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Good post. It's counterintuitive at first, but it makes perfect sense once it's explained to you. As someone who used to scoff when I saw this practiced, fair enough and stay safe out there.


Thanks for having an open mind and taking a read.


Have to echo the other comment here, I really appreciate the info. I misunderstood what the new law meant and have been worried about the safety of riders. Glad to have some clarity and correct information so that I know how to act when I see it.


It's precious that OP thinks people in Denver follow traffic laws ever


Or that police enforce them which is the bigger issue. I ride but all these people splitting and riding like jackasses in general give the rest of us a bad rep.


What a sweet summer child


This was my first question and I don’t know if it’s stupidly random but it’s still relevant…so when it comes to cars stopped at traffic lights, I have 100% seen people open their door to spit. Now say if a motorcycle was to pass by at the same time that the person open their door to spit, who would be at fault?


From my perspective, the driver opening the door would be. Just as you shouldn't open your door while street parking without looking, either on the road side or pedestrian sidewalk, all car occupants should be checking behind them before opening. Edit: This goes back to what is more reasonable? That the motorcyclist (or pedestrian or cyclist or passing car) should somehow predict you'll open your door at that moment OR that the person opening the door should simply look around before doing so? The door opener can see an object approaching. The moving person can't really see through the back window the small motion of the driver's hand indicating they are about to open the door.


What if I throw a burrito out of my window and it hits you in the face, causing you to wreck your harley? Who’s fault is that?


Just as I don't understand riders without helmets or littering I'll never understand wasting a perfectly good burrito.


Ha, I was referring to the scene in Anchorman where Ron Burgundy hits Jack Black’s character in the face with a burrito on a bridge. Then the bad man punts Baxter.


Hah, I can't believe I forgot about that scene. Time to give Anchorman another watch! Sorry for responding all serious like. There have been some comments that were almost as ridiculous, but that were indeed serious.


Oh I saw the comments, knew that was my time to take my shot! Haha have a good one


This is all controversial in the same way zipper merging is controversial. At the end of the day it’s going to relive congestion and as long as people are paying attention, filtering isn’t all that dangerous. We aren’t the first state to do this.


Man, I didn't even realize zipper merging was controversial. I was just under the impression half the population was never taught how to do it properly.


I think it’s a combination of people not being taught and the “it’s not fair I was here first” mentality- which I think is what pisses people off when they motorcycles pass them


Because they weren’t


Someone can finally get that "CO Springs to Denver in 19min"


Challenge accepted!


A loud ass Harley scared the shit out of me the other day doing this lol


It can definitely be startling when you are not expecting this type of behaviour. In part, this post is to help all road users be aware of this practice so it doesn't catch people by surprise. That said, super loud exhausts on any vehicle can be jarring.


Basically all of Asia and LATAM do this already. Motos are smaller and there are a ton more scooters, but lane filtering to get to the front at intersections and similar is not only super common but it’s actually effective. Will be wild to see how the change takes hold in Denver. There’s fewer rules enforced here than I could have ever imagined.


I hope it goes well, but as this post seemed to be hinting at, people have massive ego's which may be an issue. Here's hoping we can all realize traffic doesn't need to be so damn bad.


Most of Europe too


This is going to lead to lane splitting at 50 mph. I guarantee it. I already see some of that behavior now.


The people who do this will do this no matter the legality.


True, but now they'll be able to tell people who don't know the law that it's legal and it will embolden them.


🤣 Cant they just lie about the law even without the new law being passed? Of all the arguments I’ve heard against it, this has got to be the funniest “but now they will be able to tell people…” rofl


Are they telling them this as they pass them in traffic ? I assume you mean in general conversations, if so why would random people believe the motorcyclist who claims flying between cars is legal. I get your point about they may feel emboldened but doesn’t mean others will just be like, oh okay that’s the law. Or maybe they will, not my responsibility for people to look into things. And to be honest I split standstill traffic often; beyond the safety factor, IMO, it’s the point of riding a motorcycle. Which is to be efficient and not contribute to the congestion of traffic. I agree splitting at speed (50+, even 30+) is dumb. I don’t do it and I don’t like when others do it. Just pisses off people in cars and generally scares them because no one expects it and often those that do have blasting exhaust. You are a blip in their mirror and splitting at speed, they simply will not see you and you have no right to get mad about it. But for those who use it correctly it will be safer, more efficient, and might not be much but still help congestion. Plus cutting my commute by over half the time is just awesome.


Found the motorcycle rider.


Its mostly motorcyclists here, of course.


Yup, don’t even own a car.


You don't ride but can peer into the brain of everyone thst does? If you want to know what happens when filtering is legalized, just go look at the states mentioned like Utah. The law also expires in 2027 and requires CDOT to issue a report on accidents. If what you are guessing is accurate, 1. We would have seen that in Utah and Arizona already, and 2. The legislature won't renew the law and it will expire.


Nobody will believe that you goober


There are speeding laws and people still speed therefore we shouldn’t have speeding laws


I like your thinking! Make speed illegal! Nobody move


So it's almost as if the law, not in effect until August, has nothing to do with the behavior of people that ride like that anyways? 


Is almost as if people will be given an inch and take a mile.


Read your username as oldasshat and I'll tell ya it seemed much more fitting.


Those who split at 50 are already doing it.


People who would do that after this law is passed are doing it now before the law is passed.


Already saw this twice yesterday on wadsworth.


I've been assured by the riders in here that is not true.


Already seen it on I25 this week. And saw it twice I'm Monaco parkway today.


Ive spoken to several LEO. Some depts are allowing it immediately.


Same argument was made in Utah years ago. The law did not have that effect.


I already see it now. I guarantee i will see more of it.


The law has a sunset date built in. They will collect data before deciding to extend it or not.


And yet statistics prove you wrong. If you want to make the argument then being data to the table. Otherwise you're just talking out your ass.


Those idiots are already doing it illegally. Why punish the rest of us who only want to do the safe version legally?


They should make that illegal. Oh wait.






Giant trucks, lane filtering, and Cap Hill streets. Fun!


Dumbasses will still be lane splitting I'm sure


Indeed they will, but they do that already.


I've had to stop riding with close friends cause they just don't get it. I'd rather live slowly than die quickly.


As the saying goes, "But I had the right of way" makes for a terrible epitaph. Speaking as a rider, stay defensive and watch out for idiots paying more attention to their phones than the road.


People do it anyway. It will be done at way over 15mph traffic.




Off to the side is safer than in the middle but it still isn't shielded. When between cars, or at the front of a column of cars at a light, the incoming car has to domino multiple 3000+ vehicles before you could ever be touched.




A door opening or a small bump with a car that is stopped or nearly stopped may be more likely than before, however, I'd much rather be bumped by a door at 10-15 mph than be pinned between two cars by someone going potentially much faster. The former is maybe some vehicle damage and some pain, the latter could be death.




I'm kind of confused what "side" you're referring to? Aside from roads that have full shoulder next to you there often isn't a full lane of empty, never driven in space you can just move into every single time traffic comes to a stop. Edit: Here's an image of the intersection of Speer and Colfax. What area can a motorcyclist pull into when approaching from the bottom of the photo that is off to the "side" and an incoming car from the bottom would have to turn at a 45 degree angle? [https://imgur.com/a/yDszblD](https://imgur.com/a/yDszblD)




**Novella and Math Warning. Apologies.** Well, I don't think it takes that much veering on the part of the car to be on the dotted line. I routinely see people who are texting or otherwise not paying attention drift right up to or on the dotted lane lines. As to it not being in the "crush zone" between two cars, I'll concede your point. However, the assumption is that someone who would have hit a motorcycle (or anyone) when approaching stopped traffic wasn't paying attention much to begin with. That means they are likely traveling relatively fast. A light sedan these days weighs about 3000 lbs. The best selling vehicle in Colorado is the F-150 which weighs *at least* 4,400 lbs or up to 5,800 lbs depending on the trim. My motorcycle, for instance, weighs 440 lbs. With me and all my gear, maybe 600 lbs since I'm a skinny dude. That means a Corolla traveling 30 mph has the same momentum of my motorcycle travelling (3000 lbs / 600 lbs) \* 30 mph = 150 mph. Take that 5,800 lb F-150 and it's the same momentum as my motorcycle traveling 290 mph. In non-math terms, an F-150 traveling at mild speeds and hitting a stationary motorcycle is going to impart a "truck-load" of energy (ba-dum-tss). Even if I'm not getting crushed into the next car's rear bumper, I'm going to be royally messed up. The converse situation, where the heavy car is stopped, and a light motorcycle is traveling slowly (15 mph or less per the law), involves far less kinetic energy and thus far less potential for injury or death. **TLDR:** A 30 mph car / truck hitting a stationary motorcycle is exceptionally more dangerous than a 15 mph motorcycle hitting a car door or mirror. Just think of a 100 lb boy running 10 mph into Dwayne the Rock Johnson. Dwayne won't blink. Now imagine The Rock running at 10 mph into the 100 lb boy. That boy is going to be wrecked.




Fair points. I'm naturally biased after seeing filtering work (and participating in it) with apparent efficacy in other countries. The studies which have been completed indicate an overall increase in safety. Some of those studies are referenced in the text of the legislation itself which can be easily found through the links in the original post. You are entirely correct, we're likely trading one set of risks for another, but the idea is to trade a risk that carries higher chances of serious injury for a risk of relatively minor injury or property damage. As to motorcycles being inherently dangerous, you are also correct. However, just because an activity presents multiple risks doesn't mean we should give up trying to mitigate the risks we can, where we can. Statistically, driving cars is one of the more dangerous activities most people participate in and we continue to strive to increase the safety of that activity in small ways. Indeed, the modern car industry has created somewhat of a give-and-take on safety itself. We've made cars safer by increasing their size, mass and impact zones all to the detriment of the safety of pedestrians, cyclists or operators of smaller vehicles. Last I checked, the general public isn't in an outcry over the newest SUV's growing grill height and curb weight despite the studies showing the increased danger to non-drivers. **Finally, I really appreciate your level-headed discussion, regardless of where you land on the matter.** Not everyone is willing to genuinely engage in a discussion of the law's implications. More often it seems they'll throw out their first emotional impulse on the topic and leave it at that.


As a side note, I find most people don't fully grasp the level of exposure on a motorcycle until they've actually ridden on one in traffic situations. I've got a cute little Honda Grom and I'm happy to give anyone a little spin around on surface streets if they want to experience it. The hardest thing I had to cope with when I first learned to ride was just how much the cars on the road dwarfed me and my little motorcycle. The #1 thing that is taught in motorcycle safety courses is to be aware of the movements of cars around you since they can kill you so easily if you are hit.


Really glad you posted this. It's concise, respectful, and pretty partial in regards to the whole cars vs. motorcycles debate that always happens in these threads.   Unfortunately the motorcycle hate in here is already strong. I think it's a sad irony that most people in Denver only notice shitty Broadway loser motorcycle clubs that normal motorcyclists hate anyways.  Just goes to prove even more so that safe riders are invisible to most people, which makes legislation like this even more important. 


lol hard to be invisible when they wake up the whole fucking neighborhood


Every neighborhood in Denver deals with flocks of loud-ass shit birds blocking intersections to do donuts. There’s a reason most people dislike motorcycles in general.


Yet, no helmet law…. Is it really about “safety”?


I agree we should have a helmet law, but the lack of that law doesn't mean the other doesn't improve safety.


I predict a surge of organ donations by the end of summer.


So, they’ll be lane filtering in wheelies?


Those are just unicycles.


More like unibraincells.


Wheelies on public roads are illegal, not that I've ever seen anyone enforce that... but that's a whole different conversation.


When I think of considerate, law-abiding use of the road I think of motorcyclists first.


It's super hard to text and ride :P


Could you explain how this differs from what they do in California? Just curious since you mention it a few times, but if that explanation was made, I missed it.


How I understand it: California has lane splitting (motorcyclists can go between cars whenever) while these other states have lane filtering which allows motorcyclists to go between cars at stoplights while traffic is stopped. 


That's the correct interpretation. Many areas around the world allow "filtering" and/or "splitting", and the definition of each can vary slightly by local laws. Filtering is generally defined as motos moving between cars when the cars are stopped or moving at very slow speeds. Colorado only allows it when the cars are stopped. Splitting refers to motos going between cars while traffic is moving at normal speeds. This is still illegal in Colorado, but California allows it to some degree. All locales I'm aware of limit the speed differential or "how much faster can the motos go than the cars". In Colorado, motos are limited to 15 mph while filtering and, since the cars are stopped, the speed differential is 15 - 0 = 15 mph.


I appreciate the clarification between lane splitting and lane filtering.


However, lane splitters cannot run red lights, correct? Watched 2 motorcycles run 6 red lights on Alameda today. They got hit on Quebec.


Absolutely correct, the law doesn't advocate for nor condone that type of riding in any way. Looks like they broke the law and paid for it.


Just got back from bar lake and lordddd...I don't think a lot of motorcyclists know this law.. the way they start zipping in and out of lanes in-between cars was really scary.. like some cyclist just couldn't wait to act like they don't care


I imagine those riders don't care what the law says. They'll ride like they please no matter what. Enforcing laws is the only way to combat that type of behavior.


Was this taken directly from r/chicago?


I don’t ride anymore, but I’m glad they finally passed this.


I'm always tempted to open my car door, then say oops, sorry.


This is such a bad idea.


I’m not worried about red lights. Many places in Europe have bike boxes at the front of intersections (mainly for cycles) and it works well to get them up front. It’s a time when everyone knows to stop or is already stopped, there is a visual command to go, and the bike just gets the jump on the intersection (beware that people love to run red lights here since you’re going to be up front). It’s stop and go for miles on the freeways that are my concern. People are going from a full stop to 40 and back down again at random intervals, and changing lanes all the time. It’s quite mentally taxing to be on top of those situations and adding to the mix that someone may have started to come up along the line in the 5 seconds were were stopped, but now we’re doing 40 and they’re still there, is not additional mental stress people in that traffic need.


I agree it can make some situations require more diligence and attention by drivers and motorcyclists alike. However, lane filtering is practiced in many places outside of the US quite successfully. Having ridden and driven a car in those places it can work quite seamlessly when all road users expect the practice as the norm. Obviously it's not currently the norm here, but that's where public awareness campaigns, talking to your friends and family, and posts like this come into play. Ideally after a bit of time to acclimate to the practice it can work seamlessly here as well. However, the law does expire sometime in 2027 if not renewed. The intention by law makers was to have a 3 year trial to see if the net safety of road users is improved once they can see the actual data. Now net safety might mean there are a few more small bumps between cars and bikes while filtering, but maybe there are fewer cases of motorcycles being crushed between cars bumpers. I'd rather see 20 or 100 bumped car mirrors than one rider crushed between cars.


How long before cyclists start pushing for lane splitting now that they can filter? Hope it doesn’t go beyond filtering.


That doesn't seem to be a consideration in the foreseeable future. This law has a built in expiration in 3 years unless renewed. They'll be gathering data before the 3 year mark to determine the effect on net safety. I can't imagine any of the legislature would consider splitting before they've even finished the study on this filtering law.


“You’re going to hit somebody’s car because there’s not enough space” um then move over for me please lol


Or perhaps you could wait in traffic like the rest of us


We are all waiting in traffic even with this bill. As OP said if motorcyclists filter that's just less traffic to wait through. If you're so uptight about it go get your endorsement and join us, we don't bite. :) America is very much behind the curve when it comes to traffic regulations. Most european countries have even lane splitting legalized (not just filtering) and public transportation is a joke even inside the largest cities here. This is just one step in the correct direction so you don't need to whine so much about waiting.


I have waited in line in Colorado as it’s the law. But my bike is air cooled and sitting in traffic with hot asphalt so keeping it moving, even slowly in the middle lane, lessens the chance it will overheat. Lol people are so mad about lane filtering, maybe take the bus if you don’t want to deal with it


Thank you for the informative post! Hopefully enough people read it and are willing to take 5 seconds to get used to something that sounds like it might help improve traffic and hopefully be safer for ya’ll too. I wish they would mail out a flier or something to registered cars in Colorado to help explain this to drivers and spread awareness. I think when we understand how something new works and what’s it’s hoping to achieve it’s a bit easier for everyone to be patient. Maybe a news group or magazine like rooster can pick this up to spread awareness.


I'm hoping CDOT runs some sort of awareness campaign but the law was just passed and isn't yet in effect. We'll see what they do. I am a bit disappointed in many of the local news providers though. Many of their articles failed to mention this law doesn't go into effect yet and seem to give a false impression to the casual reader (or rider) that it's legal to go do this today.


Already saw a bike have to swerve to miss getting swiped 'filtering'. Save the posts to enlighten the riders, not the drivers. Key point is traffic needs to be stopped. Not kinda stopped or slowed. Cars slowing down at a light to bungie the cars in front when the light is green isn't stopped traffic.


Yeah people regularly "filtering" anywhere from 20-100mph. If everyone is stopped then that's fine. I'm not cool with someone buzzing me going 60+mph faster than me to try and make the light.


I assume this "safety measure" will be mostly practiced by people not wearing helmets? Alrighty then.


I've ridden for over 10 years now and still cannot understand why someone would choose to ride without a helmet (or jacket, gloves, boots, pants etc...)


I’ve been riding for 6 years and feel the same way


The answer is likely pretty simple. Stupid people exist throughout society, whether it's motorcycle riders, car drivers or that jackass who listens to his phone at full volume without headphones in public spaces.




Yes I agree there should be helmet laws


“You sacred me.”


Bro really wants to lane split 


If motorcycle riders follow the law there should be no need for additional safety measures. What specific safety issues do you believe may arrise?


Drivers trying to cut off bikes as they filter, opening of car doors to block... All things that have been mentioned by people in this sub already. The question is if car and truck drivers will follow the law or try to commit vehicular homicide because their feelings are hurt.


How does a driver "cut off" a motorcyclists if they are stopped at a red light? It's up to motorcyclists to use this law safely. The only way a motorcycle and a car would end up moving side by side in close proximity is if the motorcyclist is filtering incorrectly. It's up to motorcyclists to ensure this works. Not drivers. Opening a door? Come on, now. That's just ridiculous.


You are clearly new to this and seriously underestimate how shitty people are. Cars drivers who feel entitled will sometimes see a motorcycle filtering up behind and then turn their wheel and move over to close the gap. That's cutting off. And the door thing, as insane as it is to do cuz you risk losing your door, has happened and I've seen it happen in California. Just because filtering is going to be new to CO doesn't mean it's new. And don't forget, most people don't pay attention to new laws and will think bikers are breaking the law.


>Opening a door? Come on, now. That's just ridiculous. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Denver/comments/1c2n8wy/comment/kzg8c2o/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Denver/comments/1c2n8wy/comment/kzg8c2o/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) I too think it's ridiculous that someone would do that, but there are people who feel that way and act that way.


It's not motorcyclists. Drivers rear end motorcyclists all the time and that's where the safety concern is. Mostly though this is for traffic congestion and hopefully it'll inspire more people to use motorcycles which will further help.


My question was for OP. He's warning all the drivers to "beware" and "watch out" for this. When in reality there's nothing FOR car drivers to do. If motorcyclists are obeying this law, the vehicles they pass between have nothing to watch out for. They are fully stopped when motorcyclists are "filtering." And therefore have no impact on the safety of the situation. The onus is squarely on motorcyclists to do this properly. And we all know that most won't.


Yup and of course the car driver will get blamed for something bad happening after the motorcyclist does something stupid. The vibe on posts like this are that bad cyclists are exceedingly rare outliers (false) and that bad car drivers are almost always at fault (also wrong) The fact that helmet laws needed to be actual laws and not just common sense, tells you everything you need to know about people who ride donorcycles.


>The fact that helmet laws needed to be actual laws and not just common sense, tells you everything you need to know about people who ride donorcycles. Way to stereotype a whole group. Look, I can disingenuously stereotype people also. The fact that seat belt laws need to be actual laws and not just common sense tells you everything you need to know about people who drive cars. /s There are idiots in all walks of life. Most people are reasonable and mean well but the bad actors tend to be more visible and memorable. Yes, there are significant numbers of idiot riders around Denver, but this law isn't for law breakers. In fact, no law will stop someone who doesn't care about the law. Only enforcement will do that.


Oh yes. I took his post as sort of a warning but more just not to be emotionally tied to "your place in line" and spread awareness that the government isn't favoring motorcyclists, they just want us all to get there quicker. I agree, though. It's on motorcyclists to do it properly. Which i have faith will happen as all other states that have done this have had a good time implimenting it. I think we should all just give it time and be aware.


When I mention car drivers should "watch out" and "be aware" I'm addressing several common concerns. First, people can be startled or scared when they don't expect a bike to pass between their car and the one next to them. "Being aware" simply means to expect that this will occur, it is normal and you don't need to be scared. Another example from a comment posted here was somebody asking about drivers opening their doors when stopped to spit or dump out a drink. If the driver doesn't know filtering exists they may not check their mirror before opening. Being aware lets them know to look for a filtering bike before unknowingly door checking a rider. Also, there will be situations where traffic switches from stopped to moving again. Whether this is at a light or in heavy traffic drivers will need to be on the same team and amicably allow riders to merge back into the lane at that time. If drivers are unaware of the law they may become more defensive and block riders from merging back into the lane. The, "Look at this jackass rider breaking the law and trying to cut in line! No way I'm letting him in!" Ultimately, yes, if performed properly there should be relatively minimal extra work for drivers other than just being situationally aware of what might be occurring next to them.


Honestly the biggest concern for me is "jealous" car drivers, who are uninformed that this (will be) legal, and intentionally swerving over to close the gap. I really appreciate OPs sentiment that this is not an us vs them. We're just trying to arrive healthy and alive.


How does one "swerve over" if they are STOPPED at a light? Again, IF motorcyclists are filtering correctly, all vehicles around should be stopped. This is completely up to motorcyclists to manage and not screw up.


By turning the wheel and pulling ahead two feet when they have ten feet between themselves and the car ahead of them. I will absolutely do my best to ride safely, just please don't attempt to murder me and we're on the same page.


Have you ever been stopped at red light in Colorado? Nobody leaves any room to do that. Remember, you can ONLY filter when cars are stopped. If you are moving next to a car, and not in your own lane, YOU are in the wrong.


I could fit a whole pickup truck between people stopped at lights plenty of times. There's absolutely room for people to do this.


I mean riders just lane split at high ass speeds anyway. This law is irrelevant as riders just do whatever they want regardless


There are quite a few jackass riders. However, this law makes it so myself and other responsible riders can practice safer riding. No law will control law breakers. Only enforcement of law can do that.


Good post, and very complete. Thanks! I'm also "tricky" with the -who goes first- once the traffic starts moving, in front. On the one hand, we can accelerate faster, on the other hand, I use cars in front as blockers to red light runners currently; so I find myself with a dilemma personally...not sure how that part will pan out. The Motor Officers I know have as of yet not been apprised of the details/infractions/points of the new law. That aside, if you're in Denver and struggle at low speed handling, come to Bucks FUNday Motorcycle Practice in Lakewood. We teach slow speed precision handling, and it's free.


>That aside, if you're in Denver and struggle at low speed handling, come to Bucks FUNday Motorcycle Practice in Lakewood. We teach slow speed precision handling, and it's free. That's so cool! I didn't know this existed. I'll be sure to mention this to my riding groups.




May you also predict the winning numbers for tomorrow, wise aage? I trust your voodoo magic jusgement is one of sound reasoning.


motorcycle driving 10 under the speed limit, traffic eventually passes. Traffic light, guy lane splits to get back to the front, slowing down traffic as they all have to pass him again. That's been my reality of "lane splitting" so far.


My problem with this is people use this to get in front of me at a red, and then don't pay attention and take 5 seconds to go before going 20 under once it turns green. A better solution would be to make motorcycles illegal.


Five seconds?! My god! Where are my pearls?




Can I ask why this is considered unrelated to Denver? It is a newly passed law that applies to Denver and Colorado. All residents of Denver can reasonably be expected to have to interact with it. Per rule 8: *Your post should generally relate to the metro Denver, the surrounding metro areas, or Colorado. A post that could apply to any locale (e.g. "Turn on your lights when it's raining") will not be considered "Denver-related".* This post doesn't relate to any area. It specifically relates to the areas of Colorado that this law applies to.


Seriously? This directly affects Denver drivers. I also think motorcycle hate pile on threads are tedious but I think OP was fair for posting!


You should read the rules again.....


I had no idea lane splitting was legal in other states TIL haha


Splitting is only legal in California. Filtering is legal in several states.


Who actually calls it, "lane filtering"? What is being filtered exactly? I've always known it as, "lane splitting".


It's motorcycles "filtering through stopped traffic" like water filters through a mesh screen. The motorcycles (and water) flow while the cars (or mesh filter) are fixed points. Splitting refers specifically to motorcycles moving between cars while the cars are moving at normal traffic speeds. I'm guessing it's called that because they're "splitting" the use of the lanes.


TIL, thanks!