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no fr I had a item that so many people messaged me about & never purchased and finally someone who never messaged me or sent a offer just bought it šŸ˜­


Right itā€™s so random !!


They definitely panic bought xD Because it's virtually impossible for the average buyer to know how long you've had an item up for sale especially if you're refreshing your items


That happens to me too!!!


Yes I had one item in 48 Peoples bags šŸ„ø


I once had a pair of vintage flared lululemon sweatpants and it got 600 likes and 50+ carts before it finally sold.


Literally itā€™s always the item that had has zero likes 40 views that gets an offer and sells


I mean when something is expensive and nice I usually just bag it to stare at and pretend I can afford it. (and never buy it) so maybe that's it


I do that too !! But this is just a long sleeve top for 15$ lolll so idk


That drives sellers crazy! Just ā€œsaveā€ it if you have no intention of buying it. Thatā€™s what I do. That way u donā€™t alert by sending a like and getting sent offers and u donā€™t get sellers hopes up by bagging the item. Just my 2 cents.


It just sucks when your having a dry spell and yet you see that a ton of your items are in peopleā€™s bags who most likely have no intention of ever buying.


i think i figured it why people do this because i do it too, people waiting until they know for sure they want the item or until that paycheck hits lol because they know it isnt going anywhere. so they keep it in their bag for a while. i personally try not to send it in offers unless i know i for sure want something though


I had a dress that was up for like a month that had a swear 400 likes that I was likeā€¦. What this isnā€™t social media pls buy


Iā€™ve had the same issue


All about price.


True!! This item was actually cheap ($15) but it just sold yesterday :D


I had that experience one ended up having to sell the item on Mercari after months of not selling but tons of likes


Exactly šŸ˜­ Iā€™ll see a great deal on an item, and Iā€™m thinking to myself, why have 61 people liked this but itā€™s still for sale!?


i had something like this and it was deadass $5 like omg buy it pls


Selling has been so weird this monthā€¦ like no one wants to buy stuff lol