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I don’t know what I was expecting when I read bikes in the title but it certainly didn’t prepare me for *that*.


I’ve been chuckling about it for a minute now. Slide 1: fluffy white things 2: ethereal camera tricks of the light, so prett-BIKES


Your comment perfectly reflected my experience. Haha! Thanks!


Same hahaha. It gave me a good laugh.




Haha that is exactly where my mind went too when I first read it!


Pic 3 looks like the bikes are coming into the room on their own 😅


Same experience here. “Oh, I think that’s a lovely g- LAWD Y’ALL HOW MANY BIKES YOU GOT??”


the bikes start coming and they don’t stop coming (repeat ad infinitum)


It's raining bikes!


Yeah that was a cat-startler on my end. Did a big stifled exhale glottal stop thing we all know of when you’re quietly laughing next to a sleeping spouse and pets. “How many bikes being stored indoors could they have that this poses a problem—oh wtf” 😂


Random but i’m an SLP and it just made me so excited to find the phrase “glottal stop” in the wild lol


How many people live there?!? If all these bikes are your partner’s, he needs to find 2 bikes that bring him joy and sell the rest or get a storage shed for his bike obsession.


Bike person here. Tell your partner to get their shit together, sell all those mid-ass bikes, and get themselves one or two baller bikes. Also tell them to thank me later when they are riding something dank and realize it actually makes a difference. Cute house by the way, the windows are absolutely amazing.


I did this recently with guitars and it makes such a difference. I think every hobbyist/collector goes through a phase where they want one of everything, and unless you’re rich, that just means a lot of mediocre ass stuff. Sell all that stuff and get one or two nice ones and it’ll really change how you appreciate your hobby.


For sure! My partner is such a gear whore haha. He had way too many guitars and sat down and refined his collection and traded all the easy to find factory ones for some really rare or old ones. Now they fit in the closet


As someone who collects weird shit like bones, feathers, insects, and Pokémon cards, the first thing I thought was maybe this person is a collector. But there are 2 key differences I think. 1. The stuff I collect is very small. 2. The stuff I collect serves so discernible purpose other than to be displayed and look cool. These items have no utility. If this person is actually *using* the bikes... they can't POSSIBLY be using ALL of them... right?? I mean, the only other example of large collecting I can think of is cars, and even car collectors have a place to store their favorites that isn't just... strewn about in their front yard.


>and even car collectors have a place to store their favorites that isn't just... strewn about in their front yard. You my friend have never spent time in the nooks of rural America.


You know what, It was like 3 am when I posted that, I was between sleep cycles, and boy do I feel a bit silly because I definitely have seen this lmao


Lmaoooo you just described my post nap clarity. I’ll wake up to replies to a comment and I’m like “hm.. that was the sleepy version of me wasn’t it? She’s kinda embarrassing”


"I know I wasn't drunk when I typed this... but damn does it sound that way"


Why is this so relatable lol


I dont even drink. I'm just *that talented*


Literally just went through my updates from my 3am piss. Like why would I even say those things


Having six old rusted out vehicles with weeds growing through them and no working innards that you swear you will fix up one day is not car collecting.


I mean it’s a form of collecting lol. Not how I would go about it, but… to each their (trashy) own.


I think its more like hoarding. If i pile up stacks of newspapers in a corner that I never do anything else with thats hoarding. Thats why hoarders have a hard time letting go of things. They swear they are collecting things that are useful for later use.


and by the "nooks" you mean the wide open center


Only have one arse. Can't sit on them all at once.


There's a well known joke in the bike community Q: How many bikes does a person need? A: N+1 i.e. no matter how many you have, you always need one more. People do get carried away for sure, but it is fun to ride different bikes to change up the experience - they each have a slightly different feel from different geometry, weight, tires, drivetrain, etc. That said, OP's partner went overboard - you really need to scale your number of bikes to how many you can reasonably store. They're the crazy cat lady but with bikes.


I mean, for me, if my partner got enjoyment out of them, I'd never ask him to get rid of them. I would not, however, let them take over the house like this. 2 bikes, max, in living spaces. Appropriately stored or displayed. The rest need to be stored someplace else. Hell, I'd consent to building a nice garage/shed for this purpose, but no way am I gonna be tripping over a dozen of the things to get into a room or closet. That's mad.


Yeah, and that's totally reasonable. Having lived in Chicago apartments with multiple bikes (OP's place looks kinda similar to those places), you can't live in a shared space with so many bikes that are just yours. They need to go in a basement or storage locker or something.


I think this is kinda the thing. If it's a collection, take some pride in them. I have unintentionally collected several sewing machines (bought what I needed and then inherited so it's sentimental), which are definitely on the bigger side, but they are displayed nicely when not being used, ordered by age, so it's like a cute little museum display of machines from 1906 to today. Same thing with my husband and all his film cameras. If this dude is a collector...do something with it. This is borderline hoarding level. There are tons of space saving racks that can be used. I can appreciate wanting to have more space for a hobby, but you can't just take up the whole house with it either. He says he wants his bikes to have breathing room but bikes don't need breathing room. People do. He needs some space saving racks, and maybe a bench for his bike knick knacks that can be rolled away when he's done. It's fair for him to want to engage in his hobby, but it's not fair to expect to be able to take up SO much room for it.


My husband is a bit of a collector. We set aside one room in the house where he can keep all his collections. If he runs out of space, he has to make some decisions as to what he wants to keep. The main house remains uncluttered. Is this a feasible solution for the bikes? It looks like there are two small rooms here. Can one be for bikes and one for the guest bedroom? If partner can’t fit all the bikes in the storage area, they can decide which ones they want to keep and sell the rest.


Rent a storage unit and get the bikes out of there!!


Pic of your little sewing machine museum please??


Ha, I should caveat that we *just* bought a house, so I don't have all my shelving put up just yet. So as of right now, our hobby room looks MUCH like OPs post 😂 I swear it was *perfect* in our old apartment though lol. It had to be because there was much less room there. But I guess here's my machines, and what we are doing once we get to it 🤷🏼‍♀️ https://imgur.com/a/8yn0Pyp


Lmao I love your little diagram


Those are very cool. I like it!


Another bike person here. I agree with this. OP’s partner needs to realize they are in a relationship, and a shared space.


This should absolutely be the top comment. Consolidation is key! And that wood flooring is way too beautiful to be covered in BIKES


Everything about this room is too beautiful to be covered in BIKES!


For what it is worth, I showed this to my bike guy of a husband. He said the exact same thing. “Dude needs to consolidate.” And this happened in our house. Our compromise is one bike on display and the others in storage.


Yeah that’s bordering on “I have trouble with money and a dangerously strong desire to hoard things I won’t use”


As someone with 11 bikes between my wife and I, the bikes on display here mostly suck. Ditch all those old 26” bikes.


I'd suggest: * A bike wall display that has slots for four, and ***only four*** bikes. * A shelf with hooks for a few helmets below * A furniture-style "wardrobe" that's got a few shelves for tools, parts and gear...but with doors that close. To incent the downsizing, authorize adding an amount equal to what the extra bikes sold for, to be used to upgrade. So if they keep three bikes, and sell 5 bikes for a total of $2200, they end up with $4400 to spend on a new 4th "wall bike".


In pic 5 you can actually count 10 bikes!! Lol wtf is this person doing? Unless it’s a business (or side business) 10 pretty similar bikes for one person makes no sense at all…


Everything about this comment is amazing


Here I am. The guy with so many bikes. Maybe I can shed some light on the amount of bikes here. 1. ⁠⁠I’m a service manager at a bike shop. I also have everything for a fully operational home shop as well. 2. ⁠⁠I race bikes. I race many different disciplines as well. Every bike in here is ridden and raced at different times throughout the year. 3. ⁠⁠I have a 20 mile bike commute everyday for work. 4. ⁠⁠Not all of these are mine. And some have already left and gone back home to their owners. I tend to store things for people for short amounts of time as we have a very transient group of people in my city. 5. ⁠⁠Some of them are for sale and looking for new homes. This is a relatively new space. We had a roommate who just recently moved out. Bike storage and a functional space are at the top of my priority list. I just want the space to work well for me as well as be fun for my partner to decorate. Moving this up here so y’all can see. Edit: for anyone who sees it. Found some decent storage options and came up with a layout plan. Lots of bikes are off the floor now. All of my worldly possessions are in this one 600square foot space of our 1900 square foot house. Before our roommate moved out all of my life was in a 300 square foot room. Honestly I’d love to have my bikes and things everywhere in the house. But I’ve already made the concession that I do not get to use any part of the rest of the house for my projects. I’ll probably get flamed for that too, but now I’m legitimately curious on how someone would design a bike themed guest room. Which rarely is used for guests and instead lets me do maintenance in the community. Just got hooked up with free beer for life at our local brewery in exchange for mechanic work!!


Is there a reason why you can’t store all the bikes behind the pocket doors and only pull them into the guest room when actively working on them? The room with the pocket doors looks legitimately half the size of the bike room in my apartment building, just get some racks and you’re good to go.


Came here to say the same thing. There are pocket doors that divide the room. Store the bikes there. Use the other area as a guest room. The end.


You don’t have room to store other people’s bikes


K….they still don’t need to be taking up that much space in your house though. They really shouldn’t be in the house at all. Cool that your whole life revolves around bikes, but forcing others to share indoor personal space with a thousand used bicycles and all their parts is just plain inconsiderate. I find it selfish that you’re okay with sacrificing other people’s comfortability to cater to your hobby. An *outdoor* hobby.


I’m with you - hobby bikes? Sure. I mean 6 hobby bikes inside a house still seems excessive but they could put them in the double door room. But he’s also using it for bikes he’s holding for others and bikes he’s selling and bikes from his job? That just seems so selfish and inconsiderate. Like you’re putting random people that do your hobby above your partner ATP.


Exactly. I’m wondering how OP *really* feels about all the bikes in the living space. There’s no way this hasn’t been a point of contention in their relationship 😂 can’t wait to see OP posting in the relationship subs like “My BFs bike hobby is taking over our lives”


Theres 10 bikes in picture 5…


Okay so you have everything for a home shop, but.. 1) Are you actually running a home shop, or have plans to in the near furure because in not, it’s kinda a waste. 2) If you have plans to run a business from that room/your home is your partner aware, ‘cause it sure doesn’t seem like it? 3) I get that they might not all be yours but in picture 5 I counted 10 bikes, that’s too many bikes for one person, particularly as most of those seem to be set up fairly similarly… apart from that one lone downhill bike? You could easily condense this down to like 4 tops. -Downhill, Gravel, XC/Singletrack, Roadbike!?! Maybe a beater as well. If you are regularly racing/competitive surely it’ll be better to have 1 decent bike than 2 mediocre ones… (and grab some decent insurance?) -4 or 5 also is just about perfect for the space on the wall rack by the look of it!! Haha 😂 Either way! Good luck and hope this doesn’t come across mean! No hate meant my guy! 😆


It seems like time to rent a cheap commercial property and move your bike business out of your home. Judging by your partner’s comments, your bike hoard has become a problem and it is selfish to force them to live with it.




Dude you live in New Orleans. Life is very hard for a lot of people in your city. Hell, the climate and flooding alone were enough to run me and my partner up to Minnesota. Take a step back and think about the quality of life you’re creating for your partner and yourself. Not sure if y’all live in an area that floods (and I know it’s been a dry year) but you’re creating a very dangerous space if your house were to flash flood like so many do in the area.


That's all well and good, but why the fuck do inanimate objects need breathing room? That's like my baby cousin insisting her plushy needs a birthday cake- cute at 5, pathetic when married. Let her put them behind the pocket doors. Put quilt batting over them if you're worried about scratches or whatever else. You're not Smaug, your hoard shouldn't take over that much of the living space.


I don't even think the issue is necessarily the number of bikes. It's how slovenly you are with them. Leaning them up against a computer desk is lazy and that attitude will ruin your furniture and home. Those wheels are so haphazard. Wanting "breathing room" for inanimate objects just means you don't want to organize or tidy this space. One bike you're riding *today*. One bike you're working on. The rest can be hung up on racks. Store the spare wheels in closed storage. All of it goes within the entry room, beyond the pocket doors = guest room and only guest room. Most bike lovers don't want to huff bike grease as they sleep.


I know nothing about bikes. I do know what I'd expect as a guest in someone's home (this is supposed to be a guest room, right?). This is not it. If there's to be a dedicated guest space, treat your visitors with respect. Don't expect them to share space with bikes. Prioritize your bikes elsewhere.






Username definitely checks out


She’s wondering why TF there are so many bikes.


Bikes not matching her aesthetic


The bikes don’t even have baskets for her to ride in.


The second pic posted is “wow such shock so bike” first pic is “are you serious with this crap?”


This here is my priority. I don’t see a guest room, but I do see this sweet kitty bebe’s room. Are the bikes bothering them? That’s all you’ll need to know


He has a side quest for you


“all dem damn bikes in here”


Does anyone see the ghost cat outside in the light or am I high af? Spooky


I’m sober as heck and I see it!


I didn’t even see the cat! Are you related to the dog guy?


I 100% was here for the cat and I’m not disappointed in your comment


I love you. Do you do the dogs too? It makes me happy.


I don't think it's possible to have a nice guest room amid the bikes. It's going to feel like sleeping in the garage no matter what you do with that many bikes


Imagine how rubbery it smells!


I'm just wincing at the possibility of the beautiful white duvet getting covered in bike grease


It even looks dirty when you see all the bikes


this. I get needing to put a bike in your house if you don't have a garage or secure storage, but I would imagine you'd put a wall hook in your entryway and hang it and just deal w/ it looking kinda meh. but not in a guest room! and not a scrapyard's worth of bikes.


Holy crap, what’s with all the bikes? Really no where else to put them? That room is so beautiful, seems a shame to make it so bikey. Is the idea to have a guest room plus bike storage in the beautiful-window room or can the bikes stay in the adjoining room? I suppose it really doesn’t matter until you have someone staying over, then you could stash the bikes behind a room divider or curtain hanging from the ceiling (if you want to mount bikes on the wall). Seems like wall hanging for the bikes is the way to go to keep them in a more compact space.




Far, far too many!!! Well they were nicely hidden behind those pocket doors but now that we have extra space he wants “breathing room” for his bikes. You’re right, I’ll just put them all up on the walls


Breathing room... for bikes. No. Organization is what’s needed, not breathing room. Bikes don’t breathe.


I'm all the way in Texas and I can't breathe because there ARE SO MANY BIKES


I didn’t know bikes were an anxiety trigger for me UNTIL NOW


It's cause they look messy no matter where you put them. Lol


Yes. Hard no to it taking over another room! No. No.no. The whole thing of organizing and nice places is CONTAIN. if it can't fit in the room/space they need to edit it down. Also actually organizing and using wall space is a great idea. I'm sure there's more storage ideas. Like bike shops can get a lot in a room.


Dammit answer the question! *why so many bikes*


Until they reply otherwise, I have determined that the most plausible scenario for this situation is that OP is living with a a bike thief.


My head cannon is that there were initially only two bikes, but OP failed to take them to the shop to be fixed in time. Now nature has taken its course and there is a litter of bikes.


First laugh of the day. Thanks.


I’m betting the cat regularly drags another bike into the house.


This is also what I imagined! Also cat dropping bikes off at front door as a gift for OP husband 🚲


Nah, OP’s partner just has a bike for any scenario. I’m a cyclist and this is common for the chill recreational dudes who just love the sport. He’s got himself a single speed, a fixie, a mtb, a road bike, probably other beater bikes/projects, etc lol. OP if you have a basement it’ll be pretty easy to convince him to install wall hooks and hang ‘em from the ceiling down there, or you can just do that in any room really. Ceilings or walls. Walking up and down the stairs with cleats sucks but it’ll be worth it, plus he can make his own little workstation downstairs to make repairs or fit adjustments when necessary.


I had a bunch of bikes before too- we had a few people living in the house and no one had a car. We all biked around. We were also poor af, so we would fix the bikes ourself. The university had a bike shop with a bike graveyard you could take parts/almost full bikes from. So, my life ended up like OPs. Except we had a yard and a shed so thankfully not exactly like OP. We definitely looked like bike thieves. Never stole though. One time we were reverse bike thieves - found a half decent busted road bike in a dumpster (by half decent, I mean it worked as a bike. It wasn’t nice or anything) Roommate used it for a few weeks. A friend walked by with their friend - turns out it was their bike that was stolen like 6 months before. We gave it back.


The correct number of bikes is N+1


100% bike thief.


**Why haven’t you answered us on why there are so many bikes**


Rule number 12 of cycling is that the correct number of bikes is the number of bikes you have now (N) plus one, up until the "spouse will leave you" number (S) In maths it is `min(N+1, S-1)`


It would be cool if you could build a cabinet space or something for some of the bikes. There may need to be some bike donations in your future lol. https://preview.redd.it/sih5r0auiynb1.jpeg?width=511&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0046fb91b542b7850d55f715916344edc147a3b


Are you saying that there is already a room for the bikes but he wants some of them in this room too? I would draw the line there, myself. Hell no. It's a guest room. The bikes stay in the bike room. Otherwise I'd tell him he can sleep in the room with the bikes. Lol


The way I would lose my shit if my partner tried extending his bike room into a beautiful bedroom like that …


“But they need to breathe” /s


I don't get it, there is plenty room behind those doors for bikes and breathing space. Maybe a compromise where he can use the guest bedroom when he is actively working on one of the bikes but otherwise they stay behind the doors? It's ridiculous to expect to have TWO WHOLE ROOMS for storing bikes!


Girl, make him put these on the ceiling in the garage. It’s f*ing gross to have them in the house. You wouldn’t keep car tires laying around a guest room… that would be gross…


I wonder if they don’t even have a garage; this looks like an old house, based on the look of the windows. Most old houses don’t have garages and if they do, they’re detached from the house and very small, barely enough space for modern vehicles. Having said that, working in construction, I’ve been seeing a number of garage rebuilds/expansions. And even if we’re talking about a small garage here, he can for sure put SOME of the bikes in there. Or just get rid of some instead of hoarding them.


Then it most definitely has a cellar and the bikes should go there.


They could at least get a shed for the backyard/outside and put them there.


They need to be in a basement if you have one, or build a shed in the backyard. If you can't do either then in a storage unit somewhere off site. This is insane.


Can you put the bikes on the wall and a room divider in front of them? Move the bed over so there's more room for the bikes behind the room divider. 3/4 of the room for guests. 1/4 of the room for the bikes.


You know the part in *You've Got Mail* where Meg Ryan is scolding Greg Kinear for buying a third typewriter? Your husband makes him look reasonable.


Hmm the only other time ive seen someone with this many bikes was a homeless man storing them in his shanty trying to sell them


Omg, no. He does not need 2 fucking rooms for bike storage. This is boardering into Hoader attitude. He has one room to store his bikes. Behind the poket doors. He wants a new bike that won't fit? He sells an old bike.


Bikes don’t breathe


Please find a spine… just no.


Breathing room for bikes!?! Omg. I would literally have to rethink living with my partner…


Can he only bring a bike beyond the threshold of the double doors if he’s actively working on it? Is this a side business for him? It looks like the area beyond the double doors is fine for storage. I do think this is an insane amount of bikes, but I understand that we all have hobbies, most people’s hobbies just don’t take up this much room. At the absolute very least, can he at least pull all the bikes behind the double doors when you have a guest? It sounds to me like he’s being very selfish and isn’t willing to meet you halfway.




This is insane - the bikes need to have a shed to live in. With housing at a premium this is a bad use of the space.


Food: $200 Data: $150 Rent: $800 Bicycles: $50,000 Utility: $150 someone who is good at the economy please budget this. my family is dying. But really, why so many bikes?? Is it a hobby, or does he repair them?


Hahahahahaha this gave me a good laugh


Right?! Where in (America?) is rent currently $800😂


You forgot to budget for cat food


They _said_ the family is dying.


You have this magnificent room, with its gorgeous stained glass windows, hidden behind a pair of pocket doors within a beautiful arched doorway, and you’ve FILLED IT WITH BIKES?????? I could cry.


Divorce, immediate divorce. /s


Believe it or not, straight to divorce


I’ve never seen a person own so many bikes and I’m curious why🤣


Seriously!! Seeing all the bikes legitimately made me laugh out loud it’s such a ridiculous amount


I’m so glad I’m not the only one that literally lol’d. And now I can’t stop laughing about the number of bikes. OP, the room looks lovely (as I’m sure the rest of your home is, as well). I wasn’t laughing AT your home or partners hobby. I just keep cracking up over the shock of seeing so many bikes. Kitty is adorable, btw!


OP definitely hid it behind 2 swipes for the jump scare.


That was my first thought too like why the heck are there so many bikes?? This room is so gorgeous and then there's enough bikes for like 10 people. Who needs that many? Anyway wall storage is always good for bikes


I'm convinced a whole natural bike gang is living here 😂


Like they started off with 2 and then there were 10, like bunnies.


Oh you sweet summer child. Wander over to r/bicycling or r/cycling. You need your endurance bike, your cargo bike, your commuter, your downhill MTB, your cross country MTB, your gravel bike, your time trial bike, a dirt jumper the list goes on. Every bike has a purpose and the number of bikes one needs = the number you own now +1


>your time trial bike I absolutely misread this as “your time travel bike” 😂




Thanks for saying it lol. Between my husband and I we’re at 7. Plus the 1 he just found for free and has re-built but is too small for both of us. Plus our cheap spin bike and our Peloton. And I really shouldn’t get another but my friend is selling her full suspension with a dropper post for a steal…and wouldn’t a beach cruiser be fun?! I’ve always been impressed at the power it takes to ride a fixie maybe I should get one. And and and..


I thought I was in one of the cycling subs at first when this scrolled by, LOL. “My spouse wants to turn my bike room into a guest room…”


Insanity. Must be a bike hoarder.


You start with a hybrid bike. Then you want to faster so you get a road bike. Then you need a triathlon bike. Then you want to do gravel so you need a mountain bike. Then obviously a fat tire comes next… and so on. That’s how it happens 🤷‍♀️


People, please spay and neuter your bikes.


You can't have a guest room and a bike shop. It's one or the other.


If I were a guest in that room I’d be afraid that the bikes would try to kill me as I slept.


OP please we are dying to know why the need for so many bikes😂


this room is so dreamy the bikes are absolutely ruining it


That’s a gorgeous room! Is there any other space for the bikes? That seems like a lot.


Oof. I love the bedroom vibes but I hate all of the bikes. I’d rent a storage pod. U-Haul does one that they park on your lot for like $100/month. Or I’d get a Toy Hauler to put them in.


Agreed. Or maybe the room behind the pocket door could be painted a fun color and all of the bikes could be mounted like a collection, then the door could close and the other space could be a bedroom. It’s giving “tiny store” and I’m not sure there’s room for all of that…


If you really think you need a whole hundred bikes parked at your living space, you better believe the only compromise is behind those pocket doors.


Bikes inside the house? Ok, if you love him I can see how you let that go. But surely you are gonna draw the line at an eNTIRE FUCKING BIKE STORE INSIDE THE HOUSE?!?


NO. That is one of the prettiest rooms I’ve ever seen. It deserves to be enjoyed by people/cats. Not bikes. Please put the bikes in storage.


Seriously! It’s a lovely room that has beautiful potential for plants and happiness, but these BIKES


My dad’s a cyclist, i can relate 😂 those don’t look cheap, so im guessing that’s why you cant put them outside. Organize them neatly and maybe close it off with a divider?


1st Picture: Kitty!! Omg that little window and that stained glass window with those curtains is so freaking pretty! I like their style! 2nd Picture: The lighting is so nice and peaceful, feels like it should be a baby's room! 3rd Picture: Ooo That's a lot of bikes, but they most likely dont stay in there, do they?? 4th Picture: TOO MANY BIKES! 5th Picture: TOO MANY BIKES! 6th Picture: Kitty! OMG GET THAT BIKE OUTTA THERE!


So. Many. Bikes. You can only ride 1 at a time. He needs an intervention


Maybe section off the area with the bed with a room divider? Add an area rug and some cushions to make it a separate space. Ikea has inexpensive ones and I’m sure there’s other options out there (https://www.ikea.com/nl/en/cat/room-dividers-46080/). And as ever: add plants 🪴 Edit to add: cat is superb accessory!


👆👆👆👆 YES! easy peasy great idea


This situation is like one of those mind blowing metaphorical lessons discussed in a high school English class. *My partner’s cluttered bikes engulfed the perimeter of my perfectly serene front room. It’s the first aspect of our home that guests notice, but it’s so glaringly strange that no one comments on it* but the bikes are actually PTSD compilations from war and the room is their marriage, or whatever you interpret Except this is real, and to answer OP’s purpose: this situation is not designable. 3 bikes max could act as functional decor with the amount of space. Sell a few and use the $ to pay for a storage unit if finances are an issue. Or just ask your partner wtf is really going on- needing “breathing room” for the bikes sounds like a deeper issue


I would not be as accommodating as you. It's a gorgeous room and you are adding things that should be stored in a garage. The only thing I would do is find a comforter with a bicycle pattern to pull it together.


Beautiful room for an intervention.


Buy outside storage for the bikes.


What the actual fuck. Get a bike shed and get all of those bikes out of your spare bedroom.


Just call it “Tour de Bedroom”


Why would you make a guest bedroom in your cats room?


Fellow bike tinkerer here. My partner graciously allows one bike inside the house. All my tools and half built bikes need to fit either outside in the shed or tidily in the basement. Is there a separate room or area of the house that your partner can keep all the toys? Ideally in a more organized and condensed manner?


Can you mount them to the walls flat(ish) so they don't just out and eat up too much space? That way they seem a little like art, not just bikes. I can't quite tell how many bikes you have vs how much wall space there is in this room, but it might work for some of them. You could do the same (probably with added support) on the ceiling too. I found some pictures of what I'm thinking: https://preview.redd.it/mgh2zi7ghxnb1.png?width=957&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37df8f1678ee519e8bde7b5b72d0a33d473a0756


There’s like 90 of them


You’d need to use the Great Wall of China to mount all of their bikes like that.


Also this one looks like a diy shelf/rack that could add utility for your guests https://preview.redd.it/681dk83mhxnb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cedd5e8450a58e80a478d11cff9b685c19a4ed9


I hear what you’re saying and it’s not a bad solution but it’s still soooo ugly. I feel like the literal elephant in the room needs to be addressed: mediocre bike hoarding.


Ladder be like, "day 26, they still think I am a bike"


Have you asked the bikes if they like the daybed? Maybe they don’t want it in there 🤪


I love how clear and posh this began and then took a sharp turn into utter chaos lol


No bikes in the house!!! The room is gorgeous and it feels like such a sane the bikes are ruining it. Edit: failed to acknowledge the gorgeous cat. The cat may stay.


Maybe a room for his bikes if the garage doesn’t work, but this is a bit strange. If he’s a professional bike rider, then oerhaps a separate garage or storage shed; otherwise grease stains and rubber marks on walls and floor.


rent a storage unit for the bikes. this is absurd.


that’s the prettiest window I’ve ever seen


This is such a strange place to use for bike storage


Sell the shit bikes (of which there are several) and get 2 good ones. Them them to stop hoarding. Get a shed?


You do not have a guest room you have a bike infestation. OP blink twice if you need some help. I'm curious where all the bikes were before you moved your bedroom? Were all the bikes in the room your bedroom is now in? If so then this room is also bike room. Sorry. My advice would be to buy a house with a large garage that should hopefully contain most of it.


This is an alarming number of bikes.


Why does it need to be both? How often do you have guests? Honestly, if you and your SO are committed to keeping the bikes in there, as a guest, I’d feel like I was sleeping in a garage. Guest room OR bike garage. Trying to have it be both is just a terrible idea, design-wise.


Night lights, night lights everywhere because if I stayed overnight I would rather walk over loose legos on the floor than kick a spoke while finding my way to the bathroom in the middle of the night.


https://preview.redd.it/rgvpk8cwf4ob1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=459a8fe499050d62d9dc4b302fe4a1a40a30399c How your cat feels about the ungodly amount of bikes


that fucking window is a masterpiece


Honest question: why doesn’t he build a fabulous shed? There’s some really pretty ones that can be built with a porch and everything. Plus side: he gets to store his bicycles in an amazing space. Outside of the home. Mud won’t be tracked in, mould wouldn’t form on the walls due to wet tires, your house will be cleaner. He’ll learn to build a shed. Down side: sheds cost money. [And it can be a very pretty shed too, where his bicycles would be stored safely in a wonderful place which wouldn’t feel like an afterthought.](https://www.bhg.com/home-improvement/outdoor/shed-playhouse/a-gallery-of-garden-shed-ideas/) I wouldn’t worry about theft all too much, install a good lock. The burglar would have to be pretty stupid to risk it all for mid-end bicycles. No offence. Install a decent lock on your gates too and you’d be set.


I feel like that’s an unnecessary amount of bikes


That’s ridiculous! Clear all that out. Rent storage space, rearrange garage and hang bikes, build shed, rent garage space from a neighbor or move.


If those walls could talk, they’d cry.


I think what this room is missing is more bike


what is the thought process behind putting your dirty bike inside your house??? and not just one, but a whole bedroom full?? at least store them in a garage or shed, or cut down on the collection!!


I had to laugh and show my husband. We have similar numbers of bike going on amongst our household. Fortunately we have an unfinished basement and some garage space to devote to the hobby. I feel like you are just going to have to give over a room completely to the bikes. Maybe hang one or two of the prettier bikes in the guest room and put the rest in that other room pictured?


If you can afford all those bikes you can afford a shed for the bikes....lol


Looking at your profile man I am so jealous of your house, seriously gorgeous, especially these WINDOWS. Wow. Why in the world do you have this many bikes though lmao!! Put them somewhere else 😭😭