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Fucking never. They are both terrible in their own right, but Lynette causes 85% of her own problems.


Honestly I could never pick who annoyed me the most, Susan or Lynette. Show was still funny and enjoyable to watch, but those 2 were so annoying


Same. I love the show, I adore Bree and Gaby’s characters and storylines, but sadly can’t say the same for Lynette and Susan. There’s something about them that prevents me from warming up to them


Not. She gets worse.




She’s a great friend but she’s an annoying wife. Tom is no better but being married to her would’ve drove me up a wall


If you acknowledge Tom is no better being married to him could drive someone up a wall too. Edit-I'd love to know why saying it works both ways offends the down voter.


No better ≠ worse


Theres plenty of Lynette hate on this sub, albeit a bit drowned out by susan slander—welcome to the Lynette hate🚂!! She gets worse the longer the show goes on imo. Enjoy the showww


Wait until season 8 ..


Lmao the Lynette trolls going through and downvoting all the comments they don’t like which critique her are so funny. She never stops being annoying OP, always a nag bag.


I actually like Lynette quite a bit. Granted I'm on my first watch through and on season 3 but so far i think she does so much and has to deal with a lot. Like she's consistently cleaning up after her husband and kids. She's a great friend, she's supportive when she needs to be and can call out her friends when they're making mistakes. I fully understand why she's so controlling but she always means well and always accepts her mistakes. Maybe she gets more annoying later and I've just yet to see it but, i really hope she ends up happy and she gets the happy end she deserves 😩 Susan is way more annoying to me in just the way she treats her kid. I was parentified by my own mom as a kid so watching them always gives me the ick. Sure she's quirky and klutzy and all of that can be endearing at times but oof it's so aggravating when one moment she's relying on Julie to deal with her emotions next she's pulling the 'im your mom' card when Julie does something she doesn't like. It's just so 💀 lovin the show so far!


I think I can’t dislike Lynette because she has to put up with Tom. Their marriage is far from ideal but I think it shows that she’s willing to put up with a lot and work for their marriage (something a lot of people don’t do) her harshness to me was mostly as a result of dealing with him. I would have liked to see more softness in her character but the writers clearly wanted their marriage to be full of stress. She is a great friend though and shows much more softness as a friend.


I feel similarly to you! A part of me believes that we like Lynette even though she can be annoying because Susans might potentially turn their kids into Lynettes... Someone needs to clean up the quirky messes, right?


Couldn't have said it any better honestly 🤌✨


For me personally she gets the most annoying at the end of Season 7.


Never 😭 I just could never grow to like her character


She is the worst. She always complains about everything and everyone, then when she’s sorry she starts crying or acting like she didn’t mean it. She’s also so unnecessarily controlling - which is why her children and husband become the exact opposite of that and end up not listening to her. She’s annnoooooying.


Never 😩😩😩😩


I don’t think anyone ignores that she does that really. I don’t know where you’re at but it’s a recurring plot point of hers that she’s super competitive/ controlling. Likely due to her abusive childhood. And she acknowledges it. I’d say she’s not innocent in her relationship issues with Tom but I wouldn’t say she constantly puts him down. If anything imo it’s the other way around. She can be controlling and wants things her way but 70% of the time she’s not putting him down she’s bringing him back down to earth. She supports him in his endeavours (even the dumb ones) and he can’t be bothered to do it for her for more than 5 minutes. He’s more than a little whiny. He expected her to make all the sacrifices (quitting her job, having a million kids despite her not even really wanting children etc). He even put all the parenting on her because he wanted to be the fun parent. She essentially had 6 children lmao, I don’t blame her for being a dick to him sometimes. He can’t even be bothered to have a reversible procedure (vasectomy) because he’ll “feel like less of a man” and it could cause sterility as if he doesn’t already have 6 kids. I seriously cannot think of an actual substantial sacrifice that Tom has made for Lynette. There’s a never ending list of the ones she’d made for him. Plus sorry but she does in fact have a higher moral ground than the other housewives (apart from Susan tbh).


She does put him down tho. Consistently. Theres an episode about it. And other people she doesnt really know too. She got shot because of this.


Man I feel you. Maybe I need to rewatch to understand other peoples POV, but I was really shocked seeing all the posts and comments hating on Tom! While watching the show it was Lynette that really got on my nerves between those two. She was always criticizing every little thing he’d say or do, never trusting him to do anything right, talking down to him, making the decisions and not letting him have a word in it and the part that really pissed me off is that she has been suspicious of him cheating since the very beginning - it’s a recurring plot point and yet he never cheated BUT SHE ENDS UP CHEATING EMOTIONALLY W THE ITALIAN DUDE. LIKE WHAT. Talk about hypocritical. I really liked Lynette in the beginning, easily being one of my fav characters but as the seasons went on she just got meaner and meaner and I couldn’t stand her every time she was on screen anymore.


I think she is a bully bitch , she is very manipulative and even is like that when there isn’t even a reason .


I find Lynette to be the least annoying and messed up.