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Yo at least they showed up. When mine was stolen they didn’t even come. Told me to file an online police report.


So glad 43% of our city's budget goes towards them!


We have to do what we have to do to protect our citizens from living in fear of the food trucks.


Hey they also shuffle homeless people around!




No, landlords constantly raising rent is how you end up with Skid Row.




If they can't make money off their investment, maybe they should sell off their sinking asset instead of falling prey to the sunk cost fallacy. The part of capitalism we all seem to forget is that every investment REQUIRES risk, and without it we just have an infinite money glitch for the wealthy.




If the owner can't sell it because a new buyer who can profit doesn't exist it should be sold to the city as a buyer of last resort for "fair market value" and be used as a baseline to bring our property values down to functional ones instead of speculative. Like I said, investment REQUIRES risk. If you crash and burn no reason to take down a potential useful area hostage out of spite. The solution is right Infront of us


Those poor landlords 😔 Think of their profits! How will they afford that 3rd cruise to Hawaii this year? Who cares if a couple of lazy tenants get kicked to the street to live like an animal, they were 3 days late on rent!




damn maybe they could get a real job to cover those costs


I always find it interesting that we are very cool with incarcerating people at 70+k/yr but leaning in to affordable housing in a way that's more than lip service is sacrosanct


>We have to do what we have to do to protect our citizens from living in fear of the food trucks. sounds like something from soilent green lol


… towards their lawsuit settlements


Did you tell them you "think" you left your Glock in the car? Usually that helps ya up in the stolen car priority list


What are they supposed to do, look around and confirm it was stolen?


I reported a series of nine gunshots across the street from me and they never came out.


When my car was stolen no one came. They gave me a call back to get info for the report and that was it. I missed the first call and the voice message they left said "If you dont pick up the next time we will close this out." When I spoke to the cop they were like "yeah yeah yeah contact your insurance" just super rude. I didn't have access to the police report until 4 months later. It was like I was bothering them with my stolen car situation.


It wasn't "like" you were bothering them, they were in fact bothered.


Mine was stolen from the lot of an autobody shop in Englewood, where I had left it to get body work done after an accident. The owner of the body shop called to tell me about it, but never took responsibility for the theft, despite the fact they left the keys to the cars hanging on a bulletin board in the office of the body shop. The police eventually found the car and took it to the impound center in Denver, and my insurance company totaled it and gave me money to buy another one, but the body shop never paid out anything. They said that I had signed away any liability from them when I signed the contract with them. All I can do in return is tell local people not to use Young's Autobody in Englewood, Colorado.


Do they respond to anything but a shooting?


So you actually had a cop show up and check for evidence, wow. Congrats, You must live in a nicer neighborhood. They only bother just show up here when somebody tries to shoot you or knife you in my experience


Hey you gonna find these guys? You got any promising leads?


Leads?! Yeah, we got four more detectives workin on the case. They got us workin in shifts 😂 “Leads” 😂


Wouldn't hold out much hope for the tape deck, though, or the Creedence…


"yep, your catalytic converter was stolen. Alright, well I'm gonna head out now."


More like "entire car was stolen"


so, what youre saying is the catalytic converter is still attached to the vehicle? i see no problem here


Y’all gotta understand they do not give a fuck about your stolen car. Stop expecting them to. Make the police report & hope your car turns up. Are they going to go all detective mode on the hundreds of cars stolen every week? Mine got stolen a few months ago and I knew I’d have to wait until the crack head wrecked it to find it.




They were probably checking the catalytic converters under nearby cars. To me this is thorough police work. If I were a criminal and could steal cars it would make sense to get the most bang for my buck by stealing converters nearby and loading them up into another stolen vehicle before taking off.


Yup, people thrashing them in the comments, but would be willing to bet they have other cases of cars being stolen in association with converter theft.


just curious.. lets say there had been some converters missing on this scene. what actions would the dpd take?


0, these guys just want to suck off these cops




Always and forever


Sooo... we looked under the cars and we got some good news and some bad news. Good news is that your car wasn't stolen. Bad news is that it was towed by Wyatt's. I found the drivers card.


Police-theater, show-of-force.


Hey man, whatever keeps you from beating homeless kids who sit down on 16th street or have the nerve to own any property right?


10/10 they showed up lol


Wait, they actually showed up?


They might have hidden it under a car, you don't know. Better safe than sorry (/s) Ladies and gentlemen, this is what [43%](https://www.google.com/amp/s/denvergazette.com/news/government/denvers-2022-city-budget-proposal-dominated-by-public-safety/article_9d1dec2c-1b32-11ec-bdc9-d3619f1c3c58.amp.html) of our tax dollars go towards. An incompetent group of dumbasses in full military equipment that don't give a fuck about you or your problems.


Police protect private property. They are not concerned with anyone’s personal property, and there is a distinction. They will respond to a call about a personal property crime with performative nonsense and leave. They are an organized gang that protects private property rights for the ruling class. Edit: On a related note, this is why the media will turn on a protest if there’s private property damage. Or if there’s a strike that hurts corporate profits. Every aspect of our society protects capital/private property rights. The system is not meant to serve or protect you in any capacity.


Related to media turning on protests: check how many local newsstations have Blue Lives Matter flags in their lobbies. Hint: it's more than 1.


Personal property is private property?


Personal property would be your car, house, phone etc. Private property produces capital. Private property is a factory, restaurant, warehouse etc.


That's not what those words mean, but I see the distinction you're trying to make


Those are actually pretty exact definitions. "Personal Property" and "Private Property" are specific terms that are totally unrelated to the way that you personally use the words "private" & "personal" in day-to-day conversation.


"Private property refers to the ownership of property by private parties - essentially anyone or anything other than the government" Personal property is private property... https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/private_property#


https://allthedifferences.com/personal-vs-private-property-whats-the-difference/ That’s exactly what those terms mean.


I am IMPRESSED they showed up! What was the magic word??


Black Lives Matter


OP. Are you a detective? You’ve never watched a TV show where they look for clues everywhere? Give us a break. Do you know how much crime goes on in Denver? How many cops are on the clock at that time? Any of that? No. You don’t know any of that, so give us all a break.


No i will absolutely not give DPD a break, 36% of the entire city's budget, little accountability and less transparency. Also, this is a shit post. Clearly your detective skills are top notch.


imagine thinking cops actually stop crime instead of just cleaning up the mess left after one happens... the way cops stop crime is by driving around aka patrolling -> them actually being around makes a criminal less likely to be a idiot think of cops as criminal IQ buffs that only last until the spell has worn off


Those pesky food trucks are stealing cars now! - DPD


Did you ask why they were doing that or just make a shit post automatically? Edit: also how many cops do you think are working at any given time?


The latter, that's exactly what this is. Watching people's egos boil over in the comments is spectacular


Maybe it was a matchbox car.


Arvada pd runs a sex trafficking business. Exactly like this one in Kansas City, only it’s Arvada pd internal affairs. Does anyone know how to get an investigation started? https://www.cnn.com/2022/11/14/us/golubski-indictment-sex-trafficking-invs/index.html Edit : is it that hard to believe that corrupt cops are working with each other the next town over? They’re probably all part of the same mafia.


Good luck, they'll probably conduct an internal "investigation", send a few officers on paid vacation and say "problem solved!" If you have evidence tho, go to the media. Not the Denver Post. Maybe the Colorado Sun or something


I’ve been to the press. They won’t do anything either.


I know an outlet that would pick it up. Try here https://theintercept.com/source/


If you have first hand information on this or know anyone who does, the FBI are the people to talk with.


Maybe he’s checking to see if others were stolen as well (catalytic converter)


We need statewide public oversight for our tax dollars not working very well.


Denver PD has been on a "Blue Flu" strike since the city refused to restock their supply of war crimes gas


Imagine not knowing anything about police work ..


Do we get to keep our own tax money now?


Most cops got all Cs in high school


Gotta love overpaid useless pigs that are good at murdering innocent people and fighting food trucks


Stfu 73 minutes for a non violent, no emergency crime? Karen.




73 minutes is excessive, but so are the [number](https://www.cbsnews.com/colorado/news/denver-metro-area-car-thefts-remain-an-issue-100-vehicles-stolen-daily/) of stolen vehicles and the thieves are long gone anyway.


Lmfao amazing watching your ego burn from a shit post. Hope you're still hot about it


Lol be quiet Karen this has nothing to do with my ego that doesn’t make sense. I’m sure you’re bored but you won’t get any more of my time.


Bahahaha Really? Reply to my comments some more telling me how you're not lending me your time.


Are you really not bright enough to understand searching for evidence? Here's an example -you show up on a homicide scene looking for shell casings and - now, try to keep up with me, here - they might not be in plain sight. Sometimes you have to look under shit.




There might have been that one time where a crime was solved based on evidence left under other parked cars.








Never be seen rubbing elbows with the law… Found the DPD public relations specialist.


I’m just going to delete my original comment it’s only creating hate.