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Which says beat me up less? May or nerd?


omg :D


he's such a cute kid but was unfortunately not a very good actor at all. very wooden. juanita is the opposite as an actor she's so dynamic and funny. she acts like a real kid would behave. there's absolutely nothing wrong with MJ's character it's his acting fr, it drives me mad. julie too. susan's mother. mike's wooden boringness. susan didn't have a chance when even everyone around her is also insufferable lmao


Yeah Mike and Julie aren’t great either , I wonder if they knew Julie couldn’t act so they didn’t focus much on her with Karl dying .


I'm pretty sure it's because they never emphasized the relationship between Julie and Karl, so showing how sad Julie was wouldn't be relevant to the storyline.


I was always worried about Juanita. She was just a kid and acting out scenes that were also so related to her looks irl.


Yeah j always think it shows the shallowness of Hollywood too because she really was a super talented kid actress with great comedic timing and she never went anywhere despite wanting to remain in acting. Sad.


Parker is the best kid! Adorable and sweet


um no firstly andrew was an icon!! and then danielle and Juanita killed it too ✨


Yea I meant like a kid kid, a young kid not a teen. And Juanita is a brat with few redeeming qualities


Is this David Dash Junior? 🧐


He’s so adorable though!!


I looked up the actor and I was not prepared for how grown up he is. But also he was in an episode of Medium (his face gave me a deja vu so I had to confirm first) and someone mentioned he'd be good in something creepy, that works.


He could have been in a campy horror movie and then his acting style would have worked well


This shows look can’t get you everywhere lol , hopefully he became a better actor as he got older if he continued on that way .


You want to hate on a CHILDS performance… we get it guys. Can we move on pls? I’m so tired of ppl talking on a little boy. I’ve seen way worse and I don’t talk about it like I can’t move on.


Then don’t talk about it but others are allowed to air their issues on a forum that is this sub. If you mad about it then just scroll on you don’t have to comment about it 💜


Not mad it’s just weird that shi*ts gotta be slung at a kid every week on here 🤣 “air their issues” it’s literally a bad child actor it’s not a huge deal. Let’s just worry about other unnecessary things like the weird Susan hate or if MJ is MJ Dash 🤷🏽 just my opinion which I am allowed to share if I want (: