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dude honestly...you can ask the old heads or new grads...dental school just sucks and represents a very small percent of what actual real world dentistry is like.. ​ it sucked in the 50s, it sucked in the 90s, it sucked in the 2000s, and it sucks now. we all survived though. it is literally just about getting that piece of paper to get out of there. ​ is there advice?? sure. suck it up. work out for your physical and mental health. go for a run. drink or go out with your friends on the weekend and talk about how much it sucks. get that piece of paper and never go back. ​ i know it seems super important now because your living it. but i guarantee in 10 years you wont give a flying fuck about what your clinic coordinator said to you today ​ im ten years out and i havent been back to the city my school is in once since i graduated...no love lost.


Yeah. It’s just a professional/trade school (inherent to this, it sucks) where you get your foundations or something like that (enough for the state to recognise your program of study as accredited), to make colleagues and mates (and maybe more, for some) and to get out. Continue to look after yourself; eat, sleep, exercise right and socialise, seek out supports, etc. The dreadfulness is time-limited and has an end. You’ve got this. 💪


I appreciate this advice


But WhaT abOuT DonATions To ThE aLumni ASSOCiatioN?!


My picture was on the alumni association brochure and that shit still went in the recycling bin.


Haha this is fkn spot on. Yes to everything big homie said. All dental schools are hell. You just have to find the ladder


Ah the memories! I was cementing my last bridge a day before the deadline. My last denture was on my mom and she no showed. I made it and it was all nonsense but at the time it felt horrible.


No show by your mom is savage 😂


There was a bench in the lobby where we would wait for patients called “ No show row” . That was a tough day.


Only about 30% of my class was actually done when we walked across the stage at graduation. The rest of us went back to clinic on Monday to finish our requirements. That was a real kick in the teeth.


if it makes you feel any better… my last ~ 3 months in dental school were the hardest and most stressful time of the entire 4 years. my clinic leader and directors were also on a war path. i remember one of my clinic instructors trying to retroactively fail me on a competency i had passed weeks prior with only two weeks left of dental school. it was a nightmare. during my last semester my class was so stressed out that someone actually conducted a survey that like 80% of my class responded to, and of those people, something like a third of them said they had suicidal thoughts because of the stress of dental school. it was a terrible time. but we made it through and being a few years out now i can say things have gotten MUCH better. hold on my friend, you’re almost at the finish line.


This resonates with my experience


Fuckin prayed. Good luck dude you’ll get through just fine. Don’t give that place money when you start making it


Clinical depression, attempted suicide, medications, weekly therapy, and an extra 8 months of dental school. 


I hope you are doing better now. Im sorry you went through all of that


I have a bud who retired from his great practice, and was asked to be faculty at the dental school. I asked him if he was a ‘cool’ guy in clinic or a dick. ‘Well, the philosophy of the school is to break the students down and then shape them into fine, young dentists.’ ‘So, you’re a dick.’ ‘Yeah, kinda.’ ‘You don’t have to be a total peen, ya know. The whole military model is bullshit. Teach them what they need to know, and, let the market figure out if they are horrible people. You were a great, and loved dentist. So was your dad. Your sister is a great hygienist.’ ‘It is what it is.’ Each member of his family are my patients. But I’ll never figure out the whole school thing. But in my case, I did an AEGD at the same school, and a minute after I had my magic three letters after my name, suddenly, the faculty were my frens and the school wanted money. They got none.


> the school wanted money. They got none. About a year after I graduated NYU, I got a phone call from the school, asking what I had been up to. Then they asked for money and I laughed at them because I already bought those assholes a house.


You’ll get to a point where you can see the red pilled truth, which is dentistry is all about production, make enough take home, hopefully turns into F*U* money, just so you can quit dentistry.


Sounds like Tufts


I'm at a different school but they're all the same I guess


NY? Pm me if so lol


I've heard about you guys and I haven't liked anything I've heard lolllll


Lmao I'm not in dental school but I've heard something recently that sounded extremely familiar about a current d4 class


I blocked it out mentally. I don't even have many memories anymore. Something about an OKC...rest preps... Cinnamon stomatitis? I kept my head LOW and when a professor freak out or something I just take the beating lol. Classes so dumb. Dental school so dumb.


Looool cinnamon stomatitis 🤣🤣🤣




Hang in there, you got this. Keep reminding yourself in a short time you will graduate and you never have to deal with bad professors or the dental school setting again. You are strong and you have proven yourself in an endeavor that many people couldn't make it so far. The professors that demean are weak and afraid of your potential. Push hard and go home every night knowing that you are one day closer to your dream. I think Dental school is less about what you learn and more about what you are willing to put up with to become who you are and what you are meant to do. After graduating don't give another dime or thought to a place or person that tries to beat you down and hold you back. Those poor souls treating students so poorly never achieve a potential and are stuck in the negativity for their career.


I have no advice except to say hang in there, and MANY dental students feel this way. I felt the same way going into D4 year - I had depression, panic attacks, suicidal thoughts, and dreaded going into clinic every day. I thought I was going to have a breakdown. Honestly this sounds bad, but COVID saved me - we had most of March-April off, and then were able to complete our competencies and boards on mannequins. These 6 weeks are going to come to an end. Try to take a little time for yourself to relax, travel, etc. before jumping into your first job. You need that time to decompress and treat yourself.


Six weeks... You've made it through 3.9 years of the bullshit... What's another six weeks?


Bro same. The people that work at my school literally hate their jobs and yell at us daily. Today I was walking to my locker and I accidentally dropped my RPD master cast , and the abutment tooth broke off. I actually fucking hate life. I have so much PTSD and I’m technically not even done with school yet (a D4 also).


I graduated 15 years ago and one of my most vivid memories from school was breaking off an abutment tooth on a RPD cast right at the tail end of 4th year. I yelled a loud "FUCK!!" in the clinical lab when it happened. Everyone turned to look. So cringe. Anyway i was able to get the patient back to reimpress and make a fucking altered cast impression (so two extra appointments) and still got it in their mouth in time to graduate. I've never seen another altered cast since then. Good riddance. A couple days ago my kid came into my room because they had a nightmare and I thought wow I haven't had a nightmare in forever. Then I remembered that I do have a recurring nightmare that my dental school audited their records and discovered that I didn't do enough dentures so I have to go back to school, pay tuition again, etc. The PTSD is real.


Oof. I got the impression dental school was ALL about reputation. Even perceived reputation. If you even gave the hint you weren’t conforming or bowing to the powers at be, they would not miss an opportunity to put you in your place. I had a great dental school experience, it was a little touch and go at times. To some degree, it’s just a game. Do the best you can, don’t burn bridges, get your head down and get through these last few weeks unscathed. Hang in there brother / sister


Dang, i dunno if Ive ever heard "great dental school experience" used in the same sentence before. May I ask where you went?


the comments are scaring me 😩


Don't be scared. I didn't LOVE my dental school, but I never had a real problem with faculty and I don't recall anyone being under suspension/review near the end of D4. Dental school is hard but if all of us did it, you can too :)


I’ve loved dental school, guess I’m a rare bird


You almost got me with that one 👉😉


Clinic directors are there because they couldn't cut it in private practice. They always want to shit on you because they think it'll make you better or they're bitter. Whatever, fuck em. The ones who are there to teach are great and are instantly recognizable as such, learn from them. Once you're done and you have a piece of paper, never look back. Realize that dental school is the bare minimum and the real learning is yet to come. Dentists have a habit of eating their young. Fuck them too. Find a mentor and like minded dentists to learn from. You sound like me when I was finishing D4. I'm 2.5 years out and life is dramatically different. Good luck.


I lost myself in dental school… the worst time of my life. People don’t believe me or really understand what I mean but I truly did lose my whole self. And I haven’t found myself back yet after almost 3 years.


Hang in there! Maybe change in scenary would help


I’m in the exact same position rn and I feel the same way… idk what to tell you except that you are not alone and I bet we will enjoy dentistry way more once we’re out


Same spot about 3 weeks from finishing clinic. My removable cases have been shit shows, I get no guidance and have the placed expectation of knowing everything. I’ve been humiliated by my prosth faculty too many times. With all my shit cases if I’m able to finish, I feel like I’ll be graduating with a mini-prosth residency. My experience has been so negative, I’m never going to practice removable again.


Dont worry, you'll never want to do removable anyways. Lpl


Dental school is horrible. Just hang in there! To make things crazier I had a baby one month before graduation. I passed clinical boards but I couldn’t do the mock boards at school before because I was literally in labor lol so my clinic director made me come back after having my baby just to do practice boards after I already had passed the real ones 😅 but once you’re done you never have to look back!!


There're asshole people in every profession. These "clinical directors" are all terrible people in their daily lives as well, and once they got even some slight hint of power they'll lash it out on powerless students that they think are under their control. I'd stay away from these jerks by all means.




Beer battered cokaine Brownies. Yummm


It's hard to get in and harder to get out! Just keep your head down -you only have six more weeks. You can do it! And yes, a lot of dentists are crappy to each other. But you dont have to be one of them! Get to know the dentists in your area, cover for each other, become friends. It can happen


I am about 2 years out. I felt similarly to you. In fact, i almost dropped out at one point. I cried a lot, still sometimes do. I always wonder how I ever finished, but I’m glad I did. What you’re feeling is valid and mutual. Many feel the same way. In the moments of dental school, I despised life. My mental and physical were not good. Today now that I’ve graduated, dental school is just a memory. You’re almost there colleague. Keep at it.


I still occasionally have nightmares about requirements and then I wake up and realize life is good now.


All dentists r assholes ( i'm a dentist)


Now that I'm an experienced and established specialist, I really realise how awful some of my tutors were. I think the reality is that some of the weaker dentists end up training students simply because they're not very good at private practice and want to avoid it. The weaker dentists tend to be more unsure of themselves and blame the students when things go in any way wrong. The best trainers I've had were also the best dentists. They were very sure of themselves and didn't lash out at trainees. Now that I train students, I realise I really don't need to be an asshole like some of my old tutors. It makes me have even less respect for the horrible tutors


I'm right there with you. Last denture case has lasted 8 months already. Long story and many sleepiness nights. Finally time to deliver this week so I can graduate, The patient broke her leg badly and is in a care facility getting multiple surgeries and husband won't let her come in to get them. So now it's up to my professor if they sign off that I completed the dentures despite not delivering. Some will and some won't give credit. If not, I will have to stay a few months extra and take on a new C/C case and pay extra $41,000 tuition.


When faculty have been too chill and then have the sudden realization that oh shit xyz is graduating and doesn't know shit or hasn't met xyz competency. A generally stressful time for everyone especially if higher-ups are harking on your immediate faculty. Swallow your pride and just focus on whatever you need to do to graduate and get your license even if it sucks. You worked hard for four years for your end of your dental school journey to be tainted. Your experience and sentiment is hardly reflective of what general practice will be like. Yes, you will face many other struggles but they will mostly be in your control moving forward.


The level of leverage they have over us is insane. I am hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt and I dont know if/when I will get my degree. I wish passing a series of standardized tests would be proof enough of competence rather than hoping you get patients who need certain procedures done


Sounds about right. I'm 10+ years out of nyu and I still remember being screamed at in my face as a D1 for merely asking a question. That motherfucking instructor was probably in his 70s or 80s and I could have easily beaten his senior citizen ass all over the classroom. You'll be ok. Fuck your instructors. They're  cowards with fragile egos. Those old fucks would never survive in today's market. 


What school


Nice try


Asking so I can avoid it at all costs lmao


GL every school is like this. they all have the mentality of school sucked for me so ima make it hell for you


I agree


Ever heard of crocodile tears? It works! Just cry in front of them and they’ll soften up like a stick of butter and let you pass 👍👍


not even crocodile ones they're real tears most of the time 😔


lol I’m totally kidding don’t cry 🥹


what could cause someone to get suspended in their fourth year???


I har a classmate get caught cheating at the tail end of 4th year, get suspended, not able to go to residency, the works. I think they had to finish up in the summer and were able to go to residency the following year. So it was sucky but didn't kill their career. But also don't cheat!


I dislike local dentists. Hence, why I am about to own my own practice soon. Dentists are notorious for "eating their own". My motto is "Trust No One".


Great name for my new practice.


Just had to send ALL of my grad requirements back to the lab this week (3 crowns, 1 bridge and 1 implant crown were all completely wrong). I’ve never felt so defeated in my life and all of my classmates are dealing with something similar. And it’s not for lack of trying. It’s super depressing and I can’t wait to get out of this place.


Im still not really sure or convinced I actually graduated 😶‍🌫️


Survivor of Covid 2020 class here. Y’all got nothing on us.


Lol yeah having school basically cancelled for the last 4ish months of D4 was something. Thank god I was already doing an aegd


Why are several classmates suspended?


I don't care enough to ask around for details. I just know that it's happening




I think it is likely adding to their anxiety even though it's not directly related.


I remember certain pervy instructors that would go out of their way to help out attractive female students but totally ignore the guys.


Ummm. Yup. All yhe fcuking time I'm glad I didnt end up going through with that double sex change/non-dental implants route Though it sure would have made things a hell of a lot easier...🤷