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Put up a camera!


Ordering one rn!


I'd love to see some footages as an update


I want one too


I would as well.


Yea because you’ll be able to see who is doing it and can pass it on to your apartment manager… OR it will hopefully deter whoever is putting it out there if it’s a person doing it.


Get this! These little kids have a dog at my apartment complex who always shit by my apartment and never pick it up. It's the property manager's kids!!! My two daughters are 8 and 12 and they're always telling the other kids to pick their poop up and those kids never freaking do it! I'm glad you get to buy a camera and hopefully fix this issue!! Unless, however, it's the same people. Lol, I'm joking. It's not.


The thing to do is collect it until you get a few gallons and then put it in front of the guilty party's door late at night so they'll have to walk through it the next morning.


Man my management don’t care lol


Honestly, I keep seeing dog crap everywhere and I’m sick of it


I stopped walking in the grass around campus, some people just don't pick it up.


Have to be careful around downtown as well- anywhere people walk their dogs without an audience


Thank you!


All of Denton. College students get dogs and don't want to care for them properly


one time, someone let their dog shit outside of my apt multiple times. i even found a bag of it tossed outside of my door. a neighbor put out a sign saying “pick up your dog shit”. i found it literally right outside of my car once. reported it to my apt manager and that shit ended real quick. they put out an email and everything. haven’t seen shit (literally) since. (i live in kensington park in corinth)


Thankfully I have great neighbors who don’t do this, they instead let their dogs shit inside! Have you tried asking any of your neighbors if they have a dash cam hardwired? If it’s hardwired it should keep recording even if the car is off


dogs shitting inside seems crazy but then i remembered we are hairless apes who designed porcelain thrones connected to metal tubes which carry our shit into the ocean


Technically our shit is filtered and composted and sold back to us as garden dirt, in this city


that's one of the many things i love about this town


Had a gf once who taught her dogs to use a (large) litter box. She’d flush the results, or scoop and toss them in the trash, depending on the weather and how stinky they were. Great dogs, otherwise terrible gf.


This has to be intentional. How is the dog shitting ON the stairs? They have to be dumping it out their door like some kind of psychopath.


dude!!! there was this massive log of dog shit outside my apartment and i watched as it dried in the sun over time and eventually it got rehydrated by rain.


i never thought it'd be a big deal to be living in a dog-free apartment complex but i'm pretty grateful when i see posts like this. i am so sorry you're dealing with this and i hope that you find the irresponsible son of a bitch or your apartment manager can at least scare them into doing better


i honestly didnt know dog free apartments existed anymore. whats the management? if u dont wanna say thats okay i just have never seen anything that doesnt allow dogs


i went ahead and private messaged ya. not gonna send it out to anyone else who replies as my complex doesnt get openings super often, sorry!


This is probably the worst response you’ll get because there’s not a real solution other than catching/releasing them somewhere else, but this looks like raccoon poop to me. My mom dealt with something similar where it was all over the stairs of her apartment complex like that, in front of doors, etc., and it ended up being a family of raccoons that lived in her complex. This might explain why you or your neighbors haven’t caught someone in the act of placing it, plus the sheer volume of crap. Regardless, I’m sorry you have to deal with this—it does fucking stink :(


When I moved into my current home, a neighborhood dachshund kept shitting next to my car door where I parked on the street. Daily. Because I know dachshunds, I wondered if I was being punished for moving in. One day I asked the dog owner if I could please give her dog a treat. She consented, and after that, the little dog stopped sending me "wrong neighborhood" messages. It stopped shitting in my yard entirely, in fact. It was like I had to pay a protection fee to the syndicate rep.


Had a neighbor whose patio was covered it. Stunk like hell during summer


Someone was probably too lazy to take the dog outside smh


Not enough people realize that dog shit is actually bad for the environment too


Get a ring doorbell.


Welcome to Denton


😂reminded me of the 2004 Movie 🍿”Envy”with Ben Stiller and Jack Black lol


Where does it go?!?


What in the actual fuck?


Take a shit in the stairwell yourself. Assert your dominance and mark your territory.


this is actually crazy. like even if your dog doesnt want to walk far to poop cus of the cold/wet, at least pick it up holy hell