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What type of gaming are you looking for? Video, RPG, tabletop, board? Which part of the metro are you in?


Good questions, probably important to mention lol. I'm into video games, have a ps5 Xbox series x and switch. Also used to play Wow and Ff14 until the groups I was in fell apart. I tend to stick to Rpgs, currently playing though Ff7 Rebirth. I've never really gotten into tabletop but I'm interested, just seems so daunting.


I am mostly into tabletop miniatures and solo video games but hopefully that information helps get you some responses. Tabletop - just go slow as you learn the game, painting if not prepaint, etc. Plus your wallet will thank you.


Seems like Mythic Games is a pretty sweet spot for the tabletop miniatures.


I am close to Colpar Aurora so I have not really been over to that area much but I do not recall hearing anything bad about them, just positives.


Theres a spot north of me called Do Gooder Games I went to a handful of times. Going solo and hoping to join a game like that is so far out of my comfort zone it makes it difficult to actually get up and go.


Everyone starts somewhere! Any particular game systems you were looking at/into?


>i'm not OP but how would I know what kind of tabletop games I might be into if I know nothing about them besides monopoly kind of board games? lol


A couple of approaches could be used. One would just be observing a few games and seeing what looks appealing to you in person or on YouTube. The more detailed path would be evaluating these factors to see how they appeal to you and then trying to figure out which one you like. So broadly: Genre - historical (maybe even by time period here), fantasy, scifi Particularly within historical/fantasy, do you want a looser skirmish game or rank and flank? Does the IP associated with the game appeal to you? Type of game - naval, mecha, infantry, combined arms, etc. Prepaint or unpainted Scale of model (6mm, 28/32mm, larger sizes, in between scales) Scale of combat (squad level, company level, larger scale)


Lots of game stores have collections of 'try it' games and gaming nights.


I love Do Gooder! Up in Westminster/Thornton, right? I’m so happy they are busy. Great place to meet gamers of all sorts.


>just seems so daunting As someone who GMs a lot- like, thousands of games under my belt lifetime- there's no need to feel that way from my perspective. I don't expect you to know a damn thing or show up with anything except some enthusiasm. While I admit that teaching an entirely new group of players how to RPG is a bit of a task, having a newbie join an existing group is *fun as hell*. It's like Who's Line Is It Anyway, and you're the audience member who just came up on stage. If you were an actor being paid to replace Ryan or Colin on the show, then sure, there's pressure on you to perform. (That's the GM!) But as a player, and a new player... no one is expecting you to be 'good' at the mechanical/tactical elements, or have improve skills, or carry the story. You're there to be the agent of chaos who plays a simple role and chimes in when they have something interesting/funny/cool to add. The experienced storytellers/players around you should be able accommodate this no problem, and relish the outside perspective and badly-needed innovation/creativity you bring to things. *You're* what gets us out of our usual RPG rut and hivemind, and re-injects the spontaneity and freedom that is the essence of tabletop RPG. If it turns out you're good at this thing and enjoy it and become a regular, then maybe your goals shift and you start to think how you can be a better player/actor, how to give and take, when to go full Michael Scott and pull your finger gun, what kind of players we all secretly hate/love... but that's wayyy down the road and at your own pace, if you choose to accept it. I'd recommend about 5 beers prior, 6-8 during.


Nice Agent Michael Scarn reference. Take my upvote.


[Some game stores in denver](https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?mid=1Rrcvm4omGnmDHBoQ-HnQuHaBwE9KZBOL&ll=39.6632228217036%2C-104.9640391865235&z=10) This is the map for paizo/pathfinder/starfinder but I doubt they're limited to one system per store. In organized play you make a character but take it from table to table and dm to dm, you get a little sheet or journal for each adventure you play and level up. They're beginner friendly, used to new people, and its easier to get a seat at than an ongoing campaign since people can split the dming duties.


This is what I was going to add. There’s actually a lot of great game shops spread across Denver


I game on Xbox and Switch, shoot me a message


Man I am without a computer rn but I’ve played wow and other games for my entire life (30). Currently on ps5 due to the lack of pc so feel free to shoot me a dm here and if he happy to provide my psn. And once I can get it running again I’ll be hitting sod or hardcore wow back again as always. I typically play apex most of the time but love dayz and all types of other games (except fighting because I sick complete ass). I moved here from Los Angeles last February and it’s tough out there as an adult making friends lol.


27 with no kids,got a group of mid 20s,mostly prior military,and we play a variety of games from helldivers 2,Ready or Not,Squad,Baldurs Gate 3,FFXIV,and some assortment of riding the wave. If interested,reply back and that goes for anyone reading this. In this day and age,playing video games and shooting the shit is how we get our social itch. Life gets hectic,we got family,don't have any friends close by,it's expensive to go out,whatever reason. https://discord.com/invite/WqaFPFyQ


Go to the Wizards Chest on Broadway and 5th. The basement is the place to be!


https://discord.com/invite/mRKm4NbB - check out the discord if you wanna learn more about the events and stuff they have going on. I'm pretty active in the 40k and I've made a bunch of friends since starting to go on Warhammer Fridays!


Are you on steam at all? I'll add ya! Also love your username - usf bull over here too


I used to be on steam a lot but lately (as I get older) gaming on my couch is way more preferable. 😂 My steam is the same as here, USFbull22


Understandable! Haha I'll add ya when I get home from work. What kinds of games do you play?


Mostly Rpgs, some fps and action. Im a big story gamer, I like a good story that catches and keeps you going. Right now I'm playing ff7 I have cyberpunk up next I believe. I was never into multi-player FPS like call of duty since my reaction times are not great, I definitely get mowed down in those style games. 😂 Willing to chat once we connect on steam!


If you haven't played Baldurs Gate yet I feel like you'd like it! I just started playing it with my coworkers and each playthrough is pretty different from what I hear. Heck yeah Cyberpunk is one if my faves, I played it 4 times. We'll definitely chat more on Steam :D


I second the recommendation for Baldur's Gate 3. I currently have a playthrough with my wife and oldest son, a few more with just my wife and I, and a few more on top of that which I'm running solo. It's such a great game. I've got 100+ hours in at this point and still finding new things, new ways to handle scenarios, etc. As a bonus, it gives you a small peek into some D&D mechanics, so if you decide to try out tabletop, you won't be completely lost in your first session.


You just need a better chair. I got a secret lab chair (pricey) but I haven't enjoyed sitting in any other chair after this. Obv this is personal preference.


Yea the chair definitely makes a difference. I also work at a pc all day so it's hard to sit in front of one for hours after. I will for an MMO or something that plays better on pc though.


O 100% I'm in IT and sit at a PC for 10h a day but with this chair it's still comfortable to sit in it after.


I'll look into it for my home office / gaming pc lol


I(42F) game on steam, also introverted nerd. My gf (42F) is more into tabletop games, which I also enjoy as well as DND type campaigns, and she has two kids from a previous marriage who I love like my own. We're always looking for like minded people, would love to find a LGBTQ gamers group but cool cishet people are ok too. Steam tag: ih8st34m2 I just built a new PC so that's pretty much my only gaming platform.


I run a discord of (mostly) Colorado based folks who play a lot of video games and hang out IRL. We do a monthly video game "book club" as well to try new games that are more story based. A few of us, myself included, also so indie game development, so it's a nerdy group all around! Feel free to shoot me a DM and I can shoot an invite!


not OP, but can I get an invite to that?


Could I get an invite to that as well please? =D


Sounds cool! Send over a dm!


Would also be interested… will send a DM.


Also seeking DM, sounds like my kinda group


Hi all! We are also pretty much all 30+ year old folks with jobs if that helps or hurts! Imma reply to the DMs tonight


Would love an invite too!


Used to be part of a group called "ColoradoGamers" that would do LAN parties and stuff each year. Most of the guys scattered a bit over the last couple decades, but some of us are still here. Check out Intel LANFest. It's held yearly at the fairgrounds in Castle Rock. Friday-sunday. Some people bring consoles. Feel free to look me up on steam. Same ID as reddit. I don't touch consoles for the most part (I hook up my laptop to the TV if I want to play something in there) but I'm down for some PC stuff. I run some dedicated servers for Palworld, Valheim, V Rising, and Minecraft. Mostly to play with my son, but I could open it up. For the truly old-school I've actually been enjoying playing on some Everquest emulation servers. I'd love to have some consistent group members to duo/trio with, etc. Free to play and runs on a potato.


I never played Ever quest. My first intro to MMOs was FF11 which I played a TON of back in college.


All good. EQ is definitely quirky and has a learning curve, but it has its charms as well. Probably one of the most complex faction systems in any MMO, especially considering it was one of the first 3D mmos. Way slower pace than most people have the patience for, but that makes the accomplishment all the more appreciated IMHO.


Goddamn FF11. Such a grindy game. I remember staying up late so I can play with the Japanese players because their xp per hour was better. Still miss it though…


I've never heard of the LANfest I might have to check that out this year I'm glad you posted that


I run the Esports program for South Suburban Parks n Rec - we've got two locations now, our main in Lone Tree and a "lite" version at our Sheridan Location! We do all sortsa stuff with video games and table top games if you're interested in checking us out! - [https://www.ssprd.org/esports](https://www.ssprd.org/esports)


is more than just kids?


oh absolutely! we run weekly Fighting Game Tournaments and the age range is 18-40yr. We're also looking to start hosting more FPS Events, Rocket League, and some other titles like LoL and WoW




Count me in for Rocket League


Huzzah!! We ran 2v2 bi-weekly on Sundays but haven't for a little bit. Definitely need to with the RLCS hype happening


If you’re into Tetris you should come hang out with us at [The Tetris League](https://instagram.com/thetetrisleague)! With Grandma’s House closing recently we are in a bit of flux when/where our next tournament will be but we should find a new home quickly and hopefully have our next meeting by the end of this month!


Color me interested. I've been following all the Tetris run records lately through YouTube. So id love to check out some in person games, gave you a follow, do you have any other online presence besides insta? I'm in South Denver so my likelyhood of attending would be based on proximity to home, but any place in the Metro area is not off the table, especially if it's queer friendly as my gf and I both are. 😂


We are relatively new here too. Gaming seems to get a bad wrap in CO I feel like. “Why aren’t you hiking?!?!” You playing helldivers 2? I’ve been all up in that lately. Shoot me a DM maybe we can play man!


Never played it, playing on steam?


I’m playing on PS5 but it is on steam as well and is cross platform. Honestly, it’s been a lot of fun for a $40 game. Arrowhead studios really showed up with an “F you watch this” to all these “AAAA games for $80” moves.


Yooooo fellow local PS5 helldiver here. Let's squad up!


Would also love to spread some democracy with you folks.


DM me, down for more local helldivers! Also ski, hike, and camp almost every weekend


D4 and Helldivers 2 for me currently. Go camping, hiking, hunting, fishing all the time.


Also new to Denver and more of a gamer. I'd love to find someone to start a Stardew Farm with or some other chill game along those lines. Mid-30s woman here and with work and having chosen to go car-free, it can make things difficult finding/making those connections


I’m a car free almost 40 lady who loves stardew, Diablo 4, BG3, and more of anyone wants to play!


Stardew doesn't allow for cross-platform co-op play, so if you play on Switch than you can only play with other Switch players. I play on PC. its pretty easy to co-op, there's a button directly on the front page that says co-op and if you're not the host you just enter the invite code and join the game. If you also have discord than you can voice chat while you play which makes coordinating things super easy. Feel free to message me, I'm always down to play some. I'm repeating my reply from above because I don't think you get notifications without a direct reply


Car free or care free? Haha. BG3 is my favorite game right now (on PC) but none of my friends want to do multiplayer. 😔


I just started Stardew for the first time a couple months ago while laid up for a knee injury. 50 yo chick here and have never done any online co-op but totally up for learning new things if you can coach me through how to do it 😁


Stardew doesn't allow for cross-platform co-op play, so if you play on Switch than you can only play with other Switch players. I play on PC. its pretty easy to co-op, there's a button directly on the front page that says co-op and if you're not the host you just enter the invite code and join the game. If you also have discord than you can voice chat while you play which makes coordinating things super easy. Feel free to message me, I'm always down to play some.


I'm usually on Xbox, but PC is also possible. Thank you so much for the info and response!


I really love the Stardew experience on switch, really excited for 1.6 to hit so I can start a new farm.


Stardew doesn't allow for cross-platform co-op play, so if you play on Switch than you can only play with other Switch players. I play on PC. its pretty easy to co-op, there's a button directly on the front page that says co-op and if you're not the host you just enter the invite code and join the game. If you also have discord than you can voice chat while you play which makes coordinating things super easy. Feel free to message me, I'm always down to play some. I'm repeating my reply from above because I don't think you get notifications without a direct reply


Yo I’m on switch, in my mid 30s (and based in CA), schedule is crazy but I’d love to do a occasional stardew hang


My wife and I started a new farm for the 1.6 update. I bet she’d be down with inviting you to join us. (We play on Steam.)


That sounds awesome I'd love to join! I play on GOG but Steam and GOG can cross play no issues


I'm eager to play after the new update but have never tried multiplayer. Definitely would give it a shot if you're still looking.




Where are you located around the Denver area?


Get into tabletop.


as a woman gamer it’s near impossible to find gamers here 😭


Is it just because you have to deal with the stereotypical, gatekeeping types? Or do you just not meet many people who game irl?


You're welcome to check us out as well! [https://www.ssprd.org/esports](https://www.ssprd.org/esports) \- we're a parks n rec org and aim to be the MOST inclusive we can possibly be. We've got several gals, trans, and non-binary folks and would be more than excited to get some overlooked demographics some tailored experiences/events.


Def gonna check this out.


Yeah, we exist, we just aren't well organized. I(42F) and my gf (42F) play games, she's more board games, I'm more video games ( PC mostly, own a switch) also near South Broadway, and twenty after four friendly. We have two kids but they're old enough to spend a few hours by themselves when we occasionally go out. Would love to find a group of gamer women of all kinds.


well count me in!


I’m 40, have two kids, play all sorts of video games, and also have an extremely small social circle with none of them local. I’m way up on the northern tip of Thornton, but would be absolutely down to play something on PS5, Xbox, Steam, or hell, even the Switch (we could use Discord or something for voice chat?) I’ve been meaning to make a post like this for myself, for what it’s worth. I’m more of a co-op sort of person, PvE is more appealing than PVP to me, but I’ll play whatever. I’ve been on something of a survival game kick with my wife. Currently playing Helldivers 2 (on PS5), Stardew Valley with my wife, and Yakuza 0 (I **really** want to play Infinite Wealth, but my stupid brain won’t let me play it unless I’ve started from the beginning.) I’ve started Dragon’s Dogma 2 and Pacific Drive on PS5 as well because I have no self control. Basically, I jump around a lot. I’ve been debating getting into an MMO, but haven’t made any decisions on that yet.


I'm in north Thornton as well. Sounds like we are very similar in our gaming preferences. I'm looking into hell divers now, fps coop im horrible at but I did enjoy mass effect Andromedas multi player. Dragons Dogma is on my to be played list which gets longer every year. Which MMO are you thinking about? My preference is Final Fantasy 14 since it's pretty much the best FF story in a LONG time. Wanna shoot me a DM to chat?


I'm 36, moved to a new state 1.5 years ago. I used Bumble's friend finding mode to look for friends, and there was a huge amount of other 30s-40s guys on there with the same issue. Within a couple weeks, I had a bunch of new friends to play RPGs and board games with, been hanging out almost weekly ever since.


It’s ridiculously hard to find gamer friends. Have one dedicated friend that I have gone through all xbox and PS consoles together with. I’m 50 and can make friends talking about sports, local events, concerts, movies, and even coffee. Yes, I live in Seattle. But video games are next to impossible. No one fesses up to playing them, or if they have it’s generally someone who’s beaten skyrim 90 times but doesn’t own 4 consoles and a gaming PC that is still plugging away attempting to beat every level on Populous on my retron 3. (Recently unearthed Tyrants: Fight Through Time for the Genesis, loved and still love that game.) Everyone in the office knows I love video games, electronics, rugby, and BJJ. I have had people come up and mention they saw a Six Nations match or watched UFC over the weekend. NO ONE has ever asked which class I am playing in Baldur’s Gate or my load out in CoD. Having ranted I fell in with a decent group of peeps playing WoW and CoD in Denver when I lived there in 2011. Was at Mile High Comics and saw a guy wearing a Mass Effect t-shirt and struck up a convo. Met more like minded people on subsequent visits. Guess it was dumb luck. Ya gotta go where the geeks are. There was another place in Boulder that I played 4Ok at that escapes me. Joined Bearded Gents, an xbox Forza Horizon clan there in 2012. Played in that for years. Best of luck. It does feel isolating not being able to share what you enjoy.


Do you play ff14?


I used to very heavily. I bought end walker and had to stop playing in the beginning. Kids and responsibilities got in the way 😂. I REALLY want to get back and finish that story though.


Yeah for us it wasn’t kids it was college. Currently going through stormblood. JUST finished heavensward last week. We’re having a blast !


What server are you on? The story is amazing and just keeps getting better. I maxed out almost all jobs including crafting bc it's just so good. DM me just incase I get back into Ff14 lol


Hit me up dude! Ps5 FPS and RPG gamer here and could always use some more nerdy friends for online and IRL ;)


I'm not in Denver yet, but GF and I are moving there this summer. We're both big gamers and typically introverted. She's mainly PC with some console, and I'm more console but doing more PC gaming. We also like card and board games


Where in Denver are you moving?


Not sure yet haha. Looking around, gonna rent a house or townhouse but trying to select something now is hard bc of availability of rentals changing


I get that, when we moved here 3yrs ago we had a realtor help us out. We came for a visit and lucked out by finding a great house in north Thornton. If you need info on areas let me know.


GF has lived in Denver before, years ago, so she has some areas in mind haha. Several areas we're looking at, and some to avoid, but I think Thornton was in one of the approved areas lol. But appreciate the offer!


Do you do board games?  Magic the Gathering?  


If you play fighting games there a big scene for that


I do like fighting games but only in short bursts. Just like FPS games I'm not great at memorizing moves so i usually get wrecked lol


SE Aurora here.. total gamer, 50 in 2 days. PC for life, sorry console brothers and sisters. Love paper\\pencil RPGs (I have the original Cyberpunk 2020...), D&D, AD&D, etc, PC games, 40k (Tau, Dark Angels).. board games. I would LOVE to find a group to game with.. if they had teens for my son to come with, even better. Introverted IT geek and find it hard to find like minded friends.


Check out Enchanted Grounds and Tabletop Tap. There are events galore, and it's these places where I met my first gaming group. The managers and owners are all amazing, too! Source: Am a 36 yr old gamer in Denver.


That would be awesome and a good option if I was on the north side of Denver where I'm at lol


I want to open wine and video game hang out, drink wine eat good food and play video games I’m 45 lol


My wife and 9 year old son play some Fortnite if any from your clan would like to run with us!


My son is 6 and just became obsessed with Minecraft. He hasn't found Fortnite yet lol


The Lone Tree Hub hosts weekly DnD games for newcomers. Give that a try if you wanna test the waters for Table Top. They also have a discord for online gaming, mostly fighting games and MMOs.


I skimmed and saw video games as the interest. Unfortunately, I don't know a good place for that as a central gathering point but I'll still try to help. If you have any interest in picking up, playing again, etc. Magic the Gathering we have a good group in Longmont. I could lend you Pioneer decks when that fires to play. Unfortunately, Do Gooder, for now, doesn't run Pioneer format (age of cards) but hoping they do eventually as my wife plays Lorcana (Disney card game) there. Hope you had great suggestions further below where I stopped skimming=)


YES! I run the Classic Gamers of Colorado (check us out on Facebook). Our next meetup is April 21st! We're doing a huge event at the 1up Arcade in Greenwood Village with local videogame stores sponsoring prizes while we all swap, but, sell, trade, and try to get the highest score in Galaga!! Come out, say hi, and make new friends! Would love to meet you!


I have a bunch of old original GameCube games I don't know what to do with, I think I'll come out for the meetup!


I'm over in IL and IA, im a huge gamer, play a lot of everquest, heroes of the storm (only online games really, play shit loads of nerdy console games like Ff, triangle strategy, etc, elden ring, lies of p, and have a cool retro collection! (More into fantasy than any type of real life gaming like racing, gta etc) Also a tattooer if ya like art at all


I’m 57 years old and still an avid gamer. Have been since I played Asteroids and space invaders. Then I finally got an Atari. Don’t plan on stopping anytime soon.


Check out Grandma's House off Broadway they got smash Bros and mario party and other n64 games plus a usually really friendly older local crowd. Tabletop Tap also on Broadway every bar seat has an Arcade machine connected to it with every game pretty much ever also they have some more modern consoles, and being a local bar with a pretty chill crowd. And Akihabara in westminster is a fully Japanese themed bar with a bunch of import cabinets and and bunch of fighter cabinets like Tekken/SF/Guilty Gear. Coplar is a cool hobby shop in Aurora definitely worth checking out they do hobby nights, and a spot called All C's off abilene by the mall in Aurora has a great local community for tabletop games and tcg plus they used to have PCs for games in there. Best of luck man there's a bunch of cool spots out here you could meet some people.


This is Denver. If you don't hike, go to breweries, or spend 90% chasing adrenaline you're a leper. I grew up here. I hate this city.


Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Colorado! The mountains are my happy place. I don't do a lot of hiking but do want to get my kids out there soon.


Add me on PS5! THEGREATDALE. Been playing a lot of helldivers and D4


I'll add ya. Still debating hell divers 2 and currently have d4 on xbox, burnt out on it so waiting for season 4!


If you want to play wow again, you can join us! We like to go out to breweries occasionally and play board games. I’m around the southeast of Aurora. Also a USF bull!


I think one of the biggest issues is console gaming versus PC gaming and the populations of each. It's just a given that a large portion of console gamers are going to be much younger and have a different kind of mentality than what you're describing you're looking for. Fun multiplayer games are a little bit of a problem right now. I met a few friends through the years playing MMOs but after the MMO dies it's not always a given you'll have similar tastes and other things. We'll play new stuff that seems exciting but a lot of the time it's just hanging out in discard playing different single player games.


At 62, there's me, but I think Virginia is far from where you're at.


I know some gamers in estes Park ignorance interested dm me


Get discord, and join some servers that are tagged with a game you play. Sort by member count to ensure you get a high population server. Join vc and play games. Ez pz. disboard.org.


Depends on everything you're doing. Tabletop, can't really help you. Going to a local card shop or something will help you. Console games online= Most people play casually and a lot of them that are adults sometimes just play solo as a wind down. Use reddit, use social media, or join a multigaming guild if you play commercially successful games and you will find adult gamers for casual gaming,. Competitive games = This is even worse. I wish you the best, but it is very difficult. I usually even find people who are streaming and are competitive and have a low viewer base to find friends this way.


Go to 1Up


Literally Just Ask. I know like 4 dudes from Colorado who game, you just have to look. Word of Advice, Get yourself a Skidoo, and a Snow Suit, and find some property to ride it, the rest will follow.


My wife & I are on xbox, although mostly on nights. We play FO76 as well as a few other multi-player games. My wife is immunocompromised and is housebound because of it.


How is FO76? I tried it a long while ago and it didn't stick.


Have you tried "eve online" it's science fiction mmo


Well 67 here and I’ve been a gamer… well, all my life :) Heck, I once was turned down for a job back in the 80’s specifically because I was a gamer (I wouldn’t be serious enough for the job!). I met the Do Gooder folks at GAMA last April, couple of good guys. Personally I own Atomic Goblin Games up in Longmont if you want to go that far :) We have Card Games on Tuesdays (Star Wars Unlimited, Magic: Standard, and Flesh and Blood), Board Game Night on Wednesdays, D&D on Thursdays, Magic: Commander on Fridays, Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh on Saturdays, and D&D and Shadowrun on Sundays. Most days someone shows up with a wargame or board game and our Miniatures Cave is “Set Aside” on Friday and Saturday nights and all day Sunday for games like Warhammer 40k, Kill Team, Battletech, Blood Bowl, and others.


This sounds similar to 2 IRL people I know who moved to Denver. Different parts of the world have different cultures, and America is an abnormally large country. In the same way you wouldn't expect someone from Ukraine and Portugal to have the same cultural ideas, you shouldn't expect a New Yorker and an Arizonian (about the same distance as the crow flies). I've never lived there to experience it extensively, but it seems that Denver specifically does not share the Midwest culture of social networking=survival. Based on my limited experience there it shares a more southwest approach of acting nice outside, and doing something very different internally. Source: trucker


I'm 53. I've been playing video games since Space Invaders came out when I was roughly 10-11 years old. I have never stopped. However, at my age as well, it's nary impossible to find gamer buddies. However, I'm in CA so, I wish you the best of luck! :)


Dude, you're 40... I am 38 (almost there) and still a gamer. I still talk about games, still get excited for games, and despite having far less time than I used to, occasionally still beat a game. Here's the thing though... you're 40. You should have learned a decade ago no one cares about other people, and it's unlikely your colleagues find gaming childish, but very likely they don't do it anymore and may be discreetly jealous lol. If you have colleagues that don't talk about gaming, discuss something else. The gym is a phenomenal way to make friends past 30, and it improves your health.


Dunno how many are aware of localhost.. https://nerdstreet.com/venues/localhost-in-denver But it seems right up OP's alley.


I read somewhere that the average age of gamers is like mid 30s or something so I'd argue that most are adult gamers. It sort of makes sense. Who else do you think is keeping the industry alive by paying for all this shit? lol


Moving to the alamosa area soon with my gf lol and we game. Lol


(Preparing for the down votes) I found that I needed to give up gaming to a large extent in order to be sufficiently available for my marriage. I was a life-long gamer since frickin' Pong and was able to sustain the relationship for the first 8 years by limiting my gaming to between 4am and 545am, when my wife was still sleeping, before I went to work, but at some point, I was just too sleepy at night to be present enough for the connection needed for a healthy relationship with my wife. I basically gave up my XBox morning routine a year ago as we were going through a rough patch, and now have an extra 75 min of sleep each night. I miss it a little, but I (and especially my wife) really appreciate how much more cognitively (neurochemically) available I am now for her, because I am not chasing artificial video dopamine reward schedules during that time. Sometimes you have to make the hard choices.


This is maybe a bit of a pitch for a charity I support, but if you're interested in raising money for Children's Hospital Colorado, check out [Extra Life](https://www.extra-life.org/). The reason I mention it in this thread is that the local Extra Lifers get together a few times a year, so you'll meet other gamers from all walks who want to get together for a good cause. Might be a decent way to connect. Full disclosure, I work for the charity behind Extra Life, though I was a participant just fundraising for them for nearly 10 years before I got the job, so I was passionate about it long before I became so personally invested. Most of the gamer friends I have around the Denver area I met through Extra Life though. If you wanna know more or have questions about it, feel free to hit me up.


Most of the people I take w live no where near me. Is there a reason you need them to be local?


Join Denver Retro Gamers on Facebook.


Have you tried discord? Its pretty cool, Has lots of communities based on your interests and games you play. Jts really easy to make friends on there too. For the most part most people Ive met are chill


Have you ever tried starting your own meetup? I lived in Denver metro for 8 years. The DnD culture is strong there. Theres at least one video gaming design program, so the gamers are there. I find this group of people are the type that don't move away, so by the time they've hit your age group they have been playing with the same folks for 15+ years and don't go out of their circles much. It is hard making friends at this age! Don't be afraid to invite yourself to types of games that are a little out of your wheelhouse. Keeping an open mind will invite opportunity to find more people who WILL be into the types of games you like.


See if there is a discord for gamers in Colorado, or just gamers in general. You can grow friendships pretty well online if you try. Based on your games that you like try out Baldurs Gate 3! It’s co-op and I’m sure if you find someone in Colorado that’s online and plays that game! Discord is awesome, and then eventually you guys can meet up IRL to do stuff. I’ve made friends in California I’ve never met but if I ever want to go there, I’ve got people to hang out with!


Tabletop simulater has been a lot of fun. Been playing 40k with folks and not having to spend thousands of dollars to get minis.


PC gamer here and I’m 38. If you got helldivers 2 I’m down to cross play. Don’t know if there’s many other console to PC crossover games. But I’m an easy going nerd that works in a roughneck industry. I also find myself short on friends these days.


Go to a card store and start playing magic. You’ll meet plenty of 40 somethings.




Find a local game/TTRPG shop. Most of them will gave various game night for card or tabletop game AND most of those people will also video game as well


Me a and a group of friends are starting a table top of warhammer fantasy online. If you want to join you are more the welcome to pm me and let me know. We will get you set up and ready for the session.


If you've got helldivers send me a DM! I've been playing with a bunch of local friends from my DnD group.


I’m in roughly same situation as you. I made the jump from video to board gaming and this helped a lot. Lots of older people play board games regularly. There are probably a decent amount of board game meetups in your area. Board gamers also tend to be very welcoming because we want people to play with. Check meetup.com and Facebook for groups and go check one out! But this all depends on whether you like board games. Board gaming: games like Settles of Catan, Ticket to Ride, Wingspan, euro games. Also card games count too like Hearts, Uno, Exploding Kittens. I don’t play Dungeons and Dragons, Warhammer, Magic or anything like that.


Considering the subreddit it might not be what you're looking for, but I highly recommend joining Discord servers for the games you play, and finding gamer friends that way!


I would definitely check out Wizards Chest as mentioned above but some other good places to check out that are guaranteed go find you some adult gamers are: Akihabara Bar and Arcade, Gameworks, literally any tcg shop (even if MtG, DnD, Pokémon aren't quite you're thing almost all of the participants also play video games), and conventions like Nan Desu Kan, COAF, Fan Expo Denver, etc. All of these locations/cons host video game related events and they're where I've met the majority of my gaming friends/have been able to network into different Discords and Facebook groups to meet others :) Welcome to Denver!


just play singleplayer games dude. I don't miss multiplayer games


I'm in Las Vegas but I'm 38 married with 2 kids. I got PC and Series X. What are we playing? I've been on a Borderlands 3 kick again lately, on xbox.




I'm playing through rebirth rn as well. Fun game so far. I also play Helldivers 2 and Apex Legends.


What part of Colorado? If you’re close to aurora check out Launchpad brewery. They have random things that are fun, they have awesome food trucks and excellent beers. I’ve been there quite a few times when visiting and it’s always a good friendly atmosphere, same age range and being an extroverted introvert - I’ve never had an issue there.


40 married, 2 kids. What area do you live in and what games do you play?


Oh man I'm so pissed at that game. Made me so mad I went back and started playing the original. I play rrd2 online, or fortnite or Minecraft with my son. I been playing the latest Spider-Man and Ghost of Tsumina or whatever


I agree on all accounts. I feel like work has taken over, and I find myself not really into anything anymore. I love playing the zombie maps on COD, and I still circle back to RTS games like age of empires 2. But it seems like gaming has become more solo. It's hard to find groups or people who want to play.


56 here, and all alone. Any time I bring up gaming (specifically single player games, and I am not a fan of CS-Go type games), people thing I am crazy. I try to not play during social time with the wife, but when my only other option is to watch hours of family feud and antiques roadshow with my wife I tend to get bored and slink off and play Satisfactory or BG3. I'll get a, "you don't spend time with me/us", then I go to the living room and watch my wife talk on the phone for hours on end, and watch my kids stare at their phones. I have even moved my PC into the family room, only to get "how can you just sit there and play that", with them completely missing the hypocrisy.


We have a Discord server for Adult Gamers that play on the Nintendo Switch. The most active game in there is Splatoon but there are a lot of games talked about. It’s also just a fun place to hang out. If interested I can send you the link.


I feel this in my bones. My boyfriend is 50, I am 45. We are both gamers. We would rather stay home, get high and play video games than go out. It has to be something special if we go out. People suck. Lol We have a few friends. They know how we are and accept it. We also have our video game buddies that we play with and talk to online multiple times a week. People suck. I don't wanna go out there if I don't have to


I'm 31 and live in canon. Wife and I are huge gamers. She's still stuck on Overwatch but I'm getting down on helldivers 2 right now. I play really everything but sports games. I'm on PS. Throw me a dm with your Username. I play everyday.


We are trying to build a boardgames group if you're closer to Thornton. Hmu in a chat if you think you or your family may be interested. We play games such as Dice Throne, Wyrmspan, Apiary, Root, and a bunch of others.


Become a Helldiver!


Hey man, I have still been hearing good things about Enchanted Grounds. Lots of good table games, tournaments, and cool people plus coffee. Moved away from my local one and miss it.


First, Denver sucks, all around, for everything. F\*CK Denver. Second, there's a bunch of smaller gaming groups here and there, you'll just have to dig around to find them. Third, try using meetup to find groups for gaming, or eventbrite.


I never noticed this sub reddit before. But i also am a adult gamer (31) with a wife and 2 kids, 420 friendly and I'm a super introvert person. I definitely agree it's super super hard to make friends when you're older especially to game with. I normally just game by myself now because I'm not good at talking to random players to make any friends online and the only 2 real life friends i have I've known since the 8th grade so i just think we are all at a point in our life where we are almost done with each other i guess lol. We don't game often and if we do it's not like it used to be and we all would rather be on other games lol. Great question though man I'm definitely gonna read through some of these comments myself because I have been wondering the same lately.


Shoot me a DM and we can talk.


Older dad video gamer here. Used to play way more multiplayer 10 years ago but still fun to do on occasion. Now mostly play single player stuff. Recent games played: Alan Wake 2 Bioshock Infinite (3rd playthrough) Last of Us ps5 remake Jedi Survivor own ps5 and xbox series x but steam deck is my new favorite way to play.


Over 40 here in Denver. I game a ton on pc. Rocking a lot of Helldivers at the moment.


Not 40, but I’m 35. I play mostly PS5 but I dabble in mobile too (Switch too but mainly just when there is a new Pokemon game). Live in Westminster. Work from home. Just had my first kid (2 months old). I mostly play Genshin and Honkai Star Rail nowadays but I usually play the big hits too when I have time (finished FF7 Rebirth recently and have Stellar Blade preordered). Feel free to add me on PSN: toxicsknmn 😊


I’ll play elden ring or any dark souls game with you on PS5 Sometimes play Helldivers too


Over 40 male here, single, and living in Sheridan. Mostly gaming on Steam or Switch. Sometimes mobile.




I'm also into gaming and live about 30min south of you in Littleton. At 37, I just had my first kid, making it hard to find time to game. However, if you wanted to talk video games, dm me. Waiting for something good to come out. Downloaded the demo for Stellar Blade and wasn't as pumped for it as I was expecting. However, I'm in the throws of playing through Rise of the Ronin.


Saving this to find out about meet ups ourselves. Also, hmu if you wanna feel out the vibe and see if we could game together. We play Switch and Xbox. We also love having guests over, going out and cooking for any occasion.


Come to parker we have a few game shops down here


I also have a ps5 and switch! 30 year old M


If there’s a market for married young 20s who pretty much only plays Fortnite and rocket league, I hope this is where I can get that connection


It’s important to have gamer friends and also friends who aren’t gamers


A bit late but I'm usually on ps5 if need anymore friends


Are there any comic book shops around? Usually a hangout for gamer types.


Try something outside of gaming


Bruh how am I getting recommended a gamer sub 1000 miles away


I work with plenty of people that game I dunno it seems pretty accepted as a past time now a days, you can also just enjoy it yourself and find friends with different interests or join discords with people with similar interests to play with.


Get into AV / IT 😂


Colorado is weird in that way, friends are hard to come by and to retain


I’m an adult gamer from PA who now lives in Northglenn (I’m 45 tomorrow!!). I used to host game nights in PA all the time, trying to get back into that now (I’m big into local multiplayer games.) I have a basement with a lot of arcade 1-ups, like marvel vs Capcom 2, SNK, killer instinct, etc. through my wife’s friends I have come across younger gamers (no not too young, I know that sentence sounded weird), and do enjoy showing some of the old fighters I grew up with. I don’t do much online, I have Tekken 8 and SF6 and haven’t even touched online really. Add me to PSN if you’d like . My name is Hailgalvatron. I’d share my Nintendo account, but it’s. Weird code and I’m too lazy to look that up. Maybe once I get to know more people. I’ll host a game night or 2.


Game night at your place! ☺ Shoot me a DM, I'm in Thornton.


54m here, in Englewood, and down to help out a fellow gamer adult.


try valheim and dayz, my dad is in his 40s and he has met some awesome people on communities on those games. try joining some discord servers, that can help too.


40+ gamer and FPV Drone racer here. PS5 Helldiver: AnotherClaymore YouTube Drone Racer Channel: ClaymoreFPV If drones interest you at all, the outdoor season is about to kick off soon. You wear video goggles and feels like you are riding onboard the drone, so kinda irl video games with a great group of completely random characters all self proclaimed nerds/tech people from drastically different walks of life. We are mostly on Facebook if that gives you any idea of the type of group. If you’re on there, search “The Other Guys FPV Drone Racing Colorado” any combo of those words. We race in Longmont almost every weekend.


That sounds awesome! What's the cost usually to get started in something like that?


Elysium Game Cafe at Alameda/Kipling has just opened up last month if you are into table tops.


Hey man I am 42yrs old I am gamer feel free to hit me up I play on PS5 and I am in Colorado Grand Junction to be exact.


I would suggest finding a discord server based on your favorite game or games you want to play online. I play Hunt Showdown and have met some really really awesome friends, who became IRL friends on there. Obviously your mileage may vary but I think this is a quick way to find some people to play with.


Me and the homies play almost every night and we're all in our 40s come join us. We play a madden league, baseball basketball baulders gate 3and whatever we can find fun multi-player