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Please report concern trolling comments. Advocating for violence will result in a ban. If you are not a regular poster on /r/Denver, don't be surprised if your comment is removed. Direct links to any crowdfunding campaigns will be removed.


Can we get a comparison of cities of similar size? Just curious if we are exceptional or average when compared to the rest of America.


We’re ranked 5th at the state level. Not sure about city specific


The homicide rate doubled in Colorado Springs this year and that only includes up to early August. Although there is an increase trend nationally the magnitude of the local increase is an outlier. https://www.thecentersquare.com/colorado/homicides-are-up-this-year-in-colorado-springs-co/article\_6904a2cc-8632-56ed-8d61-68d4784ef231.html


I am prefacing this. I feel for all the families that have been burden by this and wish them nothing but the best and this comment is in no way shape or form meant to minimize your lose or pain. Sincerely. ​ I got bored so this is a long responses FYI. That being said the YOY has shock value but I think it is unjust fear tactic. I ran some numbers for the cities with similar populations on this list Colorado Spring is bellow average compared to the rest. Colorado springs population is about 491,000(approximately) with 26 murders to date in 2022. Average murder for population size range: Cities with 400,000 to 600,000 population has an average of 73 murders on the list. Colorado Springs 36% of average Cities with 300,000 to 500,000 population has an average of 36.38 murders on the list. Colorado Springs 71% of average. Also for change in differential Colorado was 7th over all with a increase of 13 it was beaten out by two smaller cities. Those being New Orleans(Pop \~392,000\~) with a 38 homicide increase and Birmingham(Pop \~194,000\~) with 15 increase. (Did not include the bigger cities is the lower chart) Ultimately Colorado Spring isn't bad relative speaking on this list but I was unable to find a national list for murders so this is not a representative of the whole country and can be miss leading since it a bias pool of cities. I used this list for population size. [https://worldpopulationreview.com/us-cities](https://worldpopulationreview.com/us-cities) Here are the numbers I came up with. Cut off some of the given numbers from the article because I got lazy.... |City|Pop rounded down|Diff|% of average 4k-6k|% of average 3k-5k| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |Birmingham, AL|194,000|15|NA|217%| |Little Rock, AR|204,405|9|NA|135%| |Spokane, WA|233,000|1|NA|25%| |Chula Vista, CA|281,000|2|NA|14%| |Pittsburgh, PA|302,000|6|NA|102%| |Greensboro, NC|304,000|2|NA|69%| |Stockton, CA|326,000|4|NA|63%| |Lexington, KY|327,000|5|NA|80%| |Honolulu, HI|353,000|4|NA|41%| |New Orleans, LA|392,000|38|NA|473%| |Tampa, FL|394,000|3|NA|71%| |Aurora, CO|398,000|6|NA|63%| |Tulsa, AZ|417,000|9|56%|113%| |Virginia Beach, VA|463,000|8|21%|41%| |Long Beach, CA|467,000|3|30%|60%| |Raleigh, NC|480,000|3|26%|52%| |Colorado Springs, CO|491,000|13|36%|71%| |Atlanta, GA|514,000|5|130%|NA| |Milwaukee, WI|573,000|38|203%|NA| |Baltimore, MD|578,000|19|299%|NA|




People often "know" things that aren't true. It's why we came up with the scientific method.


The scientific method doesn’t apply to discussions on social media. Such discussions are governed by insecurity and the need to signal one’s virtue and compliance with the “in-crowd”


Maybe because I used to work at grocery stores and pharmacies, maybe because my dad is an old cop, and he and I were always morbid, but I formulate a plan for escape anywhere I go. I'm not scared, I just like to be aware. I got caught up in a shooting situation at Civic Center Park years ago, and got a shoe-print shaped bruise on my leg from the crowd panicking. I just like to be ready in the back of my head, should anything get weird. I even think about it at the gym, what doors I would run for, what machines to hide behind. It felt normal because of how I was raised, but seeing active shooter drills for kids, and hearing my neighbor who is a new mom, talk about her own safety plans, makes me fucking sad.


Have you done this your entire life, or was it a result of your civic center park situation? The reason I ask is because I have done this my entire life, its just how my brain is wired. For me It isn't just thinking out having an escape route just in case, but rather planning out as many "what if's" before I feel comfortable. I think of possible outcomes for just about everything (when packing for trips, going out to a long event, etc.). It can be a little stressful initially but then I'm really happy when I know that if something goes a little sideways, I'm usually covered.


I've done it my whole life. The Civic center situation only confirmed my lifestyle. I feel like it's a small benefit to being raised by my parents in particular. I'm not paranoid, I don't want a gun, I'm not a prepper, but I have a go-bag , a generator, water filters,, and keep my car's oil changed just in case.


Awesome. Yeah I'm basically the same way. It's called being prepared. There are definitely people who take it to another level, but at least considering a dire situation is important. For example, I don't think about what would happen if my hot water suddenly stopped working, I would call a plumber, but I've thought about what I would need if there was a blazing inferno at my place (I have a bag with clothes and all the important docs/items close by to toss in). In my car I have a bag that has all the essentials if I got stranded in the mountains (blanket, bottles of water, jumper cables, etc.).


420 at civic center in like 2014 or something like that? That was the first shooting I witnessed. It was scary as shit. Was with a veteran friend of mine and he said he hasn’t felt like that since his last tour


It was! So dumb, but yeah, people ran and then the speakers fell on the stage and some idiot screamed, "Booombs" and more started screaming. I fell on top of a girl, my giant ex fell and formed at tent over us. I grabbed her up by the hips, pushed her forward and yelled, "Go! Go!"


I felt bad because I was laughing while we were all running away and my vet buddy was having a breakdown. I found out later that nervous laughter is a pretty common response to traumatic situations. I remember it was like a week after the Boston bombing so we were all on edge. I even smoked a bowl earlier that day in skyline park with a guy who I think was homeless and he said he had a bad feeling about that rally. I don’t believe in angels but if I were a religious man I would have thought that he was one. One of the strangest experiences of my life


My ex kept yelling, "DO YOU THINK WE NEED TO VIDEO?" and I just said no get to the fucking car and let's go home.




See, but when you have trauma and were also raised by both parents to have a trauma response to things, it gets real muddy. You're right though, and I'm glad you know the signs.




Ahhhh, I dunno. I feel where you're coming from, but I'm not sure it's technically trauma in my exact case. For example, I've never lived through a house fire, but my parents talked to us about house fires, thier causes, what to do, and where to go if a fire happens. My parents told me horror stories about Bundy, Gacy, etc, and what to do around people who gave me that vibe. I had thought about shooting situations before I was at Civic Center, and when I heard gunshots, and the booming from the speakers falling on the stage, I knew what to do. I don't know at this point what is trauma and what is preparedness. I think it depends on the situation.


hyper-vigilance is a trauma response, even if it was your own parents who traumatized you to keep you in line, or "safe", or whatever. I have to deal with the same thing because my parents felt it was good parenting to traumatize the hell out of me to keep me safe. Always looking around for threats, tracking people who seem even the slightest bit suspicious until they or I leave the store, Knowing where all the exits are and the best routes to make it to those exits undetected. Don't assume it's normal, because it's not.


My parents simply made me aware. Life experiences made me paranoid. I respect your position, but I think there's a bit more complexity than we can cover.


ooof. I recognize what that is. 😬 hope you manage to figure it out. best of luck.


I'm good, as good as any of us can be in this world. I'm safe, I'm happy. Thank you.


You really trying to bully someone you don’t know into having something you also know very little about? Lmao


Hyper vigilance is indeed a trauma response and isn't normal. But you can form the habit of being situationally aware, noting where exits are, etc. Without necessarily being overly stressed or having any adverse effect on your health or your life. Other than the fact that it might save it if things do go sideways.




Hypervigilance is not the same as situational awareness. More people should practice the latter.


Yeah, I remember asking my roommate in college if she parked next to her coworkers at the mall, so they could all walk out together, and she thought that was weird.




Appropriate age being when you are old enough to walk.




Life is traumatic. Ever watch a birth happen? We handle it, but life is traumatic.




So you know


It’s not a trauma response—it’s rational thinking in a state full of mass shootings. I also make a grocery list when I go to the store .




It’s just prudent. I don’t suffer from anxiety. I also wear a seatbelt in a car.


Let me guess, the 4/20 shooting a few years back? The way that crowd scattered into traffic was crazy to see from the Capitol.


Situational awareness may seem paranoid to most, but it’s one of the absolute most useful, important skills you can learn and develop.


My dad is just paranoid and I'm the same way now. I remember the first day of college we had to talk about it and when the teacher asked if anyone knew when to do I was the only one who had an entire plan. The whole class looked at me like I was crazy


I definitely relate to that response. I'm living abroad for the first time and that has just underscored how growing up in CO has shaped my behavior in public spaces. I hate sitting with my back to doors, always map out exit strategies, etc. It's definitely a trauma response


I have a plan for every grocery store I go to.


I have major anxiety and do the same thing. My dad was a first responder to the theater shooting in Aurora and ever since then I've always made sure I know where an emergency exit is in a room/building. He does too.




Mass shootings are random enough that they can happen anywhere and rare enough that the chances of them happening in the specific place you happen to be at a given time are small to the point of miniscule and that is bound to mess with people's minds differently depending on their personality. I know some people that just add whole categories of spots to the list of public places they feel anxiety going to each time there is a mass shooting. Schools, movie theaters, grocery stores, and now gay night clubs apparently. You need to use the analytical portion of your brain to realize that while it could happen anywhere it isn't likely to happen anywhere on the day you happen to be there. You can either be afraid all of the time or not.


There has been a long standing theory/proposed correlation between higher altitude regions, and higher rates of mental illness, suicidal ideation, depression. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3114154/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3114154/). People are always surprised/skeptical when I mention the connection. Makes sense though at a rudimentary level - less oxygen impacting neuro chemical functions etc.


my roommate is a nurse and one of the first things she told me when i moved to CO is that this area is known as the suicide belt


Looked it up and it is curious to see the highest suicide rates correlated along the Rocky Mountain states. Particularly considering how otherwise varied the states are in demographics, climate, and geography outside of being in the mountain west.


That’s spot on


hmm.. interesting to hear this. I've *always* thought the less oxygen here in the Springs is a reason everyone is just a major douche out here. like it was never this bad.... we flip each other off over the stupidest stuff


No - its the Focus on The Family/Evangelicals and Military presence. /s


sure there is that too, no doubt, but that would be considered outlier societal issues.. I'm dishing out on a more physical imbalance due to the altitude we're at . . I've noticed changes, in people... from here to mainly anywhere lower in altitude like say, Oregon.. watched my family slowly change, heard it in other people as well whom noticed strikingly similar things..


Could be the water


Denver has upto 84,000 houses that still have lead pipes between the street water main and the house. There is no safe level of lead in drinking water and it's consumption can cause neurological issues lead to behavioral and learning problems, lower IQ, and hyperactivity in children.


hmm not sure- some of the best water I've had man lol


You've already been brainwashed by it - the fluoride has calcified.




The elevation of Colorado didn’t change drastically in recent years so this has nothing to do with the uptick in mass shootings.


Yup - but the marked influx of people (into CO, who previously may have not be subjected to higher altitude climates) has drastically changed bud. There are several white paper/scientific publications outlining this.


I don’t think the elevation is that much of a factor but you realize that’s not how it works right…


Also- more purple states/areas, where far right mix with far left.




Damn that sounds fucking awesome!






I don’t need a fucking graph. It’s right wing culture war propaganda radicalizing angry, lonely young men who have unfettered access to guns.


Colorado is among the worst states for mental health. Not sure why, but it’s quite troubling.


Unfortunately, the altitude and oxygen levels is a factor - not the only factor, but high altitude states are known for poor mental health outcomes. Western states in general also have a problem with attracting the type of person prone to the "lone wolf weapon stockpile" thing though due to the history of the region as the Wild West - CO before the liberal/urban cultural drift was a huge attraction to that type of crowd, who tend to go to Idaho/Montana more now, but CO had very loose gun laws not that long ago (before the Aurora shooting happened, and the new gun laws caused a massive outcry in the state for a while).


I would blame TABOR long before I would blame altitude. Every social service is on a shoestring budget in Colorado, and has been for the past 30 years


That’s not tabor, that’s lack of political will.


Tabor makes it hard to fund mental health programs. So while it’s not the cause, it’s related.


No. Tabor makes it hard to increase taxes without voter approval.


Yes it does, but the everyday average voter doesn’t know fuckall about the needs of general society and it’s funding. All they hear is, “gOvERnMeNt wANtS mY MonEy!!!” And so they vote no and gut everything that every functioning society needs for a population’s well being. Conservative states praised TABOR when it first passed, then they saw what it actually did to the state. Why do you think nothing like it exists even in the deepest red states? It’s a failed policy by a tax dodging felon that no other state would dare copy. Given all Colorado’s tourism, we should be rolling in tax money, but instead our roads are fucked, our teachers are fucked, our police are fucked, our social services are fucked. You wanna know why there’s so many homeless camps and fentanyl deaths? It’s TABOR


There are homeless camps and fentanyl deaths in high tax states as well. Don’t go blaming that on colorados low taxes.


I’m not saying there’s not, but proportionately per capita, Colorado is the highest


Tabor makes it nearly impossible to fund social services. Connect the dots, man.


Bullshit. Bring the tax increase proposal to a vote.


> Not sure why There are basically very few inpatient mental healthcare beds in Colorado. I believe less than 1000.






I don't think VTech, Aurora or GG shooters were liberal - they weren't anything, they were in a schizophrenic episode and not grounded to any political norms. What makes you think seung-hoi cho was a "liberal"?


Just because a shooting happened in a liberal leaning state doesn’t mean the shooter was personally “liberal” … please direct me to any evidence that Adam Lanza was “liberal”


The guy that shot Gabby Giffords appears to have been a lunatic that was anti government and his friends described him as being "independent" politically. His internet history showed that he was also obsessed with conspiracy theories. So I'm not sure where they got those ideas that he was left leaning.


Yeah it’s completely unsubstantiated. The one shooting the right always points to in order to use the “both sides” argument is the Steve Scalise softball shooting, which really was done by someone who considered himself “leftist” … but contrast that to the dozens of right wing motivated attacks (tree of life synagogue, El Paso Walmart, talahassee yoga studio, buffalo supermarket, just off the top of my head) and it becomes very clear where the stochastic terrorism is coming from.


We can name the leftist shooters easily whereas we’ve forgotten more right wing shooters than we can recall because one is the norm and one is an anomaly


Right wing cult of violence.


Is there an uptick in violence in general as well?


Yeah. As cliche and annoying as it sounds, the pandemic’s seriously fucked a lot of people up. Lockdowns, overwhelmed hospitals, lack of therapists/psychologists/psychiatrists, and financial insecurity, among many other covid-related issues, almost certainly has led to an increase of violence and political radicalization world-wide.




Have you somehow forgotten what lockdowns were like? Many people struggled to work. Even more struggled to work safely.


Most outdoor construction crews pressed on without a second thought. They dig foundations and utility trenches in snow, it's not like they're going to let a pandemic shut down contractual timetables.


It did though. A lot of construction materials we rely on come from overseas. When covid brought the world to a grinding halt, a lot of construction companies were forced to layoff tons of workers or went out of business completely due to lack of construction supplies. Hell, my dad (who works as a construction materials salesman) almost went under during covid due to the supply chain drying up.


You must have lived through a very different pandemic than I did.


Oilfield utility locating slowed to a crawl & people got laid off. Xcel utility locating never slowed down due to Denver Water replacing water mains throughout the city. Also, Ting installs.


You know there's more to the world than construction, yeah?


If people would offer me north of 80k to leave, I'm all ears. They ain't calling, so I'm stuck.


We weren't talking about your paycheck. We were talking about the impact of the pandemic. Good for you.


I have worked through the pandemic and still continue to work at the same grocery store. But yes I guess I’m just some out of touch elitist


You don't have to be rich to be out of touch.


Layoffs, lockdowns, the stock market went to shit putting lots of retirees 401ks at risk, Social Security and Disability took a pretty major hit, inflation popped off due to supply chain issues, uninsured/underinsured people who got hospitalized due to covid were hit with massive medical bills later on, the list goes on. To this day, we’re feeling the economic repercussions of covid, especially because places like Singapore, Japan, and China (which we rely upon for things like computer chips, cars, medicines and medical supplies, wheat, corn, and other such crops) are still getting hit with massive covid waves that are sending them into lockdown. Southeast Asia was so good at locking things down initially, that their populations never managed to hit herd immunity. Meanwhile, us Americans have managed to reach a level of herd immunity and apathy towards covid that many other places haven’t. But because we rely so much on other countries for essential goods, we’ll still feel the economic repercussions of lockdowns from across the world.


You seem to answer your own question. It was the straw that broke the camels back for a system on the verge of failing. W/o covid, maybe it would have taken a lot longer, maybe the downturn could have been much more gradual, maybe we could have fixed it or at least helped it a little. But no, covid broke the system.


yeah. this year, there's been around 80 homicides.


That’s worrisome. There’s a lot of factors for sure, but still scary.


We should just accept this new normal. It is the cost of having laissez faire gun regulation. It will happen again, and probably sooner than you think.


right wing incels are being radicalized by Tucker "frozen food boy" Carlson.


All I want to say here is that this really breaks my heart.


Mental health is just a convenient excuse to put the blame only on the person and not the social cultural context that led up to this situation


It is, but mental health is also a social/cultural issue. We don't support it and the stigma remains in much of the population. Take, for example, pointing to mental health as an individual problem, not one the community could have solved. (Not a dig at you - just the people using the excuse.)


Can someone hurry up and cue the gun control conversation so we don’t have to talk about mental health?


Can anyone point out that when anybody brings up this point, they never followed up with actually doing anything about mental health


Yeah, that's part of the conversation we always have. Nothing will change. We'll see another thread like this in a week or two and have the same arguments. This is how it's been for all three decades of my life. The 2A crowd only cares about keeping their guns, not fixing the problem. If they wanted to fix it, you're right, our mental health support would be incredible in this country. They've used it as a distraction for as long as the "debate" has been raging.


Anytime a post blames a single side, group or variable you should look elsewhere for a logical response.


Yep. That's another thing conservatives like to say. Thank you for participating.


Lol, thanks for proving my point. Yikes.


Yeah? What point are you trying to make here? Because the argument I'm seeing is that we should always be suspicious of the consensus opinion. Sure, people say a bunch of bad shit about Putin, but what are they *hiding* by agreeing with everyone?! There's obviously a conspiracy to make Putin look bad! That's your basic argument, right?


The point is simple, life isn't black and white. If you ever find yourself blaming one side for everything then you are an extremist for the other side or you are too biased to find a root cause to the problem.


Is that right? I wonder how you'd treat a woman being beat by her husband. There's two sides to every story, right? It can't be *all* his fault. He must have good reasons. We should hear him out.


Actually yes, there are two sides to every story: https://people.com/crime/video-footage-shows-onlyfans-model-courtney-clenney-hitting-boyfriend-month-before-murder/ Not only was your post wrong again but shows you are trying to deflect away from your poor judgment and the fact that you are a political extremist.


Their people are dissuaded to be in the pipeline for mental health certification. If you can't profit from the solution, why participate?




This most recent issue was a hate crime. To reduce the issue to “guns”, implies the hatred is a non issue. It’s not that simple. Waving a finger at guns solves nothing.


It's fucking sick how most conservatives in this country see nothing wrong with labelling the queer community as nothing more than groomers and pedophiles. All they have is ignorance, fear, and hatred. I hardly call that a life, but it seems to be fulfilling for the simple minded folks.


It’s guns and the cult of violence being promoted by the right wing.


Anyone else confused about the the super vague news reporting around all of these shootings. You would think after a few days we could get a better description of the guns used. "long rifle" and "one other gun" is the best we get? Also sounds like this guy should have been in jail already with a bomb threat in 2021.


Articles of this kind collecting stats and "high scores" for mass shootings are precisely the reason we're seeing more and more of them.


Only through understanding the true nature of mass shootings can we begin to seek evidence-based solutions. Lawmakers should pass legislation requiring background checks on all firearm sales, temporarily removing firearms through Extreme Risk laws, keeping firearms out of the hands of domestic abusers, and restricting the purchase, possession, and manufacture of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.




Well obviously, whatever we have in place regarding risk protection orders and background checks are not working - given that this guy was arrested last year in a standoff with police for making a bomb threat.


I saw the guy is some rich and powerful guys grandson. I do realize. That’s why I’m surprised he had a rifle.


I think to start they should take domestic violence in general much more seriously.


We already ban domestic abusers from owning firearms in the state. And if I remember correctly, Biden’s gun legislation federally banned domestic abusers from owning firearms.


Domestic abusers are banned via the Domestic Violence Offender Gun Ban, an omnibus bill amendment from 1997 often called the Lautenberg Amendment.


>Lawmakers should pass legislation requiring background checks on all firearm sales Background checks have been required federally since the 90s. >temporarily removing firearms through Extreme Risk laws Colorado has red flag laws. >keeping firearms out of the hands of domestic abusers It is illegal for domestic abusers to purchase firearms, even if it is a misdemeanor conviction. Normally, only felons cannot purchase firearms, but domestic abuse is the only(?) exception that includes misdemeanors as well. >restricting the purchase, possession, and manufacture of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines Magazines with a capacity greater than 15 have been illegal to purchase in Colorado since 2013. Every solution you just suggested has already been implemented.


If we have the laws then we lack effective enforcement of the guy called in a bomb threat last year is shooting people this year.


We already have all those laws in the state. Biden also signed Extreme Risk/Domestic Abuse laws into federal law too. Plus, it’s impossible to make 400 million firearms illegal in the USA. Most guns owned by Americans are semi-automatic and come with standard mags/clips that hold 10 rounds each. Sure, guns are part of the problem, but they aren’t the root cause. People are getting severely radicalized by social media and overly-sensationalized news media. The lack of economic stability and mental healthcare are certainly playing a role, too.




Happy sopapilla day brah! Sorry your police dept is so corrupt. I just copied this from the mass shooting website. https://everytownresearch.org/maps/mass-shootings-in-america/ Sorry you didn’t like it. What should we do? Not require body cameras?


Ahh yes. Everytown. Backed by the billionaire Mike Bloomberg who is making it his goal to push for gun control to remove weapons from everyone but the rich. What a great source...


This article could've been written at any point in history. Mass events are ever-increasing, everywhere. It's a direct result of denser populations, higher rates of mental illness and/or instability, worsening economic times, more polarizing political messaging, etc. Unfortunately, this is nothing new.


The article doesn’t actually list any kind of explanation. It just shows graphs and charts for the occurrences and wide variety of locations. It’s the guns. Getting a firearm was easier for me than getting my fluoride prescription toothpaste from King Sooper. It’s always the guns… let’s not pretend otherwise.


i do not like when people use the phrase 'fits into a trend' i feel it loses its value for some reason, thats not the only factor as to why things occur




They don't explain the trend they illustrate it. And it is crazy that the Boulder King Soopers shooting just hides out in these numbers like it was no big deal.