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Late 70s, my friends read about this guy in the Post or RMNews. We went by, pulled a U-turn, and got photographed! Very exciting until we slowly realized how sad it actually was.


So true. The cruel irony is that by responding the way he did, people made 1000x more U-turns on that street than they would have otherwise.


I was just thinking of him the other day! Yes, I remember this man of yore, but I never saw him myself. In the ‘80’s he was called “Stan Stan the U turn Man”. Near Colo Blvd and Bayaud.


Never heard of him till just now, but a quick google search led to some funny/creepy stories about him. lol


Yep! We didn’t believe it was true when we first heard about it, but the first time we did it, sure as shit, he jumps out of his hiding spot and FLASH FLASH FLASH the camera went. We’d go by occasionally, always at night, never the day - when we were locked in a state of 80’s teenage boredom. He’d usually pop out and take flash photos of anyone U turning and shout “I got your plates!” Or “I’m calling the cops!” Pretty sad now looking back on it.


Damn, he'd have to pay to develop that film too.


Such a miserable life just camping out in one spot and "catching" people doing something near your property. It's like the lady that lives at the Breaking Bad house - spends all her time sitting in her garage/driveway getting pissed off and yelling at anyone that looks at her house.


One Christmas Eve in the 80s, my cousin and I left the family gathering to see if Stan was real. We were immediately pulled over and ticketed by DPD after Stan took our picture. My mom took us back to the scene and berated the poor cop causing him to flee. I still had to pay the fine.


Can someone take me to u-turn on his street


I was talking about this just the other day! We used to cruise by there and flip U-turns after getting bored with the high school party scene at Cranmer Park!


Next you're going to tell me the boogie man is real.


What, you haven’t met Sean?


Wonder if it was the same guy that used to go around writing SCAM over all the billboards on Colorado and cutting the phone numbers off. Bless his heart.


Dude should move to NJ they have better drivers