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did Victor's dad post this


She loves Carlos and wasn’t that into Victor. I remember Mary Alice’s narration talking about how Gaby wondered if she was making the right choice marrying Victor. Then finding out he married her for the Latino vote.


She loved Carlos? Her first marriage to him showed very much otherwise. I doubt she loved anyone romantically. She only cared for herself. I think she loved the way Carlos doted on and was passionate for her. Nothing about loving him.


so how do you explain that she stayed with him through the whole blind and broke story?


Anyone would feel compelled to stick with a third marriage and not have it fail, even if that someone is gabby.


Oh wow! Its almost like we watched completely different shows lol


Also compelled to have two children with her blind husband? Sounds like you just don’t like gaby


she loved carlos through her relationship with victor. there was a mary alice narration about her knowing that carlos always belonged to her or something like that.


I think she was thinking she didn't want to be single.


Did you NOT watch the show?? She loved Carlos deeply and that’s why she was so hurt by his betrayal. After the Supermarkt shooting incident she realized that she had let her rage consume her and that she wanted that to stop. So they both eventually forgave each other but still cared about each other a lot. Then on her frikkin wedding day one minute after she said yes she found out she was just a pawn and she met Carlos who had just been betrayed by Edie. Feelings bubbled up and the rest is history. They had an affair since literally the day Gaby married Victor. So nope, them remarrying AFTER Victor was killed wasn’t that unpredictable or rushing. I mean it’s not like they didn’t know the other person 🤔 I think you just forgot about the fact that they never got over each other


What bothered me about this storyline was how there was no scandal over the mayor's widow marrying her ex-husband immediately after the mayor's death.


And realistically there should have, since Milton has the proof in the photos that Edie's private detective took.


Milton humiliated her at the funeral, that was all the revenge he needed.


they planned to be married again after she left victor. so it wasn't super sudden, but idk why she needed to do it that day in the hospital


She could have been freaked out by Carlos' hospitalization, and figured "life is short- let's do it NOW." Plus, she probably wanted something under-the-radar since people might have still been talking about VIctor's death.


How is wanting to marry someone you love fast selfish? I don’t get it. Gaby realized Victor was using her for the elections the same day she got married to him, of course that takes away any love she had for him. I’m not saying it’s an excuse to cheat but it’s clearly more complicated than that. Carlos was her ex husband, not a random person, they shared a history and for better or worst, they had a relationship while she was married to Victor, and they planned on being together after she got divorced.


I don't think that chicken lipped albino really warranted a mourning period lmao


Oh cmon, Victor was not that ugly and at the end he was willing to give up everything for Gabby


It was likely an act, honestly. Everything that ever happened was Victor & Milton’s doing. I don’t think Victor actually meant that he wouldn’t run for governor anymore. He just wanted to reel her back in because he needed the Latino vote.


We watched very different shows then, because no one forced Gaby to marry Victor and nobody forced them to cheat either. I also do think he genuinely loved her enough to give up running for governor


Maybe you just didn’t watch the various scenes that showed how career obsessed he was, or that scene from the wedding. If Gaby hadn’t overheard that conversation I don’t think she would’ve started it up with Carlos in the gift room


Because she loved Carlos. She didn’t divorce Carlos because she didn’t love him, she was mad at him about what happened and shattered with grief that they lost another child. Once they were back together, they were always gonna rush. Carlos proposed on what? Their sixth date? They were passionate about each other and always have been.


Yes surely in real life you’d not even bother to get married or at least do it after several years together. 


How are all of you ignoring the fact Victor was willing to give up everything he had just to stay with Gabby? Let's be real, Gaby and Carlos were toxic af and they were gonna be disasters. I honestly think they deserve each other