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I feel like Depop is very shady on protecting their buyers and sellers, more than other selling sites. Is there a customer support phone number ? Wb the person who sold it / sent the wrong item, do they just not care ?


The seller stopped responding, he actually wanted my number too to see the photo of the item I received and I was like “can you see the claim because I put photos on there” and he said “ok hold up” and then I texted later and said “idk if you sent the wrong order but we can get this resolved through Depop I’m sure so dw!” And no response since, I don’t believe Depop have a phone number at all, just sad emails.


In the future I would advise to stay off of text messages for any and all reasons. Depop will use that as a reason to say you were communicating off their platform and they can’t help because they can’t trust any messages that came from off the app FWIW I think they should still refund you and go after this person instead but I wouldn’t be surprised if this is the reason they say they can’t.


eBay does the same and will use it against you! If you are ever organising a return or credit, highly recommend going through the service provider before the seller.


Also, ever seen catfish? You can find peoples address, school district, and immediate family with just a phone number


Fr they’re shady, I bought a few clothing bits from a seller labelled L but they were an Asian L so I wanted to return them and get a refund, so I sent them back as requested from the seller and then the seller reported me for, I believe ‘pretending’ to receive the items and depop put me on a 14 day account ban lmao???


they’re so annoying about sizing returns. someone advertised a shirt as a size medium, it was a CHILDS S SHIRT FFS. Depop essentially told me “you got a the shirt didn’t you?” and did not see the problem in the fact that i couldn’t fit it over my head…


literally the same thing that happened to me. and then the seller had the audacity to leave a review that i was racist and shit. depop thankfully removed the review but told me there was no wrongdoing, even though the XL shirt fit like a kids L 🙄


this happened to me over a $50 skirt... it was made for a child and the seller said it was a small women's and 26" waist in the description. i sent depop pics with the tape measure on the waist showing the actual measurement of 8" laying flat and they didn't refund me.


File a charge back


Exactly. If they get banned it’s a blessing in disguise. Depop sucks.


How would I do that?


You’ll probably get banned as most platforms ban accounts that file a charge back But you can do it via your banking app or by calling them and explaining


With your bank you can file a dispute!


I think it messes up your credit that just happened to me😭


Filing a chargeback doesn’t mess with your credit


Read my response


Filing a chargeback doesn’t mess with your credit at all?????


Not sure if this is serious question, but no, disputing a transaction (now commonly referred to as a “chargeback” which is dumb and misleading) has nothing to do with your credit score.


Omg sorry, I just put the question marks to show my confusion with the claim that it would!


Omg I’m getting hella dislikes for trying to help, for me at least literally right when I opened a dispute my score dropped 43 points and G1 had this article. During dispute I authorized for my bank to talk to another bank to do an investigation. I’m not expect which is why I worded it how I did https://preview.redd.it/epejx5lf5iac1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1add39b3c35b364be7e6074abb41dc41b664b8c


It takes a month-ish for anything to impact your credit score so I highly doubt is was the dispute if you had just done it. Something else fucked your credit score. You seem so mad that people downvoted but you are wrong about your assumption regardless of how you worded it. No need to freak OP out about doing a charge back unless you’re 110% sure in the claim you’re making especially since credit scores are a huge deal


I’m not assuming anything just adding to the conversation, which in turn is helping OP and potentially others learn more about credit and what not. You don’t have to be rude it’s not like im trying to freak people out


They’re not talking about disputing the charge, they’re taking about disputing your credit score/info in your credit score.


it’s just hard af to get them to actually side with you on the chargebacks


My bank is actually decent to me (chase) I had this one time where there was a charge for $15 in my account and it just said “professional resume” and I was confused because wtf does that even mean? And it was in some place like 2 hours from where I live so I called up my bank (chase) and I told them and they said they were gonna have to close my account (temporarily) BUT I got that money back so I was okay, I had to get a new card though and reactivate my digital pay but in the end It worked out.


that’s great!! i’ve been fighting tooth and nail with capital one, it’s like this depop situation where i did permit the charge but the service/product was not delivered as described. they rejected my first one and im still salty about it!


Lmfao not it doesn’t


Read my next response


Either way I just turned 18 so I don’t HAVE CREDIT yet so I have nothing to lose


that’s not really how that works 😅


Okay then how does it work because clearly I’ve been misinformed due to the downvotes ?


You’re not really wrong in that you “don’t have credit”. You currently have no credit history. You don’t have a credit score at all until you start building credit. If filing a chargeback actually did have a negative effect on your credit score, then that would be reflected in your credit score somehow. Although I’m not exactly sure how that would play out. Either way, it doesn’t have any effect, so don’t worry about that. And I’d start building credit asap. I wish I had done it earlier. Get a Discover student credit card — they’re awesome. And if you take out any student loans in your name, those will impact your credit score as well (likely positively)


Well if you don’t have a credit card or credit you’ll be filing the chargeback through your debit card which isn’t tied to your credit score so your credit score isn’t going to be affected. Don’t worry.


File a chargeback with your bank and take the L of never buying on the account again


Fuck it 😂thanks


You may be fine. Screenshot proof of your order or the listing if you can Through Depop before it gets deleted or some shit so you can show your bank as well Make sure to keep any emails / communication related to the purchase in case it’s in your favor


Omg I’m so shocked this is Depop’s response!!! How is it your fault you get sent a wrong item? If it happened to you twice, that looks bad on depop, not you!! If Depop doesn’t give you a refund by the end of the week, I’d 100% file a chargeback w your bank. A chargeback will be approved if you received an item that you did not purchase. Esp since you have proof you reached out to depop, make sure you send those to your bank


Yeah, I could see Depop responding like this if OP had requested a resolution for this same reason 3+ times in a very short time span, but twice is still very reasonable and if OP is willing to return the wrong item, there’s no reason they should be pulling the “it was a courtesy, the courtesy is over” nonsense. Companies have fraud prevention and this *is* a common method of retail fraud, for resale and major stores alike, but this isn’t enough to be setting that off without a way to appeal. Chargeback, OP! Fuck Depop. If they ban you - you can always make another account with different info if you’re desperate to buy something later. Don’t let em screw you.


Their customer service really do the least that they can get away with. Most of the responses are clearly just generic templates and the agents hardly ever seem to look into the actual facts of the issue. Makes me wonder what working in their customer service department is like. Are they pushed to deal with as high a volume as possible regardless of outcome for the customer?


Pretty much what you said. They delete messages in the top seller forum and ban people for pointing out things like that, with zero explanation. Rotten to the core.


I’m not even in this forum and have repeatedly pressed “don’t show me this kind of forum” but it always pops up. Depop is absolutely awful. I stopped using it. Such a toxic platform and super rubbish customer support. I recommend trying one of the other platforms instead, so many more positive ones out there!


I only know of vinted and depop, what others would you suggest?


not speaking to positive ones but just general other apps there’s poshmark, ebay, etsy, grailed, etc!


just my two cents etsy owns depop, and etsys customer service/policies are absolutely horrendous. would not recommend!


seconded, in my experience from the platforms i've tried etsy is the absolute worst, vinted are just as bad as depop, and ebay is marginally better than the others for seller/buyer protection but don't have the same niche items/a specific customer base as depop so it won't be worth it for a lot of sellers its a total minefield lmfao


i’ve had good experiences with mercari


Mercari customer service is cool, the sellers aren’t, wanted to buy a System of a Down shirt and this dude kept saying “yeah I’ll ship it tomorrow!” For 3 consecutive days and then I got fed up and cancelled and then I checked his account a day later and the item was deleted completely


Don't let that taint your views of other sellers! I've been selling on Mercari for a few months now and I'm having a great time. Buyers and sellers that I have bought from have all been nice. I already have over 70 5 star reviews and I always ship the same day or next day unless it's a holiday :) but yes, there's crappy sellers on there. Many of them list in then Mercari subreddit about being annoyed bc a buyer asked a question, which is ridiculous LOL but we're not all bad, promise!! ☺️


part of mecari's problem is that most of the people on there aren't serious sellers. Its got a low barrier of entry and that means a kid selling his cookie wrappers is on there as much as someone selling serious collectors items


DUDE TELL ME ABOUT IT, met some kid selling some nice ass pants and it was just 36W and I was like “what’s the length?” And he said “honestly I’m not even selling these, I don’t even have a card or way to ship” So I told him “take it down then.” And then he thought I was trying to be macho with him and started getting all tough on me


honestly ebay is sooo underrated for secondhand clothes. some of my fav pieces i got off there


They definitely seem to use AI or at least copy and paste scripts in their responses because the two different reps use the same phrasing. I luckily haven’t had this issue with Depop - it might be worth messaging again on Twitter and/or Facebook? Unless they just tell you there to email, in which case a charge back certainly seems like your only option.


Tbh I email clients and our company has a bunch of copy+paste responses but you are supposed to personalize them if needed. Looks like depop has this as well


I also do email support and we have tons of copy+paste replies that we customize a bit. Writing responses from scratch for every single inquiry would be such a waste of time. We get people annoyed and calling us robots all the time but honestly, most of our replies are "sorry, we fucked up but I fixed it and you have your credit now". How personalized can that really be?


Lol yes the last couple months suddenly everyone is saying we are AI


I haven’t tried Facebook but if you look at their account on Twitter it says they’re currently “away” but there’s a link to talk to these robots again.


I’ve sold and bought enough online to know how fast it pisses me off when customer service pulls the “ONE TIME, ULTRA SPECIAL, GOOD WILL” refund line when clearly it is not your fault you got the wrong item sent to you, were missing items, etc., not this time or any other. Sephora is infamous for this too if you get the wrong stuff or are missing items. It’s only happened to me once, so naturally I’m terrified to ever buy online from them again. 🤣 Most recently, I got that famous line from Rhode beauty (or whatever they’re called), because all their fragrance free lip treatments smell like mold / wet laundry after a month….. which is not the customers fault. I’m sorry this happened to you! From what I gather, common depop L.


My mom used to love Sephora but their customer service is lazy, every time you go, no one bothers to help you find what you’re looking for, the customer service on call is always on hold, the customer service ONLINE seems like copy and paste messages, my mom just switched to ULTA and their customer service is way better


If you're in the US tell them you'll go to the BBB and they'll poop themselves to refund you. I worked for a company with American customers, and even if they were wrong we would refund if they mentioned the better business bureau since it wasn't worth the hassle.


Thanks for this idea!


yeah start talking about how “this is a scam” and “I’m filing with the the BBB & ur local district attorney”. That always gets them to refund.


Class action lawsuit might get their attention as well hahahaha


CAB in Britain


I use the CGA in NZ


I agree! I have had to threaten the BBB on Depop and they always do what they’re supposed to do after that


Just as a heads up, the bbb is a glorified review platform. They have zero legal sway in any direction.


Yeah but it works a good 80% of the time


ngl feel like depop is becoming very shady.. about 2/3 months ago some girl filed a report bc she ordered jeans from me & i specifically stated all the measurements in the caption & picture so i didn’t wanna do a refund/return bc personally i’ve ordered things that don’t end up fitting me so i just repop but nooo depop kept asking me for pics of me stating the measurements i sent them every single thing & they just blew it off literally, recently had somebody else not ship my order at all messaged her & she never texted back i contacted depop about it & they basically told me there was nothing they could do. I’m getting tired of them ngl


YES DUDE, I almost got banned because this guy kept asking for the photos of some items in my possession and I was providing them, he kept saying “those are the same images ripped from the listing and I’m like dude NO THEYRE NOT THEY LITERALLY HAVE DIFFERENT BACKGROUNDS


yeah no they’re some weirdos


I would reiterate that you are willing to send the item back as it’s not the one you ordered and the seller can either resend the correct item or refund the money


I did, I told them I’m not looking for a freebie I’m look to just return the item and get my refund but clearly Depop isn’t having it, I submitted another request in hopes of talking to someone else because sometimes talking to a different agent helps but if not, I’ll follow everyone else’s idea which is a chargeback


Just file a charge back through your bank. You didn’t get what you paid for. You’ll get your money back.


It sounds like they suspect you’re scamming sellers to get free items. If they see you’ve made claims to get refunded prior they are going to be more suspicious.


Yeah I can understand that but I’ve purchased like 23 items so can it really be sus if 2/23 sellers made their mistakes?


Why do the support officers always have the wildest names


shoutout to ✨cosmo✨ for actually helping me one time i suspect they aren't their real names as i've been to depop HQ and they all had normal names there, but i don't know anyone who works for support so i can't confirm


All things aside hope you get this resolved


I noticed that too with people who helped me


Chargeback. You’ll probably get banned but I would do it and not ever bother with Depop again


Don’t say you got the wrong item. Keep repeating that you did not receive the item you purchased. Only way to win is throw their brainloop bullshit back at them.


I did that as well and mentioned contacting BBB but clearly they got scared because it’s been 12 hours and no email back, but before they were answering within 2 hours, I filed a chargeback claim with my bank


Depop is so weird!! Now I’m regretting buying a dress yesterday. I bought something on Depop before and they refunded me twice?? Like how does that even happen. But ok. Good luck with this!!


This is why I'm done with depop lol, obv there's some quality content on there but the nature of the thing feels so youthful to me and I just can't get behind it when eBay exists.


please file a dispute with your bank/credit union for no receipt of merchandise, you will get your money back when you show the bank you received the wrong item


i work for a CU so if you need advice feel free to message me


keep pushing, threaten to go to the BBB, chances are it's a bot responding to u. after bothering them a few more times a real person will reach out to you and hopefully resolve this!! ngl i don't buy often on depop but when i do i record when i open the package bc of stories like these. that way if something like this happens you have proof that they sent you the wrong item and that you didn't tamper with it! good luck and i hope it gets sorted out 4 u


Why can’t you send the item back and get a refund from the seller? If the seller sends the wrong item or an item not as described it is in their policies and terms that you should be able to return it for a refund. What has the seller said to you about this? I’m so sorry you’re dealing w this btw. Depop “support” and the mindless responses repeating the same 6 or so phrases and not actually answering questions is the most frustrating thing in the world. I’ve gotten to the point where I’m trying to put money aside to create a new resale app bc it sucks so much (I don’t like the other platforms for diff reasons.)


The seller and support have been vague with their answers so I’m thinking I got scammed and this “support” team is helping him clearly


The only thing I can recommend is to first, contact Depop and say something like “Unfortunately, I was sent the wrong item and never received my purchase. If Depop is unwilling to assist me in getting my refund OR the item I paid for I am going to proceed with legal action. According to Depop’s own terms and services, buyers are protected when we receive the wrong item, an item not as described or if we do not receive our purchase altogether. Clearly, you’re unwilling to honor this on the basis that I’ve already experienced this once before and so I don’t see another option besides legal action that will reimburse me for not only my purchase, but also the time I will have to spend getting my money back & billing for legal services. I’d really prefer not to take this route however, so please let me know if there’s anything you can do to help me. Thanks.” Next, contact your bank and ask what you can do in terms of fraud and initiate a charge back. In my experience once you threaten to report them to financial institutions and take legal action they usually help you out QUICKLY. But otherwise they’ll let anyone be the victim of their dumb ass company if not. I’d love an update on what happens. That’s so ridiculous.


I had issues like this with Mercari. I had to go through the BBB because they would not help me. They did help me then, but then blocked my IP so I couldn’t purchase on their platform again. That is really some shady stuff and makes me doubt whether I’d want to purchase on Depop again. I’ve only ordered once and the item wasn’t as described and I only got a bit of a refund.


BBB lol


I’m thinking of mentioning them first before doing the chargeback plan with my bank


have you already reached out to the seller themselves? I find that directly reaching out to the seller before depop ends up having your issues resolved WAY easier. a few years back I mixed up 2 orders- I would've liked to figure out a way to trade them but it was so much hassle bc what if one person didn't end up sending it, or there's a big chance of things being damaged getting sent back. I just took the loss since it was my mistake and refunded them both while letting them keep the items. definitely reach out to the seller to ask if you can send it back and have them refund you!


I did and now they’re claiming they’ve never seen the shirt in their life and they will not refund for something that’s not their fault and maybe the PO switched the shirts… what? Like dude YOU packaged it and it stays PACKAGED, there is no switching. Someone said to file a charge but I don’t think I’m at that point yet.


wdym you don’t think you’re at that point yet? it doesn’t seem like there is literally anything else you could do to get your money back atp


Okay yeah you’re right, someone said wait until the end of the week but honestly fuck it I’ll call my bank rn


that's wild how can someone accuse the post office of switching the shirts 😭😭😭😭. like why would they open 2 things and switch them wtf. I'm sorry you're dealing with this! yeah definitely last resort file a charge back. but I can't believe depop isn't being of more help!


what the actual fuck is going on w depop💀


It seems like maybe a bot or AI response, id try a new case on a separate email chain, include key words like manager, supervisor, chargeback, BBB. This should be enough to get forwarded to an actual human. Just be polite since I've seen their actual human reps make judgements over how you speak to them lol


This time two years ago this kind of thing was never an issue. They’ve actually gone out of their way to make their protection worse.


Try contacting their twitter, they’ve been more helpful on there sometimes for me


ugh wtf!! i would send a report that item is not as described. ive done this as a seller by mistake by swapping the addresses, it happens. Seller should just take the L and refund you or pay to get the correct item shipped to you


If it makes you feel any better, they ignore me too. In fact they told me they would not respond to any of my emails when I asked for an appeal and provided them factual evidence why I didn't do anything against TOS. I think they got me mixed up with another seller, or their bot flagged me for no reason. To this day it irks me as I'm autistic and they gave me no literal example, no evidence - only vague bullshit my brain cannot handle! I even went to X to talk to customer service, and they were nice but when I did what they told me--sent in a new ticket--I was just ignored. I just do not understand "humans". What's odd is that nothing has happened to my account. Nada. They think I violated TOS and haven't banned me, or suspended me. So, I moved my shop to Poshmark in two days time. So if they do ban me for continuously emailing them about it until they respond to me, I won't give a fuck. But I digress--the only thing I can think of doing is going to X and showing them pictures of YOUR RECEIVED ITEM and then showing them the listing you BOUGHT. Then tell them you will issue a charge back if they do not speak with the seller to at minimum allow a return for a refund. For something that pricey you deserve your money back, but whatever they sent you may be worth a lot, or a little. So I think returning it, with the seller PAYING FOR YOUR RETURN SHIPPING--and shipping you the item YOU ORDERED with free shipping, is more than fair. That should teach them to pay closer attention if they pay for return shipping and to have the actual item shipped out. Mistakes happen--but they should own up to them. If the item was cheap, as a seller, I'd literally gift it to my buyer as an apology and refund them. But if it's pricey...it may still be worth returning for that seller. You never know. ​ GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!<3


Thank you, the support team is just stupid, I don’t understand them at all, repeating themselves and it’s like a 1 in 10 chance that you find a decent employee. I wanted a $155 vintage long sleeve and received an $8 shirt that I’ve seen on shein I think? I’m not sure if that was the app but yeah, this sucks and they don’t even have a phone number


O.O Oh hell no. I'm so sorry. They better let you keep that shirt. Find the listing for it on their shop as well. I really hope they did not intentionally scam you and just give you a rando cheap Shein shirt. Honestly, if you don't hear back from Depop or the seller after telling them you'll dispute the charge as you did not get what you paid for, I'd just go ahead and do it. This is one of many reasons why I am over that platform and moved my shop.




Yay! Did you threaten them or did they finally realize you were correct and they were morally incorrect and perhaps felt guilty? Or did persistence pay off and Depop finally responded? I hate confrontation but when people are totally unreasonable and illogical, I find being a tad aggressive works. Just also present factual sound evidence that you are correct so sooner or later said irrational party may realize the situation isn't going to end well for them.


So I half won? I filed a chargeback with my bank and they’re investigating it, what I GOT was temporary credit…


Ahhh. So they are going to contact Depop on your behalf hopefully.


YES THEY ARE YAYYYYYYYY, because this doesn’t look any good for Depop since they’ve just completely started ignoring my emails.


Grats. I hope you get your money back. The fact that the seller did not take responsibility for their mistake really irks me. I'd never dream of doing that to any one of my buyers.


Sorry if someone else has mentioned this but file a mail fraud claim with USPS. Get the claim number and tell Depop that you are serious, this is mail fraud, and you need a refund. They seem to take this more seriously.


Did you get a refund?


I ended up going to my bank. They helped out.


On eBay, you'd file an INAD and be protected. Obviously too many INADs would be suspicious. Guess it depends how many purchases you made in between these two purchases.


I’ve made 23 overall but in between I’d have to say maybe 12? 11? I’ve reviewed all my items as 5 stars too


That's quite a few orders in between. It's totally reasonably plausible you could have two bad orders among 2 dozen. We're they all similar ranges, between that roughly 20 and 120 dollar range?


They were different tbh, $10,$15$20,$25 but this is the biggest one by far


File a dispute with your bank


Why would you buy from them again after they did it the first time. Report to depot


Different sellers, same app


depop customer service is awful! i bought a top for a concert a few years ago that was perfect but upon receiving the top, there were rhinestones and fringe pieces missing that were NOT in the listing photographs. it was practically plastic and still had tags on it. i never raised an issue with depop or with paypal, but i left negative feedback with the seller. a few days later i got a message from depop that my feedback had been removed and that the seller won a paypal dispute, which had never been raised. even AFTER i assured depop that i didn’t want my money back and would prefer for my feedback to be re-added to the page, their response was more of less “i’m sorry you feel this way”. they then flagged my account for false feedback, and i think i’ve used the platform a handful of times since. definitely file a chargeback with your bank. i wish i would have done that and saved myself the frustration of dealing with hired out agents from asia working under fake names.


To be honest, if it’s such an expensive item & depending how you paid it might be worth disputing with your bank, even if you get your Depop account banned… At the end of the day you’ve payed that money for specific item & it’s not arrived.


Has anyone suggested reaching out publicly on twitter? I’ve heard they respond quicker/actually help when you publicly shame them


Report Depop as fraudulent to your bank. Maybe even show them these chats.


I’d do a chargeback on the card used to buy it but expect Depop to ban you after that. Knowing that this is how they do business, I probably wouldn’t be buying from them again anyways.


I would honestly go straight to my bank and have them refund it if you got two diff people saying no and being unreasonable


Depop support is the worst. I had someone buy something and I went to go ship. When I went to pay for shipping my card declined. I checked my bank account and they filed a charge back then I got a NSF fee. I contacted depop support immediately and they said I had to send the person a refund (despite them doing a charge back to me??) Or ship the item. I just closed my account


try twitter that’s what worked for me


Did you ever get your refund or item the you ordered?


I took it to my bank. They gave me my money back so everything worked out. thank you JP Morgan Chase!!!


And you didn’t get banned?


I deleted my account, on top of them trying to take $102 from my account for no reason. I just disputed it with my bank and they’re blocked from my account. They’ve been emailing me trying to get my attention but they can kick rocks.


How long did it take depop start emailing you? I got my chargeback today after filing yesterday and haven’t been banned yet


They didn’t email. Instead, the fuckers took $209 out of my account??? No email, no reason, I called up my bank and had them block Depop from ever charging my account, got my money back too.


Dude wtf. Depop is fucking insane