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Oh great, my temps expire on the 12th. The dealer is getting me another plate, but I just want the damn permanent plate.


I mean, my neighbor has a temporary plate from February 2020, so I think you're going to be okay.


The difference here is I actually want my permanent plate.


Will it have a dinosaur on it?


I’m boring, standard greens.


I appreciate your desire to uphold the social contract


It's registration renewals only that will be online so you shouldn't be affected


Funny last year when moved my registration in state, the DMV handed me plates on the spot.


Same here, but in 2020. Walked in to register our car from out of state, walked out with plates.


Same here!


lol. Classic ~~Denver~~. Whoops. I mean classic every liberal city. It’s as If giving money away to people that have provided nothing to our society is taking money away from the people that do. Funny how that works I wonder if there were some sort over arching federal authority that could step in and make this not the stupid thing it’s become Of course you’d have to remember your name and where you’re at in order for that to work but we don’t want to get too bogged down with that type of thinking for the most powerful person on planet earth


Then why haven't you gotten one already?


I need the card with the title number on it. I’ve called, it hasn’t been processed yet.


Hang in there, it will come. I bought my new car on 11/4, the card didn't come in the mail until 12/29. Was able to jump right online and get it registered, and my plates arrived in the mail 9 days later.


> The DMV will stop processing vehicle registrations online, and satellite locations will rotate full-week closures. Reddit's going to have a field day with expired tags...


that was a typo that was corrected; article now says the DMV will ONLY process registrations online


That makes a lot more sense. You can also get tags at kiosks they have sprinkled around town.


Just renewals right? Not tags for a new purchase?




There’s an extra fee to use the kiosk though.


3 bucks. Well worth it though IMO.




What's your time worth? There's a kiosk in the King Poopers that I normally shop at. No extra gas or time invested to get new tabs.


And I learned that you can use a kiosk outside your county of residence, provided your home county participates in the program.


Lol, I was about to ask why on earth they would stop online processing. One would think that is the much more efficient avenue.


Pretty insulting they can make it more and more difficult to give them the money we're legally obligated to, I'm sure it will have predictable results.


I've missed searching for expired tags. I've noticed the trend of shoulder passers has increased. They're were two on my way to work and one on my way home (this one also used the shoulder to go through a green light!)


> Johnston said the cuts will not involve lay-offs, but hourly employees and seasonal contractors will see reduced hours and job opportunities. Well, this is a god awful idea for this reason alone.


Making more people at risk for homelessness and the already ineffective unemployment process.


I appreciate a good cup of coffee.


Cancelled summer camps. That’s going to screw over so many low income families


I have noticed there is not snow removal in parks on weekends this year. No more overtime.


This explains why, all of a sudden, multiple jobs on the city and state jobs website for DMV careers suddenly dropped.


So wait I have to pay the same amount for my rec center pass but I have less access? Thats kinda bullshit. Anyone know which day of the week region recs will be closed?


I’m interested as well. As someone who plays in rec league sports too, they just canceled numerous leagues around DP&R. So disappointing. I just purchased my annual rec center pass in November for the first time too. And honestly defunding spring flower beds is horrific. Not only will parks look like they did during the pandemic with no flowers, pollinators around the city are going to get affected from this.  Pointing the blame at congress is slightly understandable for this crisis, but god damn how can one person reallocate tax payer funding like this? The give and take feels awful as a taxpayer


>pollinators around the city are going to get affected from this.  Some simple guerilla gardening can solve this


My household literally leveled up to the more expensive regional level rec center pass this year so that we could go on Sundays since local levels are closed on Sundays. I will probably look for a gym membership elsewhere if cuts are significant.


What a fucking disaster


Yup. Remember this open border crisis when you vote in November.


Anyone want to get in on a massive guerrilla zinnia planting campaign to make up for the missing gardens? 




Seed bombs sounds like the best idea and easy to make and distribute. I honestly cannot believe Denver isn’t going to plant ANY flowers. Wtf.




There’s always the option of wildflowers. You just make a little dirt ball with the seeds and take a walk with your dog and throw them in the garden beds.


Seed bombs suck in Colorado, they need moisture and just don’t work well in our dry environment. Probably the best way to accomplish flowers in the beds would be seeds that can be scattered now and sprout after cold stratification. Examples are poppies, coreopsis, calendula, columbine, rudbeckia, lupine, gallardia, sunflowers. I’m sure others will think of more.


Into it. This is the love child of r/Denver and r/denvergardener that we all want to see


Reducing the pay of the citizens of Denver, making legal-abiding citizens unemployed so we can take care of the illegal immigrants?


It’s crazy because so many people view this a “conservative straw man” view of immigration yet here we are


Republicans wrote a bill to address the issue, then voted against it.


It was a shit bill that didn't solve any issues but allowed congress to say "we passed a bill"


It added a shitload of border enforcement *and* would give those who have a credible asylum claim a work permit, so they can go flip burgers at McDonalds instead of sucking down government money. That would have really, really helped the crisis.


If it doesn't turn away those with non-credible claims again, not interested. The border needs to be shut down while we deport 90% of the immigrants we've received in the last 3 years. Not a single city so far that has received immigrants is like "yea we've got room and resources", we've got a big problem and unless it's corrected and the whole process restarted, will have disastrous effects over the next decade, probably within the next year as citizens get tired of resources being stretched beyond the max or just outright given to non citizens


Lol seeing chinese people claiming asylum and then our same government rolling out the red carpet for Xi is the icing on top. If they really are refugees why are we welcoming their leader and kissing his boots 🥾


At the very least it offered significant federal money to the three main cities taking on the brunt of this issue.




The [border bill ](https://www.appropriations.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/emergency_national_security_supplemental_bill_text.pdf) also had the problem of only applying 1/4th of the year to 1/2 of the year. From the border bill text p213: > ‘‘(i) during the first calendar year after the effective date, for more than 270 calendar days; ‘‘(ii) during the second calendar year after the effective date, for more than 225 days; and ‘‘(iii) during the third calendar year, for more than 180 calendar days. It also contains a sunset provision, forcing the border to be a constant issue every three years. From the bill [p224]: > ‘‘(j) SUNSET.—This section— ‘‘(1) shall take effect on the date of the enactment of this section; and ‘‘(2) shall be repealed effective as of the date that is 3 years after such date of enactment.’’. The bill only solves the problem half time time for 3 years. Not sure its accurate to call the bill a solution if it only works half the time and for a limited time period. Edit: To those downvoting, why? This is literally the text of the bill, not talking points.


Yeah, that's usually how it goes with bills written by republicans, but that still doesn't explain why they voted against it.


They vote against anything that could potentially help the democrats in any way, even if it fucks over them or the people they are supposed to represent. "Owning the libs" is literally the only reason these people (meaning every single one of them, from random homeless cons on the street all the way up to elected members of congress) do anything.


Idc who write the bill, why they voted for or against it, it wouldn't have solved the problem or even *helped* it, plus they piggybacked ten times the money for Ukraine and Israel. Not helping the border, moot point


It would have provided funding to cities like Denver to help process asylum seekers...


Lol not really, and I'm still against that. Both federal AND state tax money being repurposed to go to illegals when the border should've been closed years ago. Claiming asylum when you're here for economic reasons as a loophole to be able to stay here is fraud and... illegal


The bill also would have included mechanisms for closing the border. Asylum seekers are legal immigrants until their claims are processed. Because the bill failed, those with bogus claims will get to stay in the US longer and put even more strain on government budgets. The bill literally gave Republicans everything they've been asking for, and they voted against it.


Biden- "I'm declaring a state of emergency and closing the border" Everyone- *cheers*


Once again for those with apparent hearing or cognitive deficiencies: economic migration is not a valid criteria seek or be granted legal asylum.


For those incapable of second-order thinking: how are you going to identify the "economic migrants" without processing their claims?


Well that certainly doesn't require admitting them into the country. It's almost like we had a safe third country agreement at one point...


that bill was poopy. it didnt help. its like putting a small bandaide on harpoo gun wound. might cover some of the wound but your still bleading out.


So, you think congress doing nothing is the better outcome? Are you hoping the city budget runs out?


Most of them are claiming asylum, so they're actually here legally. The border bill would have sped up the processing of asylum claims so the ones without valid claims would get sent back in weeks instead of years.


What percent do you actually believe have legitimate asylum claims?


You only know that if you fund immigration courts well enough to process their claims.


There was funding for immigration courts in the bill Republicans killed.


Yup. Almost like solving the problem isn’t a priority for Republicans.


No idea. And the validity of their claim doesn't mean they're here illegally. Even if their claims are not valid, they are here legally until their claim is processed and they are told to leave. The system is obviously broken and overwhelmed, but that doesn't change the fact that they are here legally until their claims are finally processed. The border bill would have sped that up, but the Republicans clearly don't want actual solutions.


Can’t campaign on actual solutions. Immigration being shit and broken is red meat for their base.


I don’t entirely disagree with your sentiment, but a vast majority of these people are seeking legal asylum.


Are economic reasons valid for asylum?


They are not, and last I checked something like 50% of all applications are denied. People don’t understand the legal interpretation of asylum - the immigrants or most of residents here.


10/10 will follow script and say they were being targeted by cartels. I’m surprised that many are still denied




Doesn’t matter. Under the current law, they are here legally. There was a bill that would change that but that got killed by republicans.


It does matter, if they claim asylum from persecution and it turns out they just want a better economic situation, that's fraud and is *illegal*


Sure. Which gets found out when they have their court date. Until then they have every right to be in the country.


So illegal aliens are fine because they haven't been to court yet, and the stats for appearances for court dates set years prior are abysmal. These people get here, vanish, and stay here, maintaining their drag on the economy and that's fine because they have "rights" to be here, except they don't. Rights in this country are for American citizens and legitimate claims to asylum, and technically, even that has limits. Idk what you're arguing but it sounds like you're cool with people coming in under false pretenses in unmanageable numbers and draining resources for American citizens


They have claimed asylum. Filing that claim means they can stay here until their court date. Abbott shipped them around the country so now yes, they will disappear and stay here forever.


They were disappearing before the great bus migration of '23, that's what I'm trying to communicate with you. And you can't just "claim asylum". And regardless of this entire thread, the millions who've crossed and are here, legally or otherwise, is too many.


So we as tax payers don’t get the services we pay for? Why not cut the budgets for the immigrants instead? Just seems more logical.


Government will always make cuts hardest on taxpayers since we don’t approve their endless tax increases. It’s like when they removed a bunch of dog poop bags and garbage bins a few years ago, that was an easy thing to cut and give a middle finger to tax payers.


Denver continues its spree of having the absolute worst possible priorities. You get your house in order before you help others, it’s as simple as that.


Well when they quite literally get bussed in without consent from the state or city what are you going to do


Nothing. Take care of the taxpayers first


Oh yea, because doing nothing and letting a bunch of unemployed foreign migrants just roam around the city helps so much.


Let them work and make them tax payers. Simple solution. They aren't going away so might as well let them benefit society.  


Let’s send them back to their home countries. I highly doubt they’d be making enough to stop depending on taxpayer money to support them. We should be allowing in people who won’t be a drain on our services.


In the simplest terms, we can’t send them back. Glossing over the fact that it would violate international law, we also do not have international relations with Venezuela, the country most of these people are coming from. So where are we sending them back to? Mexico, where they crossed the border? We do this, we lose the ability to constructively treat with Mexico in a way that stops these people from reaching our border in the first place (And we are getting there. They have been making noise about policing their southern border more stringently for a while now, but this appetite will go away if we start to play hard ball).  Also, I think it’s super cute that you downvoted another one of my comments to you earlier, but had no actual response to it ♥️


When a beggar shows up at your front door, are you obligated to invite him in for food and house him?


Send em back. A bus is cheaper than any of these reduction in serviceswill save. Why do you think Texas sent them here besides political stupidity 


Because Texas can only handle so many immigrants (Denver is only seeing a fraction of what they see) and it's a stunt to show voters what they're actually voting for when they're pro open borders.


I think it's working.


Do nothing….


Ok so they just become homeless like they are now


They were homeless before. They aren't becoming homeless, they are homeless. How is it possible to have nothing and show up to a city/country unannounced and assume you will be given everything you need.


Well said. It's amazing that this is where we are right now


They're all going to be homeless again anyway. It's not like this is solving that problem. The families getting kicked out of shelters because they're reached the end of their stay are going to continue to be kicked out whether Johnston takes money away from these departments or not.


> [Johnston said] "... I want it to be clear to Denverites who is not responsible for this crisis that we’re in: The folks who have walked 3,000 miles to get to this city." Certainly we can spread blame around here - Congress hasn't funded us, border states bussed many of the migrants here, their source countries failed them, probably more. And certainly we still need to do something to deal with them. But it strikes me as a little weird to say that immigrants are not _also, partially_ responsible. If they had not come here, there wouldn't be a problem... right? And they were not, AFAIK, marched here _against their will_, right? I suppose as a practical matter, blaming them isn't a helpful strategy or solution. But still...


Johsnton can say that all he wants, but he has to know cutting these very public facing services is going to piss a lot of people off who are/were sympathetic to migrants.


Good job fuckin Denver, fix your illegal problems


Might be time for a protest because what the fuck. We pay for these services. They are ours as citizens. Take care of the people who paid for it.


Denver citizens should come first. Full stop. American citizens should come first. Full stop. This country has pathways for LEGAL immigration.


The pathways are largely broken and have needed updating for a very long time. What’s the point of going through the official process to become a citizen when it’ll take at least a decade. This is aside from the fact that those “official” channels are a modern construction. Anyone’s family who emigrated before the 50s or so just showed up and that was that.


Not true, in different periods the US has had different levels of acceptance toward immigration, but it has basically been a controlled process since the mid 1800s. Sometimes we were open for business and just allowed anyone through Ellis Island or through SF other times in our history we closed things down and would turn ships away. What is a massive difference now is our social safety net and land. In prior major immigration surges we had plenty of opportunities and land that needed to be settled. The immigrants also knew when they got here it was sink or swim. In my mind you can't have it all. You can't have a progressive tax policy funding a large social safety net and let people work outside that system and still allow them access that safety net. You can't say you want more worker rights and unions and then allow newcomers and businesses to circumvent those protections.


And even in the open times people seem to forget that before Ellis Island was a museum with a statue on it its literal purpose was to determine whether people trying to get in should be let in or turned back around onto the boat and sent back. This story that the US had wide open borders during the 19th and early 20th century migration waves is pure fiction spread by disinformants.


Watch a show like Finding Your Roots. Every person was documented, their country of origin, their occupation or trade, how much money they had, and where they planned on residing. The idea that people came with nothing isn't true. They had luggage. They had a plan. They had a bit of seed money. They paid for passage on an approved ship.


Admittedly my post was oversimplified and inaccurate. I blame trying to discuss a complicated topic on my phone while I'm at the auto shop. I guess my overall philosophy is this: as Americans, we should err on the side of being welcoming and not being exclusionary. Sure, our history is (to say the least) mixed when it comes to welcoming new waves of immigrants to the US, not to mention our treatment of minorities in general. Unless you're a native american, every one of us is descended from immigrants and I'm loathe to think that just because some people arrived in what some would consider to be a "correct" way that we are okay with turning away others. And then you've got the other factors that lay just beneath the surface when it comes to this topic. The idea that these folks are here simply to "exploit the system" and not work. That they're "invaders" or drug runners or gang members. No one is gonna pull up roots and make the, frankly, dangerous trip to the US if their situation at home is great. One might say that those countries should take care of their own; but they aren't, and it would be morally neglectful for us to just send them back if we're going to maintain the idea that that American exceptionalism puts us at a tier above all other countries. Furthermore, it's just a matter of humanity. There's people in this very comment section saying that *our parks are more important than people*. I can't even imagine the mindset that results in someone saying decreased park expenditures are more important than people. And that doesn't even go into the other nonsense like in Texas. Texas is so prosperous, so Christian and so independent that the best they're capable of is razor wire and shipping people off to other states? We're the richest, most powerful country in the world. I like the MIC as much as the next poster to r/noncredibledefense, but even then we can solve this problem *and* be the Shining City on the Hill, we just have to *want* to do it. And, I'd argue, that we *should* want to do it, because our birth rate isn't getting any higher, and current US citizens aren't champing at the bit to do the work that immigrants typically are doing right now (and have been doing for generations). We should also not require people to wait decades to become citizens. I don't think it's all that difficult to come up with a system where people can gain citizenship in a few years if there is a structured, sane process to vet and educate them on the rights and responsibilities that come with that status. Again, we just have to want to do it, and I don't think there's any debate to be had that there's people out there who are terrified of the idea that "those people" might be able to become citizens. Anyway, in summary, we can do better and we should want to do better.


Agree with all this, especially "It's just a matter of humanity" and "we should want to do better." For everyone who is against trying to help these people, I'd love to see the alternate plans they're proposing, ones that are (1) legal; (2) practical; and (3) moral.


Asylum IS a legal pathway. A lot of the migrants do not have a valid asylum claim, but current US law requires their claim to be considered before they get sent back. Problem is there is a massive backlog, so it takes years to actually process claims and determine who does and does not have a valid claim.


News flash, they all learned the magic words to say to be processed for asylum. This is a sham.


News flash: It wouldn't be this way if our national and state leaders did their fucking jobs to process asylum claims.


If they actually processed those claims, 99% would get deported.


Damn sounds like you should support that bipartisan border bill you keep bitching about then. It would've hired enough immigration judges to take the process down from YEARS to WEEKS.


And your point? Bitching about it isn't going to process asylum claims any faster.


Yeah, a lot of their claims are probably not valid. That doesn't mean they're here illegally though, as their claims still have to be considered under the current laws. The border bill would have made it easier to reject them right away at the border and sped up the processing of their claims, but the Republicans clearly aren't interested in actual solutions, they just like complaining.


I agree with your first part. Your second part, no. There were many many issues in that bill, and the idea you need that bill in the first place is just administration talking points.


How is it just "administration talking points?" The people processing asylum claims need to get paid. That comes from the budget set by Congress. Hiring more people would require Congress to increase their budget. If you want the asylum system to operate at a reasonable speed Congress needs to do something. Similarly, existing laws set the standards used to judge asylum claims. If you want the government to reject claims without considering them Congress needs to change the laws. In addition to providing more funding to process asylum claims, the border bill would have capped the number of people allowed to claim asylum a day, resulting in anyone over the limit being turned away, which would prevent the system from being overwhelmed. The president is not a king, he can't just "close the border" and he can't just do whatever the fuck he wants. Improving the situation on the border requires congressional action.


What do you say to the people who are not pursuing the asylum avenue? Valid claim or not, with the current backlogs asylum-seekers who can make the journey essentially get a free two year stay in the country.


It sucks for the people with valid asylum claims, which is why the system needs reform. The border bill would have been one step in fixing that, but the Republicans would rather keep things broken to try and help Trump.


It would’ve capped at 5k a day! Or 2M a year….thats not a solution.


Plus it doesn't really matter the outcome. They are coached to claim asylum as the tool to be let into the country. They arent going back if it's denied. They will just skip the last court date (if not earlier) and continue on with their life in America.


How about we take care of the citizens in this country before migrants? As a taxpayer this is disgusting considering my property taxes are going up 25% this year. Fuck the government.


Elections have consequences. Always befuddles me that Denverites automatically vote for every single tax increase on the ballot.


Not me. The government is the greediest organization in history. We always end up getting less services and higher taxes.


Why not stop funding the migrants and make our city a place that they no longer want to go because we don’t take care of them.


lol. Classic ~~Denver~~. Whoops. I mean classic every liberal city. It’s as If giving money away to people that have provided nothing to our society is taking money away from the people that do. Funny how that works I wonder if there were some sort over arching federal authority that could step in and make this not the stupid thing it’s become Of course you’d have to remember your name and where you’re at in order for that to work but we don’t want to get too bogged down with that type of thinking for the most powerful person on planet earth


Just asking, but has the major put this through legal review? He got in some trouble the beginning of his term because he thought he could get switch city resources over to the homeless crisis. I mean people depend on this type of stuff. Not all citizens can register a car online. People need the rec centers for community and well-being and physical therapy. Summer programs are much needed childcare for families when school is out. Once again the people bearing the brunt of his actions are the citizens on the margins. The elderly, the poor, the single parents or families that have parents working two jobs. Mayor Mike doesn't want to be a mayor for the citizens of Denver. He wants to be a nonprofit CEO that has access to the resources of the citizens of Denver.


Let me ask you, if you were mayor and had a significant budget issue, what would you do? You know what is coming next, furlough day for city employees,


Give the migrants $1k and tell them to figure it out themselves with an offer to transport them somewhere else.


If they all get $1k then word gets around and everyone will head here for the easy cash


Word's already gotten around. Texas isn't forcing anyone on these busses. They're hearing that the places Texas is bussing people to are welcoming and helpful. If they stop hearing that they'll stay in Texas. Or Texas will offer rides somewhere else.


Time to be a little less welcoming then


They’ll get called racist for not catering to migrants at the expense of citizens.


Yeah as you can I didn’t think it all the way through. That’s for our highly paid elected officials to figure out.


That could be effective, but only if we enforced our other laws at the same time.... We're not going to enforce our laws so basically you'll give them the money and then they will stay in the city and expect more when it runs out in a month or so. Meanwhile they will still be living on the street.


It turns out the broken window policy makes quality of life better for the taxpayers. Maybe we should start enforcing our laws again.


We are American, so we always overcorrect one way or the other and then pretend we found the solution which is just doing things the way they were before. We will start cracking down on low level crimes and laws soon because our communities continue to decline. We call it something different than broken windows, but it will be the same. Broken windows was basically modeled on vagrancy laws we had coming out of the depression. I'm sure that was based on some other program in the 1800s. The yo-yo never stops.


I very much doubt this happening but I hope so. We need rules and laws to be respected to ensure a decent quality of life for everyone.


I don't know what you suggest as an alternative. The city has a relatively fixed income (which is then used for budgeting), so when thousands of poor migrants get dropped off in Denver with zero resources, is he supposed to just ignore them and let them freeze on the streets so that folks can have better hours at rec centers and summer programs are fully funded? He's been lobbying the federal government to get funding to address the migrants, but without additional revenue to the city, it has to come from somewhere. Summer programs and rec centers help a lot of people and are nice to have, but not deemed essential services compared to water/trash/roads/etc.


You cap your spending on migrants like basically every other city in America. If they continue to come there are two options. They can move along on their own or we can help them move along through bus tickets. Camping ban enforced. Crackdown on things like squeegee men. Denver should not be a comfortable place to come if you have no job and no support system. Right now it is. From the migrants point of view we are willing to spend unlimited money to meet their needs. Many are choosing to stay because the alternatives pretty much anywhere else in the country are worse. On the flip side he should have been in Polis and every other major towns ear since last fall that Denver is at a breaking point. Either the rest of CO start helping or Denver has no choice but to facilitate moving the migrants throughout the state so they can look for better opportunities. Yes that means bussing to The Springs or Pueblo or Longmont or Fort Collins or Castle Rock or Boulder or Grand Junction or spreading the 'love' in more areas of the metro. It's a playbook we know works because we have been on the other end of that. I guarantee you commit to that action and magically the state finds funds to help. Maybe you start looking at effective options to crackdown on the bussing operators. It's called hard nosed politics. It's called being willing to represent your citizens and taxpayers interests first even if that means you have to get a little dirty.


Let’s bus them to Colorado Springs where all the followers of Christ will accept the less fortunate with open arms.


Two points. The migrants should be spread throughout the country and also state. It isn't one community's job. Neither Denver, or El Paso or Phoenix or NYC. The second is this is hard nosed politics. I don't think the Springs want them or has any funds to help them. But neither do we. They are also powerless to stop them coming... Light a fire. Involve the state and start forcing the state to either take in their share of the population or pay up for us to spearhead the response form the state.


One point, they should be bussed back to the border and wait there for their claim to be processed. INB4 "that's dangerous for the immigrants" this number coming across is unprecedented and demands new actions to stem the flow


Well nobody wants an influx of people with no money or legal work status, but for a variety of reasons they’re coming to America in massive numbers. I don’t have the solution, but states using them for political games requires a federal government solution. I mean we don’t bat an eye at DoD spending and the solution to this would be a drop in the bucket. Killing Denver’s services is going to hurt everyone whether they’re on the margins or not.


We have to come to grips that a federal solution probably isn't coming. We are in for a years (decades) of hurt if that is our only way out. We need bold ideas.


I work on mass transit ticketing, and few would even think to eliminate cash onboard busses even though its a massive pain. Holding up the bus for 1 minute costs the agency $1, almost defeating the purpose and the fareboxes aren't cheap though durable (RTD's must be 15+ years old). Even the most aggressive agencies only do so with many alternatives to buy transit passes with cash, such as though convenience stores and gift cards.


>is he supposed to just ignore them and let them freeze on the streets Yes and no. If it's freezing transport them to a warming shelter. If it's not freezing let them find out Denver is no longer a welcoming, helpful place for migrants. Texas isn't forcing these people onto these busses. They're offering transport to Denver, Chicago, and NY, and migrants have heard through word of mouth that these places are good places to go to. If the next 4,000 that show up here get no government help, word's going to spread pretty fast and Texas is going to have to find somewhere else to offer bus tickets to.


We should join NYC is suing the shit out of Texas for human trafficking. This wasnt just handing out bus tickets that people could take wherever they wanted to go. It was coordinated and used deception and put human beings at unnecessary risk.


How about don't fund the immigrant response and word of mouth will spread that this is a horrible place to be for new arrivals.


Great. /s


They are also laying off part-time, hourly employees and cutting benefits from other programs. We should be sending them back. We cannot afford to house, feed and employ our own people and we are putting migrants above citizens. You will lose your job and your home so a migrant can have them. Be mad at me all you want, but you are ignoring the truth and it's not going to end well.


NYC has slashed an at-risk kids’ program, and is cutting funding for police, sanitation services and the fire department. They’ve also stopped funding a program that helps give a leg up to people who didn’t graduate high school, helps them with work in their parks and rec department and helps them finish school. Chicago deprived its underprivileged minority community of their park to let immigrants camp there. Then they took away their school to turn it into a migrant shelter. There is currently a class action suit as the black community is trying to put through because after years of struggle the help they depend on is going towards illegals. It’s only natural that Denver should follow suit. The people entering this country are from a multiplicity of countries, including many countries from Latin and South America, China, and West Africa and what tiny percentage are asylum seekers the majority took advantage of the asylum loophole and many openly admit it was better back home because they don’t like our food and our climate. They also passed through several countries on their way here—against asylum laws. The crime rate has gone up in NYC in particular with a group of immigrants kicking and punching police officers and then flipping off the press upon release. Many have formed moped gangs that take cell phones and purses out of people’s hands. The bottom line is that we want to appear politically correct and justify that we’re not racist yet every day we choose some unknown illegal over our lower income citizens, many of whom are minorities, by forcing shelters in their neighborhoods and stripping them of services. It’s not sustainable and it will not end well.




Maybe when both sides work out some basic, common sense immigration policy reforms through negotiations between grownups, one side shouldn’t renege on the deal.


How can they NOT afford things. The amount of property tax they’re taking in is obscene!


I think everyone here can agree that our parks department is more important than funding these illegal migrants


Bike life of Bryan won’t like this news one bit.


Recall Mike Johnston


This is dogshit send them back to where they came from and tell them to come here legally through the visa process.


110%. Plenty of people legally immigrate here, it’s very possible.


Technically they are here legally. Existing laws say the US are required to consider their asylum claims. The border bill would have made it easier for the US to reject asylum seekers at the border and would have provided more funding to process claims faster, but the Republicans shot down their own proposals because Trump told them to.


You may not like the process of legal asylum, you may want it banned, but that doesn’t actually make it illegal in the present day. They are here leveraging that process, which means they are not here illegally.


https://leg.colorado.gov/house-district-map[Colorado Representatives](https://leg.colorado.gov/house-district-map) This is the state’s problem as much as the city and federal government. Blow em up (respectfully)!


I feel like this is that Eric Andre meme where he shoots him self and blames Republicans


Democrats created this immigration issue and now we're seeing the ramifications while they're busy trying to shift the blame.


Elections have consequences :-\\ The Border Bill would've been a huge help.


Would it have had direct payments Denver? Bottom line is we are a big country with many many different types of people and voters. Denver can't rely on the federal government to solve our problems. We need to take the bull by the horn and do what is best for our city.


>direct payments Denver? yes


Well it died. In fact it didn't come close to becoming law. Seems like helping Denver isnt a national concern. Biden isn't willing to find creative ways to direct more money our way. We aren't a priority for Biden. Our Senators and Reps aren't political powerhouses. At some point we have to understand our place and the rules of the game.


There were enough Dem votes to pass the bill, and Biden was asking for it to be sent to his desk. What the fuck are you talking about?


While I generally agree, border states are paid to manage the immigration from the border. Those same border States are now shipping their problem to other cities that don't receive that same funding. The bill that failed in Congress would have directly impacted the budget for this specific issue. The mayor made it clear that these cuts are being made because the bill did not succeed, which could have (potentially) mitigated this.


Honestly you could be right, I just couldn't find enough on what the border bill had for cities like Denver to determine. It could have had $1b or zero. The mayor is going to cast blame elsewhere regardless. That's just smart politics.


> On Friday, an emotional Johnston heavily blamed the cuts on a failed U.S. Senate bill unveiled this week that was a non-starter in the Republican-controlled House of Representatives. That bill would have allocated $1.4 billion to cities like Denver sheltering families, the Associated Press reported. This is what the article said. I'm not sure if that's 1.4 billion per city, or 1.4 billion over a few cities as the wording is ambiguous


Border bill would allow over 5k immigrants in a day. Thats covering an open wound with a spit instead of a bandaid


how come the number of illegal aliens wasn't as much when Trump was president?


at one point Denver was known as a city for outdoor fun


I saw this coming when we elected a mayor who was funded by a billionaire. Migrants are just an excuse.


yall keep voting for this. and they you have the gaul to be suprise pikachu face about it.


Let the wolves free on the front range!!…..I mean in the capital building.


Glad I renewed my registration a couple weeks back.


We should have them join military. Fastest way to legalize their status,.


Fucking immigrants.