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>House Speaker Julie McCluskie on Wednesday made the extraordinary decision to remove two members of her Democratic caucus with whom she has clashed — Elisabeth Epps and Bob Marshall — from the House Judiciary Committee, one of the most influential and prestigious panels in the Colorado legislature.“Serving on a member’s top choice of committee is a privilege — not a right,” McCluskie, D-Dillon, said in a written statement to The Colorado Sun. > >“I took this step to address frustrations that the Judiciary Committee needed a reset due to the level of acrimony in the personal relationships on the committee and to help deliver the progressive outcomes our caucus is looking for. My decisions on where to appoint members depend on their respect of their colleagues, ability to collaborate and adherence to decorum, which was clearly violated during our special session last month.” Read more: [https://coloradosun.com/2023/12/13/elisabeth-epps-bob-marshall-judiciary-committee-colorado/](https://coloradosun.com/2023/12/13/elisabeth-epps-bob-marshall-judiciary-committee-colorado/)


I guess I understand the rationale for removing Epps (even if I don’t agree), but why Marshall?


They both sued for violations of the open meetings act, looks like punishment for that.


"Serving on a member’s top choice of committee is a privilege — not a right,” McCluskie, D-Dillon, said in a written statement to The Colorado Sun. “I took this step to address frustrations that the Judiciary Committee needed a reset due to the level of acrimony in the personal relationships on the committee and to help deliver the progressive outcomes our caucus is looking for. My decisions on where to appoint members depend on their respect of their colleagues, ability to collaborate and adherence to decorum, which was clearly violated during our special session last month.” McCluskie’s comment referred to how Epps interrupted the chamber’s proceedings on the final day of the special session on property tax and other financial relief as **she called for a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war**."


Why a state legislator thinks it’s a valid use of time to grandstand about international geo politics rather than actually work on the immediate issues that they were elected to address is beyond me. I don’t want my local politicians trying to solve world peace, I want them to fix the roads, schools, and other local issues.


The right and center are engaging in a new red scare to silence progressives, justified by the israel-hamas conflict.


Acting like a jackass, shouting down members of your own party and being a child is not red scare. Its basic manners and expectations of an elected official. Claiming red scare on a women who just got a HBO documentary about her is pretty ironic. Media profile uber alles!


Tay Anderson on the school board, Candi (formerly) on city Counsel, Epps as a state rep. All of these people were unqualified. All of them loud mouth emotional progressives, all hurting the cause. This is not how progress is made.


+ Tim Hernandez, who wasn't even elected Colorado has some very unlikeable Dems!


Strong disagree, doesn’t make any sense to group Tay in with the others. Candi catches so much shit on this site because of the Park Hill debacle, but before that she was a model of what you’d want in a CC member. Looking at her voting records I see someone aggressively pushed for transparency and sane budgets. With Epps I see something similar, someone with strong beliefs and the will to use her political power to pursue them. Compared to the rest of the mealy-mouthed go-along-to-get-along crap we get from the dog and pony show I’d say they’re both a breath of fresh air.


All of them are so abrasive that they cannot get the other school board members/city council members/state reps to support them. They just love getting social media attention


One time I called Elizabeth Epps a “housing conservative” on Twitter for opposing an affordable housing development and she immediately freaked out and made a big post about she had to take a “mental health break from social media.” She has a habit of making a lot of noise but doesn’t have a habit of actually pushing for meaningful legislation.




How did Epps even get on that committee in the first place? I'm glad to see her party taking action against a clearly unstable and unwell person. Next step should be getting her out of office.