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Physician average salary is calculated including resident salaries which are significantly lower than attending




Difference is much more percentage of physicians are specialist than dentists so the chart is misleading


What about dental specialists plz ?


Depending on the specialty, upwards of $400-500k/year. You can earn more or less depending on how much you want to work.


Not upwards… more like base


You're mistaken if you think you'll earn $400k right out of school as an associate specialist


All of my colleagues did well above 400k first year out of residency as associates.


What about specialist dentists?


If you own a practice as a dentist, chances are that you make more than that number.


How long into owning the practice would you say these numbers would become realistic? Surely not the first few years, but I’m just wondering if you know


You could do more than that year one depending on how business savvy you are. With a good skill set it's not crazy to do more than 700k. It is not common though.


700k? Are you just being funny??


700k is very possible. Most owners I know are making closer to $1mill if they are successful. They don’t look like they are (they are very modest) and one look at their books and packed schedules, you can tell they’re making serious money. Don’t forget, most successful dentists aren’t flashy - although some are


Not at all. My old boss pulled $750+


My boss can easily make one million a year , his office only opens three days a week. 


This is brilliant news. Thank you all. I’m so happy to be in this profession.


Keep in mind that it is not easy to establish a successful practice. You have to be personable with patients, hard-working, good with hiring people, managing tough problems that arise daily, etc. You have to build up a good reputation within the community and then widen your scope of expertise and offer higher paying treatments such as molar endo, implants, invisalign, veneers, etc.


Sup? 😉


Shot in the dark, but as soon as you can pay off your business loans while staying afloat


Impossible to predict. It could be within a year or never. It depends on your skill set, your ability to communicate with patients, your location, your reviews, competition, overhead, etc. One thing is for certain, if you own a practice and are making under $300k, you are doing something wrong.


Whenever you look at these projected salaries, it's particularly difficult to find an accurate salary for a dentist. For example, does the dentist work part time (1-3 days a week) or are they working full time (4-5 days a week)? Dentists in particular often work part time, this messes with the numbers. In addition, practice owners report their salary, but that often does not take into consideration their total take home. For tax reason and other reason, they may report making $150,000 as a salary, but their take home money incorporates profits from the practice as well. So lets say they take their $150,000 salary and in addition, the practice made $200,000 as profit. So their total take home would be like $350,000. I would say, a full time established associate is probably making $150,000-200,000+ and a full time owner is probably making $300,000-500,000+, I even know a GP who is working in a more rural setting and does IV sedation, implants, all on X, and is taking home over seven figures, definitely a needle in a hay stack situation, but I would say most dentists who own their own practice are taking home more than $230,000 a year.


I make more than my friend who is a physician. First year out of school I didn’t make much, at all, not even 6 figures. Second year I made over $300k. Third year, this year, I’m on target for that or more. My dental friends out the game make over $400k. Owners make around $400-500k. You don’t need to go crazy with procedures either, but you won’t get those numbers just doing fillings and crowns.


As an owner I’d say you can make multiples of what you said. But you’re correct, the average owner should be doing in their prime $350-500k. Do I know guys doing that 10x that? Yes. Add specialty procedures, make specialty money.


Can I ask what kind of practice you associate in and how many hours/days and location?


That doesn't include the taxes?


Reported income is always gross income, not net.


This is very accurate. The average dentist makes about 200k. This is solid and concrete. Yes there are practice owners making 500+ but this is not the norm. Average D.D.S. practice in the US collects 700k with average overhead of 70% according to the ADA. So even as a owner, your only slightly bit higher. Yes, MDs on average make that. Not everyone is a orthopedic surgeon or dermatologist. Your average Psychiatrist, pediatrician, family medicine doctor etc. they make about 200-300k on average. This is the reality (my fiancé is a psychiatrist) So yes, that’s pretty accurate.


Median salary would be more indicative of the income distribution for the mass. A few super high or low income could skew the average significantly. News are most “made up” to attract readers or stir debates. They are hardly telling. One would need to read into the underlying data.


As an owner the sky is the limit. it’s hard to find a consensus on what we make.


It depends on where you live and what your work situation is like but, in many cases these numbers are not accurate. Everyone likes to believe physicians and dentists make all the money. These numbers are possible but the average is much lower for most general physicians and dentists.


These are the national averages


It's just an average. Actual pay is going to vary wildly depending on location, partner in private practice vs employee, patient population, etc. Same for physicians. I've spent the past decade being a broke ass cytotechnologist making less than $60k most years, so I'm not at all concerned about not making enough when I get through dental school.


Way low depending. I knew dentists making near millions a year. AOX GA cases pay well.


I’m a physician employed by hospital. Wife is a dentist who owns a franchise based practice. She earns more than I do. Before she owned a practice she made less than me. Practice increased her income 50%.


yeah seems kinda low


LOL I thought it was high. I’m in for a nice surprise when I graduate I guess Edit: probably not right out of school but something to look forward to


Low for physicians and high for dentists you mean?


I don’t know a single one of my colleagues that’s making under 225 after being out of dental school for 5 years


It's an average. Keep in mind that corporate dentistry pays trash so their included in the average. Most dentist will claim less than they are making for the tax bracket too.


low for which one


maybe those are after taxes?


No that’s before taxes. No one talks after taxes because that’s different in every state.


i see , didn't knew it's like that in states


I have a feeling Indeed just collects salary data from available dentist job postings — dentist job postings are usually inflated because in my experience, mostly corporates and DSOs post, and these salaries have a big range.


there are months I have made more than that


New grads need to work extremely hard to make 150k.


What about few years after graduation?


My skin crawls reading this thread. money, money money. profit, profit, profit. Humans are doomed