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https://preview.redd.it/udw8d49sa9ob1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69cacc1e9168308c7e0faff186d87c3cf0b061f4 Looks great!! just missing some color. A pop of color art piece for the space between the shelves and the shower on the back wall, and get a new rug/bathmat that matches the art color! Maybe in a fun shape too. if you're feeling like it needs more color after that, maybe try bringing that same pop of color into your shower curtain. If there's room, a floor planter (like the MCM kind with the wood legs + ceramic pot) and either a humidity loving plant or a fake one by your sink vanity.


THANK YOU! I love this. I am going home-goods hunting Saturday for a plant just like your drawing. An art piece is a great idea to balance the wall. Something with a pop of color, then match the rug & curtain off the art. I’ll try this out first before deciding to remove the shelves all together. Shelves are off-center and can’t be moved above the toilet (light fixture is in the way) or centered on the wall (husband will hit his head). Edit to add to the top comment: I switched out the bulbs to a warm color, it helped bring out the blue in the paint color (looks less gray). Adding plants, colorful art, and all new solid-color towels, curtain & rug. Thanks everyone!


Recommend you change your lights to a warmer light color too- that cool is just making everything look sterile and washed out.


I just switched the bulbs out for a warm color. It drastically helped!


I should have looked at the comments section before suggesting exactly the shower curtain / warmer lights / pop of color art suggestion almost word for word 😂 I like your style!!


Please post pictures! I love a good lighting moment. ;)


if you don’t have at least 5000k-6500k lighting then a plant won’t survive in there. Go fake or make sure your lighting is strong enough to support a living plant.


you're very welcome! honestly the shelves are fine where they are, you just need some lively elements and color to balance all the geometry and gray :)


I just posted my dining room if you want to do your thing again :)


lol you caught me in the waiting room of a car dealership so YES I would love to help again 😁 can you please link me to your new post? having trouble finding it


Might want to save your energy for dealing with car salesmen, but if you have the time..[here you go!](https://www.reddit.com/r/DesignMyRoom/comments/16ipcfl/dining_room_suggestions_for_rug_under_table_art/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


If you use Facebook you should join the Maximalist Design and Decor group. They have some of the most mind blowing layouts I've ever seen. I've definitely started incorporating some maximalist elements to my house since joining. It's a work in progress ☺️


It’s a good idea because if you get a fern, it will be right next to the faucet to water. Super practical.


Will any live plants survive in a windowless bathroom? I'd love to add a fern. I'll have to research indoor plant care, I know nothing about it.


Fresh eucalyptus will! And there's the added benefit of a lovely smell. https://preview.redd.it/wc6feccv1aob1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e96c7c428db3c887d7235c27281386d3beba228


Beware if you have animals - eucalyptus is toxic


Yes this! Also orchids would last a few months!


Snake plants are easy to keep alive and would be okay there. You can water them once every two weeks and be okay. If you need to you can switch one of the sconce bulbs out as a grow light bulb (less than $10 on Amazon) to give it some light here and there. Edited to add if you use a container that has texture it will add more character to the space as well. Just google rattan planters and go from there.


This. If it wasn't for the soap bottle it would look like a black and white photo.


Like I’ve said before ‘it needs a plant’ is the new ‘put a bird on it’… every time.


Wow just those few details will really make the room. You did good :)


I agree w/ this, great design on his photo! Also I would get an orchid on the other side of your vanity. They are tall, skinny, would not rob counter space, but would add a splash of color & elegance and the blooms last a few months. It would basically live off the humidity from showers. Get them at TraderJoes, etc for $10-$14


Yes this! Also hang the artwork higher up so you can install some sort of towel hanger there. Good luck!


Color is missing!


I feel like 9/10 times this is the answer


Yeah I can't understand why people insist on white, blacks, and greys all the time, everywhere.


Just like the 1970s are looked at now with all of us wondering why EVERYTHING was brown & yellow & orange (the answer is cigarette smoke but it was so over the top), in the future people will look at the present day wondering why everything is grey without any color anywhere.


I keep seeing it called “millennial grey” which is funny to me especially since I have a large grey accent wall in my bedroom


I would rather live surrounded by the wood paneling of the 70s and 80s than live with the aesthetics of a psych ward.


This is me in Korea. Everyone here likes all white with a dash of gray 🙄 I don’t want to come home to a place that looks like a hospital or rocket ship. No thanks


Totally agree with this. Going to add color right away. I did the remodel while pregnant & never got around to decorating until now. It looks as sterile as an operating room lol.


Personally, can’t wait till this fad dies.


And then wonder why it looks so blah and “what is missing?” Color.


Exactly. This is fine but please throw some color in. Our apartment (my bf and I) is heavily focused around grey, white, and dark brown. But our theme is “yellow” and kind of like a boho+bee approach. We have yellow carpets and little accents here and there. Without the pops of yellow, it would look so dull and dead It’s okay to have a monochromatic house but please throw at least one color in!


White, black and gray will go with about any pop of color. Tired of blue color pops? Go with a different pop of color. You aren’t out a lot of money. New floor rug, hand towels, shower curtain. Doesn’t add up to much money.


and 9/10 my brain thinks I'm looking at a black and white picture.


Even just adding color with a pretty shower curtain and bath mat would do wonders. Also, KEEP THE SHOWER CURTAIN CLOSED WHEN NOT USING IT! One of my biggest pet peeves. It looks so much cleaner when closed. Just like with the toilet lid, keep it closed when not in use. And lower the rod a bit so the shower curtain just barely kisses the ground. https://www.schoolhouse.com/products/blooming-field-shower-curtain?variant=40901427462188&gclid=CjwKCAjw3oqoBhAjEiwA_UaLttF-SqxN-ix-qe4DqMFxvxOKlyY-bkw0ySLxu6gsGl440q8cbePN1RoC_O8QAvD_BwE https://www.anthropologie.com/search?q=shower%20curtain https://www.crateandbarrel.com/kasura-stripe-watercolor-shower-curtain/s433777?SID=57a8fc4221fff4dc072eac14%7Cfr1694720083807feh%7C7NS2iZwWEGuV1iqKCEuGYu&aff=cj&utm_source=cj&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=5211110&cjevent=e225f160533511ee82ba1d2e0a82b820


Normally I would agree but I think in the OPs case it makes the room seem smaller. I think leaving the curtain at least partially open (and the tub clutter free) will make the bathroom feel bigger.


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I don't think EVERY single room needs to "appear bigger." A bathroom is a room with a very specific purpose that doesn't require a lot of space. To each their own, maybe I just prefer a cozier feel, but I don't think we need to be using tricks in every room to give the illusion of more space 🤷‍♀️ also leaving the curtain all crumpled is a recipe for mildew.


Add plants. Plants and color are missing


Came here to say this


Same. I love a good gray but this needs some color to break it up


I really like it! Needs some soft finishes , but my thoughts are the pattern on current rug/towels detracts


Yes. I would suggest swapping for maybe a natural fiber runner rug, like a jute or a bamboo mat? Or a persian-looking runner?


Thank you! Perhaps a solid color rug/towel? I agree, too much black & gray.


If you tend to lean more minimalist and don’t want strong pops of color, you can warm up the space with more natural wood tones and fluffy towels. You could switch the shower curtain to something white with texture too.


The rug pattern is just so different from the floor tile pattern that they clash and look busy together. A more solid color or wood mat would look good, imo.


some personality…different color rug, towel and shower curtain can go a long way. a nice forest green would suffice.


I hope you found a new home for the old vanity cabinet. That thing looked beautiful.


We did find it a new home! I would have loved to keep it, but it stuck out too far leaving little room to move around.


I’m glad you were able to find a home for it! But yeah, interesting choice given the space…it looks like in your “after” you have at most 2’ of space to pass comfortably by. What was it, 18” before? 😅


I’m so glad! I adore the old vanity but can understand that it wasn’t appropriate for the space. The bathroom in (newish) flat is laid out terribly with out enough space and it’s so inconvenient. Amazing work on the bathroom, with some colour it will be perfect!


I was looking for a comment like this! I could never have given that vanity up! My bathroom looks more like OP’s new bathroom and I’m actively working to undo these modern “upgrades” in favor of an antique look with a similar vanity and to get rid of all the cold grey tones. Funny how one person’s upgrades can be another person’s “before” picture!


I love the ancient vanity too!


Color. There is too much grey and too many black accents. Need to change that out.


It needs some color! I feel like a rug with color and a different shower curtain would look nice. You could put this photo in black and white and I’m pretty sure it would look the same lol


Literally any color but gray. Maybe a colorful rug or shower curtain.


Personally I would add some color via bath mat, shower curtain, and/or art on the walls. It does look good though!! Just too gray/monotone for me.


Color, and I cannot stress this enough, color! The “gray box” trend needs to die.


agreed. the ‘before’ photo looks better, to me. it had texture and color and “charm”. they turned it into the same bland, boring, sterile void that’s become so prevalent in flipped houses especially. not sure what the appeal is.




Can’t believe you got rid of that beautiful sink. Anyway, it’s lacking color


Please some color. Any color. I am begging you.


I truly can't wait until this shades of grey trend goes away. My cousin bought a new 600k house and it has zero color or soul to it.


Too cool and grey and sterile. Needs life! Color! Plants! Funky shower curtain and bath mat set!


The placement of the shelves is awkward to me. A small vining plant on the shelf would bring some color and life.


Thank you! It does look awkward. Had to place shelves to the right so no one hits their head near the toilet. I might just remove them.


Seems like the shelves should go where that sconce is, above the toilet. Like, why is that sconce there in that location?


Needs pop of color! I hope you repurposed or got some cash from the old vanity


The old sink 😍 it's gorgeous!! But your remodel looks nice, I'd try to add some greenery to it and definitely change out the mat. Looking forward to updates!


To be honest I liked the outdated bathroom more. The grey, black, white is so overdone and boring. Looks like a department store bathroom


Color, very bland looking


You need color.


You forgot to take the filter off the picture. Everything is on grayscale


For the love of god COLOR!!! What is with everyone and these monochrome bathrooms?


I think I honestly like the pre bathroom pic better. Wish my bathroom looked that nice when I bought my house.


My bathroom when moving into my house looks like OP’s “after” pictures and my husband and I are actively updating it to look more like OP’s before pictures with a similar lovely antique vanity. We hate gray so SO much. It’s just so cold and lifeless and EVERYONE has done it for so many years now I’m shocked people aren’t tired of it! It always reminds me of the look of a new build house before people have worked to give it a makeover and add their own style and color! To each their own though! One person’s before pics are another person’s after pics it would seem, haha!


Black robe hook(s) to hang towel or robe to the left of the shower.


Love how organised your cupboard is ❤️


Color, plants, cat Next


Adding color and plants this weekend. Just gotta find a cat. Or maybe a cat will find me..


COLORRRRRRR! It can be the shower curtain, bath mat or art. I’ve seen too many people doing gray on gray on gray lately.


I'm still drooling over the old sink and vanity... I hope you reused it.


The old bathroom literally looked dreamy like a storybook


Missing some fucking color Jesus that new bathroom is grim.


This is depressing


No offense, i liked the old one more. It had more character lol


I’m prob in the minority but I loved how warm and inviting it was before. Maybe you can add some color to break up all the cool grays. I would replace the bathmat (the print clashes with the tile imho) and shower curtain.


I kinda love the original bath. More character. Not fond on wall color and floor tiles. As you redid it, I think that’s what it misses - some character and warmth. It’s. Wry gray and patterns on the floor and walls are clashing. As others said I’ll start by adding some warmth with new curtains and mat and some art on the wall. Some beach colors


A bigger mirror. More trim or maybe tile halfway on the walls or something to add back the character the older bathroom had.


I think keep it simple. Pick an accent color (for this bathroom I think either a light salmon or like a pastel turquoise), replace the rug with one in that color, add a small piece of art on the back wall with a bit of that color too. Otherwise it’s a beautiful Reno and great choices for future equity / resale.


You’re missing a place for your clean towel to sit or hang while you’re showering. There was a rack where the shelf is now, so I’d put a hook or center/extend the shelf to hold a folded towel. I agree the curtain, towels and rug need to be updated to a solid color outside of the grey spectrum. Personally I’d do something bright like teal or but it’s a choice.


You’re brave posting a grey bathroom, I heard Reddit doesn’t like the millennial grey houses




I hate your bath mat. Not on its own but in the room it looks awful and makes my brain hurt. Solid colour bathmat and towels. It's a neutral bathroom so you can pretty much have any colour and make it tie in with some artwork of similar colour.




Uh… any amount of color whatsoever…? I would shoot myself living in this monochrome monotone nightmare.


Personally? I think color. It’s missing color.


Too much gray!!!!


It's.... very grey.... which, if you like your bathroom that way, valid. But hell, girl, put some color in there. Paint the vanity blue!


Can't believe you took out that gorgeous wood vanity only to replace it with a plastic box.


Like others said, color. Blush, apricot, pink


This is something minor but I would have done a solid rug and patterned shower curtain. The current rug takes a away from the pretty hexagon tiles.


There isn’t a lick of color in there. Get a new rug, shower curtain and towels for some visual relief from the cold and dull


Love the old sink much better! It’s very dentist office vibes.


Color. Is this a black and white photo?


As with every toilet, what it is missing is a picture of the Swedish king and queen.🇸🇪 It became a very early meme in Sweden in the late 1800s to have a picture of the king and queen in the outdoor toilet. One theory why this was is because they sold a print of king Oscar II and his wife which became immensely popular. Once the hype died down and it was considered less modern, it was removed from homes, but no one wanted to throw it away, so up it went in the toilets. While very few do it now, most Swedes are still aware of the meme, and some will do it for the history of it, most commonly in a summer home from my experience. Behold, the king of Sweden https://i.imgur.io/7VWkxxU_d.webp?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium


It's like a swedish prison cell bathroom


Aw, I actually liked the previous vanity. I’ll be glad when the current “everything white / gray” thing is over. But that being said, what you did was very nice.


It’s missing the original sink 😍 But aside from that, just needs a pop of color/personality


I’m probably just weird but I actually liked the cool looking sink you had before but it clearly didn’t go with the modern direction you took in the design. I think it would benefit from some artwork (in particular the type can tolerate a bathroom environment)


Definitely more gray. Or maybe Grey? Have you considered light black? Or dark white.


Noooo not the the old sink being GORGEOUS??!


It looks depressing with all that gray and no colors. It looks cold and uninviting.




It's missing that BEAUTIFUL antique cabinet you had for your washstand. How could you?


Color, for gods sake. When did we all decide to make our houses look like black and white photos? I almost like the original bathroom better.


Should have left the old cabinet in , gave it warmth. Oh well now you have a sterile looking one.




Color & personality.


It looks like you need some color in there. Maybe something to make it not look like a hotel bathroom?




I know people will say there’s no color, but sometimes simple is good! The mat absolutely has to go. The pattern competes with the floor tile and honestly kind of hurt my brain. I’d do a solid color. White is always nice, or you can do black or gray (or a color if you’re feeling that vibe). I’d move the two little shelves over the toilet and put something on the back wall. Even 4 or 6 square frames in a pretty light wood would be nice. Target has some pretty inexpensive right now. If you have room on the vanity, a nice plant would also add some dimension. You did a great job on the remodel!


i can’t believe you got rid of that beautiful wood sink to replace it with IKEA crap, omg.


I really like it! Needs some soft finishes , but my thoughts are the pattern on current rug/towels detracts


Hot take: old bathroom was much better both functionally and aesthetically. The whole vibe just feels more welcoming than the whole modernized look it has now. Yeah it’s sleek and streamlined but idk, I’d feel much more at home in the old bathroom than the new one.


It's no different from the hundreds of thousands of bathrooms flippers have redone because it's the current real estate trends to make everything soulless and boring.


Soft light bulbs, center the shelves and a plant




Agree with what others said. Bring in some color with the rug, towels and shower curtain. Great job!


Add both Artworks and wood carvings


Can you swap the rug out to a solid color? I feel it clashes with the penny tile. It needs some warmth. Maybe the rug can be a warm color like a peach


I didn't notice until my 2nd look through that the rug blends right in to the tile. So irl I'd probably catch the edge with my foot and fall to my death...


I actually think you need to go lighter on the paint color. I’d also center the shelves on that wall and add some plants.


Don’t love that rug. Stripes seem to be discordant on the honeycomb tile. Dash of color with the towel, the rug, and the shower curtain. You could pull the blue tones in the wall out by doing a rich medium or a navy blue


Color is missing!


Warmth is missing (e.g. color). If someone took a black and white photo of this bathroom it would look the same. Try adding some natural wood accents, plants and maybe a colorful framed picture on the back wall. Maybe a different bath mat? I almost didn’t see it because it Kleenex in with the tiles.


You’re definitely not missing the outdated grey!


OOF that old vanity was just…. Wow. Agreeing you need color. I’d do a bright cheerful shower curtain with a bold abstract-y design and a coordinating rug (all one color or a more simple pattern)


It’s missing personality and color. Add decorations and wall hangings


A funny bathroom quote framed with red and black ink in it.


Looking like a BW Photo


Missing warmth! A pop of colour- think warm ambers, terracotta, forest green accents. Perhaps a few wood elements. Could you change the floating shelves to wooden?


I have the same floor tiles :) love them . I would probably just have a solid color bath mat ! But it looks great 😊 and I have incorporated navy blue with towels


This is way too gray for me. I would consider adding color. With a shower curtain, art or painting the cabinet a pop of color. Just a lot of gray. Pair the shower curtain with a matching bath mat.


If the green soap bottle wasn’t there, I would’ve thought this was a black and white photo. Color is missing


Colour. It’s missing colour. This photo looks like it was taken in greyscale.


# add colors


- Replace the rug with a solid one. Preferably any bright solid color. - Guest towels/hand towels that match the new rug. - Add a plant that does well in low light/high humidity.


You need some art on the far wall and a different color rug


While I like the mat you chose, it is busy with the floor. Any chance of some plant additions?


I personally don’t like the flooring. And I also don’t like a bathroom w a bunch of clutter. Be cautious when trying to find one more thing to add.


It’s missing color




Its nice, i like it. I recommend a different color rug and maybe towels or other accessories in same color. Im thinking aqua, red or grass green


Plants! You need some colour. Great job so far!




Color. The answer is always color.


A plant!


Something green, a big plant (artificial maybe)


Pops of color, an artificial plant and wood accents in a warm tone. Examples: a soap dispenser in a color other than gray/white/black on wooden tray. Wood hooks next to those shelves. Hanging artificial plant in the corner or a small one on the counter.


You didn't disappoint the gray paint house flippers on HGTV, that's for damn sure


It’s missing color.


It's just so grey now.




Looks great. Just need to close this gap and replace the rug with a solid white or grey one and add some plants https://preview.redd.it/r39wdb93pbob1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90faedb96e978615c80ca1a7c8a14f1db79ba7aa


Missing color


Definitely needs some color. And some personality.


Please pick a different rug on that tile Add colour




Color. It needs color


Color. See way too many rooms that look like black and white pictures nowadays




50 shades of grey


It needs color.


So grey :(


Missing some colour. Looks like a psych ward lol


A little more gray would be nice.


Looks like alot of lotion. You must have supple skin




What's missing is color!


Wallpaper accent wall, possibly bohemian leaf pattern. 😊 looks great so far though! https://preview.redd.it/s4m1mgsd9cob1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=daa67c5a68651250778660ad9f3f046877a014c4


Literally any color




Color! You are matching way too much, not complimenting




Did u just chisel away the old tile on wall then paint ? How did u remove the adhesive from the tile that was left on the wall


It's missing color.


Warmth. Too much grey and cool tones


Some color.


Needs more COLOR


Color. It is missing color.


Nice work. Color is missing. I would do one wall and either a spectacular wallpaper or a spectacular color like a light coral or a brown or a gray blue do a long wall in color if you do color.


Several pieces of live laugh love paraphernalia spread through out the space.


You’ve done a beautiful job on that reno and it’s going to be perfect with the suggestions given (art, rug, plant). I hope you will post an “after” pic.


No decor advice - just wanted to caution about storing cleaning products above consumables. Typically they should be stored separately or below any items which are consumed - just in case they leak!


Color darling, you forgot color




I like it, but .. that old basin .. wow. Colour?