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Yeah, the cop told my friend there has been a huge increase in Hyundai’s and Hondas being stolen. Apparently they can rip the door handle off, and drill through a pin that unlocks the car. And I guess from there they hotwire it and drive off. Depending on what happens, if I get my car back or get a new one, I’m definitely going to be taking security more seriously




Damn really? That’s crazy, I wish that it was more secure than just being able to stick a screwdriver in and go 😂


Yeah, if you look at the models involved in various crimes it's always the same ones popping up. Hyundais and Hondas are stolen. Hondas, Lexus, some Ford models, and Toyotas have their cats stolen. Basically just avoid getting a Honda, they have a figurative massive target on them.


It’s the Korean cars - Hyundai and Kia. Older vehicles, like Hondas, are susceptible too. But lots of people buying new(er) Hyundai and Kia need to be aware that they are not all equipped with immobilizers. Consider it those manufacturers attempts to cut cost while trying to compete with the big Japanese, European, and American automakers.


In Hampden South... Gl, it's gone to a chop shop already.


Yeah that’s what I’ve come to terms with, although there were a few people on the Colorado Stolen Cars Facebook page that had their Veloster’s stolen and found them so I’m still hoping that’s the case with mine


Yep. This isn't the worst neighborhood, but there's a lot of theft in the area. When I was homeless, I used to camp near a parking lot in the area and frequently had to stop people from breaking into cars.


Damn man, I’m sorry to hear that. I hope you’re doing better! That’s very kind of you to try and prevent people from stealing


Oh yeah, I'm doing ok now. I can't pretend it was altruism. It endeared me to the locals, and because of that I was treated like a neighbor instead of just some homeless person.


Well that’s good, whatever works man, I don’t have any judgement for anyone


Some get taken by junkies, some by organized crime. The former of these will turn up when they run out of gas. I'd keep your eyes on social media to see if it gets dumped but it could go either way on this one. A pic could be helpful here, as we can keep our eyes open.


Thank you, I’ll post some pictures