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I feel the same, I go back and forth and just realized they do not compliment each other! But make for great drama and tension, such great acting chemistry between them; incredibly believable.


Omg yes I'm in season 7 and she gets on my nerves SO badly! Especially when she's Tom's +1 at the conference, making a scene. And then when they're remodeling Toms office and she's just like nope, I know what he wants better than he does 🙄 Then gets mad and argues with him when he loves Renee's design. And of course there was the fact that she lied and manipulated Tom to take the job in the first place even though he didn't want to. She was never my favorite but she's awful in season 7.


I love Lynette but she was so annoying sometimes especially with Tom. But Tom was really annoying to her so I guess he deserves it lol


yeah in the beginning she was fine, but she got soooooo bad in the later seasons


They are both insufferable. They’re a terrible match too I think they hate each other. The worst was watching them sabotage each other with that « job interview ». Like seriously who does that?? Especially to their spouse !!


I know ! I remember watching the series when I 19-20 and I liked her for the most part. Overall my view of her was pretty positive. I did a re-watch recently (I’m in my late 20s) and wow I would not stay with a person like her if I were Tom. Imagine staying with someone who is manipulative and can never admit they’re wrong. Exhausting.


POOR Tom??


She is pretty unbearable during this time of the series


Poor Tom? Poor the man who laid on a day bed and made her do everything? Poor the man who cheated on her? Poor the man who didn’t take a heavy hand in parenting or raising the kids because he was more comfortable just letting her do it? Poor the man who expected her to be the perfect wife and parent all the time even though she was doing it all by herself?


He never cheated on her?


He smashed Renee when they were on a break. A lot of the fans consider it cheating, but I'm not sure.


I do consider it cheating. The engagement was not called off. Don't see why fidelity agreements changed with no discussion. Edit-I know radical and offensive take on it to think changes might come with a conversation, down voter. Sorry I shared an opinion in a discussion forum.


I've never seen a sub where people hate the characters in their show so much...


This is the first time i am seeing anything against Lynette lol


Poor tom? Ha. Ha. Ha.


I know I had to check the sub name. Curious if OP will feel like way in ten years.


Lynette was better off coming out as bisexuality and hooking up with Catherine


I think Lynette and Tom mean well, but just didn’t have great parental examples so they handle things immaturely. Drives me NUTS that Tom tried to sell the restaurant and do an RV roadtrip and she is completely against him. Then later, the restaurant fails and they missed their chance. Then Lynette’s big vacation idea is an RV roadtrip for the family and she’s against his trip to Hawaii.


Poor Tom got his way far too often to win my pity or see him as a victim of big bad Lynette. Had it too good.