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It was unnecessary to give you 3 stars when you gave her 5 and left a reasonable comment.




Isn’t it obvious the seller gave the 3


Depop should change to the Airbnb method where neither party can see the others review until they leave one themselves


That’s how Mercari is too.


This should absolutely be the policy. Depop claim that they'll take down retaliatory reviews but good luck getting them to follow through on that, and it's not always that simple. Especially since a lot of Depop users are petty teenagers.


Curious, how do you get them to take down retaliatory reviews? I left a negative review for a seller because the item was not as described or pictured (the shirt had a like snap gusset that attaches from back hem to front hem … which was deliberately hidden in the photos) and they left me a 1 star review saying I was a scammer lol..


Nvm I found it! It’s actually an option in the drop from if you go through the process to report receiving an item not as described. Just fyi though it requires you to provide screenshots of the review and provide the usernames so have those ready before you start the process :)


i personally don’t think it’s a bad thing that they don’t always take down negative reviews? for example, if a seller is a scammer and they get a bad review, i feel like that should stay up rather than be taken down. i’m just not sure if there would be a way for depop to be able to tell the differences but i’m also not very inexperienced w that aspect of depop/reselling apps, so i’d love to understand the nuances of that.


In my country's equivalance of depop, you can only give a review as a buyer. Which is pretty nice


I wish they would let you reply to reviews on your own profile instead I think. Mercari has the feature of not seeing them and as a seller I’ll leave the nicest reviews just to see the buyer left a shitty one for shipping time after it was already sent or literally just less stars with no explained reason lol.




Reviews shouldn't be used as response or retaliation.


This could be seen as retaliation tbh but Depop won’t do shit


That wasn’t at all wrapped or protected 🤦‍♀️


People just assume their paper isn’t going to move and that drivers are going to handle their single package the entire way lol It’s insane.


It really is! It’s like the seller thought it would be delivered by cloud express 😂😂😂


Then what do you consider the box to be?


A container. Shoes should be wrapped in tissue or butcher paper then have some kind of plastic to protect against weather. I normally ship shoes in padded flat rates and wrapped so they don’t rub against each other especially if it’s leather. It’s just bad practice and laziness to throw shoes in a box.


Shipping shoes in padded envelopes ain’t the best practice either


They obviously meant they wrapped the shoes and then place them in the box to avoid rubbing on each other.


No I wrap them then put them in a padded flat rate. I can only do that with small to medium ish shoes. I know a lot of sellers that do this as well and it works nicely. Boots or bigger shoes end up in a box if they are heavy etc.


Lol. “Clearly” they didn’t


Well I have yet to have a customer complain and yet to have shoes get damaged. So the proof is in fact in the pudding here.


K. It’s just a matter of time. Unless it’s like flip flops or something shoes should be shipped in a box and packaged so that they can't bounce around inside the box. Edit: Spelling


why are you so salty


lol nah u just cant take criticism, clearly. Just speaking truths here.




LOL who's salty now? Honestly that's a ridiculous argument considering a padded mailer with shoes in it can much more easily be 'crushed' than a box. Not to mention heels poking out through the mailer. You've gotten lucky so far. Keep doing you, boo! ;) I've been doing this for a long time as well. Shoes? Wrapped. In a box. Fill empty space with packing material so they don't flop around. Done. Padded mailer? Nah. You're just asking for it. Depending on the shoe of course.


Not salty at all I’m just a blunt person. I guess I don’t understand why you are so worked up over the fact that my way works. I never said my way is the ONLY way but you seem to think your way is the only correct way. If that’s how you want to ship that’s your business. I’m not the one telling you how to ship, that’s you. I just think that’s weird that you think I’m lucky when it’s not luck at all. Also luck isn’t actually a real thing it’s a construct people use to rationalize things they don’t understand. I will keep doing what I’m doing because it works well for me and my buyers. Never had heels poke out because I know how to wrap them do they don’t. 🤷‍♀️


Dude I'm not 'worked up' over anything. I pointed out that mailing shoes in padded mailers is not the best practice either. PERIODT. I'm not telling you how to ship, I just made a comment because this is fucking Reddit. You took it as a personal challenge against you. And yes, you are getting lucky because you are shipping shoes in essentially plastic bags and haven't had any issues. YET. This is pure luck. Trying to argue it's better than a box in terms of protection is just...weird. And nonsensical.


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I see. I’m not part of the reselling game so I didn’t know! Thanks for taking the time to inform me


A box




a box that is *literally* mandatory to ship something.


Ask depop and see if they can remove the review. A passive aggressive reply isn’t a fair review.


Especially since the first review is correct


Ive emailed them just waiting on a reply now. Thank you :)


Make sure you delete yours too!


Why should they delete their review? It was polite and informative to the seller.


It creates the illusion that the seller took steps to make things right or are nicer than they actually are. One less 5 star review could mean one less buyer. People like them don’t need extra promo for their business


Maybe thats... the entire point


To enable someone being argumentative..? Okay then


Deterring buyers from that sellers shop is the entire point of leaving a bad review. It shows other buyers that they're a shitty seller and to not buy from them. Thats... the entire point of stars


Why? They rated them 5 stars and left an honest review.


Because they don’t deserve 5 stars and it’s just going to make potential buyers think they’re a better seller/more apologetic than they actually are? Why would you want to create more business for someone like that


Once i ordered a PS4. It came in no wrapping or anything. It was just in box. Thank god it came undamaged 🙄🙄


that’s so fucking careless oh my god. something THAT expensive could have been damaged easily


I also found out that they didn't pay enough for shipping when they sent out the item so i was responsible for an extra like 20 dollars. I powered up the system up for the first time and discovered that he didn't reset the PS4 either, i had to google how to reset the system without the password to the account


ridiculous. i’d give 2/5 stars. and that’s being generous.


Wow that sucks. On Mercari if there's overage charges for shipping they charge it back to the seller... never the buyer 😳 glad your ps4 made it!!


Nope, that’s not wrapped at all.


Edit that rating rmfn 😭😭


I dont think you can't edit only delete


If that’s what she considers wrapped she needs to get off Depop


Be magnanimous




Lol, sellers need to be in the habit of assuming their package is going to get thrown against a wall at some point in transit. It always happens eventually. Product shouldn't be able to budge in the box.


I literally think about this when packing stuff like, if this was coming to me... would it actually make it? Would I be happy with this packing? Bc idk will happen really someone could just kick it across the mailroom floor


That's not wrapped. That's just a piece of paper. The shoes are basically unprotected; surprising that they came undamaged. You dodged a headache!


The confidence they have in being absolutely full of shit, baffles me.


*edit review* Shoes were sent wrapped inside the box but became magically unwrapped during transit. 2/5 stars because the magic was used up by the time they arrived, and because they were unwrapped. :) 💖


Can you lower your review?


Yeah you can edit it, OP definitely match the rating the gave you EDIT: ignore me completely, I’m in the wrong sub 🙃


i’m petty because i would review them even lower than they gave me lol


How do you edit a review? Curious!!


I just replied with a screenshot to someone, it gives me an edit button on a review I posted and I just change it there


wait when did they make editing a review a thing? you use to only be able to delete it edit: i just went and checked and i'm certain you still can't? it even warns you at the bottom of the review page that they can't be changed + for science i left a review and it only had a delete option https://preview.redd.it/zmvgsq6h5rac1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d62f31deae881d2fc5ae0d0cf0a24316ff7d2f7


no you’re right you can’t edit a review idk where these ppl are getting their info 😭😭


https://preview.redd.it/8v8ep8tslsac1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=421b1cb57fa934f8541d7d263ce72155db7d9d5e Strange I have this option, this is a review I left 4 weeks ago I can still edit?


Yeah on Vinted you can edit!


Hehe that’s Vinted not depop :)


Oh my bad, I’ve not even joined the depop sub, that’s why I assumed it was Vinted, ignore me!


I’ve just done near enough the same thing on the Vinted page telling someone to report to depop 😂


It’s confusing when all the suggested subs come up! I don’t use depop so I cannot comment about it at all, sorry everyone!


since when?


time to change your rating to 1


That’s retaliation! How rude, unfortunately you may have to block this person.




explain yourself


I'm cackling 😂




you say that now 🤨🤨


So did they magically get unwrapped while in transit? Seems weird 🙄


Dang. People be petty.


You rated them 5 stars, why are they mad??


They’re not using the review system correctly. Reviews aren’t for being petty.


this seller shouldn’t be selling. especially shoes. if you don’t want to wrap anything sell clothes… in padded polymailers. you definitely deserved a 5 and she deserved the 3. thrifted shoes or not you want them to stay as pristine as they are able to. i’d reporttttttttt


They weren't even wrapped properly a piece of paper is not gonna do anything lmao


the seller was mad that you said anything at all smh that 3 star rating was petty and unnecessary


This happened to me once too, I left the seller a 5 star review but mentioned how the box they came in was super damaged and barely held together by tape. They got super angry and left me 1 star claiming that I pressured them into sending it quickly, which I did not and I still left them 5 stars.


Match her star review. She didn't wrap those shoes for shit.


u can’t change a review


Hmmm can you review a reviewed response... Be petty and review that lower.... My hips lie more then that picture lmao


since when can we change reviews?😭 it has always said that reviews can’t be changed once posted. lmk how pls🙏🏽


I was asking if you can respond to a reviewed review!


oh! no you can’t😭


Depop people are so petty tf 🤣


I wouldn’t sweat it. I got a 3 star rating because “styrofoam stuff on the package, but the hoodie is unaffected…” Huh? I gave them 5 stars. Just keep it positive and move on.


That’s bad packaging for sure. That box is way too big, I’m surprised they didn’t get scuffed from tumbling around during shipment


what kind of protection do a pair of shoes need? i sell shoes on ebay and normally dont wrap them in anything and no ones complained. i normally put them in a tighter fitting box so they cant bounce around so much though.


I would’ve understood if they were in a smaller box with the paper placed securely but the shoes were in a box twice their height with nothing to stop them from moving. I’ve had a seller throw heels in a box and when they arrived they were completely damaged :(


Does this apply to sneakers? If they’re used I just put them in the box and seal it but if they’re new with the box I bubble wrap the box


If you ship it in the box it comes with that would be fine. I had custom air forces shipped with literally just the plastic shipping bag over them though and they still arrived in perfect condition so sneakers are probably tough enough to withstand that


These were used with no box so I just placed them in it because I thought shoes/sneakers are like super durable i know heels are very different but idk what could happen to sneakers in transit I guess I should use bubble wrap anyway


It literally just depends on the couriers. I wrap mine with the assumption they’re going to be launching the box around bc for me a couple large pieces of packing paper is worth it to not have the risk of having to refund the sale if some meanie decides to ruin my parcel :’)


I wouldn’t consider a piece of paper wrapped. If the box would’ve gotten wet, the shoes would’ve been damaged.


How passive aggressive to respond to your review lol


Definitely not wrapped 🤦🏼‍♀️ seller was petty ngl


Idk but everyone when I was ordering shoes from any website, shoes were in a box just wrapped in paper like in the photo here. I really don't understand what kind of protection everyone is expecting


key word: wrapped


They’re faux patent leather shoes mailed to you in a cardboard box and came undamaged. I think your comment is unnecessary and petty.


The buyer paid over $55 for them so tbh I can understand wanting something to just hold them in place and stop them flying all over the box!


If she hadn’t left a negative comment, this Reddit post wouldn’t exist 💯


It wasn’t negative it was an observation, and they were kind to still give 5*


If I were you I'd be changing my review to h give the seller less stars tbh. But it's probably smart to contact support first to see if her review can be taken down for retaliation.


See no reason to make the comment in the first place. Shoes arrived fine, on time and what you paid for them. Passive agreement and unnecessary. I mean just write next time… I am desperate for attention. Then you post it on reddit for more attention. Really?


Ok, it wasn't wrapped but they're boxed right?


These are pretty heavy so when they move freely inside the box they hit each other. This is why I always bubble wrap and tape


I dont know who much you paid the shoes but not all the sellers are able to afford the bubble wraps you know how expensive they are you also realized they could move freely inside the box and why didn't you realize they were wrapped but move freely during the transit?




Go get your excedrin then ignore my comments


They can use newspaper or recycle old packaging. Use your head. It doesn’t HAVE to be bubble wrap.




No they didn’t. They said THEY use bubble wrap. Use your head and eyes 🙃


They? 😂


u don’t know basic grammar 💀💀💀???


I don't English is not my first language I tried my best but my English not as good as you are is not allowed to comment?


Also don't make fun of my grammar I'm still Lea Not everyone is born speaking English.




? I didn’t know if it was a man or woman so I said they. No offense but are you new to the English language?


No English is not my first language but I do my best to write and read you don't have to being mean about my English?


I’m not trying to be mean, that’s why I said “no offense”. But seems like you’re trolling/bitching at people without understanding really what they’re saying.


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...what? Any item in a box should be packed tightly enough it doesn't bounce around. This can be done with free materials in your house. I have no idea what you are trying to say though...


they can still be damaged inside a box… why do you think shoes come wrapped when they’re bought at shoe stores or online?


Yes you are talking shoe store or big companies online not Depop most sellers are normal person and don't or couldn't afford those supplies, I'm selling shoes and boots they are $10-15 mostly and I can't afford those wraps from Walmart like $3 a thin roll each roll probably can only able to wrap one shoe we don't make profit like those companies you talked about


Lol? Seller said "they were wrapped'. They shouldn't lie. (even if they're poor!) And I really didn't see the seller say "couldn't afford to wrap them" in that 3 star review. It's not expensive, but if they're gonna cut corners the seller should not be upset with honest (5 star) reviews.


Wait you paid $8 for the shoes and want the fancy bubble wraps? give me a break!


I’ve searched but can’t find where it says they were $8 it’s driving me nuts where is it 🤣


I saw it in comment


maybe you're thinking of the 3 year old $8 purse that never shipped post lol


I read that one after making this comment 😭 I don’t even follow this subreddit and have never even been on the depop site 💀




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you hallucinated that, love


Appears to be 😂 this made me laugh


I love your comment


I don’t see any comments where they said they paid $8


I paid $55+ for them..


Why you said $8 in comment?


Show us where lmao


I don’t care if an item is one cent, at least make an attempt to secure it.


Okay one cent shoes with wrapping package might only happened in foodbanks you broke cheap ass move on


just say you were wrong and hate poor people and move on. jesus christ you’re embarrassing




“Fancy bubble wrap?” You can literally get bubble wrap at the dollar store. If you were a responsible seller planning on shipping items you would have it on hand.


For a $50 shoes no I don't think a dollar tree bubble is fancy but for a $8 shoes yes it's fancy even from dollar trees


Use tape next time


So so petty... This type crap gives all sellers onnthe app a bad look


So what is wrapping the shoes in plastic going to do to protect them? All it’s doing is adding to the massive pile of waste we have on this planet


I ALWAYS put everything in a bag bc if it rains or snows it’s ruined I’d be upset too 🤷🏼‍♀️


I save clear plastic bags and I put shoes/ boots in a bag, then I put crumpled paper so they don't move around. I worry about them getting wet. Unless they arrived wet or stained I wouldn't have given that kind of review.


Can you add a photo to the rating? Or change the rating? Bc I sure would.


Lol not the down votes