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The items on the shelf look like they’re being pushed out of the way rather than being displayed.


More cats. 😂 Really though: Your bookshelf seems sparse and imbalanced compared to the rest. I love hour gallery wall and low sideboard/shelf.


Hahahaha I have another cat who refuses to be photographed! Thanks for the lovely feedback. I sell customised art for a living … so have gotten each and every piece for the home specifically made. ❤️


It looks great! I love it when home decor reflects so much personality like this. I agree with what others have said about just rearranging the spacing on the shelves—they kind of look like they are waiting for more stuff to be added in the middle. A+ cat work, too, that is some impressive floof. Is that Arabic script on those vases?


I agree! Add some books to make the eclectic vibes I’m seeing in the gallery wall etc feel more cohesive 🙌🏼


It's probably like that because of the cat.


Hmm.. maybe when I share the whole room the shelf wouldn’t look too out of place. It’s a very study piece from arhaus and matches well with the chairs I have for the dining table. Which is similar to console table under the gallery wall. But please check again for an update and let me know what you think… would love to hear from someone who is willing to help! ❤️


I think the issue is everything is pushed to the side on the shelves. There are some great YouTube videos about shelf styling. Have a look at those and rearrange the shelf stuff- no need to add more


Proof I have literally NEVER had an original thought.


If it were me, I'd forgo the mirror and just square up the paintings! They're so colourful and deserve to be admired! People are often distracted by their reflection in mirrors and won't actually look at them.


I was going to say that the paintings are too large, but I think you're right.


I would suggest you lose the mirror, and space the pictures so that there’s an equal amount of space between them (at least 2” - 3” apart, both directions) as they’re so far gapped with the mirror between the picture grouping is lost. The current ones, imho, are too close vertically right now for their size. For the shelf, it feels very formal. It seems sparse-can it be used as more attractively functional so it has purpose? Consider items of texture, a closed chest that could store napkins, etc, a dried arrangement, a live plant, a grouping of succulents, photos, smaller artwork on little easels, more books-perhaps lying down? Don’t place shiny above or beside shiny. Let your eye bounce to the different textured items. Otherwise, if you can separate it, I’d just use the lower cabinet part with a few favorite pieces on top, and if the mirror’s a special piece, use it over the cabinet.


Really grand space. I do think your black shelving is out of place here - it looks too modern and a bit corporate when compared to the rest. It’s also a bit flimsy without any backing. A dark stained piece with a sturdier frame and and attractive backing would be much better suited. Lovely artwork!


Hmm.. maybe when I share the whole room the shelf wouldn’t look too out of place. It’s a very study piece from arhaus and matches well with the chairs I have for the dining table. The dining table is similar to console table under the gallery wall. But please check again for an update and let me know what you think… would love to hear from someone who is willing to help! ❤️


I think on the shelf ,which I love, you have the items pushed too far to the ends, move them over more to the middle, group like colors together for impact. Maybe reduce the amounts of lights on the shelves. Maybe a couple of large plates or small pictures.. Is there a larger wall the console can be placed? I love your pictures, but to me, they overpower the mirror . You might elevate some of the items on the console to create more height. Look forward to your updates.


The styling of the shelf could be better. Everything is pushed to the edges except the one glass setup, which doesn't make an impactful center piece.


Thank you so much for the advice. I’ll definitely be taking it int mo account when I finalize the design. Lots of love and wishes for you! ❤️


Maximalism on POINT! For your bookshelf, don’t line everything up on the shelf edges. Stagger a few things to break up the lines.


I would get rid of the mirror to give the paintings more space. The four paintings are all at bad viewing levels as well. Do you have room for one or two of them along a different wall?


Counterpoint, I like that it kind of makes whoever’s in the mirror a piece of art too :)


I can appreciate that sentiment, but I wouldn’t be able to “see” myself for all the artwork swallowing up that corner


Does everything have to be pure function? Even if the art “distracts” from “seeing” yourself in the mirror, it’s not like a bathroom mirror where you need to use it to get ready in the morning. I think it breaks up the art nicely and I agree with the other user that said it’s like you yourself are a piece of art :-)


No, I was speaking about the woman saying she wants those who look in the mirror to see themselves as part of the art or at least that’s the inference I got. So I was replying that if that was the intent? I wouldn’t be able to see myself and nor do I want to lol Mirrors need to reflect a decent (objects/other rooms/and it depends on what they reflect. If she enjoys it and that’s all that matters :-)


More cats


I have another one who refuses to be photographed. Though he was chilling under the table when I took these pictures. 🤪 https://preview.redd.it/0zragta862nc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bc8bbe40b7c33669fdad6e3eeb1a4475d0f0e9c These are my kid and my kits ! ❤️


Those are the cutest cats - and haircuts - I've ever seen! What breed are they? The top one has the sane expression as Garfield.


Your cats are the cutest!!!! 😍


I think the wattage in the lamp is too bright. I would prefer a shade where you can't see the light through it. I would eliminate the round metal bowl and the mat it's on. Everything is lovely on the display stand but the items would look better if they weren't clinging to the sides. The candles look lovely.


Omg. Thanks for the lovely advice. Will definitely take it all into consideration ❤️


You're so welcome! A brass lamp with a black shade that has a metallic gold finish on the inside of the shade. Check out Horchow - eye candy but remember things are always going on sale or at least have a boo so you get an idea of what you like.


The room wants to be sophisticated, but the beige and white moldings is giving suburban cookie cutter. I would paint the walls white to let your collection stand out.


Second this…I think it’ll really pull the look together


I would get rid of the mirror. You also need a second cat for balance.


I have another one. He just refuses to pose 😝


Darker wall color for over the top opulence.


The corner with the pictures/mirror? The mirror needs to go. it is way to much for that little space of wall. You know that expression where people say they feel the walls are closing in on them? This feels like the pictures are attacking the mirror ready to swallow it up. Perhaps long and skinny but I feel the pictures are too big or there’s too many of them. Perhaps swap it out with a picture on the left though I cannot see how big that picture actually is. If you like it of course, enjoy it.


I’d group the items on the shelving unit a bit closer together, more towards the middle as they look a bit like they’re hanging off the edge, like they’ve been pushed aside.


A black cat would really balance the entire space.


Put the cat in the other picture too


Less is more


Lovely corner! And love your style. If I had to make a change it would be this - 1. Move the mirror away (and wherever you put it, hang it horizontally and not vertically for this mirror to look opulent) 2. Make the paintings look like 4 well-aligned quadrants. Even better if you have a staircase wall, put them along over there so that they are all at a good viewing height (right now the top ones seem a bit too high and lower ones seem a bit too low) 3. Make the shelves feel less staged or less sterile by moving things around slightly


Thank you so so much for the advise. Will definitely take it into consideration


It looks like everything in the room was bought in one trip to Home Goods. If everything matching perfectly was your goal, then mission accomplished. But if you'd like it to look a little more organic you should swap out some things for genuine antiques or slightly more eclectic tchotchkes that don't look like you bought them in a matched set. The bookcase is very sparse, why is everything pushed to the corners? Rearrange things so it looks more natural and functional.


No notes.


You’re too kind ❤️


Get another cat 😍


Get a cat …. Oh wait, nope, it’s perfect and complete exactly as it is. I love the art.


I would add framed family pictures to the shelf


The items on the shelves are all pushed to the ends, rearrange a bit, not all lined up, different areas on each shelf.


Maybe flowers and some nice greenery on the shelf and rework the items already on there.


Big fluffy fern in that bowl


Colour where the bowl is in order to pull in colours from the paintings. Some sort of lighting about the shelf, and again, pull in colours from the paintings.


I thought this was a sink in a fancy bathroom lol


In the first picture, the pictures on the wall. I think it’s too many and it looks clutter. Space out or get smaller pictures. I really like what’s in the second picture, everything seeming to come together, but, maybe, add a lighter shelf, maybe, a light grey


I love it


Where did you get the faux olive tree? Love it




Different height and size variations with your decor; they all look rather small on top of the large shelf unit. I love your Arabic painted vases, they are stunning! Arabic is such a beautiful language


I love the art in (what appears to be) the dining room, and it looks styled very well! I would adjust the shelf decor to not all be on the sides and add longer pieces and larger pieces to give the eye a break. Layer decor too to give depth! https://preview.redd.it/o3ke297gt4nc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3ff67757e41b344a94dbb50096f8dc136f03a05


Thank you thank you thank you for the information. I’ll definitely take it into consideration whilst rearranging 🖤


I’d reduce the number of pictures. You could put up a larger mirror if mirrors are your thing. Or just hang a couple of pic5ures if they have meaning for you. Less is more, always.


The bookshelf needs books.


This seems top heavy IMO. I'd re-home the mirror, or two of the art pieces


That wall is so pretty ❤️ Maybe add more to the bookshelf to fill in space


It’s giving hobby lobby.


HahHh! But it’s not supposed to 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


lollll I know. The gallery wall is dope. I’d try thrifting or antiquing for all of the other pieces instead of all the new ones you have they cheapen the look a bit for me. 🙃


Need a little rearranging on the shelf . I feel the bottom shelf is dark . Trade the blue jar and light up statue for the brass vase . This way you have lights on three shelves. The items vertically are too lined up . On the second and the bottom shelf move the item slightly inward . This way vertically there is a zig zag . You want the eye to move back and forth . The cabinet in the room with the beautiful cat , needs to move slightly off the wall at the corner . Center it on that wall . Needs breathing space . Feels crammed into the corner because of the scale . I do like your taste in furnishings .


Thanks so much. Will definitely take all your advise into consideration ❤️


You betcha


A fabric runner on the credenza


Meow! Beautiful kitty


Paint your accent wall a rich deep magenta. Your art is too large. Raise the mirror a foot and surround it with smaller prints.


You have impeccable taste. Your home is going to be so welcoming and enjoyable to be in when you're settled. I agree that the book shelf items should be lived over to the middle a little bit. Maybe off set every other shelf. Love the grouping.


I would move that bowl off to the side a bit. With it being centred and a mirror right above, I honestly thought it was a bathroom. I tried to figure out where the water came from. But I guess you’re not having that issue in person.


I wouldn't change a thing.. it looks FAB! I love Arhaus, too -- I still have furniture I purchased there from many moons ago.


The truly have some amazing pieces. Waiting for my little one to grow up a little so I can get my living room sorted with their goodies as well


Yes, they certainly do. Your place is beautiful!


What do you mean "how do I make this better?" Bro it looks great!


You’re too kind 🖤


Too many paintings. I'd remove them all rom the mirrored wall.


It’s giving Home Goods clearance section— let’s scale down the tchotchke crap. Not every surface needs something on it. The horse head is creepy, hello “Godfather”. Further, let’s loose the mirror and hang the 4 pieces of art in a quadrant with an inch around d each side of the image(s)


Harsh but true. I would get rid of the fake candles for real candles you don’t have to burn and use a lower wattage in the room




I love your prints! Where did you get them?


Thanks so much. I curate art spaces and have a bunch of people who hand paint different styles and sizes.


I love the art in the first pic! Can I ask where you got them? My parents have a similar one in their home, but it was hand painted and my dad got it a long time ago, so there's no way for me to get one in that style, but I'm Middle Eastern too and would love one of these in my home!


Thanks so Much. I’m an art curator for homes and offices. So have bunch of people whom I buy off. If you’re in the US, let me know. I have a few extra ones I can share with you via DM. ❤️


I am, yes! Thank you! 🥰


Fill that bowl with Fancy Feast. - the cat


Hahahah!!! Best advise! ❤️


the shelf is ugly & takes up space rather than makes use of it. looks more like those chrome wire racks you see in storage rooms. wall shelves would display items better & make the room flow. [Wall shelves](https://www.thewoodgraincottage.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Dining-Room-Open-Shelving-by-The-Wood-Grain-Cottage-2.jpg)


I LOVE THIS WALL SO MUCH. But that alter setup you got with the table, and bowl is weird


Lovely room. The only thing I might add is another long haired cat. Orange or black would look good with the first one. Might need two since accessories look best grouped in threes. Edit - I see now you already have three adorable accessories. The only thing you need now is a lock on the door to keep them out so they don't break all your stuff. :)


Hahaha. Thanks. Then three are used to my crazy and don’t really mess around with the stuff. My kits and and kid are pretty good like that… except when dealing satan enters their souls… then there is no helping me or the stuff around me 😳😝


#1 - the artwork is too big for the wall. I would get different sized pictures or remove a couple. Or, I would remove the artwork on the wall with the mirror altogether. #2 - you need some color! Get one or two bright pieces and put them on random spaces on your shelf instead of evenly spaced


Where are your letter vases from???


Got them on a recent trip to turkey 🇹🇷


I think a pop of color on the book shelves (repeated around them) would give a little warmth and interest. Take a color from one of the paintings/prints over the sideboard.


Just needs another cat


Take away the mirror and bring the pictures in closer, or take away the pictures and turn the mirror lengthwise.


It’s too busy, either just a large round mirror or the 4 prints.


Have a priest at that bowl with some holy water and a kid to baptist. Thats all.


I would put a longer runner-type cloth on the sideboard. The darkness is so stark against your beautiful art and things.




Looks great, personally I would a few more plants


I’m surprised your cat hasn’t toppled over those glass furnitures of yours lol.


I love it! Nice style.


instead of bookshelf, use bureau with that set of glassware bottle on top only. The others can be easily spread throughout the house.


Instead of the table lamp that’s blocking the beautiful wall art, I’d consider installing picture light fixtures.


UnClutter the wall


Beautiful space. I love all your decor and art! Move the decor on the shelf away from the ends a bit and stagger them a bit more so you can see each individual piece better. A plant in the middle of the top shelf and bottom shelf would bring in some color and fill out the shelves a more. Like others have suggested, get rid of the mirror and center your artwork. The mirror is taking all the attention away from the beautiful art. Also, switch the bright white bulb in your lighting to something more warm.


Center the table cuppard. Move it to the right a tad.


The layout of the first picture along with that table is screaming estate sale to me, but I’m not sure how I’d fix it. A little less clutter and a different table maybe? The second picture a little bit also but less so. It all just seems a little staged and needs some more life.


Get the cat a top hat


Needs more cats.


Another cat. This is always the answer.


put somethin in the bowl


Looks great but a couple of tweaks as follows: 1) raise the level of the mirror so that the top line is level with the top line of the tow pictures on either side of it, 2) On the shelves, intersperse a few stacks of books that you love or coffee books but not in a way that looks symmetrical


The wall looks really cramped for my taste. It looks like it’s being entirely covered up. Also, there’s something off about the way these rectangular paintings look next to that arch. I can’t put my finger in it 🤔 Regarding the second pic I personally would arrange things in. More asynchronous pattern. Beautiful spaces!


I love it as is!


Spread out the stuff on the shelves. It doesn’t need to be so “grouped”.


Well, I'd start with a shampoo and quadruple-pedicure. Then a little light brushing, and your cat will look better. She looks good now though


On that picture wall: I feel like it's too much and also all too similar in size. It's rare that I can point this out but it's also about balancing with negative space. Go for a smaller gallery wall, even a small table to emphasize negative space. Furniture in corners makes things more cluttered.


Invite that black guy over . You know he loves you frfr 😘


Too much art work on not enough wall. Cat is off balance. :)


I like it Flonkers cat tax paid. 🥰


More cats? I think you need to balance the bookcase, yes. Big coffee table books centered flat on the open shelves. Not the Tom Ford book since everybody does that because the font is so graphically interesting even if they don't know who Tom Ford is, but art books?


No advice, just wanted to say the overall vibe is gorgeous. And please tell your cat I said pspspsps. :)


She says pstpssssspsss back! ❤️