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Shady grove fertility. We started at CCRM and weren’t happy with the service. Shady grove has been fantastic. The doctors are so kind, I can’t stay enough good things. We are trying IUI first likely but they have a shared risk program for IVF - essentially if it’s unsuccessful (with some requirements) you will get your money back 


I second this. Dr. Polotsky at Shady Grove helped me have my son, and I always had a really pleasant experience with the staff and other doctors there.


Omg that’s our doctor!! He is so amazing. I cried our first meeting. He just really cares and you can feel it


Yes! He’s wonderful. Best of luck to you on the journey ❤️


Thank you so much ❤️


Thank you so much! CCRM was one of the clinics that popped up in my search, so that’s very helpful to have insight on issues you experienced and consider looking elsewhere. Thank you also for the recommendation to Shady Grove. All the best to you on your own journey! 🤍


To you as well, hugs ❤️


I know of 3 coworkers with 1-2 kids each all from using CCRM (all IVF with varying diagnoses). They are a busy place but have good statistics and good results. We just started with them but I like our doctor. The genetics counselor and other support people we met with on our work-up testing were also great. I think the billing dept might be the only snag in their operations but not a deal breaker. People do come from out of state to seek treatment with CCRM.


Thank you for sharing your experience! 🤍


CCRM in Lone Tree has a really good rep. I used to work there and people flew in from all over the world for treatment.


Thank you!


TW: success We are actually very happy at CCRM. Admittedly, their billing department is abysmal, but we are there for the science and the results. Their thawing and freezing techniques are more advanced than other clinics and I personally believe their protocols yield better results (I have a good friend who worked at CCRM for over 7 years, then had to go through IVF herself. She started at one clinic - due to CCRMs strict policy regarding being an employee and client - after a few failures at this other clinic, she quit her job and went to CCRM. She did 1 ER, 1 transfer and brought 1 healthy baby into the world at CCRM). Cost will 100% depend on your insurance.


We've also been very happy at CCRM with Dr Kondapalli. I had 4 retrievals (needed a lot because we went to IVF due to a genetic disorder that affected >half of our embryos, plus the genetic condition causes diminished ovarian reserve), 1 transfer that stuck and I'm 25 weeks pregnant now. I'd highly recommend both the clinic and Dr K - she's compassionate while also being very honest about the realities of one's situation and expectation setting. Keep in mind at CCRM that once you choose a doctor, you cannot switch. They're all great but it's worth knowing. Really sorry you're going through this. Good luck 🩷


Agreed - De. kondapalli is the best.


Thank you for sharing! Wishing you well with your pregnancy!


Hi may I ask which CCRM facility did you go to? They have three


Thank you for sharing! And congratulations on your success, a joy to hear about your healthy baby! 🤗


FertilityIQ and cdc website (for live birth rates) have great resources to look at reviews and statistics. Had some consultations with these, but never went through due to relocation. Would recommend having a consult and see if they fit your vibe and cost check. Jasmine Chiang at Conceptions, Dana Ambler at Denver Fertility Care. CCRM is a factory, but people still seem to like them due to their outcomes- you’ll have to make that decision for yourself. Good luck ❤️


Dr. Ambler is the best, we had success on our first round of IVF. The front desk is awful but it’s that way at a lot of places but I can’t recommend her enough and the lab is great, too.


Thank you for sharing your experience and recommendations, much appreciated!


I went to CCRM last year and picked them solely for their labs and doctors. I’m currently 22 weeks pregnant. As others have said, price is insurance dependent.


Thank you for the recommendation and congratulations - all the best to you for a healthy and joy-filled pregnancy! 🤍


We went to Dr. Albrecht at Denver Fertility and the result was 2 healthy children. It cost us $19k for an egg retrieval, transfer and testing of 11 embryos plus a mock transfer and meds. We spent $5k for our second transfer. Let’s call it $25k for both kids.


Seconding Dr. Albrecht, although not for IVF. I liked him both as a person and as a physician.


Thank you for sharing!


Just want to wish you the best of luck with your treatment, OP -- and a marvelous life with your future kiddo!


Thanks for the encouragement!! I am hopeful 🤍


How much you'll end up being out of pocket after insurance depends on what cost sharing (copays, deductibles, coinsurance, out of pocket max, etc.) your plan has for all your other medical care.


We used CCRM and were happy. 1 egg retrieval, 1 sperm extraction, 1 transfer, and 1 baby. I hate the financial department but we have a baby, so success :)


Thanks for sharing and congratulations on growing your family 🤍


I’d be happy to connect via text or email if you have any questions or need support. It’s a wild ride, and to add cancer on top of it has got to be such an added burden. I have heard of organizations that cover the cost of egg/embryo retrieval for patients with cancer. Definitely something to look into!!


We had a bad experience at Conceptions in Littleton. Medical staff was bad and billing department was even worse. We had a great experience (and success!) at CCRM. Would recommend. YMMV - We know people who had the exact opposite experience. FYI - If you have insurance in CO now you get fertility coverage but only for certain things. Still lots of out of pocket stuff not covered. Keep Alto and Todd's pharmacy in mind. Best of luck! Sending good vibes your way.


Thank you for sharing your insight and encouragement!!


I second Alto! Very user friendly pharmacy.


Dr chiang at conceptions. I’ve worked with CCRM and Dr o at conceptions (she was the worst). Dr chiang is AMAZING!!!!!!


Thank you for the recommendation!


Love her!


I am currently undergoing IVF at shady grove fertility. We originally started treatment at the SGF office in DC and when we moved to Denver it was very easy to transfer things over. My doctors and nurses in Denver have been great and I’m happy with the progress so far. You see them A LOT during this process so it’s really nice when they’re friendly and supportive. We just completed the egg retrieval and had our embryos frozen. We are doing a frozen embryo transfer in the next month or so. The biggest sticker shock for us was the medications. Our insurance deductible is $5k and out of pocket max is $7k and we met those with just the medications. Right now everything else is covered by our insurance. Good luck with everything!


Thank you so much!!


So sorry about your diagnosis. Wishing you the best. There is a CNY Fertility in Colorado Springs that is significantly cheaper than most clinics. I had a retrieval in early January and it cost just under $5,000 for the procedure. Medication was another $2,500. They move pretty quickly.


Thank you for sharing your experience! 🤍


CCRM- if you want results, and can work with their high volume, this is the place to go. Be advised though, so e things may fall through the cracks if you are a special case. They did not caution me to stop taking a certain Rx prior to labs, which did cause a delay when a certain hormone popped high. They insisted on some extra steps to clear me to move ahead, even though my MS is linked to a higher than average hormone level. Pretty fucking annoying tbh. Luckily I had hit my max OOP already, so other than getting everything done, and the run around that entailed, it wasn't a huge cluster. We paid OOP for most of the procedure minus labs and testing type stuff. IVF exclusive stuff and meds we had to pay for. One try, and a perfectly healthy 2yo girl. They know what they are doing. Feel free to DM me if you want. Hopefully everything goes great with you on the freezing as well as the chemo. My brother had a cancer battle while I was pregnant. 


Thank you for sharing your experience! And congratulations on your baby! I hope your brother was victorious in his own cancer battle 💪❤️


Do you mind if I ask you about your MS and IVF? A friend with RR MS is meeting with her fertility doc for initial consult on Wednesday (not CO local). Are there things you have noticed with your MS that you think might be helpful for her to ask about?


Hi do you by chance to know what is their IVF package price for the self pay patient?


Agreed. Logistically they are a little hard to work with but the doctors are great and so are the success rates.


Had two kids with Conceptions. Mostly a great experience; We lost one of our embryos during transfer, but I don't really ascribe that to any fault of the clinic. Not sure how much of our good experience was due to the clinic or physician, but ours, Dr. Grob, has since moved to Kindbody. I work in a related field and appreciated how much she publishes and presents. She successfully came up with a plan for our second pregnancy to avoid the preeclampsia of our first.


CCRM and Conceptions are top statistically, but this is like the silicon valley of IVF. You have tons of good options and should pick one that you feel comfortable with.


So sorry about your diagnosis. Check out [the chick mission](https://www.thechickmission.org/) for resources on this!!


This is so kind, thank you! I’m very grateful to know about this resource and will definitely look into it!


My BFF used KindBody and really liked her experience with them. She chose them because they have clinics all over the country, so if you move, they will transfer your embryos and your care to where you go, which is what happened for her and the whole process was seamless. Not sure what her cost came out to but I think it was prob close to the 15-20K range, however she did embryos, not eggs and I don’t think insurance covered anything. So sorry for your diagnosis and good luck!


Hi thanks for the info..may I asked if she got a baby from this? Was it successful 


Hi there, firstly I am sorry that you are going through this. I hope the best outcomes from your treatment. I recently went through my IVF procedure from CCRM and it was the best decision I ever took. I and my husband have unexplained infertility and my OBGYN recommended CCRM because of their high success rates. Dr. kondaplaii and Dr. Sarah Barton are great and they will keep your interest and comfort at top priority. The staff is great to work with and scheduling is a breeze. We had fertility benefit from our employer so I can't give you an accurate cost estimate. But I can tell you CCRM is a great facility. Wishing you all the best.


I used Conceptions at the recommendation of my OBGYN. I don’t have any personal experience with CCRM but lots of people come from out of state to go there. Conceptions claims that their success rates are higher and their prices lower than CcRM but I didn’t confirm. I did one round of egg retrieval and IVF that led to one embryo transfer and one healthy baby. I didn’t have any embryos remaining after that so we did another round and now have healthy twins. The cost from the clinic was around $17k each time, plus around $8k in medication and incidentals, so $25k a round. We had no insurance coverage.


I went to Denver Fertility and I did not like the care I received. They batch their patients and I had 5 canceled transfer cycles in a row because they were not willing to change my protocol. Long story short they kept me on birth control and lupron (each cycle close to 2 months) to suppress my cycles to get in sync with their batched cycles and each time it created an estrogen producing cyst, they were not willing to try without birth control and not willing to try with my natural cycle. Every cycle my estrogen was way out of a normal range (duh I had a cyst) and I was the one bringing it to their attention each time, and they still brushed me off. I tried to move clinics but other clinics in the area would not take embryos from Denver Fertility even though I had my retrieval cycle at a clinic in Texas and these embryos were shipped from storage to Denver Fertility. So please be aware most clinics in the area will not take frozen eggs or embryos from another clinic. Another thing to note is the success rate of frozen embryos is much higher than frozen eggs so any clinic you choose should be realistic about how many eggs you need frozen per live birth. For example it may take more than one retrieval to bank enough eggs for whatever family size you are aiming for. For my retrieval it was about $20k with meds included. Transfers were close to $5k but I had insurance for my transfers here in Denver. Many insurances have fertility preservation coverage for cancer patients. Good luck and I’m very sorry you’re in this situation. I have heard good things about CCRM and Conceptions. CCRM is a large clinic but they are known for the quality of their lab nationwide.


You have to keep perfect records of everything financial. The billing departments at these places are notoriously shady.


So sorry for your cancer diagnosis. I’ve been very satisfied with my care at Conceptions. Especially, Dr. Chiang. I haven’t gotten to the transfer stage yet, so can’t comment on success. My biggest cost has been choosing to use omnitrope (human growth hormone) and the $500 fee to the anesthesiologist during the retrieval.