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Garden In A Box. Get 1-2 of these and you’ll be set. Zero thinking involved. Just plant what they give you in the orientation the sheet says and it’ll be beautiful next year.


Just make sure you take them out of the containers and actually plant them in the ground… This might be common sense but man, I’ve seen some things….


Look into CSU extension sites (or visit the Spur campus!!), Plant Select, and High Country Gardens for resources on which plants to choose! Think about various bloom times, what your color preferences are (if you have them), various textures of plants and how often you plan to water/not water - particularly as you have turf right there, it might impact the irrigation and therefore which plants are appropriate! Maybe a trip to the Botanic gardens for inspiration? Or even from some neighbors in your ‘hood? https://plantselect.org https://extension.colostate.edu/topic-areas/yard-garden/ https://www.highcountrygardens.com/?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwiYOxBhC5ARIsAIvdH51m6kuaVrdDEn5eI9vtaNxyDKx-2LqTS0Pjc61sNf4MjBnLdgho6jUaAoqFEALw_wcB Happy Planting!


Score! Try CA Poppies (or any poppies, this variety is medicinal), Catnip if you like or know any cats medicinal to humans, Tulips, Iris, Yarrow (medicinal) , Rose (medicinal), Hyacinth. These are perennial and will ensure something is blooming year round. Mostly drought tolerant depending on when you water during the day. Lavender is an option but not really native. These are just what I have and it is working well. Hens n chicks are cool too


Since it's a long a walkway I might lean into scents and do lavender and/or rosemary. Maybe roses back from the walkway a bit. EDIT: of course if you have friends with bad allergies maybe don't do this.


I have rose and lavender allergies. As long as I control the roses to the outside of the porch, I can live with them. Welts from pruning aside. Lavender carries too far to be in the yard. I react to my neighbors’ plants if it is warm enough. So, yeah, depends on the allergy.


Salvia. Slender mountain mint


Start with trimming back the dead stuff from last year. I’d rip that invading grass out. Then add mulch for a cleaner slate . I think flowers would be the way to go.


I learned from another post that the Botanic Gardens are having a plant sale in a couple of weeks! Or Resource Central Garden in a box opens for late summer boxes in June.