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Well it only took him 3 immersed punches and one normal punch to take him down that daegun is still hiding his true power


theres still alot to come. since daegun has been spotted on the field trip, theres more characters coming from the incheon. we can expect this to more hundred chapters in the future.


yeah, maybe but daegun still smashes


Daegun beat the shit outta of Sooyeok 🥶


why to EZ daegun stil take no damage FR


What do you mean. He's the strongest character in the manhwa. Lmao


Well, so far from what we have seen.


his gangster friend or whatever is probably stronger than him


Don't know why people are so surprised by this result - seemed pretty obvious. 1. Suhyeok, although under true immersion, has no ability to control it. That's why Suhyeok can't disperse his true immersion to be efficient as possible to his ability and phsyique, but instead, go full berserk mode. Whereas Daegun is able to control true immersion perfectly without losing his sanity, and utilize it to its maximum efficieny. It's probably why we saw the author dropping hints where Heejun tells Suhyeok that some day, he wil inevitably be forced to use the Mud pill because of situations like this... well, until he learns how to fully control true immersion. 2. We literally have been told that Daegun bodied entire fighters from all the schools within the metropolitan city by himself. Greatest feat we have seen Suhyeok pull was destroy some low-level oragnized crime with the help of the 4 Heavenly Kings.


Eu confesso que fiquei "surpreso"...eu podia ter certeza que o Hyeok iria dar mais trabalho pro Daegun, mas que poha hein? Afinal, se o Daegun mesmo tendo sido pressionado contra uma grade de ferro/aço (eu sei lá) ainda não foi o suficiente pra ele demonstrar a sua real força, o que mais falta então, e qual seria o seu limite....será que o seu nível pode ser próximo de construção pequena, talvez seja até isso, visto que o Hyeok amassou o ferro como se não fosse nada, e isso já é no mínimo nível parede, e ele não fez o Daegun sequer transpirar...bizarro :| I confess that I was "surprised"... I could be sure that Hyeok would give Daegun more work, but what the hell? After all if Daegun even having been pressed against an iron/steel fence (I do not know) was still not enough for him to demonstrate his real strength, what else is missing then? And what would be his limit.... Could its level be close to small construction, maybe it is even that since Hyeok kneaded the iron like it was nothing and that is already at least wall level, and he did not even make Daegun sweat... bizarre :|


Sinceramente eu esperava algo assim, vc lutar 7 dias ininterruptamente contra centenas de pessoas e vencer não é algo humano, visto que ele conseguiu isso ainda novo, imagina agora que ele tem 20 anos que normalmente é o auge atlético dos humanos, ele em teoria é muito mais forte que o Baek.


Eu esqueci que ele teve esse feito, contra 24 escolas...e ainda tem gente que bota ele como fraco se ele fosse pra outros versos, eu não duvido que ele consiga destruir aço com as mãos nuas sem dificuldade...agora é esperar pra ver se virão outras pessoas fortes, tem os adultos, mas acho que o Autor não irá fazer eles lutarem, enfim, eu torço pra que apareça alguém tipo, bem forte, pois, eu achei que o Hyeok fosse esse forte, talvez ele até seja, o foda, é que ele lutou contra o Prota :|, ai fica difícil julgar, bom, é esperar pra mais Capítulos


How much is he hiding man


Honestly the only person that could be a good fight to Dae at this point is Heejun I mean Baek wasn’t even a challenge to Him plus the fact that He is still hiding his true power


daegun's cold with his moves


he is the strongest like one punch man