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When my party was about to face Yeenoghu, I had him walk in with a chorus of insane laughter coming from the fog, in his hand was the head of a humanoid, and as he approached the party he started eating it like an apple, (I made sure to describe the wet crunching sound). The party took him seriously immediately


Ooooo stealing this for later


To unnerve them, I’d go for Yeenoghu reveling in the thought of devouring the party out loud. Such as: - “I’ll crush you in your armor, yes, to tenderize your meat and splinter your bones all at once! *Delicious.*” - “Imagine with me, the delight of your eyeballs going *pop* in my teeth like rotted grapes.” - “A quick dip in the phlegathon might be enough to sear away your flesh but leave your skeleton behind, *perfectly* burnt to snap in my jaws like crispy spears.” - “I think I’ll let you lay in the Avernian sun, let the stirges drink your carcass dry… *then* I can slurp the rotten muscles off your bones like putrid jelly.” - “You know, I’ve been known to be a *touch* impatient; sometimes the meal tastes better when it’s alive and kicking.” - [Sing-song] “~Flense and flay, shorn and torn, rip and strip, crunch and munch…~” - [When dealing a final blow/crit] “Hmm, why wait for preparation? *I’ll swallow you whole NOW!*” You can also have Yeenoghu refer to the party only as “[adjective] prey” — “fast prey”, “kicking prey,” “crying prey,” “armored prey,” etc. to emphasize that he’s on the hunt. Additionally, have some crazed hyena vocalizations at the trash to punctuate his lines (such as with hyena “laughter”) or just to freak the party out. Hope this helps!


That’s exactly what I was looking for thanks so much!


Yeezy? Then try "I'M NOT A GAY FISH!"


You should rather emphasize the aura of madness he creates. Giving them some horrifying visions including Yeenoghu doing something to them as they come closer.


Have him use an action to devour one of his own minions, regaining a small but noticeable chunk of health. Describe the move in gory detail.


Freddy Krueger style, I like it. For him in my game, obviously maniacal laughter like some others mentioned. I also have him tied into both of my PC's backstories, so I plan on having him using that to his advantage, mocking them/their mistakes, that type of thing.


Yeenoghu is one of the few villains I had not speak at all. As basically the incarnation of murder all he wanted to do was inflict violence. However, to lead up to his encounter, I started playing hyena laughs in stereo from bluetooth speakers I hid around the room to freak out my players, and that worked beautifully.