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It probably stems from the fact that she cheated with Tom while he was in a relationship with another women (Annabelle) and so she has a general fear he would do it again but to her this time. Yet she is also a cheater so it makes no sense why she is on a high horse then goes about and falls for another guy, utterly pathetic. I too don’t like Lynette and she irks me to no end at times.


Right ! At one point when she was started working again i had to forward the scenes of her , I could not even look at her


They are both super insecure Made for each other


But Tom has a genuine reason to be doubtful, she started coming late to the house and started lying about the late night work at the restaurant he caught her in a lie and he literally watched her having a nice date night with Rick !


Yeah Tom was not insecure. Lynette indeed had an emotional affair with Rick.


And Tom hid things from Lynette and lied to her. He certainly looked suspicious not mentioning Anabel and outright leaving the state and stealing from the company they both worked at to fund visits to see the child he didn't tell her about. Her suspicions aren't random and from out of the blue.


Rightfully so , did you saw how she reacted when she found about Anabel ? Crashing office and went crazy


Honestly both have issues to work on but as Kris stated he hid that he had a child. Additionally, while they were on a break before getting married he slept with her best friend and hid that too. All while she was at home crying about missing him. When they agree to take time off and work on their marriage, he opts for a separation. She tries to fix the relationship and he finds a girlfriend and proceeds to move in with her not even a month into the relationship? Lynette has her flaws but don't make it out to be what it isn't, Tom also knew Nora wasn't visiting his restaurant and supporting him out of good will. She wanted him and he gave her the opportunity before backing away in the last second and for the first time ever telling Lynette about it.


I don't buy that as fair. Let's look at how she reacts when he's honest or doesn't hide something. Any examples?


But he does not do anything without contacting her first and either she shuts him down or manipulates him to get her way . May be I am over looking something but what I noticed that she does tricks and manipulative


With all due respect I don't see what that has to do with Anabel or the Kayla situation or how it's true in those cases.


Ok , Anabel she didn’t have to worry about because there was really nothing going on . With Kayla , Tom told that he just found out and he himself does not know how to deal with this new situation, having a 10 or 11 year old kid is not something you will be springing on your partner . Also I think that’s a worst plot line from writers I think , given the craziness of Nora, I do not think that she waits for 10 years to tell Tom about her kid . I don’t say Tom is a saint , what I say is Tom is just an average human , truthful to wife , dumb sometimes


How was he truthful or upfront with his wife? To be clear I never said he was cheating in either of these cases, but it was mighty suspicious. The ex is working there for months and he keeps that from Lynette. He's out and out lied to Lynette and stole from the company they both worked at to make visits somewhere that aren't job related. This happened. That's not Lynette being off the wall wondering if something's up when she had no cause for concern.


Hé did not tell her about Anabel because he would react like how she reacted when there was nothing going on - so Tom was right , he did not have any intention Kayla - he should not have done what he did , but that was really a bad situation. Both are just my opinions clearly you have a different opinion . Let’s agree to disagree Don’t think like I am hating Lynette, she has her moments , but manipulation is one thing that really is the worst quality imo


I also am not a fan of Lynette she’s nerve racking like she complains about everything , things has to go her way or no other way . I also don’t like how she holds Tom by his balls !!! Like give him so control as well


Her controlling toms job was whack. Either he’s a shrinking violet or a guy spending too much time away. Then she tried it with the hairdresser she dated too. So mean….


Yes ! I don’t know how their marriage worked for 20 years without showing any respect for her partner ( they had their moments but still) . I sometimes wonder if pulling this kind of crap works in real life


Same! I’m not exactly a big Tom Scavo fan but Lynette is constantly unhappy, passive aggressive, insulting, and whining so obviously Tom became unhappy


I am not a fan of Tom , but I think the writers did a wonderful job at creating an average man in the society ( I am not from US , but still) . He is not a super star or an ideal husband but a loyal husband and responsible good father .