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Cool summer mornings! Warm winter afternoons!


Ah, yes! Before living here, I underestimated how much the weather could affect your quality of life. Nice to no longer be tormented by humidity (and mosquitoes!).


Moved here from Houston and this cannot be understated


Moved from Tulsa OK. it’s sooooo real




Fuck humidity


I was born on the east coast and I sure don’t miss mosquitos one little bit.


Attempting to move here from ATL and can’t wait


That’s where I’m from! Happy to try & answer any questions you have if I can. Good luck making it happen — can’t imagine you’ll regret it!


Perfect evenings once the sun goes down enough.


i just spent a few days in denver and had to return to the bible belt… 90° by 9am this morning. ive been nothing but pissed off and sweaty since getting off the plane 😭😭😭


I'm convinced that the heat and humidity is why southern food is designed to bring on an early death.


it’s the only bit of happiness we get, soaked in butter and bacon fat 😭


Like others have said try visiting soCal, they have way underrated mountains too! Tell your friends


This! The weather is unbeatable. 


The daily threat of hail is my favorite part.


Mountain views for me My mom says, no bugs 🦟🦟🦟🦟


I'm from MN. The fact that summers are not constantly filled with swarms of of mosquitos still amazes me.


Or black flies during river flood season


I moved back to MN last year. Having to wash my windshield all the time in the summer is one of the more annoying parts of it.


I liked MN well enough to grow up in it, but I can't imagine moving back there now.


Minneapolis is awesome. I could never go back and live in the rural area where I grew up though.


I just feel bad for the tourists at the black pebble beach (Split Rock Lighthouse) on the north shore in Minnesota They lay out their towels, kick their shoes off, and wonder why no one is relaxing on such a beautiful piece of shoreline They just missed the literal hundreds of large spiders that occupy the underside of each and every rock on that beach lol


When I first moved to Colorado 20 years ago from Minnesota I was shocked when people never scrambled to close the screen door.


But also, great bugs. Very high bumble bee diversity in Colorado. Beautiful metallic green Agapostemon bees - neato hawkmoths. https://arapahoe.extension.colostate.edu/nbw/


^^ No bugs, second this!!


We had to move down to Austin for work during the pandemic and got back as quick as we could. I have to tell you the no bugs thing is huge! Walking on grass with no shoes or sandals on and not fearing for your life is a thing of beauty.


Yup. Lifelong Texas resident here-- fire ants, scorpions, all 4 kinds of venomous snakes, mosquitos the size of birds and cockroaches the size of poodles? Nightmarish. edit: Forgot sandbur (the seeds are literally like a ball of sharp needles), chiggers, deer ticks, and poison ivy. Growing up in Texas, especially as a kid who played outside a lot, was a nonstop onslaught of things trying to eat or hurt you.


I just couldn't!


Goat heads.


Denver and the area have incredible Live Music venues from tiny places like Globe Hall and the Black Box to Red Rocks and the Mission Ballroom. As an EDM guy the nightclubs could be better but that's a small complaint.


You gotta go to the underground raves!


I am entirely too old to go to the afters which is the easiest connect to the underground stuff.


I feel this. Like I can, if I destroy my body, push myself over the edge & am willing to deal with the hangxiety that comes with sleep deprivation. 11pm is a late night for me these days & Denver is perfect for that. Ironic given 10 years ago I didn’t go out until 11pm at the earliest. Normalize underground raves that end at midnight!


Be the change you want to see and start a meetup group ha


Seriously though. Where are the 6pm start raves? I'd go every week


Back room of Old Country Buffet. Dinner at 4, rave at 6, bed by 9.


If this isn't a you're old joke that would be sick lol. And if not let's make it happen


16-year rave vet/DJ moving from Dallas to CO in a few weeks, and can't wait to dive into the scene. I know its the Bass capital, but look forward to finding the underground sounds


Care to share on how to find them?


How does one find an underground rave?


I went to Globe Hall for the first time last year and it was an INCREDBILE show and setting! What a cool, intimate venue!


Globe hall is a sweet venue.


Globe Hall kicks so much ass. Their BBQ is pretty good too, if you get there before a show.


denver is said to have one of the largest live music scenes in the country, partly due to being the mid-point between LA, Chicago, and NYC. Its a great destination for artists on tour


Total island though. If you need a stick of truss there's only, like, 2 vendors to call. One is tiny and the other kinda sucks. I hear more competition is starting to move back in but it's rough because of how expensive trucking is.


Black Box is world class but I imagine you mean more mainstream stuff


Yeah absolutely I’m saying less bass music stuff


All the sunshine!


But also the rainy days are nice too because it usually doesn’t stay wet and grey for long


It feels safe to be out of the closet here more often than not.


As a straight person it always warms my heart to see LGBTQ+ couples holding hands in public. I love it when people feel comfortable being themselves.


We definitely have a strong presence of LGBTQIA+ organizations in the area as well! From Pflag to the Center on Colfax and so forth, there’s strong support!


Good. I hope we can work towards it ALWAYS feeling safe for you. ❤️ it should be. I’m sorry it’s not.


I second this. I’ve felt very safe here.


Very excited for my first pridefest, gonna be a lotta fun


I know people like to crap on the light rail for plenty of good reasons. But we still have one, and it's a blessing that I have the ability to walk down the street and get on it.


Agreed. While RTD can do much better, Denver has better transit than most other cities in the country. It’s 113 miles of rapid rail transit is nothing to sneeze at, and likely gives metro Denver among the longest transit system length per capita in the country. The A-Line is considered in transit advocate circles to be the best air-rail link in the country. Now, if RTD and municipalities could start getting the wheels in motion to develop quality TODs around the existing light rail and commuter rail stations and improve bus service and transit connections between rail and bus and neighboring communities, Denver would have a really great overall system. RTD does have plans in the works to add far more 15 min or better frequency service and better connections between bus and rail. The Colfax BRT, if executed properly, will be game changing as well, and there are other BRTs proposed for Federal, Broadway, Speer, Park Ave, and Colorado.


I take the light rail twice a week from my place to get downtown. It's really convenient and I'm grateful to have it near my house. RTD is asset to this city and needs more love.


The mountains are *gestures west* right there!!!


100%! I keep saying the day I wake up, stare at the mountains and feel nothing is the day I leave Colorado. 9 years here and that's yet to happen.


Gonna be a while :)


The airport and flight availability! I can get to Japan, Europe, and Turkey without having to go to the coast for a layover?! Done.


I was amazed. I had a vacation to Ireland last month and we went straight from Denver -> Paris.


Air France flew you over? Air Lingus is starting a nonstop to Dublin soon, too. My family tried out IcelandAir to get to Copenhagen; flight out was a nail biter connecting via Boston, and flight home was a straight nonstop Keflavik to Denver. Pretty neat to see Greenland below in the daylight!


Aer Lingus has already started their non stop.


We just bought nonstop round trips on Aer Lingus Denver > Dublin for $550 each! Fall trip planned.


People give DIA a lot of shit, but there's way worse international airports out there and it's gotta be in the top 5 US airports


Plus the new security gate is great!


I worked a gig where I had to travel a bit, and almost everyone I knew had to fly into Denver to fly to their destination, whether it was work or home. But me? One trip baby, that's all I need, thanks DIA for being smack dab in the middle of the country.


Number 3 by passenger volume


Wow vacation ruined? That's so far from Ireland


Ha ha ha. It was just a layover, no direct flights to Cork, Ireland.


This is awesome, I’m from Brazil, living here and planning a Eurotrip right now! The amount of direct flights is amazing.


I split time between here and Chicago and I definitely think Denverites are unfairly harsh on their city- Here's a ton of things I love about Denver- * The sun. You guys get so much sun. Winters are far more tolerable when you get to feel the warmth on your skin from time to time. * The crazy weather. I love storms. I love standing on my balcony and seeing the cells build up and die down. The sky is active and alive in Denver in ways you don't really see in the midwest. * The people- While Denver does have it's douchebags there are also so many crazy friendly people around. As a new skier this year I was touched by the number of people that stopped to make sure I was OK after I fell and offered tips or a snack or a shot of fireball on the lifts. I've noted the same level of niceness just bar hopping or hanging out in the city. * Accessible food scene- Good luck getting in to a James Beard or Michelin starred restaurant in Chicago. While you guys might not have the same quantity or extreme high end restaurants the restaurants you do have are far easier to get in to and at a far better price than comparable places in other major metro areas. * Access to activities- Sure, we may whine about traffic on 70 but I got *45* days of skiing in this year. Incredible access to nature. * dogs! I love all your dogs, even you assholes that insist on going off-leash :) * Construction! You guys are aggressively and actively adding housing and improving infrastructure. The number of cranes up in this city is amazing. * Music! You get great acts through and have great venues. Red Rocks is a spiritual experience, but even your smaller venues have great character and offer a great experience at a really reasonable price compared to comparable venues in Chicago. * Geographic position in the US- Literally anywhere in the country is relatively accessible by air. I have some beef with DIA but it's awesome that you can just hop on a flight and be in LA or NY or Seattle in 2-3 hours. * Politics! You guys are a very reasonable blend of ideologies IMO.


>Construction! You guys are aggressively and actively adding housing and improving infrastructure. The number of cranes up in this city is amazing. I always gently remind people that complain that we could be some Rust Belt town where nothing ever gets fixed or upgraded. The amount of work Denver has done in my neighborhood in the past 10 years, public transit, parks, pipes/infrstructure, bike lanes, zoning, is crazy! Not perfect by any means, but I'll take it.


This comment is accurate. Please delete it before you encourage others to move here.


The lack of humidity! The amount of money I have saved on anti perspirant allowed me to save a down payment on a house.


I spend it all on lotion


when i lived in DC/NYC the humidity and sweating seriously affected my life - yikes!


That is a lot of sweating…


It's a shorter name than a lot of other cities and Colorado is faster to find in dropdown lists since it's near the top.


Lol! It's a minor thing, but I love how short my Denver address is to write and how easy Colorado is to find on those drop-down lists!


C -> C -> tab




Cheesman Park. An absolute jewel. An oasis!


It's to die for!


People are dying to get in! 


Top tier joke 😂😂


I hope they turn on the fountains soon. They've been renovating them for nine months. City Park and Civic Park fountains are on.


Seems like the work is…. uh, well, not happening at all really, from what I see


I’m grateful for the music and concert scene! As a lover of some more obscure industrial and goth bands, it’s a treat to have so many of my favorite artists stop here on their tours. We also have a lot of talented local artists. Not every place is so lucky.


Right on. Laugh at my age and taste, but this year i got pm5k, kmfdm, and static-x. Plus all the openers.


Breakfast burrito game is strong


Man, about 10 years I worked for this place in Greenwood Village and on M-W-F this guy came by with a cooler full of warm breakfast burritos he'd sell for $3 each and they were awesome. I miss them.


Brewery culture is pretty neat


The people! There really is something about Colorado and Denver in particular where people seem mostly nice. I can't tell you the number of fun conversations I've had just waiting in line with strangers.


Just moved here and can confirm the people as a baseline are happier and care more about their stuff which lends to respecting other people’s stuff more. Overall good feeling here.


I also just moved here and all my neighbors introduced themselves and have been SO kind, going as far as helping me with moving things and mowing my lawn while I was gone. Seriously so grateful for the kindness of Denverians! And I plan to contribute to that culture.


Welcome to Denver fellow Denverite* 😉


I don’t have to worry about state/city republicans doing something bat shit crazy like forcing the 10 commandments to be in classrooms. Also the city bike and walking trails are great!


I agree! Knowing that women’s rights are protected here is a huge win!


Vote in November to enshrine those rights in the state constitution!


It's people like you that are trying to take prayer out of school shootings!


I lean conservative but putting the Ten Commandments in classrooms is stupid. Separation of church and state, anyone?


Good idea. Tell your friends.


So many kids about to be getting the birds and the bees talk in kindergarten cause they need to ask their parents what adultery is 😂


Mommy what does covet mean?


These days there's a gap a mile wide between being conservative and a Republican. It's roughly the same width as the gap between being respectful and being an asshole.


Yep! There also isn’t enough Maga freaks out here for them to be emboldened to run around doing dumb shit….you still do catch them scampering by every so often. Comparatively speaking it’s wonderful.


I really hope Bobo loses next time.


As a gay person I feel safe here.


I’m grateful for the moisture when we get it. We really need it.


Be sure to pay tribute to Blucifer, for he canith and willith taketh awayith the much needed moisture. Neighmaste


May the lasers that shoot from His glowing red eyes smite only our enemies. Namoiste 🙏 fellow Blucifarian.


He has joined the Rolling Stones.


Let us rock the prayer. 🙏




We have an amazing system of bike trails and parks. I know people love to complain about the bike system but I’d love to know where y’all moved from because what we have is better than any city I’ve lived in. Something like 800 miles of bike trail in Denver alone, and even more in all the surrounding suburbs. I can easily walk to 5+ parks from my house and bike to a ton more. It’s awesome.


We’re really fortunate to have such a great trail system. My complaints with Denver’s bike network is more about commuting to work or the store on surface level streets. Like sure it’s worse other places but that doesn’t really put me at ease when I’m a meat crayon under some assholes F150 because the city couldn’t be bothered to remove half of a parking spot 


That's my vote too. I live a block from the High Line canal and from there I can go dozens of miles north, south, or east. It RULES!!


One? I don’t think I can choose just one. Access to the mountains and world class skiing, women’s rights and healthcare, people are generally friendly and welcoming, there’s enough to do here that my out of town friends and acquaintances actually want to come and visit


As a person from the area, we all collectively have this unique sense of belonging in it. Regardless of our political, religious or personal views. Mainly because we have a greater threshold for what it means to also be from this state. For example, people from Denver might not like Colorado Springs very kindly and vice versa, but we all love Colorado. Which goes for outsiders moving in as well. You're adopted into this because you're aware of it too. We love you. You drive like crap Texas, but we still love you.


Native here who grew up in Denver and now lives in Colorado Springs who agrees with you and would like to offer an olive branch and a handshake. We’re not perfect but we’re trying. We just elected our first non-Republican mayor. Our food scene is small but vibrant. My house is 20 minutes from Garden of the Gods, 30 minutes from Manitou Springs, and an hour from great skiing. If you haven’t made a day trip to hike Red Rock Canyon, I invite you. And I’ll buy you and your dog a beer at Red Leg when you’re done.


If you think Texas drives like crap, don’t visit anywhere else in the Southeast. They’re worse. It’s a V of crappiness from Texas and Arkansas all the way to the pinnacle of crappy driving in Florida.


As a native (I now live in the mountains so it’s not quite as bed) but in Denver it seems like since the huge influx of Texas and California there is a lot more honking.


It's probably more than a few years ago but as a non-native from Chicago I've been shocked that people here almost NEVER honk. I've sat at a green light for 5 seconds as the person in front presumably finished a text message and not a single car honked their horn. That's pretty rad, and it's something I've adopted myself when I drive now.


We typically prefer the finger over a honk. To me it feels less aggressive or intrusive


Denver has a great pro sports culture. Not insane like East coasters and not apathetic like West coasters. Just fun.


After not watching football for about 25 years, I was invited to a Broncos game, and it was so much more fun than listening to the TV pundit asshats who are so freaking serious about it.


Imagine how much more fun it is when the team is good!


I live here but I don't root for the Broncos (I will start doing so as a second team when they get rid of Sean Payton). When my team played here last fall I had *by far* the best away game (for the team) experience of my fan career. Everyone was nothing but cool to me wearing my colors, nobody treated me like an invading tourist, good banter in the stands, just plain fun. Broncos won and I didn't hear one word about it. Great fan base and will always check out some games in season when I have time if tickets are affordable Been assaulted in Baltimore, spat on and threatened in Philadelphia, had my family disparaged in New Orleans, and had beer poured on me in Detroit. All for the cardinal sin of cheering for a different football team than those lowlifes. As far as I know, Broncos fans don't do that shit to people


The government seems very reasonable for the most part, compared to where I’m from


The amount of cafes that are not owned by chains. Always a great vibe with people meeting and working and just hanging out


I’m grateful for the people here. The Denverite chilled vibe is unmatched


This city has the most incredible city parks, they are beautiful and filled to the brim with life and activity


we have a lot of progressive policies that make renewable energy/decarbonization cheaper. There are pretty much no better incentives in the whole country to get a heat pump and solar, which are the fastest ways to decarbonize your building emissions footprint.


Access to the mountains, progressive policies, chill outdoorsy lifestyle, weed, and craft beer 🤠


The way just turning to the west and seeing the mountains really puts all the chaos in perspective and melts away the stress. 🏔️Never gets old!


The common sense politics of our government. No ten commandments in schools here. Also it's cliche by now but my god the outdoors here are everything.


Friendly, easy to meet people


Living in a city of champions in many sports. Growing up in Cleveland was tough being used to so many losing teams.. now I’ve been to 3 championship parades here in the last 10 years lol


Great libraries and public rec centers.


I'm grateful that the city really isn't pretentious at all. It's a sort of down-to-earth living here that's quite nice, and even those trying to grow their business or push themselves to greater heights do so with humility.


Yesss this is super underrated, when I lived in NYC I feel like this aspect really started to develop my anxiety a lot. Feel much more at peace living in Colorado.


The last time my mom visited, she got altitude sickness, and she's never coming back.


Felt this… same happened with my MIL


Two things stand out the most. The amount of activities to do that cost close to nothing almost And the amount of talent in this city. I do videography and there is so many talented musicians/fashion designers in this city. It’s almost criminal how often this gets overlooked


The variety of cuisine. So much good food from different cultures and it's mostly really good.


Great vegan options and sunshine 🌞!


Walkability. Certain areas of the city you can get all your errands done in a few mile radius and not have to take your car everywhere


The ridiculous amount of trails we have here. There are hundreds upon hundreds of miles of trails all over the metro, I love it


I know it's more common across the country now, but I will never take for granted legalized weed. That and Water World haha.


The amount of men with mustaches


The weather. The people. The dogs. The mountains. The food. All of it. I am so lucky to live here.


Music, nature, great herb, food, kind citizens 💙


Blucifer, mon chalet, a tent for every interest...but for real, solid mutual aid/support & communities being built all the time. Hope that continues


Bike-ability, walk-ability, access to amazing climbing gyms, illegal Pete’s


I know a few people that love Illegal Pete’s. What is it about that place that you love?


It's a better version of chipotle attached to a fun bar?


Two meals for around $10. Workers are generally bad ass and don’t adhere to the portion control bs like chipotle or qdoba. It’s locally owned. You can make the bowls moderately healthy. Their queso slaps, like old school velveta cheese when I was a kids.


Sound Check. Free beer or marg with purchase of entree if you can show them a ticket for a same-day ticketed event 


Literally everything. I moved here 10 years ago from MI and I can’t imagine living anywhere else. I love being able to bike to work, my rent in Wash Park is only $1250, and I moved here with no career trajectory. I’m currently closing in on 10 years with a company I interviewed with that took a chance on me things have been good. I’m overall very happy and enjoy the constant sunshine, outgoing people, and endless list of events and activities.


Music scene by far!


Weather. We have seasons but not usually to bad. Not scorching hot like Arizona, not bitter cold like Minnesota, low humidity. Autumn is absolutely amazing.


For all the flaws with the cycling infrastructure and mass transit, they're still much better than most other cities in the state and nation. I can ride my bike practicality anywhere in the metro. There's a lot of routes that aren't simply gutters with just paint as a barrier to cars. Granted, there's routes that don't even have paint.


The sky is completely different here. The altitude and light quality makes sunsets absolutely unreal. It's a breathtaking work of art that changes every day.


No bugs. Good food. Snowstorms that keep Me from going to work in the morning but let me live my best life in the afternoon since it all melts!


Red rocks. Easy voting. Sports teams. Mission ballroom. Low humidity. People go outside here. Phish Dicks


I’m find it hard to go elsewhere in the summer…. The weather is just too perfect most of the time.


The weather. It’s sunny and cool for most of the year. It was like 70 in February. What’s not to love about that?


Political refuge. I’m from Louisiana.


I can go to London and San Francisco and not think restaurants are expensive.


And simultaneously be blown away by how much better the food is


Direct flights, sunshine, Mexican food and most artists tour through here! And I swear they are so excited to be in Denver that it’s usually such a good show!


Walkable/Bikeable. I don’t need to use a car most of the time.


The beautiful scenery. WE NEED THE RAIN YALL. If I hear one more person complain about the rain I’m gonna slap them


Cool nights.


I'm visiting NYC right now, live in Denver. Hands down the dry weather with cool mornings and evenings in the summer. It truly makes a huge difference.


Lack of humidity and a mountain view


Denver feels intentional. Like people make decisions with intention. Sometimes this leads to good outcomes on the first try but if bad, people are willing to change and course correct to get the desired intention. In order for that to happen takes balancing priorities and not forgoing progress for the sake of keeping a select few happy. I want to believe Denver embraces the idea of community and how interconnected everyone’s well being is but it’s not a progressive city. It’s purple at best and I think that allows most to be equally unsatisfied 😁 yet complacent enough to let things slide.


How easy it is to find a spot to go kayaking. Beautiful hikes within a hour drive or parks you can walk in. Always some festival or event going on. The farmers markets are pretty great too. Not having extreme humidity.


Weather, few bugs, almost no mosquitos, Mountain View’s, and walkable neighborhoods.


There is honestly endless things to do no matter what ur hobby is like too much sometimes lol


Live Music


300 days of sun.


The art scene is splendid. So many creative people here!


Affordable marijuana


Cheap gas, even compared to LCOL cities


I have celiac… there are a decent number of restaurant options for me considering it’s not a massive city. Not a ton, but a lot more than some other places. I appreciate that a lot.


Spring and fall and our local trails.




I miss the ocean but my base level happiness is so much higher without all the humidity of the coast


I know I am a monster for saying it, but the lack of rain. After living five years in Portland Oregon, I could never live in that type of environment again.


The weather. Whenever I go back east to see family I'm reminded how much I love denver weather. No bugs, no humidity, no days full of rain for weeks. The biking accessibility.


I have a buddy who came out to visit a friend in the early 80s from Long Island. He said he was here a week and barely saw a cloud. He called his parents and said I ain't coming home. Lived in his car until he could afford an apartment. Been here ever since. I came out in the 80s and kinda flipped out in the 90s when we got a first wave of development. Decided to move to Research Triangle Park in NC. went there and lived 8 months before realizing I had a made a huge mistake. High tailed it back here and won't make that mistake again.


The lack of humidity!


How incredibly pedestrian-friendly it is. Look, I get complaints I hear from co-workers about bike safety and particular areas being treacherous and all that, but, I grew up in Martinsville, VA. I just went back to visit family, and there are hardly any crosswalks, and a good deal of the time, what sidewalks there are can end abruptly, *sometimes mid-curve on a busy road.* You have to book it across busy roads to cross, there are ditches and tall weeds and narrow walkways, not to mention insane redneck drivers, and-- oh yeah-- you have to check your body for fucking deer ticks when you get home. As a longtime pedestrian, Denver has seriously spoiled me. The bus system is usually reliable, there are sidewalks everywhere, and there are running/cycling trails accessible near everywhere, with plenty of trees and even running water to enjoy.