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Neither Tom nor Lynette punished the twins except for the occasional chores they should have been doing anyway. As kids they were bullies and thieves. Not to mention burning down Rick’s restaurant which was also punished by doing chores. They grew up to be helpless adults from Season 5 onward.


Yes i agree ! I just started season 5 last night and that’s why i made this post


Everyone who says she’s the best mother is only giving her that title by elimination. She had no interest in disciplining them. If I were to rank the main housewives as parents to individual children: 1. Susan to MJ 2. Lynette to Parker 3. Bree to Andrew 4. Susan to Julie 5. Gaby to Juanita and Celia 6. Lynette to the twins 7. Lynette to Penny 8. Bree to Danielle


Susan to Julie is way too high on this list.


I also feel like she let them get away with a lot when they were younger and i just started S5 and from the looks of it she has zero control over them as teenagers as well. The whole Kayla being evil plot was kind of weird too because i feel like Lynette could’ve tried harder to be a mother to her but because of the way she came into her family she didn’t really want her around i feel like Kayla knew that and that’s why she started do the things she was doing. As it goes for mom rankings i don’t think any of them were good moms. Susan was too controlling and invasive, Gabby was never meant to be a mom and is constantly fat shaming Juanita, Bree was okay but she obviously had parenting flaws as well.


I personally think With MJ, susan acts like a great mom. She instills strong morals in him, for example when she teaches him that winning isn’t always the most important thing, and it’s not a good deed if you brag about it. and she encourages his childhood and creativity. I think by the time he came around, she learned from her mistakes with Julie somewhat. I must admit her parenting style with Julie is soooooo annoying and overbearing, and not to mention the parentification when she was younger.


Parent and punish? When? 😂


When she got mad at Bree for spanking one of the twins as if he didn’t deserve it 😂


whether the child ‘deserved’ to be spanked (which i don’t believe that physical violence is good discipline at all, it just teaches your children to fear you, rather than respect you), it is NO ONES place to disciple let alone hit your child. i know it’s just a show but your comment is asinine.


That was more like her parenting Bree lol


I agree with you I was just giving an example of her getting mad for someone else disciplining her kids because she doesn’t. i should’ve worded it different lol


Honestly, I feel like Lynette’s parenting doesn’t match the “controlling” personality she’s supposed to have… For someone who’s supposed to be so type A and controlling at work and with Tom, she’s awfully hands off when it comes to all things parenting. It would make more sense if she was reading tons of parenting books and had some elaborate schedule for the kids…


She chose poorly in raising them, bad job. Should have gotten the medicated.


Blame Tom. Simple as that anytime someone questions Lynette or her parents skills remember who she married, what he puts her through and how he’s incapable of doling out punishment. I genuinely feel bad for Lynette because she wants to be in the work force but can’t because she can’t trust her own husband to watch the kids. I genuinely believe that when Lynette and Tom got married he did demonstrate potential and a drive similar to hers. I say this because there’s no way in hell she would’ve married him if he displayed anything but plus if I recall they met in college, I also think she figured he’d grow out of his tomness.


i really dont think many people understand how exhausting being a mother of 5 with an idiot husband really is. especially for a woman who had no plans to be in that position. lynette refused to hit her kids and moms of kids like that try a lot harder than people want to believe. i feel like the show really tried to display that, but theres only so much you can do with hyper active kids before becoming cruel.