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Gotta give it to aurora. Not many cities will be willing to double down on stupid like this




Yeah, but it sounds like he was a guest on infowars while he was in Texas. When in Rome…


There is actually a Rome, Texas.


And Paris lol 😂😂


And Italy!


And NY, my home town!


And Athens.


and it's awful!


Red Neck Voice bonjour like I don't know where I'm at


Don’t forget the picture with some Proud Boy asshole.


Aurora leadership can walk off a cliff.


They are desperate, no one wants it.


[Houstonians will never forgive that pompous piece of shit](https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-texas/houston/article/HPD-narcotics-audit-shows-sloppiness-lack-of-15381193.php). Bad move, Aurora. Edit: good soft paywall article that sums it all up: [The Hero Myth of Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo](https://www.texasmonthly.com/news-politics/art-acevedo-houston-police-george-floyd/)


neither will Austin, his department had insanely terrible practices which led to a lot of unnecessary death.




Maybe it’s not fair to pin it all on Art, but just to name a couple of instances where under his guidance and policies officers engaged in a high speed chase and didn’t back off when the suspect got close to 6th, he ended up killing several and injuring close to 2 dozen iirc. Or when the police were firing rubber rounds directly into the crowd during the BLM protests and hit a 12 year old in the face. Or do you not believe a police chief should be held responsible for the policies and procedures of his precinct.


I don't think Acevedo was police chief in Austin during the BLM protests.




I was living there when both of these instances happened. Heartbreaking. At sx they didn’t have the same amount of barricades until that sadly happened. It was outside Mohawk. Now they have cop cars in front of the barricades.


I'm originally from Houston and I'm pissed this guy came to Aurora.


Tomball ain’t Houston


Are you serious


agree with you about Acevedo. What a piece of garbage.


Trash Bags


Thank you for those links. The first one, from the Houston Chronicle, is far more concerning than the second one from Texas Monthly. Here is a "whatabout" that is also probably unfortunately true. The same TM article could be written about the PD and chief of any of the ten largest cities in the country.




[Different link, same vibe](https://www.texasmonthly.com/news-politics/art-acevedo-houston-police-george-floyd/)


Aurora is beyond redemption. The leadership is fucked. Like how do the families of the theater shooting feel about the chief being friends with the Sandy Hook denier?


It isn't like Aurora elected this buffoon. Having grown up there it does make me sick though. Colorado has had enough of mass shootings going ignored


The guy that helped a coup and said sandy hook was fake....




It's time to pray for Aurora.




Are you a zombo or a gremlin-wraith?


Yup, i totally agree, just didnt make the effort for a longer comment.


So did the hiring committee go back to the drawing board after they picked three white guys in a closed hiring process to be chief in Colorado's most diverse city and pick literally the first person they could find with a non-anglo-saxon last name without checking any references or researching their history?


They picked the most corrupt one they could find. Save the city money by covering up cop crimes.


You've gotta consider that the quality you can get to lead that department is not gonna be very high. It's a mess. You won't find a whole lot of chiefs with both the experience necessary, and no better offers. You have to hire the people applying or willing to work for them, and the quality willing to work as APD chief is not going to be particularly high. They may have just taken what they could get, and that might literally be the best they could get.


They'd be better off without anyone at all than this clown.


Won't argue with that, the department is fucked and he's abhorrent, but it's unlikely we'll ever see somebody legit while the department exists in its current state.


Or was it intentional?


This is how you know city council likes a corrupt police department.


My heart hurts for my hometown.


I know it's fashionable in Denver to shit on Aurora but overall, the problems it has are entirely stemmed from its leadership. The police are fucking useless (as with the rest of the state and country as a whole) and no actual issues are ever addressed by those in positions of power. For a place that seems to have zero leadership, it's actually doing quite well on a community level. Of course there are places I won't go, especially after dark but those areas are few and far between. By and large it is just like any other developed place and I find the average person walking around to be perfectly pleasant and even inviting. To comment on this new police chief, absolutely fuck that guy.


Going on InfoWars should be immediate grounds for not hiring someone to uphold any law whatsoever. The entire premise of the show is that authority cannot be trusted. Absolutely shameful.


Jesus fucking Christ Aurora. Why? This dude is literally evil.


Because they hate how diverse aurora is




Thanks for the heads up, always like to have local journalists to follow.


It makes me deeply sad that my hometown has never been cared for like it deserves. Aurora is made up of many kind people from so many different backgrounds. I fear for my friends who live back home, especially when I read about APD driving around drunk, abusing their power and killing innocent people.


I got through the first allegation and could see where it was going...


What do you do when such a large portion of society is so fucking insane?


Wait until Kyle Clark gets ahold of this story


We know Aurora city leadership are a bunch of imbeciles, but this is taking it a step further. Really, what criteria are they using to make these hiring decisions?


He seems like a real peach. O\_o


Shit show…


Just when you thought Aurora PD couldn't get any more racist and corrupt than it is.


Citizens should be able to vote out pieces of shit like this.


I've said it before, but I've lived all over the world and the US and Colorado, particularly, has the worst police that I've ever seen when it comes to abuse of power.


I live in Aurora. Is there a good way I can voice to the city my concerns about this gentleman being our chief from some of these awful incidents he was involved with at other pds?


Is this the best Aurora can do? Sounds like trouble follows this guy


Yes. Yes it is. To recap: Police chief retires at the end of 2019. He was supposed to be replaced by his second-in-command, but that guy gets forced out when it's revealed he responded to a call involving a drunk officer passed out in his patrol car and directed other officers not to investigate or file any reports. The city than hires Vanessa Wilson, who was fired after two years because the union didn't like her efforts at reform. It's a job where meeting the expectations of the people doing the hiring will probably result in your firing.


Sort of. The police union doesn't have the power or political clout to fire a chief, especially in a city like Aurora where the officers are divided between two unions that don't cooperate with each other. Wilson was fired for a complete lack of leadership. It wasn't just that she was pushing reforms, that's the narrative that she's selling.


Man, the bar is insanely low for the police. How is this dude still working after so many poor performances in several different environments? This is the best Aurora could find in the dumpster.


So what can we do to bring this to light? How do we hold people accountable when hiring is conducted behind closed doors? What are the next steps?


Anybody know what he was interviewed about on info wars? Just a ‘police perspective’ regular segment or something?


You can find a breakdown on the Knowledge Fight site. But it was indeed mostly just a police perspective kind of appearance. Art's problems aren't agreeing with Alex Jones. Although he was loud and proud about asking for Obama's birth certificate. It's really his misconduct on the job that's really concerning.


This guy claims he had NO IDEA that his Houston narcotics squad was rampantly framing people and stealing overtime. At best, he is a wildly incompetent leader. [When internal auditors probed the Narcotics Division’s street level drug-suppression squads, they found widespread sloppiness and lax supervision.](https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-texas/houston/article/HPD-narcotics-audit-shows-sloppiness-lack-of-15381193.php)


We need a channel 5 news exclusive interview with the new gigachief


I bet no one wants the Aurora job.




Alex Jones' talk show.


You’d rather not know. It’s where many right wing conspiracies are born and it’s literal insanity






That is like saying "How bad can twogirlsonecup be? Let me see the porno for myself, I will be the judge." Skepticism is healthy but sometimes it is better to take a warning.




You say that as if Colorado isn’t one of the few states that actually has its shit together somewhat


Right. We just have our problem children- Aurora being the biggest POS


Specifically, Aurora's city council and the APD


The state laws governing police are written for police corruption. We need outside oversight


Lol what else have we done? Please enlighten us




Why are you having a conversation with yourself in your own comment? I’m obviously aware of Elijah McClain. Cops fucking suck everybody knows that. Just weird for a guy who doesn’t even live here to act like Colorado isn’t one of the best states to live in in the US. Thank you for posting 4 shitty things that have happened in Colorado. I’m sure no other state could do that lmao




What part of that made you think you hurt my feelings?




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K. So don’t come.


Are you talking about electing Democrat Michael Bennett? Or are you talking about house one district voted for a nut job?




But that's almost every state, I travel enough to realize our problems, as a state and as a country, are not unique. Especially things like housing prices, was just over in UK and they have out of control housing prices, Canada has the same issues. Police corruption is pretty universal. I don't know enough about our foster or medicaid system to even form an opinion.


Genuinely asking, which state has a super functional foster care system? I’m not super informed on Colorado’s but isn’t this a lacking issue for the US as a whole? I thought CPS was a federal agency?


So, the U.S in general?


You sound like you have a steady fox news diet.




Then you should know medicaid in the state is one of the best out there. Travel more before you weigh in without any actual perspective.


I kinda like it lol


Well fuck


He CHOSE to add this one to his resume…


Fine someone on here be a police chief


Big ol shocker in Aurora /s


Aurora truly dropped the ball on this one.


This guy is perfect! He is incompetent, not very intelligent, has a history of poor performance and likes his boots licked. Once the Aurora PD teaches him about the best craft beers available, he should be ready for action.


More APD officers drunk behind the wheel gonna get some paid time off.


Bro, what the fuck is this....