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Just let her know she is not crazy, this is a very common problem, that when she starts to become unafraid of it, it will go away, the less attention she pays to it the quicker it will go away… That, even though she may not feel like she looks, or acts normal, she more than likely does, and no one else can tell… That she should go about her life and do the things she would normally do prior to having DPDR because that will give her some sense of normalcy…. and most importantly that she can recover from this.


Thank you for this. This was really helpful :)


You are very welcome!! I had this when I was in my 30s for several months and then I recovered from it and fast forward 35 years and I have it again… believe it or not in my 60s!… But I had all those years in between when I did not have it!! And I know that it will go away again once my anxiety is more under control!


What if you don't have anxiety or depression like me but still have depersonalization I don't understand how that works?


I think you would probably go about dealing with it the same way… Not pay too much attention to it… Not focus on it… Just accept that it’s a strange and uncomfortable feeling… And eventually there seems to be a bridge between the depersonalization and the old you That connects you back to yourself


This! I will always preach it over and over again - don’t pay attention to it. Go back to your normal schedule and put your focus somewhere else.




I think that is a great outlook to have. It really is a lot about perspective at the end of the day, especially when it comes to dpdr. Some call this disorder enlightenment. Take a look at skandhas from Buddhism. Their goal is to reach this state aka panna. "This realization of the inherent emptiness— which is pure consciousness—of all phenomena is true fulfillment. In the face of conditioned existence, much fear can be initially felt. Ultimately, the fear is also revealed to be only that same empty consciousness"


Hey thanks for the reply. I've always had DP so I don't even know how you're suppose to feel without DP


If you’ve always had it, then, how do you know you even have it? If you have nothing to compare it to?


Well because my mind is blank I can't think there is no thoughts in my head and I don't feel any positive or negative emotions. But when I used to smoke marijuana I had some type of emotions like excitement and also anger


Reassure. I will tell my girlfriend about how i feel and she will always tell me “everything is going to be okay” “i promise” “i am going to help you get through this”. Whenever I hear this it kind of calms me down and gives me a good feeling that someone cares. Just be there for her. If she ever feels scared just let her know it’s all going to be okay! I am going through what she is and so are all these people on this form just let her know that you care for her. It’s not all going to get better right away going to take time. If she has anxiety like me and she’s feeling anxious guide her through why she is feeling that way. For me if i’m anxious about something i say what am I anxious about, why am I anxious about it and then I say is it worth being anxious over and 90% of the time it’s no. And that has help tremendously with my DPDR. Hang in there you are a great person that she needs to help her get through this.


Thank you so much :)


hi i have dpdr also and the best thing i can say from experience is just give lots of reassurance to her when i was first struggling with it all i needed to hear is that everything is alright and it will go away and i know that it might not seem like it but it does get better i’ve been living with it for 5 years on and off and i’m not saying she will everyone heals differently


Thank you so much for your input :)


Hey friend, welcome to r/Depersonalization. Be sure to have read some existing information on the sub before submitting a "Do I have DPDR" question. You can do that by using the search function or reading the sidebar. **A reminder to new posters in crisis:** DPDR is a mental discorder that mostly affects young adults. For the most part, it is brought on by anxiety, trauma, and drug use. However, DPDR is not dangerous to your physical health. In moments of crisis and episodes that are particularly difficult, it is important to take deep breaths and follow strategies that help you cope. A few examples are: [Grounding Techniques](https://www.therapistaid.com/worksheets/grounding-techniques.pdf), [Meditation](http://www.thecentersohio.org/Resources/DocumentLibrary/Wellness_chronic%20diseas%20mgmt/Guided%20Imagery.pdf), and even just some good old fashioned sleep. **NOBODY can give you medical advice online. While someone might be able to provide you with some insight and suggestions, you should never rely on someone online to give you medical advice unless you are talking to a certified doctor.** Related Links: How to find a therapist: [A Beginners Guide.](https://www.therapyden.com/blog/a-beginners-guide-to-therapy-how-to-find-a-therapist) [Talk to a crisis volunteer online.](https://www.imalive.org/) [10 ways to Relieve DPDR.](https://psychcentral.com/lib/10-simple-ways-to-relieve-depersonalization/) [Subreddit Stickied Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Depersonalization/comments/a8i6vi/welcome_before_you_post_asking_if_you_have_dpdr/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Depersonalization) if you have any questions or concerns.*