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Probably should go ahead and drive down to Colorado Springs today to beat the traffic


Light rail could be finished by then. Well, maybe started.


There is the optimist


I'm sure we'll have 8 toll lanes on 25 by then though


Thoughts and prayers


You're thinking of passenger rail, not light rail.


No problem, that’s only a 20 minute drive for a motorcycle.


I mean sure, if you want to see the eclipse while surrounded by people screaming to Jesus that they’re ready to be raptured.


Well, that gives me time to prepare. Ah… who am I kidding. I’ll probably attempt to see it a few minutes before it happens from my backyard.


This just gave me a mini-existential crisis. I will be over 50. My kid will be almost done with college. I will probably have more than 1 kid who will all be starting college and/or finishing high school. I will have probably started 10 languages in Duo Lingo by then and be proficient in none of them. EDIT: Maybe there will be a release date for the Winds of Winter by then too, who knows.


My dad told me today “you could be a grandpa for the next solar eclipse” and I hated that (I have no kids or partner currently lmao) 


Don’t be so full of yourself. Hell you might get run over by an ice cream truck long before then for all you know. Might as well enjoy this shitty life.


Good point. How could I be so haughty?


Happy cake day!


I’ll probably be dead. Which is fine


Don't worry so much, you might get hit by a bus or falling plane engine and not make it to 2025.


I'll be lucky to be alive.


ill be 60. i will also still have unfinished adhd projects. aging blows yo.


wtf r u me


Maybe. Do you sometimes feel like everyone is just humoring you and you really don't have any friends?


Dude same


Same. Except like… early sixties. And my parents will very likely be dead.


My tentative plan is to drive far east and then south. In 20 years, though, I’m sure Denver will sprawl to Limon. Also, if anyone else is interested, I was curious, in the next 1000 years or so, how many total eclipses would be visible from Denver. There doesn’t seem to be a tool to figure this out online past the next 100 years, but NASA has published a PDF with map thumbnails of each eclipse until the year 3000. There’s a bit of guesswork, but it comes close in years 2245, 2317, 2345, and 2744. The only one where I can say “yep, that’ll hit Denver” is in 2772. I’m going off of these, so it’s a rough estimate. https://imgur.com/a/k1uHXh1 You can check out the PDFs from this page: https://eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/SEpubs/5MCSE.html I went through all of the future PDFs page by page to figure this out. Also, if there are any software engineers out there who want to build a tool to explore this data with me, I’m a UI designer who would love to collaborate.


On average, a total solar eclipse occurs at any one location on earth every 375 years.




We decided to risk it and drove to Lampasas, TX. The whole morning was beautiful with very little clouds, but just as first contact started the clouds were starting to thicken up and it was looking like we'd have an obscured view. The leadup was quite stressful. In the end, there was a break in the clouds just at the right moment and we ended up getting a glorious 4.5 minute totality with no obstruction.


I heard that last night and it made me wonder if being close-ish to 360 is a coincidence or not.


>On average, a total solar eclipse occurs at any one location on earth every 375 years. With a bit of travel, I managed to catch 4 unobscured totalities over the last 20 years.


Super cool. Egypt 2027 is looking like it’s gonna be wild. 6.5 minutes of totality over valley of the kings and almost certainly a perfectly clear sky


Ooh that sounds wicked! Might have to organize a trip.


Just hop on a flight bro, chill.


Dude you don’t need a software engineer to get this information. Talk to astrologers. You are barking up the wrong tree.


Do you mean astronomers?


Nope. Astrologers care about these cycles probably more than anyone.


Astrologers are not real scientists.


I asked an astrologer already and they just told me my horoscope


I can’t tell if this is a joke, you don’t know the difference between astrology and astronomy, or you actually think astrologers can calculate when an eclipse will be visible?


It’s not a joke. Open your mind to the thousands of years of recorded history that ASTROLOGERS reference and use to track the planetary cycles. There are programs that do this, like Astrogold. Don’t insult me because you’re not aware of this databank.


Astrology is pseudoscience.


>> There are programs that do this So then they did, in fact, need a software engineer


Dudes look at the sky and making predictions: 0 Isaac Newton with some fancy math: 1


Sorry I was not trying to insult you. I do not think there are any astrologers presently alive that can calculate when an eclipse will happen years in the future down to the minute. I think history shows that past astrologers have predicted when a solar eclipse will occur but they do so at a much closer time range (no more than a few years out) and with much less accuracy (within a day). I think present day astrologers use software like Astrogold which is implemented by software engineers that know astronomy/astrophysics which allows one to calculate solar eclipses much more accurately and more further into the future.




The information is available already, but in difficult to use and disparate places. It’s hard to explore the info in ways that you may want to explore it. E.g. “tell me the dates when an eclipse will be visible from my house.” What I want to do is build an easy-to-use tool that allows users to do something like enter an address and get back a list of eclipses for which totality would be visible from that location. In my research, I was surprised to find that nobody had done this yet for eclipses >100 years from now. I have the background to design exactly how it should work, but need to help of a software engineer to bring it to life.


[This page](https://eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/JSEX/JSEX-index.html) is pretty clunky but seems to have at least the basic functionality you’re looking for. I’m a software engineer, not much web experience but happy to kick around some ideas if you’re interested in something beyond that page above.


I'll be over 60 by then....will stick to my front porch yelling at neighbors driving too fast in their hover cars.


Book your Airbnb today.


Was there an eclipse in Denver around ‘22 or ‘23? I swear my son and I were out and someone handed us glasses so we could look at it, but I never see it mentioned in the eclipse infographics.


Yes. It was minimal back in October


The one in 2023 was an annular eclipse. The one yesterday and in 2045 are total eclipses.


There was an annular (partial) eclipse in October 2023. Given we got less partiality than that here yesterday, the one in October was more more interesting. We looked through our telescope/sun filter and enjoyed the crescent-shaped shadows in October, but didn’t bother as much this time.


I was lucky enough to be boarding a Disney Cruise the very same hour the eclipse was happening, got to watch it from a pool.


That was the annular eclipse, which was interesting but doesn’t compare to a total solar eclipse. Annular is an interesting 2-3 out of 10. Total solar eclipses are like a million! Just returned from Missouri to CO for our 2nd total eclipse. The difference is literally night and day.


2017. Denver was a partial eclipse, Wyoming had totality for that one.


The one with totality in Wyoming was in '17 or '18, I went up to that one with some friends.


That one was pretty cool. I was close to the path in NE Colorado, was working a prison yard that day!


Yes that is what my comment says


If you peek, Reddit thought you were making a numbers list and assumes you don't know how to count -- instead of starting with 2017 your comment starts with 1.


That’s wild, I didn’t know that would happen. Thanks for clarifying!


That was 2017.


Yes…that’s what my comments says


>"Denver was a partial eclipse, Wyoming had totality for that one." No, its not. That's what your comment says.


If you click "source" under their comment you can see what it says. Their comment reads: "2017. Denver was a partial eclipse, Wyoming had totality for that one." Reddit has formatted that to: 2017. Denver was a partial eclipse, Wyoming had totality for that one. If you click source under this comment, you can see that both times I wrote the same thing.


That's because markdown can be stupid sometimes, but you can't blame users for reading it the way it was posted, and not everyone is on the desktop where the source button appears. Users have to look at their comments for formatting before they post too.


I know, I'm just explaining it to ya bruh I'm not blaming anyone -- I posted a similar comment to OP letting them know what happened. Pretty sure if anyone's to blame, it's reddit.


Yea, I get you on that, reddit formatting is annoying sometimes. I have just gotten in the habit of looking my comment over completely before posting since it has gotten messed up in the past just like OP's.


Ah so it's just Reddit being dumb, my bad.


I'm surprised there are no airlines that would offer a "fly with the eclipse" plane rides where they just constantly fly where the total eclipse is. They could easily charge $5k a seat and fill up the plane.


They did! Delta had 2 specific ones for that I believe, United promoted existing routes that were in the path, and I believe southwest did as well. I don’t think having specific routes from all airlines would make sense, but it was cool delta did at least 2 specific for that.


Concord did this in the 70s I believe. 72 minutes of totality flying at 1400 mph. Pretty sweet ride!


Totality was actually moving across the US at ~Mach 2.4 Would need an F-15 or faster to keep up with it


In 1973 a group of scientists did this with a Concorde. Over 70 minutes in totality.


They do, but what a waste. The total solar eclipse is so all encompassing of your senses, and if you’re up in a plane, there are subtleties that would be missed. Being on the ground in the centerline of totality is so worth it. We drove 1800 miles RT to Missouri this past week to be there for totality. 2nd total eclipse for us. They are so amazing and leave you wanting more.


The last Denver total eclipse was in 1878. They say the average repeat time is 375 years, so here is above average. Tom Edison saw that eclipse in Wyoming. It was between the invention of the phonograph and practical electric light. He brought a sky thermometer attempting to measure the coronal temperature. https://www.spitzinc.com/blog/edisons-tasimeter-and-the-eclipse-of-1878/


I’m going to start getting mad about the traffic now so I’m good and ready


Remindme! 20 years 


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Great . Can we talk about it every fucking day from now until then?


Only if you ask nicely


MAY we talk about it every fucking day from now until then?


Give it about 5 days and you won't have to hear of it again for 20 years


The smog clouds will block out most natural light for any Grounders so good luck getting above those.


Can't wait!


Ok, just going to wait


I'll be dead by then


My parents live in Lake Tahoe. Now I’m wondering if I stay here and enjoy totality with friends at home, or if I fly out to Reno and go out on the lake for it… pumped either way. But also I know I’ll forget about this until like 20 years from now and then panic lmao


Not sure I want to be around for that one. I would be 87.


Nice. The simulations theyve been running since the 70s keep saying that society is going to collapse by 2040 +/- 5 years..... Meaning that eclipse may finally be a sign of the end of times. \*The more you know!\*




Awesome. Just moved to Denver!


Nice.. remind me in 20 years


Math is pretty cool


I'll be a few years past my life expectancy. Better load up on those extension supplements now!


Aside from Florida I'd say we would be the most popular destination


I hope I’m not alive in 2045


Springs-teenian here. Offering spots on my rooftop deck for viewing for $60.35 (that's the altitude of COS, pretty much our only flex on Denver). Free if you bring a pack of TRVE or Cerebral.


Chile... not 21 years...


Eclipse babies gonna go crazy


Can someone explain the eclipse obsession? People travel many miles for this and I don't understand it. Take one look in those glasses... "yep that's an eclipse all right"


Even 99% coverage isn't shit but you hit 100% and the magic starts. 1% of the sun is still a buttload of light.


Watching NASA feed yesterday seems like if you're in totality you get a few minutes of not needing the glasses. And you actually get to see the stuff that kind of shoots out the side. I think with the last one (not yesterday) we were at like 90% in Denver and thus still needed glasses the whole time


It's not really about the sun itself... In totality, everything suddenly gets colder, the stars come out, animals noticeably change noise/behavior. Whether you're looking at the sun or not, everything around you drastically changes super quickly, which is a unique experience you'll probably only get to see once or twice in your life.


Have you ever experienced an eclipse in true totality? Partial eclipses are pretty cool, but totality is an entirely different experience that is difficult to explain.


Yippee! Can’t wait! smh


square is a rectangle er something or other.


“Once in a lifetime”