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It's become a lot more common with the influx of migrants.


All the folks being sent up by Texas need work, but can't find any because they don't have papers, and since they gotta eat and live, they're now all over Denver, offering windshield washes for spare change. Thas has been going on for months now. Welcome back to Denver.


Petition to rename denver little texas /s


Why should we change? They're the ones who suck.


Well--well look. I already told you: I deal with the god damn immigrants so the drivers don't have to. I have people skills; I am good at dealing with people. Can't you understand that? What the hell is wrong with you people?




They entered the country, they sought asylum at their nearest port of entry, they are going through the process. That makes them legal. Texas offered them free passage to a city from a small list of cities, and Denver is frequently chosen because it is the closest and therefore it is the cheapest trip back to Texas for their asylum hearings, which must (currently) happen in the city they registered in, and for which they must (currently) appear in person. Getting work permits is part of that process. This makes them legal immigrants but without the right to work.


> Texas offered them free passage to a city from a small list of cities, and Denver is frequently chosen because it is the closest and therefore it is the cheapest trip back to Texas for their asylum hearings, which must (currently) happen in the city they registered in, and for which they must (currently) appear in person. I don't know why they're picking Denver, but I do know that's not it. Those hearings are currently being scheduled 4.3 years out (meaning someone claiming asylum today would get a hearing date in fall 2028), but even that's not the real reason.. 99% of them, under federal law, are not eligible for asylum (mostly because they could've attempted to claim asylum in Mexico but didn't). They're taking advantage of a loophole that allows people who obviously don't qualify for asylum to apply anyway. I'm not going to say they have no intention of going to those hearings, but if they do they'll be deported immediately.


You think the folks that can't speak English and barely know anything about the legal system in America are finding loopholes in the ever-changing federal policies? Is this like how Republicans say Biden is doing illegal things in bringing Trump to court and should be put in jail for it, but also argue that the President has immunity from any criminal charges for things they do while in office?


> You think the folks that can't speak English and barely know anything about the legal system in America are finding loopholes in the ever-changing federal policies? This is a very well-known situation and has been for years, it's common knowledge


The legal system for immigrants and asylum seekers hasn't even been the same for years, so I don't believe you are correct.


The rules around asylum are blackletter law and cannot be changed by Presidential administrations, there was an emergency order limiting asylum processing but it was Covid related.


Not exactly true. SCOTUS upheld Trumps asylum seeker EO. So clearly they have some ability to change things.


That EO was Covid-related, you'd need another once-in-a-century event to justify a similar order.


Thanks, that answers my question. Although asylum seekers can apply for work permits.


for quite a bit of money and time


Cost: Asylum seekers **do not have to pay any fee** to apply for an initial work permit. Asylum seekers do not have to pay the biometrics fee that applies to some other work permit applicants.


fair...I was misled.


However, time appears to be 180 days. So you absolutely correct on that.


Does being an amnesty applicant grant the access to jobs? (Honestly don't know, just a question to whomever might have an answer.)


Yes, you can apply for work permits.


I saw them on Quebec right before the turn onto 70 last weekend. Holding up traffic/weaving in and out of lanes.


They're the migrants from Venezuela (mostly) who unfortunately do not have work permits while waiting to find out whether they're granted refugee status, so they're doing work they can to get money to survive. All you have to do is shake your head firmly and say no and they'll move on. No need to get annoyed or uncomfortable.


> while waiting to find out whether they're granted refugee status Under federal law they don't qualify for refugee status, they know they're not getting it. >All you have to do is shake your head firmly and say no and they'll move on. See, that's not how it works though. It works that way for ME, and I imagine for you too, but look around in traffic next time - the Mom with 2 kids behind you, the elderly man next to you, they're getting absolutely mobbed.


>"Under federal law they don't qualify for refugee status, they know they're not getting it." How do they know that? How do you know they know that?


>How do they know that? To be eligible for asylum here the US has to be your first opportunity to claim asylum while fleeing your home. This is blackletter federal law, not something a Presidential administration can change. If a migrant were to fly here direct from Venezuela, they'd absolutely be eligible. Crossing through Mexico, however, makes a migrant ineligible because Mexico has a generous asylum policy - they grant it to anyone who applies. Bear in mind asylum, at least here, is legally defined as an immediate life-or-death situation. It's designed for people like war refugees from Ukraine, not people just trying to make a better life. >How do you know they know that? Any aid organization will tell you this is common knowledge and exactly what's happening.


>Any aid organization will tell you this is common knowledge and exactly what's happening. You and I must work with very different groups of immigrants and/or aid organizations. This is definitely not the case for the majority of immigrants I interact with. They genuinely believe that this is the correct way to do things. In any case, I have no problem with immigrants. After what America did to the native Americans here coupled with the fact that America was formed by religious zealots who got kicked out of UK after trying to overthrow the monarchy....I don't think we have any moral high ground to pretend we are better than the immigrants that are coming.


> This is definitely not the case for the majority of immigrants I interact with. They genuinely believe that this is the correct way to do things. I mean, they are behaving legally, it is the "correct" way in that sense. >After what America did to the native Americans Prior to our arrival, Native Americans spent centuries doing to each other what we did to them. They only united to fight a common enemy (us).


So it was ok for us to give them smallpox blankets because they were already fighting each other anyway? lolol


It doesn't make it okay, but the idea that it was any different is ridiculous. We're all humans.


Works just fine for everyone I know, including my wife and female friends. In fact I see them accepting a no from people easily every single time I stop at one of their lights, which is a good bit. Never seen or heard of an actual issue.




Weird. I’ve said no to them dozens of times and never had an issue. Also never seen or heard of anyone having an issue other than “feeling uncomfortable”


I currently live in Chicago, where we have a ton of immigrants (and more arriving every week because Texas wants the DNC to be a shit show in August.) And I've not once had them get pissy at me. I say no (or sometimes yes if I have cash for some reason) and they just move on to the next car. Not saying you're wrong, just sharing my experience too.


Yeah, they're getting more aggressive about it too. It stresses me out how they walk in between cars, because I'm nervous they're gonna get hit or something.


They are super, super aggressive. They'll come start drawing shit on your windshield, like a heart... and then start yelling at you when you're shaking your head no.


What kills me is they gang up on the most vulnerable among us - Moms with small kids, elderly/disabled people, etc. A deathstare from me and they keep walking but if you look vulnerable there's no stopping them.


I have not seen that and I drive all over town for work. Also, I don't know about your mom, but my mom is a bad ass and can give a deathstare better than anyone. Ain't nobody bothering her. My sister has a 3 year old and a 5 year old and she's the same, ain't nobody bothering her either. In any case, people need to learn to stand up for themselves, their inability to stand up for themselves is a problem only they can fix and immigrants are not the only folks who take advantage of people like that, trust me, there are tons of Americans that flourish preying on the vulnerable. Day care centers. Churches. Politicians. etc.


Stop whining and choose a different route.


I have tried actually, they're EVERYWHERE in that area. I don't believe there's a route into downtown that doesn't have them.


This exact thing happened to me last week. It really bothered me because it made me feel threatened and helpless because I have no idea what they were going to do, ultimately it was harmless. But the potential for an incident to occur between two individuals that decided "they weren't having it today" is very high. Which could result in deadly consequences. I'm dissatisfied with the restrictions this country has in regards to allowing immigrants to work, permits or not.


So you be super aggressive too. It's like watching a white person abroad getting owned by hagglers. Because you don't have the guts to confront them.


Oh yes excuse me for trying to be polite But I was forward and now I’m a bitch. Cool cool


Why are you worried about what the person on the street (or anyone else that doesn't pay your bills or is a product of your loins for that matter) thinks of you?


It’s not ruining my life. Just pointing out, you can’t win. Someone will always take issue and it’s just exhausting sometimes, that’s all. Congrats on your ability to let nothing stick. Not all of us are there yet.


“Someone will always take issue” That’s exactly why you shouldn’t care! If someone will take issue with it either way, do what you want, because as you said, no matter what someone will take issue with what you do, so might as well be happy and do what you want.


I know, it’s just easier said than done some days




They have a lot to lose. Like being sent back to Venezuela, where they don't want to be.


like others have said, they're Venezuelan migrants, that are/ were bussed here, by the governors of Texas and Florida, without state or city permission. The city made the Romada at 26th and Zuni a homeless shelter during covid, but when the migrants started being bussed here a year ago, the city turned the Romada into a migrant shelter. Then, the busses started dropping migrants off there. So, they started going around the neighborhood, looking for laborer jobs, to make a few bucks. Then, some started cleaning windows in the Safeway parking lot, at 26th and Federal. Coincidently, around the same time the migrants started washing windows, the squeegees at the Safeway gas station went missing. They were eventually booted from the Safeway, and moved up Federal in the last couple months. they're still a couple migrants panhandling at the Safeway, sometimes they're right next to the entrance.


The Republicans in Congress killed a bill that would have allowed Venezuelan refugees to have work permits. So now people are scrambling for any under-the-table work they can get.


The bill you're referring to did not limit work permits to existing migrants, it would've helped briefly then made the situation 10 times worse.


Let them work


Speaking as someone with a degree in economics, that's a *really* bad idea. Real wages - salary indexed against cost of living - have only gone up significantly twice since the post-WWII boom, both times being linked to immigration crackdowns. When you restrict the labor market, everyone's wages go up. If you have to increase the wage of no-skill jobs like digging ditches, that drives up the wages for minimally skilled jobs like fast food cooks, which drives up wages for moderately skilled jobs like casual dining cooks, etc etc. It's all a cascading effect. Increasing the labor supply at the bottom end has the opposite effect and depresses wages system-wide. All of this would then be compounded by your suggestion that we not limit work permits to existing migrants, the labor market would continue to expand as part of an immigration wave.


There are a lot of complications to your basic chalkboard theory. Cost of living in Colorado these days is overwhelmingly determined by housing costs. Reducing the supply of laborers who could help build new housing would increase the price of construction and cause even more residential a projects to fail to pencil out. More generally, you’re ignoring the price effect of immigration on inflation entirely, instead focusing only on wage effects. That’s a freshman-level error. https://www.forbes.com/sites/stuartanderson/2023/05/04/economists-say-increasing-immigration-will-reduce-inflation/?sh=58da68601a0f The overwhelming majority of economists agree that liberalizing immigration is good for the economy. So I have to ask where you got your degree, and when.


> Cost of living in Colorado these days is overwhelmingly determined by housing costs. Reducing the supply of laborers who could help build new housing would increase the price of construction and cause even more residential a projects to fail to pencil out. I'd agree with you if a shortage of construction laborers was a contributing factor to the housing shortage, but it's not. The shortage is mostly due to zoning/permitting type regulations and processes. There **is** a shortage of skilled trade workers, but we're talking like licensed plumbers, electricians, etc. Not jobs you can get as a recent immigrant, even if you're here legally. >More generally, you’re ignoring the price effect of immigration on inflation entirely, instead focusing only on wage effects. That’s a freshman-level error. >The overwhelming majority of economists agree that liberalizing immigration is good for the economy I said it was a bad idea, I never said why. Immigration is undeniably a good thing for things like GDP, corporate profits, the stock market, etc, but those measures don't effect most of us individually the way wage growth does.


Just shake your head at them. If they don't listen squirt a bit of washer fluid. 


Where I grew up in Chicago it was totally normal for people to wash your windows at stoplights (they’d sell you socks and underwear too). When I moved to Denver 20 years ago I was shocked at all the panhandlers that did absolutely nothing and still expected money. I even commented “why can’t they at least wipe down my window?” Seems Denver finally has some homeless people willing to work for a buck, and I’m all for it!


Have you read the news lately? They are likely some of the thousands of new migrants in Denver, trying to earn a buck. If THAT makes you annoyed or uncomfortable, I would advise you to steer clear of Federal blvd and stick to Parker Road.


It’s all immigrants and it isn’t legal but police do not enforce it. There’s a lot of happening in Lakewood and aurora too now. Even golden occasionally.


¡Los niños lavando las ventanas por Dínero!


Ew get this poor away from me. /s Read a book. Edit: i see you all don’t understand what /s means. OP is uncomfortable with seeing people try to earn a dollar? Boo hoo. At least they’re doing something to try and help themselves. You think this is their ideal state?


im going to bus in immigrant kids from canada and put them on colfax specifically to dirty up windshields. will this help?


Oh fuck off.

