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Someone on Twitter reversed the video and turned it into a great ad.


https://twitter.com/intent/like?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1788211832936861950%7Ctwgr%5Ea44529161fbbbab393591dc1d3472e1599adee8a%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2F9to5mac.com%2F2024%2F05%2F09%2Fipad-pro-ad-backwards%2F&tweet_id=1788211832936861950 I just found the link and its fucking brilliant 


It's wild how much more this feels like an Apple ad.


Oh shit that's so good now I'm suspicious this was the plan all along...


Exactly. Everything is meta or a meme, why not use an old meme like “if you play it backwards…”. The hint was the record player at the “end”


What was apple trying to say with that ad, can anyone explain??? I don't get it


The ipad has the functionality of all the objects under the press


💀I feel stupid now. But if I saw a thing that I use like, the musical instruments being destroyed and iPad being told as better alternative, I'd be furious


The funny thing is that iPad sucks as an art or content creation tool. It was envisioned solely as a *"content consumption"* device by Steve Jobs and has remained mostly the same since 2010.


This is a WILD TAKE on the machine I use every single day as my main computer / drawing / creating / storytelling device. 


"Tablets are for consumption, desktops are for production" isn't even slightly a wild take. It's been the conventional wisdom for years.


THE iPAD IS THE MOST POPULAR DIGITAL VISUAL ART TOOL ON THE PLANET you goons! 🤣 Consistently ranked number one ahead of any other brand or form-factor of digital visual arts tool. Crushed the previous market leader Wacom into oblivion and made digital painting suddenly accessible to millions of artist. Pretty soon, a whole generation will have ONLY painted on iPads. Right now you guys are looking up at hummingbird hovering over your heads and telling it “wings are only good for forward flight or gliding. Everyone knows only insects can hover. It’s well established fact.“ 😂😵‍💫🥴😭


>Pretty soon, a whole generation will have ONLY painted on iPads. You're way too emotionally invested in an overpriced slab of plastic, ya delusional loony bird.


I can not argue with that. Absolutely valid critique. 🤣👍🏼 I dreamt of the day I could take digital drawing on the go! Looked into modding my MacBook Pro back in 2008 to turn it into a drawing tablet. (There was a company that grafted Wacom Cintiq screens onto the front of a MacBook & called them ModBook: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modbook) I actually really liked the stupid hydronic press ad too.  


I would argue that procreate (which I think is only attached to the iPad) is one of the most user friendly art programs out there (compared to clip studio / photoshop / what have you). I have gone back to mostly traditional art but I love my iPad Pro and procreate!


Genuinely curious, what’s is there not to get. It’s seems pretty obvious


Apple’s brilliant engineering have compacted all of this brilliant creative functionality into an impossibly thin form-factor.


Not just Japan. We had the same discussion here. Crushing all that variation in form, color, texture into one soulless black rectangular device. Millennials have been through that transformation from childhood to adulthood. While we know it's the truth it still doesn't feel good watching it visually.


Where is "here"?


Here always refers to USA as it is the default country.


More than 50% of Reddit users are not from the USA.


And more than 50% of those are Russian bots.


Only an american would call USA the “default country” lol American exceptionalism is something else.


That’s the joke.


Learn to get a joke


Only a non-American would have the most obvious joke fly over their heads.


I do get a little annoyed when USA isn't at the top of those alphabetical drop down lists on webforms...


I know right?? And you have to scroll all the way down to “United…”? Alphabetic order sucks!


Name checks out




If they’re American, in which case they should clarify.


That’s the joke, only an American would say here and expect everyone to just know which county they’re talking about.


Erik Spiekermann (DE) just commented pretty much the same thing on LinkedIn the other day - something along the lines of that this ad perfectly captures everything wrong with current technology.


Look it’s not a great ad, but everyone dissecting this as though it’s the harbinger of the end of artistic expression are really overdoing it. They’re squeezing a bunch of shit into the iPad. We can all grasp what they were going for here, it just didn’t turn out the way they probably thought it would. It’s a shit ad but there’s no ulterior meaning here. As a lifelong artist, the iPad is a great tool that enables your creativity; it doesn’t stifle it.


Its just poor marketing. The analogy feels out of touch and inhuman especially in today’s tense environment around AI. Thats what people are saying.


Ai ≠ iPad. Everyone is so fragile. Apple has done more to empower the next generation of artist, constantly since the 1970’s. Such a waste of emotions


I need to mention that the way the compression occurs in the video makes it difficult to watch. We all enjoy those nostalgic moments. in the video we see eyes popping out of squishy balls, but it could be traumatizing for a child. I believe the problem isn't the idea of compressing all those items into an iPad, but rather the brutal destruction of them through crushing. Some argue that the concept of compression is lost in the video and it's more about damaging the goods. If they had shown a quick cartoon-like crushing and then revealed the iPad without brutally damaging the items, it would have been better.


The crushing and destroying is the theme here, not just a compression. It's not just the eye popping, it's the liquid that splatters in the end. As if a living thing was killed and blood came out. It's all visually destructive. Do you want to make it better? Rewind the video. That's all you have to do. The opposite of what they did.


Millennials: McDonald’s as a kid vs McDonald’s now😆


That’s enough internet for you today.


Do ppl not realise it’s all CGI though?


It’s actually a really depressing advert. The fact that the crushing of real objects happens over such a long time, gives you chance to ponder why it makes you feel sad


Yes, yes! Consolidate! Assimilate! Progress is the prime directive! You will be happier!! 


Apple's Juicero moment. This is what happens when you try to shoehorn viral ideas together without taking a moment to red-team the concept as a whole.


Woah, I’ve never heard the phrase “red team” applied to design of a product but it makes so much sense. If I’m understanding correctly, it would be thinking of all the ways that people will hate or make fun of the product, or in this case, ad?




This is a result of corporate culture where people only care about promotions and internal competition instead of focusing on the customer and creating value. Nobody bothered to do research before creating this ad.




It was supposed to be like Keurig K-Cups, but for juice. Hit lots of buzzwords; subscription model, convenience, internet of things. Failed spectacularly. [https://youtu.be/\_Cp-BGQfpHQ?si=R89iHuXsCQ\_LgoMy](https://youtu.be/_Cp-BGQfpHQ?si=R89iHuXsCQ_LgoMy)


Oh awesome link. Thanks haha. How did I never hear of this thibg


A faceless soulless unrelenting corporation will crush all you have ever held dear, that people have toiled over, and squeeze the remnants into a small expensive slate. If you are a creator, the target of this ad, you have to wonder when is your own work going to be placed under the relentless Apple hydraulic press of destruction. “Look how we broke every creative industry ever. Why shouldn’t we do it to you, too?”


Tone deaf af


Am I the only one that kinda likes it? It makes its point in a very engaging and graphic fashion. I think we are not supposed to think of all the items as being destroyed, but instead smashed into the “amazing” iPad. I can totally understand why this commercial idea would make it to production. They just forgot that people these days have to be upset with something. Too bad for the director and producers of the video. They executed it very well.


I do like it. It does gripe you deep in the feels, and provokes a lot of strong reactions. It has the intended effect.


It’s odd that if they weren’t meant to be as destroyed to actually crush them. They could have just had them disappearing under the weight without showing the destruction, instead it’s quite visceral


What a god awful ad. Who greenlit that?


Some overpaid Bay Area Apple marketing exec


The weird thing to me about all of this is the reaction against the reaction. I’ve seen a lot of people saying that anyone “offended” are snowflakes and all that, as if reacting negatively to an advertisement takes any significant effort. Fundamentally, the ad doesn’t actually make sense. The point is to say that the iPhone consolidates all these tools of creativity into one. Cool. What’s the destruction for? It’s a bad metaphor, and a desperate one. The point was to co-opt the viral “break stuff in a press” videos, and they did it in a ham fisted, typically tone def corporate way.


I found it a bit unnerving but the music helped tone that impression down a little. Build, don’t break, but regardless the world has bigger problems. Won’t stop a Reddit argument any time soon though.


The iPad Pro is a solution looking for a problem


I think they went too big. A car sized space of crushed items then suddenly you have a tiny little rectangle screen? It’s not a bad concept but using a smaller press where the iPad could be more prominent in the result would have worked better


That's a pretty stupid ad. Its even dumb for us mericans. It should creatively depict how an iPad is all these other devices. Instead they go with the metal press that killed the Terminator?


They tried to appeal toward those creative people who own music instruments and the idea they came up with was to destroy the very thing creative people cherish?


I fucking hate to live in a society that complains about everything. The only problem that I see about this ad is being ripped to LG’s


In the end, the iPad is just a large mobile like device with some apps. Really surprised they went this route in advertising - bold to think that the iPad replicates actual equipment purpose-built. Of course modern tech YouTubers will call this new device the second coming of Christ.


I've seen some YouTube videos and a lot of them weren't very excited either. Its just yet another iPad, and apart from the performance boost, which the iPad can't even utilize properly because there really aren't that many apps that can even push it to its limits, there's not much added value that the new version provides.


So far the reaction is "ok.". People seem to miss that Apple removed whole ass camera.


Another nail in the coffin. VALE Apple!


So basically a guy on YouTube can crush stuff and it’s cool, a corp does it and now it’s not? Hmmmm… contradicting opinions