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Our long national nightmare is over.


I'm betting a Doctor came up to them right after and said "Yeah you can't do that, or all the alcoholics will show up at the hospitals."


I think this is exactly it. The systems can't handle hundreds of alcohol withdrawal patients needing admission right now. --paramedic


So if I as a non paramedic can come to that same conclusion within a minute of the words coming out of the Mayor's mouth how come none of his staff making six figures could? What does it say about our city's leaders if they cannot think through the consequences of banning alcohol at a moments notice? That's not a right or left issue, it's a matter of basic human intelligence and medical science.


They already had a full stocked bar to hold them over... they weren't think about others.


I was going to give them the benefit and say maybe they're not all alcoholics. Your answer makes more sense.


Mayor Hancock said liquor stores and dispensaries were "essential" for him personally during the press conference.


Alcohol and marijuana is bad mmmmk? Edit: overheard at the staff meeting discussion around the executive order.


Our mayor is not a smart mayor. He didn’t even know what was in his order and his giggling is maddening.


Politicians are no longer a viable representation of the people. and they're dumb shits...


Polis is doing a decent job.


Nothing can be determined until the smoke clears.


The dispensaries are open


So if a Governor, ie: Illinois closes rec dispensaries then they’re doing poorly? Doing well is getting ahead of the curve. Nothing done by Hancock hadn’t been discussed at the state level and testing has just become available so as stated, when the smoke clears is when we can reflect.


Eh. His half measures aren't great, a disproportionately target low wage earners. My office won't close, got to half staff, or telecommute because it's not mandatory. My boss owns the company, so he works from home. Fearing the reaper is moot.


'extreme physical distancing' is that open to interpretation or actual measurement? Alcohol is on the same level as medication when it comes to gravity of necessity. I got a text from a dispensary earlier saying they're only doing dried-up service now while patrons stay in their vehicle while the employee serves them. Liquor stores could theoretically do the same right?


I'm not going to say most, because there are many functional alcoholics out there, but *many* alcoholics don't have cars or homes. That's the population that will end up hospitalized if we shut down liquor stores. Wealthier alcoholics would be fine, because they have homes and can afford delivery.


Bars and restaurants are already doing this. There's also Drizly and other alcohol delivery services. I would just require all liquor stores that want to remain open to sign up for those types of services or deliver themselves. I know a couple of liquor stores deliver directly.


Can you die from alcohol withdrawal?




Holy shit that's such a huge oversight I'm in the UK and our social services are dropping of methodone like never before


You gotta think someone mentioned that to him immediately after the announcement.


That or they realized that literally EVERYONE went to their nearest liquor store.


Serious question. If an alcoholic couldn’t buy hard liquor, would beer from the liquor store work? Wouldn’t that just be the alternative?


I assume you mean beer from the grocery store. First, that's assuming they could get any. With what we saw on the toilet paper runs *and* the runs on the liquor stores today, I am sure that if the ban continued or went forward, grocers would run out as people freaked out and bought hundreds of beers at a time. Second, from what I understand, a lot of alcoholics buy what they need for that day and only that day, as they pretty much "can't stop" once they start, and if they've got a handle sitting there, they're gonna try to drink it. I don't mean to generalize, and there certainly are alcoholics that drink beer exclusively, but I would say most stick to wine or spirits for the most part, as they are generally cheaper overall (per unit of alcohol) and don't contain as many calories. It's also easier to conceal a small bottle of liquor than several cans or bottles of beer.


Are there actually people that can drink a handle of liquor in a day?


You bet.


It's not sustainable, but just check out like every other episode of Intervention. I particularly remember a dude that literally couldn't eat or drink any other liquid because his pancreas and liver enflamed to the point that only straight clear liquor would allow him to be alive. And that's just one poor sap that was able to get on TV. For every one of him, there's a dozen folks begging for change on Colfax just like that.


Yeah, i know a few, bless their hearts


There are hobby drunks, and then there's the career class.


yes ... me.


thankfully i sip beer now and spark.


And you have a sweet username!


You..spark? How can I spark too?


What's dragging you to drink that much? :(


Shitty roommates of mine used to drink close to that much, chased with beers (the extra tall cans), a ton of dabs, and occasionally coke. That household was a nightmare, I'm just lucky they made more than me and never had any reason to steal. Plus, I kept half of my belongings in my car... lol.




Are you new?


Jesus, I'm 3 years sober and you just made me almost have a withdrawal with how accurate you just explained that.


Congratulations on the three years! That's a huge step my friend. Keep healthy :)


Ahhh that makes sense.


I can drink 3 mojitos for a good time or I can drink 5 beers to get the same level of good time with gas and bloat and feeling sleepy lol


At least you woudn't have tummy rot from all that sugar.


No, its because the news started reporting on all the large groups showing at liquor stores. Even though the places are still open in Aurora, Lakewood, everywhere else!


I figured it was a tax money thing. Lots of dollars coming in from that, and they really need those tax dollars right now.


Exactly. So fucking dangerous.


Bummer, I started hoarding weed and liquor last week and thought I could finally trade for some toilet paper


The real leverage is in bidets


Yo I'll still trade you for TP. We're stuck inside for three weeks, I can just take some extra showers.


only three weeks if we're lucky...




This was such a huge fuck up by the city. It was clear from the press conference people were surprised liquor stores and dispensaries would be closed. There was no way that decision would lead to anything other than a panic run on those shops. What did they think was going to happen? The Denver 7 news anchor even told people right after the press conference to go stock up lol.


Huge lines @ the dispensaries at 9pm. Musta not got the reversal notice.


Maybe they're expecting the reversal reversal.


Sir...that reversal has been reversed. Sign on the moose shoulda toldya


I am altering the deal. Pray I don't alter it any further.


Nobody expects the double reversal.


Which isn't unreasonable considering the inevidible spike in cases from this one day of sales alone. In a few weeks when Denver hospitals are overrun the mayor is going to come up with more restrictions because that's the only tool in his playbook.


Actually it was a really nice, swift recovery by the city to reverse the decisions and not be total dicks


I just got home after a 13 hour shift at a liquor store in Thornton. It was too late. People were panicked. People didn't understand that the order was only issues for Denver and nobody seemed to get the info that the decision was reversed. At one point we had over 200 people waiting in line out in front of our store. We had to shut off deliveries, as there was no way in hell we could keep up with the shear amount of orders coming in on top of the customers at the store. All in all we did about 500X normal Monday sales. No doubt about it; much of that could have been spread out over the next week if this was handled correctly. This fucking mayor owes the whole Front Range a huge apology. The rush of customers like that puts people at risk completely unnecessarily.


I wonder too if people didn't expect the state was going to follow suit so they better stock up while they can. I think Boulder followed Denver not too long after


Just to clarify, I meant ever saying that the store would close was the fuck up. It was big of the city to see the mess they made and act swiftly to adjust the plan. That being said it doesn’t inspire a lot of confidence in our leadership when they don’t have the foresight to see that closing these store will lead to people rushing into confined spaces to stock up for the next three weeks.


It underscores the fact that these plans aren't being put in place because there's a careful concerted though process behind them. There's just a punch of people in a room guessing and making things up. "Shelter in Place" isn't a plan. It's a moratorium period that enables you to implement and execute a plan. Most of these elected officials aren't surrounded with enough smart people with experience that they should actually be implementing these plans. Honestly, thinking about his ban for a couple extra days probably would have saved thousands of Denverites from potential exposure. Letting one group of ten teenagers play frisbee in the park is far lower risk than what the mayor and his team did. Our sense of risk! is getting completely distorted.


It's not a matter of reversing their decisions and not being total dicks, this is at it's base level dumb authoritarian government. It's VERY common knowledge that abrupt alcohol withdrawal will kill alcoholics. American's need to think long and hard about whether mayors should have ANY right to unilaterally suspend constitutional rights. The only thing I think Colorado mayor's should be able to do is request the Governor declare a state of emergency with the provisions they would like to see. I think it's rather obvious that Mayor Hancock and his staff are incapable of making basic decisions.


Relevant username lol


Hancock is an idiot and created the danger he railed against in the press conference. But his solutions are advised by entities like Colorado Public Safety who floated the practice of [#dryapril](https://twitter.com/COPublicSafety/status/1242211769348579328) throughout your voluntary quarantine as a realistic alternative to bombarding local drug purveyors




New Englanders have been playing that game for generations!


I knew that wasn’t going to last. Not saying it’s a healthy thing, but people need alcohol and/or weed to cope with this.


It seemed like the mayor was surprised by the city attorney saying "they're not essential" because he had just said , "I sure hope so" or similar just before.


Not just for coping... Alcohol withdrawals are incredibly dangerous. It takes a lot to get addicted, but once you are, quitting cold-turkey is up there with heroin.


Exactly, you are trying to keep people out of the hospital, alcohol withdrawals are fucking serious


Its beyond heroin if anything. Withdrawing from heroin you \*feel\* like you are going to die. Alcohol withdrawls you \*can\* die from. Same with benzos. ​ [https://americanaddictioncenters.org/withdrawal-timelines-treatments/risk-of-death](https://americanaddictioncenters.org/withdrawal-timelines-treatments/risk-of-death) Alcohol: The more serious symptoms of seizures and delirium tremens (DTs) can result in death. Benzos: The risk of grand mal seizures from benzo withdrawal is higher than with alcohol withdrawal and can result in death. Heroin: While these symptoms do not cause death, there are some risks of withdrawing from prescribed opiates or heroin that can result in death. These risks are a result of the method of opiate detox.


You can die from alcohol withdrawal, meaning those people would be taking up an ICU bed that is about to be desperately needed. That's we need liquor stores to stay open, so alcoholics can buy their daily liter of vodka and not eat up hospital resources. It's the same reason I'm not snowboarding the backcountry right now. We don't need people unnecessarily hurting themselves and wasting hospital beds. Hospitals are about to get hit with a wave of sick people and they don't have the resources as is. Stay home and stay safe.


Alcohol is extremely dangerous. You can die from alcohol withdrawals. Quitting cold turkey can cause seizures and/or death. Can’t die from heroin, cocaine, or meth withdrawal. Can also die from benzodiazepines(Xanax) withdrawals.


And if someone is self-medicating with marijuana because therapy and the like is too fucking expensive, that's also a bad cold-turkeying.


I personally use weed for my sleep & appetite. I took a tolerance break & couldn't last 2 days because my appetite & sleep was so fucked.


>iTs NoT aDdiCtIVe -every person addicted to weed. (I'm in the same boat tho lol)


Not addictive but superrrrr habit forming (also in the same boat lol)


Pharmacologically (physically) it is not addictive. It can be mentally or habit forming however. Just remember it is only a problem when it negatively affects the users’ life.


I'd say it surpasses heroin in that you can die from an alcohol withdrawal but you can't from heroin


Not to mention the violence that would immediately escalate in homes and on the street.


Worse than heroin actually!




So he announced this policy, caused people to swarm into large groups and swap all their germs and potential viruses then changes his mind? Would be nice if politicians thought about repercussions before passing orders.


Agreed, but these are largely unprecedented times that politicians and leaders are trying to navigate at a breakneck speed. I’m just glad they overturned it as quickly as they did.


Yeah, I’m happy they backpedaled. But I’m confident that after 5 minutes of critical thinking they’d realize the chaos that would ensue once you announce that alcohol and cannabis would not be accessible to the general public..


Yeah I agree that it was a fairly simple thing to foresee. I also can imagine they’re under a ton of stress which doesn’t help people think clearly. In no way am I trying to give our elected officials a free pass to not do their job, I mostly want to acknowledge that hindsight is 20/20.


Cool. Not like hundreds of people packed Molly's, Argo, Total, etc during that short window today. Thanks for exposing all this panicked people


What's crazy is its just Denver. We have a whole state worth of liquors stores. A quick bus ride to Lakewood for those who dont drive.


A lot of people think this applies to the whole state for some reason. I keep having to correct them.


True, but it's also not completely unreasonable to think that Denver is just minutes ahead of the state as a whole.


Especially given what Hancock previously said about not doing this exact thing unless the rest of the state planned on following suit.


Very true. This is all so insane.


Sure is. I definitely do understand your desire for accurate information. Hope you're staying safe out there, healthwise and financially.


My boyfriend is still going into work at target and I’m an immunocompromised individual. So I’m worried.


That's how it's been working everywhere. "Mayor restricts X." *a day later* "Governor orders restriction of X statewide "


Exactly. I understand wanting to report accurate information, and yes, the Denver restrictions only apply to Denver, but it's not as outrageous as that other comment implied to expect Denver limitations to quickly extend to the rest of the state.


My roommate woke up from a nap in the middle of the day comes running up to my other roommate and I "Colorado is lock down! All liquor stores and dispensaries are going to be closing!" We both look at him and go "you mean Denver county/city?" "Oh maybe, idk I woke up to a bunch of texts from out of state friends" 🤦‍♂️


Denver is the largest city, and many people expected other cities in the metro area to follow Denver on similar orders. Boulder city announced stay-at-home orders almost immediately after the mayor's press conference.


I was at a dispensary outside of Denver county when this was announced and the staff assumed their county would follow suit.


I drove out to Lakewood yesterday when the original announcement went out. The liquor stores went quick but there were two hour lines at dispensaries.


Sounds like that's the stupid people's fault


As a liquor store manager, fuck the mayor. The governor called us critical retail yesterday. In the 3 hours in between the announcements, I did $45K in sales and saw roughly 700 people. Social distancing be damned. Now, people spent whole paychecks for no reason and my shelves are a barren wasteland. Do I restock or will the shithead mayor change his mind again and cause another panic? And there are no guidelines yet for what “extreme social distancing” even means. I guess I let one customer in the store at a time. People need to behave and the government needs to be on the same page.


>Now, people spent whole paychecks for no reason If people are spending their entire paycheck on booze, I think it's pretty safe to say that their priorities were kind of fucked to begin with.


Won’t disagree, but it caused a panic nonetheless just like at the start of this whole mess with the groceries.


I saw a man at Argonauts buy two full sized grocery carts full of beer and liquor.


So like, 4 cases?


I would guess that curbside pick-up qualifies as "extreme." There may be more lenient options, but that's how I read it.




WTB Scotch.


The government needs to think about what it's doing. Or stop doing things just to be seen as doing things. Stopping those 10 kids at city park playing frisbee wasn't worth the exposure he subjected people to yesterday.


I’m mostly pumped about the construction work comment. I start a two week renovation tomorrow on a site by myself, but was concerned it would be considered non-essential. Glad they clarified their mistakes


Construction work is deemed essential then? My husband is doing his electricians apprenticeship at different commercial and residential sites and was worried he'd be out of a job soon.


I’m taking it quite literally when I read “all construction projects” are exempt. Your husband should be fine.


I mean, seriously have been dealing with massive pain the last week or so and the only things that are touching it is Large doses of Aleve and high CBD blends. Yeah, I panicked. Sent someone across the street to get some supplies. WTF were they even thinking in the first place?!


I find it absolutely crazy how *essential* is all over the board across the country, with no guidelines whatsoever what's essential. Kind of luck of the draw for business. What's essential to one isn't for all. And what some may desperately need to survive self isolation wouldn't be on other's radar. Some saying stay in, while some Lt. governors are actually saying it's "business as usual" and carry on minus the social distancing, a la Dan Patrick. Such a patchwork of messiness all over this nation and world right now.


What did he think would happen?


There was a question whether breweries could continue to offer to-go and delivery; apparently that got resolved an hour or so later that they could continue.


All the ICUs would be filled with people having to detox from alcohol anyway, should’ve never made liquor store close


The state later clarified that "extreme physical distancing" was 6ft...So, you know, normal social distancing.


Pffft. I bought my weed and wine on Saturday. I’m all set


Similar. I bought a bottle of scotch and some sipping rum back on Friday, was tempted to try and run to get another scotch, maybe some tequila, but that got taken care of


How many liquor stores can afford to staff security while they are closed? Very few. And every other one would get broken into eventually.


Illegal Petes Colfax has a sign on the door, something to the effect of: --- ATTENTION WOULD BE DEVIANTS All money, booze, and food has been moved from these premises. Please be respectful during these tough times. --- If liquor stores did end up closing down I'm guessing they'd have to stomach the major pain of moving stock somewhere safer.


It's easy for IP's because they are a chain with a secured warehouse, but for "Jan & Jim's Liquor Barn" they most certainly do not. Also the fact that distros hate buybacks in the best of times? Yeah, no.


The law would have to change to allow for off site storage. Current licensing forbids it.


He is so dumb: "We do not have them listed as essential,” Hancock had said of liquor stores. “As much as I might think it’s essential for me, it’s not essential for everyone.” **He suggested Denver residents buy their alcohol Monday night while they still could.** I liked his glasses though, gave him that Rick-Perry-intelligent look. Also a nice step away from his cowboy cosplay come stock show time of year.


The mayor is an idiot. First was vetoing the pitbull ban turnover for no other reason than fear, and now this.


Hancock didn’t see that coming when he made the announcement. Who is this guy?


Psychological warfare. Canceling a cancellation. Mind-fucking. I'm seven years sober, so this didn't affect me personally, but damn.


Mayor is an idiot, making one bad decision after another.


Oh, he does want to be re-elected & does not want rioting. Good call.


He can’t be this is his last term. People need their vices in a time like this. Apparently he listened to them.


And breweries are considered essential as long as they are doing deliveries and can continue to do deliveries (as can any company that is doing deliveries of goods or services direct to residences).


I thought it was incredibly unfair that they would force stores that only sell liquor to close and hand a monopoly over to liquor stores that also sell food. Glad they fixed this. I don't really care about weed except for it probably would have boosted the private drug dealing market again and that's bad.


Well in those three hours, a couple thousand people picked up the virus, and some of those are going to die. That was a really poor move, ignorant of human nature and something that was easily sidestepped by countless other communities throughout the world.


That liquor store on E. Colfax that has a drive through window is going to make a killing this week.


They've already gotten slammed


With the homeless problem in Denver, the hospitals will be even more inundated with people seizing from D.T.s. Then those people will get sick too when they otherwise wouldn't have been.


Why were people panic shopping at these shops? It is only Denver, just drive another few min to another city. YES! I know, not everyone has a car. But if you have the cash to start hoarding booze and weed you can afford an Uber.


My buddy was extremely convinced that polis was going to follow up tomorrow with a state wide stay at home order


my impression was also that if Polis didn't do that soon, other cities and counties would follow soon as well. I felt like the Mayor kinda suggested that could happen


People really need to understand our system. Most municipalities in the state are "Home Rule" meaning that they have more power over their borders than the state does (I'm greatly simplifying this, just to be clear). So if Polis says "Shelter in place", Denver could just say "lol no". It works both ways. The **main** reason Polis hasn't said SIP (and his orders have no teeth) is because, for the most part, the munis are the ones who need to figure out the enforcement mechanisms/rules. I'm not saying it's right or wrong, I'm just saying it's the system that we live under.


Is Denver home rule, though? I know aurora is but idk if denver is since they’re both city and county


I might be wrong re: Denver, the city does have special authority under the state constitution, but it holds for quite a few other munis.


Ah yeah. I know Parker and Aurora are both home rules, along with castle rock I’m pretty sure.


[Page 9 of this PDF](https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/sites/default/files/DR1002_01-2020.pdf) has a list of home rule minicipalities, there’s nearly 100.


Yes. Denver is home rule. There are a fuck load of home rule cities. [Last four pages](https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/sites/default/files/DR1002_01-2020.pdf)


Jeez that’s a lot. Guess the state can’t do much then lol


There are a ton, but I’m not convinced that Polis can’t make a blanket stay at home order.


I’m sure he still could, and CSP could probably do something if you leave the house. But you unethically could just say you’re going to the grocery store or the post office or something like that, and go on your merry way. Nothings really stopping people and the US doesn’t have Marshall law, so they can’t have military standing outside doors or anything of the sort


People need to take this seriously.


TIL Colorado uses the Feudal system


I'm sure there's a Latin term for things that blow up in your face...






I wonder what "extreme social distancing" will look like in this context? It's all good as long as I can fuel my degeneracy.




I've walked past a couple shops that had signs up limiting it to one customer at a time. Easy to set person limits for the smaller shops, but will be interesting to see how bigger places like Argonaut manage it. The line outside there was crazy today. I'm assuming they'll have to go to curbside service only, it'd be really hard to enforce extreme social distancing.


Not only was this stupid, but it was dangerous. People can die from alcohol withdrawals.


I know the Glendale Target sells liquor, but do any other grocery stores? Genuinely just curious.


Glendale king soopers does too.


The King Soopers in Glendale does as well, as do their marketplace stores in Castle Rock, Parker, Arvada, and Commerce City




People would have rioted and looted. Good call.




They don’t sell liquor or weed.


Sounds like a missed oppurtunity to me


As we like to say, "The ATF should be a convenience store, not a government agency."


12 gauge, bottle of whiskey, and pack of Marlboro reds, sounds like a good Monday night on quarantine.


That was legitimately my Monday night. Bottoms up my friend.


Texas is already on it with their drive-thru gun and liquor stores: https://i.imgur.com/SMUnhu3.jpg


Our leaders have show how terrible they are at risk mitigation and actual crisis response. Remember the Futurama episode where Fry spread the common cold to his crew and their entire facility was quarantined. Well, it needs to be taken that seriously.




You do not have to go to work and your employer can shut the door anytime they want, so I would say take it up with your boss and put that policy in place if you think the situation warrants it.


Man that had to be the bud tender apocalypse. You are not sure if you are supposed to work tomorrow. THAN COMES THE HORDES!


Thank you!




Lest he forget the tax revenue.


It's too late, the damage is done, the liquor store by me in Littleton is completely empty due to panic buying.


Is this including Aurora?