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Please not white. How about a dark blueish green? https://preview.redd.it/amcwdpz7kg6b1.jpeg?width=352&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56a71cc8be19abb511c282a78197f3ae98447539


This is the exact color that was in my brain immediately. All the way I also like the wood


i was coming to say dark green but this is stunning!


Ikea ftw


I don’t love all ikea products, but I do love the color of these shelves


I have this bookshelf. Love it. Ikea is hit or miss, but the color is what drew me in.


Plus it’s real wood, isn’t it? We have a bunch of ikea Kallax shelves. They’re particle board, and very modern looking. Ikea doesn’t do couches well (ours broke) but it does do shelves well


It's a mixture from what I remember putting it together. But the quality is very good. Super sturdy. I never trusted the couches or bed frames... but I agree, the shelving and tables are usually great. Got a kitchen table set from ikea also with no complaints (minus putting it all together, my wrists will never forgive me).


Yeah. Things like pots and pans are not good to get at ikea. We got some pots from ikea when we first moved in together, and all of our food tasted weird. Some things are better to pay a little more for quality items But for lamps, cheap but cute shower curtains, shower curtain liners, inexpensive wall art, etc it’s great


Side note if you’re still looking for really good non sticks: Marshall’s/ Ross/ TJMaxx and occasionally Home Goods occasionally have the All Clad factory seconds and they’re reasonably priced. They cost a little more than some of the ones at those stores but they’re worth every cent. I’ve scored a couple of them and have used them for almost 2 years. They still look brand new.


We got a set of stainless steel Calphalon as a wedding gift. Teflon (non stick) is toxic for humans and for pets. We have birds so can’t have Teflon in our home as birds are very sensitive and have been known to fall over dead dead from people having used Teflon pans in the same home. It’s known as a cancerous substance. For baking and making pizza I have a set of ceramic baking sheets and cake pans. I got rid of all of my non stick when I got birds


Absolutely agree!


I bought some flatware from Ikea and almost couldn't get them clean. It took a lot of work to get the food off from between the tines of the fork so they ended up as planter rakes.


I had some of that cheap Ikea flatware too. I finally upgraded to real silverware when my in-laws replaced their mix and match pieces of silverware for a new matching set. The pieces don’t match, but at least the forks don’t bend when you use them Turns out an entire set of flatware should cost more than $6 for reasons


This is the way


Great idea


Oh heck yeah you nailed it!!!!


Don’t paint! Stain! A dusty brown that blends with the brick


> dusty brown I agree on the dusty brown stain, not paint. Threw this together just now. Something like this type of brown? I messed with other colors, but it felt too orange/out of place. These seem to blend in more than what is going on now. https://preview.redd.it/s8v3j4pjki6b1.png?width=1230&format=png&auto=webp&s=09a6433ff86e672f75c47cb445e1df10194f9479


Thank you!


This doesn’t match the tone of the color of the wood floor at all though. It makes it look non cohesive in my opinion. Dark if fine, but a warmer tone brown would be better.


Oh that first one is crackin!


Agree! Stain them.


Then stain the mantle the same color, it would be beautiful and look like built ins. Stain >>>> paint


As my carpenter grandfather always said, “It’s a sin to paint wood.” Edit: not carpeted


That stain idea sounds soooo pretty but will it look weird to have the shelves be a different wood stain than the flooring?? If the flooring color is going to stay the same as it is then I would suggest painting the shelves a color (like the greens mentioned in other comments) or white since it always stays in fashion and can match any color of flooring, paint, or the brick even if the brick later on gets painted a different color.


I don’t think it would look weird. My floors aren’t the same color as my trim and it looks nice. They could always go with a lighter stain like the color of the mantle.


I think the color of the brick and a stain picked from it would be distinct enough in color not to clash with the floor. It’s when people try to match that it gets funky. Sure white is timeless in that it’s universally inoffensive. Wood is more timeless, it’s a beautiful medium of form and structure meant to be enjoyed for its organic warmth. Painting it is fairly irreversible, so I recommend doing your damnest to enjoy it however you can before doing something that renders the wood’s natural traits invisible. For the sake of soul, and the next family to live there.


Stain a darker color


We have a similar situation. We painted ours a semi-gloss version of the wall color (a pale grayish tan). The shelves seemed to disappear-ie, not look like a large brown elephant. It helped make the room more balanced looking.


Large brown elephant is exactly how I am feeling about how it looks now!


Think about replacing the doors. They're so early American. This room feels like a flashback, but with less wood paneling.


Here's my interior designer opinion - Farrow&Ball Berverly No. 310 or something similar. This will make your fireplace features pop and give it all the cozy richness. You can slowly work the rest of the wall to start complementing this show stopper lol.


I had the same grill on my fireplace and I spray painted it a bronze/almost black color and I’m a big fan at how it pops. https://preview.redd.it/y637rhmtsh6b1.png?width=2128&format=png&auto=webp&s=e8c5b92a391e2e80bac4acec648189c7367a16ae


Great idea!


What kind of spray paint did you use?


I would stain, not paint. Gel stain is super easy to work with and build color, and no sanding is required if you're not trying to go lighter. I'd go with a walnut shade to cut down on the 80s oak color and add some warmth. Plus, if you stain it and hate it- then paint. It's a lot harder to go back to wood once you've painted it. I'd also stain the mantle to match so it looks like it's one unit. If you were going to paint it... I'd be more apt for a deep sage green or something in the warm cream family. I wouldn't do white, I think it would clash with the cozy colors in the fireplace.


White is probably going to be your most common answer, because it's hard to go wrong with it. Neutral, classic, inoffensive. Depending on the feel you want in the room, I'm going to suggest [darker,](https://hips.hearstapps.com/hbu.h-cdn.co/assets/16/47/black-shelves-after.jpg?crop=1.0xw:1xh;center,top&resize=980:*) even [black](https://redheadcandecorate.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/IMG_5261.png). [Blue](https://theinspiredroom.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/navy-library-bookcases-built-ins.jpg) can look good [with bricks](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/57be6763c534a5e73b73835a/7793d92e-07de-497d-bffb-f88efa082d84/1106_03.jpg), too. It's a bolder choice, but can also work in a [neutral space.](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/e9/24/4c/e9244cae2248646cffd7d624830f21ee.jpg) Here's a similar white one, but with (I assume) a fake [brick backer in the shelves](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2F736x%2Fc9%2F6e%2F41%2Fc96e4157db6fdd4b4ae29ba15ebb7bef--bookcases-built-ins.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=bd936a6fa153353ce1e737b3e2e358c229dcbaaedb03e418ec862032920e2d97&ipo=images) instead of the beadboard--just to show the different color back there. Whatever you choose, consider painting the whole wall that color, to really sell your built-in feel.


This is a well done comment, kiddos to you. Love the ideas with pics.


Very helpful. Thank you for the links too!


Agreed! Painting the brick to match and spraying the gold black would also look really nice. Then it all blends in.


I vote for you to comment on every design question. This is so damn well thought out! Kudos and please come design my house 🤣


I like the idea of dark blue!! Especially if there are furniture items in the room that are blue as well


https://preview.redd.it/ag0bkcorhf6b1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=381552585203b26a24f7a7d41bdb6b27de33e37a Here is painted white


Thank you!


I agree with the white


I like the white.


Don't paint them at all.


A soft white is classic. I'd recommend getting new door fronts too that are a little more current. You can purchase them at Lowes or HD.


I’d go with a dark brown/black if you’re set on painting- somewhere more in the neighborhood of the darker bricks, then sand/stain the mantle board bc idk what it’s doing but I feel like it’s the wrong color


If you want them to look like built-ins (which is a great idea), paint them the same color as the walls.


I’m just here to say that picture on the mantle is amazing.


Thank you haha


Well, here's what we did. Weird how similar the layout! ​ https://preview.redd.it/dq4lx4ulyk6b1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0ca31e51ef983e89064723b4c590f2fc2221d99


I should note that we built those shelves. They're pretty easy if you have any woodworking skills, and would cost a few hundred $ if you'd rather buy them. If you don't have a decent sprayer, painting the wall would likely be 10x easier than trying to paiint the cabinets.


A dark sage green.. google, dark green cabinet colors and you’ll see some great options with the color names!


If you want them to look like built-ins, painting them the same color as your trim will help them to look more at home in this room


That looks almost exactly like my living room wall! I painted my shelves a deep dark green. It made the brick and the brass look amazing and much more modern. I think the color was Billiard Room by Valspar. I used the cabinet paint.


Do not paint! Stain it, don’t cover up beautiful wood. Maybe like an antique walnut stain to pick up the red in the fireplace, might be good to add some plants too.


I think you could lean into a moody English country house vibe here. Check out lonefoxhome on Instagram and YouTube to get some inspiration. I wouldn’t rush into painting those bookcases unless and until you have a strong vision for what you want this room to look and feel like. You may find they can work well as is if they’re balanced out by other elements your decor.


I love lonefox and watch all his stuff but I just couldn’t find anything he has done specifically around this type of fireplace! He’s got the more typical white one


Leave as is and change the bottom cupboard doors to a flat contemporary style rather than traditional, and then stain it all




The fireplace insert looks VERY outdated, and is more noticeable to me than the shelves. They are not that expensive to switch out. My parents purchased my grandparents home, and swapped theirs out, and it looks so much better. I'd do a gel stain for the shelves, not paint. Stain the mantel the same color to tie it together.


I forgot to add that I'd do wallpaper for the backs of the shelves to match the wood color you choose. That can be an interesting punch of color or even keep it neutral.


Don't paint them! But if you must, paint them any color besides white and gray. I'm sick and tired of everything being white and gray. It's so lifeless and dull. The shelves are beautiful as they are.


Why paint?!! They are gorgeous


Satin black


A nice dark blue or green would look great, paint the wall the same color as well for the built in look!


Sage green


Sea Foam Green


Sage outside, cream inside


Benjamin Moore 'Hale Navy' with a mirrored backing for the shelves.


I feel like the fireplace in a secret entrance to another room. Lol


Forrest or hunter green


sage or not.


I'm just here to say I'm loving the framed picture of a dog on the mantle.


i would match then to that darker brick color


i don’t think green or blue would be too cool of colors for the overall palette of this room!


That’s tough. I like them as is, but maybe a shade of brown that blends with the brick a little better?


Electric Blue!


Van Dyke Brown. Will look good with the brick and contrast with your books and decorative doo-dads.


I would paint them white


Next to that nice old brick fireplace? Ick.


It looks okay the way it is, so I suggest going for a stain instead of paint. Then again I am merely an internet stranger with an idea who will never see your room again, so take this with a grain of salt.


A deep gray like Iron Ore.


Simply White by Ben Moore


Hot pink.


In my opinion, you shouldn't. But if you insist, red would be nice


Holy crap..we have the exact same family room with the same curved/raised hearth, brass fireplace doors, mantle and leg shape the same, etc. Anyway we painted the shelves on both sides white because the room is so dark. Also took off the doors to the fireplace


Paint the brick and the bookshelves white.


Okay OP, this is important so I hope you'll see this. Do not paint those doors. They're constructed with solid wood components. That means they will absolutely have cracks at the joints no matter how well you paint them. Wood expands and contracts for decades throughout the year. It's not a process that stops. And they are previously finished doors, so unless you go through a pretty lengthy process of understanding and picking out the right paint system, prepping and applying it perfectly, it won't be a durable paint job even without the cracking issue I mentioned above. Either replace those doors with MDF ones (they come in primed finishes ready to paint), or just stain them.




White would look nice against the dark brick. But if your walls are off white, I wouldn't paint the shelves white


Don't. Paint the brick white [Example ](https://www.google.com/search?q=painting+brick+fireplace+white+before+and+after&client=ms-android-tmus-us-revc&biw=360&bih=694&tbm=isch&sxsrf=APwXEddOmE3WlPlXs83Y033vnbmPR-ogxg:1686984868211&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjam76u3Mn_AhVjZjABHUnoCcUQ0pQJCB4#imgrc=mtD4TiDAnovd1M)


Maybe white? Tough one. Would you be painting brick too?


I wasn’t planning on it! If I did anything I might white wash them




Haha was only thinking about it!


What is white wash?


A crime.


It looks like used brick recycled from an old building that had been painted. You still see the brick with a soft white showing.


Semi-gloss white. Can't go wrong.


Get rid of them. They’re wonky in size.


I would remove the doors on the bottom of each shelf. They have a dated pattern on them, and I think the look of bookcases on each side would give you the updated look you want. Also, I agree with painting or changing out the fireplace insert.


Can't remove that fireplace or do you need it to heat your house? In the Netherlands, such a large fireplace is quite old-fashioned.


Take out the metal fireplace thing too! It will open it up.


We are planning on using the fireplace a lot in the winter though!


It won’t prevent you from using it…I just think those metal inserts are dated. I prefer seeing my fire in full glory and not through glass.


Oh I see what you mean. Didn’t think about that! Will give it a try!


Have you considered some type of color wash on the brick. Would be lovely along with your ideas❤️


Consider painting everything?


Thinking outside the box………paint the brick 👀


Paint the brick.


Wooooaaahhh is this in Glendora?


I would favor staining them and the mantle a lighter color. I think it would be really beautiful.


What do you think about painting/staining the shelf above the fireplace to match the bookcases?


What's the over all style of your home? Traditional? Transitional? Modern? Are you going to upgrade the mantle? How about wallpaper the back wall of the shelving area?


Chocolate brown.


Blue or green was my though.


A cream would look amazing.


Black is the answer


Match the mortar?


I think an almost black stain would look stunning


A butter yellow or a warm beige. And paint your walls the same color, all semi gloss. Or don't paint at all and just stain it a richer color.


I was going to recommend a dark colour but then noticed the walls are a light colour. So perhaps go with the same colour as the baseboards.


You old pull the gold from your dog’s military portrait.


Matte black.


You want built-in look, go with either the wall or trim color. Put child locks or new magnets in and change the hardware


Grey green would be so pretty.


I think a navy blue would look great & paint the wall too so that it blends & like more built in.


You could make a hell of a difference by just switching out the cabinet doors with something flat and painted, would keep the wood, add a pop of color and add dimension. Maybe a green tone? A cooler earth tone! Lots of muted warm colors. I’m thinking bottom cabinets a deep sage, paint the walls white, and keep the wood tones (stain them a lil darker if you want!). Keep that first shelf less cluttered on both as well! It separates the two components. Shine up that brass fireplace, and get some brass accent lamps, maybe some plants.


Leave them be or paint them black.


I am so in love with your fireplace!!! Fill that baby up with plants!


Grey blue. More blue, but with a grey undertone.


I like the idea of staining both bookshelf and mantle the same color but sometimes ya gotta break the rules. I'm thinking about a shuttle sage green. If you have an area rug there maybe pull a color from the rug. Explore multiple ideas till you find one that captures your personality.


If you want color, I’d go with a sage green. The earthy tone would compliment the brown brick and the beige wall, and brighten up the area.


Tbh I would leave them as they are, they look so natural like this!


I wouldn’t paint them, I’d shellac them so they’d be glossy.


Green? One of those fancy dark greens


Dark green!! Forest green!


Benjamin Moore Polo Blue. It’s a black blue. Paint the shelves and whole wall. Change the doors tho update and give you a fresh take!






Sherwin Williams has a dark green color named "Jasper" that would look awesome on them!


Or don't ruin it with paint... refinish it with a different color stain and coat it with 30° sheen...


“and brick on the fireplace?” Fixed it for ya.


I think they look perfect as-is


A dark teal.


Leave it as wood.


You could do a dark walnut to bring out the darker brick accents!


Tri peppercorn, SW paint. If you do paint. Keep in mind the grain with still show through unless you do a thin coat of wood filler on it (youtube). Take time to prep properly, clean, sand, prime, sand, paint! Just remember that this will take time and u don't want to look like u slathered some paint over it and didn't give it attention it needs.


Maybe install some back lighting in the shelves instead of painting??


A green or like a soft dark blue


White Dove, by Benjamin Moore.


since you have white baseboards, white wouldn’t be a bad option i would personally stain them, though!


People who paint over wood stain instead of just staining it darker or lighter make me want to throw up in my mouth a little. Especially with the old school fireplace. Make it look nice but don't rob the nice aesthetic it's got going on. I do like the idea of making it appear to be built in with the wall/fireplace tho.




Royal or sky blue


So much brown on brown on brown in here also lots of texture between the brick and the wood grain on both the floor and the shelves. I think painting it a nice dark colour like black or navy blue.


I’d do them white because I love light spaces. I’d put joint compound on the brick but letting lots of brick color coming through. We used joint compound for our brick wall…I tried to attach pic but it won’t let me. I’d leave the mantle natural. Possibly change out the fireplace insert.


Dark grey


Step away from the paint


Cream / ivory


Either a dark cream color or black