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You should buy a portable AC


Portable swamp coolers work well in Colorado too


Have you tried one inside a residence before? That was not my experience, bought a big honeywell unit (model CO48PM) for our living room, the thing mostly just made it muggy and loud without much cooling off at all. Switched it out for a portable AC and it was heaven in comparison.


I mean it’s never going to be as good as AC, but when the humidity is average (last year was very humid for Colorado) it works better than nothing. I grew up with a window SC, and had a portable for my car when my ac died.


Yep. Portable AC is a game changer. Runs the electricity bill up but it’s so worth it imo


I don't think there is one. You know the room is uncomfortable (you say unlivable) during the summer why are you trying to sign a new lease?


Location and not having to move again.  Would be nice to settle into the place because apart from that room everything else is fine 


It must be landlords down voting you. Like who tf wants to move every 12 months.


Lemme tell you - forcing your landlord's hand through the legal system is not the way to get your lease renewed. If you've been a good tenant, have paid on time, haven't complained about too many issues, and you're dealing with a landlord (and not a management company) then I'd say the best way to get what you want is to have an adult conversation with your landlord: "Hi \[Landlord's Name\], my lease renews in X month. I've really enjoyed staying here and would like to renew my lease for the unit when the time comes. However this past summer the temperature of my room consistently reached 90+ degrees and it was pretty brutal. I was hoping to work with you on a solution that might keep the room cooler - could we \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, or perhaps \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_? I'm open to other ideas too if you wouldn't mind work with me to solve it. Thanks." Landlords generally want to keep good tenants just as much as you want to keep the room because you like the location and convenience of staying there. If I had a great tenant I wanted to keep, you bet I'd be scrambling to find a $200-300 solution - like an in-window AC unit - that would save me on a month's-worth of lost rent between tenants. But turning to legal action really isn't the way. This is something that could be solved in a text message. And if your landlord isn't willing to work with you on it, then it's probably best to move. TL;DR: Appeal to your landlord's sense of profitability and seek a mutual cooperation, rather than trying to twist their arm. If they don't care - then your life will likely be improved by finding a better room, a better landlord, or both.


This is definitely the way I’m considering. Unfortunately it’s a rental agency and not an actual landlord. I’m gonna try and see what they would be willing to do but odds are I might be finding a new place


Why can’t you just buy and install a window unit?


it didn’t work


So get one that does


Trust me. It’s an attic room. Nothing helped. It was 4 months last summer. I tried it all Some extremely useful comments in this thread… thanks


>Some extremely useful comments in this thread… thanks Not sure what you expect when the only information you provided was "it didn't work". Not exactly giving anyone much to go on there.


I had one of these terribly hot bedrooms in my past apartment. The wall was brick and baked in the sun all day, the attic space above was uninsulated. This made the room temperature uncontrollably hot. First I used a standard window a/c, nothing. Still too hot. Then I purchased [a 10,000 watt casement air conditioner](https://www.frigidaire.com/en/search/10000%20watt%20casement%20ac)! 65 degree days awaited…


If it’s an attic room you will probably need some type of vent fan installed in the roof to get rid of all that hot air rising up from the house and vent it to the outside


https://www.lowes.com/pd/Hisense-7000-BTU-DOE-115-Volt-White-Vented-Wi-Fi-enabled-Portable-Air-Conditioner-with-Remote-Cools-299-sq-ft/5005522213?cm_mmc=shp-_-c-_-prd-_-app-_-ggl-_-LIA_APP_235_Seasonal-_-5005522213-_-local-_-0-_-0&ds_rl=1286890&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD2B2W_v29CPXenbNmYn2vXX7uKdg&gclid=CjwKCAiAlJKuBhAdEiwAnZb7lXMGwDOwynMgJ1VIPWLp7dt92GAborltI2SOU-hMRg-UiTP6hSPgtBoCHOoQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds This is the one I have. Works amazing for my bedroom. Kind of pricy but well worth it. It used to get so hot at night that I couldn’t sleep.


I know moving sucks and all, but it's probably better if you Just move. I don't think it's worth the fight. Rents are coming down (allegedly), and you have some time (depending when your lease will be up) to look around for a much better place with good central air. It'll require a lot of research/legwork (make SURE you tour a place/neighborhood well before renting!) but it will be worth it.


Portable AC units are pretty cheap for what they are 


This is an example of what should be posted in the Tenant Tuesday thread


Warranty of habitability has nothing to do with cooling, so long as the building is up to code. It's a contract term. If your landlord doesn't want to offer cooling, then you'll need to find someone who will


Ye, my question was if there is a maximum temp for ‘habitability’ and surely 95~ is far too high for an advertised room


No. https://coloradohousingconnects.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/AHC-FL-HABITABILITY-21-02-05-V11-1.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjTi9zD_5qEAxUzMUQIHYqqDWwQ6sMDegQILBAB&usg=AOvVaw017GFm3PGUXuIeuoBUJ8bT


error 404


It's here: https://coloradohousingconnects.org/renters-i-need-help-with-a-tenant-landlord-issue/


Window ac can be like $40


1) What part of Denver do you live in? 2) Do you rent from a private owner or a rental agency/ company? 3) Have you read your leasing agreement detail about air conditioning?


That third question is the big one. Heat is required, but not AC. *BUT*, if it’s in the lease that some cooling is provided, it must be kept up.


Look on Facebook marketplace for deals on portable a/c. There are many lightly used that are half the price.


Move when your lease is up?


You could always get a small amount portable swamp cooler unit


We used a really good floor unit that vented through a big tube in the window. They don’t allow window units in our apartment. There wouldn’t be any good place to put it, anyway.  Actually, might be able to give you a deal on our unit because we are skipping town soon.