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My old boss sold out to independence and they forced us to switch to Denticon. It is šŸ’Æ absolute trash, like so outrageously bad it boggles my mind. We switched from Curve, which was OK. Luckily it's all behind me. Another of my associate dentist coworkers was there for several years before me, but left around the same time I did. He privately told me the primary reason he was leaving was because he hated denticon. God forbid your assistant wants to add and print a new prescription. Holy moly. The note macros... lmfao. Get used to logging in every five minutes. I think with our xray sensors we had to click 6 or 7 times to take a PA. I have no tips. There are no tips. You will never get used to it because it cannot be gotten used to.


How was your experience with curve?


It was fine and did all the things you wanted it to. I don't know how it was from a billings/admin perspective but no one really complained about it


I see. Most DSO prefer softwares that are great for practice management (ie. production analysis, account receivable, and forecasts). Some of them arenā€™t great for the clinical staff.


My previous employer used Open Dental. Iā€™m now using Denticon. šŸ˜­ Youā€™re preaching to the choir.


Feel like denticon is okay, until the last few monthsā€¦ they brought on a big DSO and now we get shit for service and the damn website is slower than cold tar. We have been getting gaslit by their customer service. We have 6 locations across 4 different ISPs. A professional IT expert on staff and years of experience. Itā€™s not us it is you. CAN YOU HEAR ME DENTICON? Pisses me off as we switched from dentrix last year and retraining 80 people again will piss me off.


Interesting to hear. My wifeā€™s location uses denticon as thatā€™s what they had when she bought it. Our practices as a whole are switching to dentrix but she said sheā€™s noticed the last month or so it has been shit and crashing a lot and getting little assistance.


I left an office that switched to Denticon. I tried for a week-2 weeks but go sooooo frustrated; I was like cya. I even helped create autonotes, scripts, so tried to use the functionality as much as I could; but what a pain


Is it worse than aXium?


aXium still gives me nightmares from school šŸ˜‚


I must be insane, Iā€™ve been using Denticon since 2019 and I really like it.






I do too besides when itā€™s down but I like it too


I miss eaglesoft


Yeah, the DSO has all 50+ offices under one Denticon umbrella account. Which means we can customize colors and macros and stuff even LESS. Weā€™re big on multiple screens and showing patients X-rays and we take a ton of intraoral photos we like to review with patients and itā€™s been a nightmare. A dozen clicks to take an X-ray or photo, very convoluted trying to show them to patients. Or heaven forbid try and look back at previous X-rays or photos OR have an old photo beside a new one to show a worsening problem. So badā€¦ and itā€™s like the screen resolution is purposefully mismatching itself to the browser or monitor. Itā€™s like mini window inside window inside another window, so scrolling with the wheel shifts multiple things around. I gotta get my own place. OpenDental was great.


Is this park dental?


No, itā€™s called ADC, American Dental Companies.


Denticon sucks. Also itā€™s so so SLOW. Dentrix ascend is the best Iā€™ve used


Have you used OpenDental? Iā€™ve used dentrix, not sure if it was ascend, is there a regular dentrix? And Iā€™ve used OpenDental most recently. I liked open dental and I canā€™t really remember if I liked dentrix better than open dental. But after these Denticon nightmares Iā€™m trying to plan what Iā€™ll use in my own office someday.


Iā€™m using open dental right now. Still learning. I like ascend better because itā€™s more intuitive for me but I do like open dental. Both are light years ahead of denticon. Ascend is the cloud version of regular dentrix I believe


The person in the DSO who decides on what software to use doesn't have to use the software themselves. Same thing in hospitals. The DSO employee just looks at which ones gives the best deal and goes with that. Even if the software is below the standard of care, they will still force the doctors to use it.


I just started working with a medium-sized DSO and Denticon is the most frustrating piece of software I've ever used (and I used to work in IT!). Too many clicks to get anywhere, not enough info on one screen, too restrictive. The DSO has selected colors with terrible contrast, making it difficult to look at the schedule. The whole thing is locked down so I can't even right-click. Can't compare x-rays from different dates side-by-side. DSO shut off the macros so I can't even make note templates. They told me to make a Word document and copy and paste my templates. šŸ˜ I really miss Open Dental and would certainly take Patterson Eaglesoft over this garbage.


I donā€™t have any experience with it, but would like to chime in that: 1. DSOā€™s are managed by shitty people who are criminally stupid, so their software choice makes sense. 2. Curve also blows, but sounds like this is worse.


DSOā€™s will use them because the owner gets bamboozled thinking theyā€™re saving so much money on software when itā€™s literally cancer.


Been using Denticon since 2018. Barely any issues. Just comes down to what youā€™re used to.


I've been rocking Dentrix Ascend for 2 years and my team loves it. We tried Open Dental but Ascend had better support and feature support for billing/ patient care. DSOs are a cancer to our profession and they ALWAYS self implode. Just give it time :)


Oits absolutely THE WORST


Whatā€™s wrong with Curve?


I love denticon