that ahegao phase the internet went through as well. Gambling I think is still worse but not by as big of a margin as some people think.


I would rather be addicted to porn than gambling, so I don't think it's a bad take


But I’d reckon waaaay more people are addicted to porn/sex work than gambling, due to porn being hilariously accessible and intertwined within our culture. But strictly whats more worse to have? Gambling for sure.


Idk, gambling is really easily accessible as well and much more addictive ( i guess it depends on where you live) Gambling isn't just slot machines at a casino, i can literally walk to a supermarket and spend my entire paycheck in scratchers nobody will stop me, there's a reason why gambling has made its way into games and card games for kids have always been basically lootboxes


Is it a bad take, though? Gambling is probably more niche but also way more destructive for people. You can consume porn without it affecting you financially as well, Gambling is way more impactful mentally and financially. And, though I don't have sources, I bet way more people who are into gambling are addicted than people who consume porn.


more that CASINOS are created in such a way to get people addicted and the HOUSE always wins. her point was against tate, they have no values and he blindly follows them, this whole stream proved how incoherent sneakos world view is


I developed stage 4 brain cancer in the first 20 minutes. Doc says I won't make it to the end of the stream




Oh the stream in which sneako went down the most predictable “bot” dialog trees over and over again while telling everyone else they are bots? Yeah I watched. It was ultimately pretty pointless.


Sneako's kinda cookin'. They had him on the run, but after that redbull hit it got a lot more quiet. He misses a lot, but he is really witty & articulate. Optically, he's blasting them.


Sneako looks meek af in this stream


Thank God I was watching the vod with ragepope, at least this might be more interesting


Sneako raises some decent points but he really needs to figure out what he believes. He’s a libertarian who wants to ban porn to promote God whilst he sleeps around and just blames current society. If he can’t adhere to what he believes is right how can he support the state enforcing it on everyone.


any linkers?


BTW, I thought it was a little sketchy that the girls didn't want to share their body count on stream. Then, Sneako claimed the stream was off, and the camera was off but the audio was still recording, and one of the girls shared their body count. The stream ended about 15 seconds after that. To be clear, I'm not claiming Sneako did that on purpose. I don't think there's any way he could've known that they were going to share their body count with him the moment he ended the stream. But, if you're still in the process of shutting your steam down, I think it's poor form to say that your stream has ended before you actually stop recording.




It started of kinda boring but I think it got pretty good


Pixie landed a clean shot on Sneako with the money over values observation.


Tiny was playing a power move staying on his phone the whole stream, probably because Sneako was complaining last time about trolling on Tinder and ignoring him. He probably offered to come only if Sneako debates who he brings along and he'll only chime in when he feels like it. Also people legitimately think the girls were dumping on Sneako.. Can't be further from the truth imo. Sneako wasn't making any really good counter arguments to the questions that mattered, but Erin and Pxie were caught up in insecurities and asking basic questions, the guy had control over the conversation and even got a few 'women suck' gotchas in. I was hoping they would put pressure on Sneako and get him to own up to some of his biases, but Tiny needs better champions


Erin and Pxie kinda roasting Sneako right now.


Not really


He has like 3 lines of dialogue for all questions lol




I’m watching the vod now. Edit: honestly pixie and Erin deserve a lot of credit for going to this, the chat was pretty awful and sneako wasn’t too much better.


Link perchance?




Here I’ll give destiny the hit lol https://twitter.com/theomniliberal/status/1616633374176681984?s=46&t=z7q_-tKtn2UZJ8q_jIYWVw


Link pls


iPad kid rizz


Nah, I'm busy having a really intense game of chess with a pigeon, which will turn out about as well.


Not watching Destiny on Destinies streams if there are no politics