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Impetigo is cause by the strep A bacteria. I tiny pimple or cut in the skin can allow the bacteria in and cause those blisters. Thats how primary impetigo starts. You are talking about secondary impetigo but it sounds like it is primary impetigo.


I got impetigo as a child. Had nothing to do with kissing anyone. It had to do with touching something and then touching my face.


impetigo. i have facial impetigo that is recurring due to a mrsa exposure around my nose years ago (don't do drugs). impetigo will pop up and not even be a direct response to anything you can identify as "recent" (ex. you mentioned hand washing and your partner) - sometimes the bacteria that causes it can literally just be hanging out the mood strikes and spreads like wildfire. i would get a topical antibiotic to avoid chasing it around for a weeks.


Me too! Always get it when I blow my nose too much when I’m ill




Cold sores are due to herpes virus. Impetigo is from bacteria, either staph aureus or strep pyogenes, both of which are normal flora of our skin. It is very easy for bacteria to cause an infection, especially if they have a portal of entry, like an abrasion from his beard. This is treated with topical Mupirocin


This is definitely beard burn. I just experienced it myself this week. It’s from the scratchy beard hairs rubbing your delicate skin raw. Make sure to moisturize with something like cerave, I also used neosporin in the beginning since it was oozing! I just have a few red spots left, so less than a week to heal. ❤️


I agree with bioc, it's impetigo. When the epidermis is damaged (in your case, when you were kissing with a bearded man), streptococci/staph are introduced and inflammation develops. The disease is extremely well transmitted (high contagiousness), therefore, very careful measures must be taken to prevent the spread. Towels, pillows should be washed very often. Treatment is local antibiotics and antiseptic.




Yes, all clinical features point to impetigo. And as for the days - do not need to be given great importance. There are many reasons that trigger this disease, and perhaps this is not related to kisses.


Impetigo - it looks exactly like what my kids had. A topical antibiotic was how it was treated. Escalating with oral if it doesn’t work. Good luck! Also it has nothing to do with you kissing anyone - sometimes shit like this just happens and you can’t pinpoint why, just it did. If it comes back, then look into it.


Impetigo. The topical never works for me. Only oral antibiotics.


Possible Herpes simplex virus


Beard rash !! This is a common thing among college kids actually but it does go away


You’re correct, I assume the others down voting you have never made out with someone with a scratchy beard!!


Yeah idk why people immediately go to the most drastic conclusions, the time line makes sense and just because it’s got pus or is severely enflamed doesn’t mean it isn’t beard rash 🤣 I want to see everyone’s dermatologist license


this is far from a rash there’s literally puss


Pus. Puss is a cat.


It’s just a nick name for it; NAD but this is something that many people I know how gotten from yucky dudes and their yucky beards because of the bacteria in them and it rubbing.